Food Should Taste Good

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rebranding campaign


research abstract 8 target market 10 competitors 12 brief 14 swot 16 research book 20 references 25


process moodboard 26 imagery 28 color 30 font 32 logo 34


style style guide 37 print 39 motion 41 summery 43


solutions electronic media 48 social media 50 print media 52

1 research abstract 8 target market 12 competitors 14 brief 16 swot 18 research paper 20 references 25




Food Should Taste Good has been on the market since 2006. This company offers to the consumer a healthy and natural food product, tortilla chips. The company has a unique business model to make food taste good and use only natural organic ingredients. Global warming and ecological issues drive concern for the environment. The healthy natural lifestyle trend is on the rise and the consumer is anxious for environmentally safe and healthy products. The brand offers a product that is safe and healthy for people and the environment. The company’s disadvantage is that it is a young brand on the market that is not recognizable on the shelf and has not yet established a reputation with loyal support.

blue corn

barbeque sweet potato

toasted sesame

olive white cheddar jalapeno





sweet potato

the works

jalapeno with cheddar



blue corn dipping chips

kettle kimchi corn



brown rice crackers

hatch chile

original sweet potato

salt & pepper sweet potato



Fifty years ago breakfast would be prepared by the mother, the stay at home homemaker (Bruhn, 1998). Since then the food habits have changed due to a variety of factors and trends including changing taste, lifestyle, and convenience. One of the major recent social-economic trends is the increase of women involvement in the labor market. The fastest growing groups are Latinos and Asian Americans. Latinos are in the U.S. reaching 30 million people (Bruhn). This dynamic drives changes in traditional American food inducing a new Hispanic flavor. The trend for adventure expresses a desire for new tastes and new food. The trend toward indulgent self-gratification is raising the consumption of snack food to 23%, candy 11%, and cola 13.5% (Bruhn). The population of the U.S. is growing, and going from 300 million to 680 million by 2040 (Bruhn). Forty Five Percent of Americans select healthy foods; they are college educated, working long hour’s professionals (Bruhn). In the past five years the healthy snack market has risen 41% (Specialty Food, 2012). Consumers are fighting obesity and health concerns by choosing a healthy alternative. Younger adults consume snacks more often than older. The rising population of 30-65 year olds is the healthy snacking consumer (Bruhn). Food Should Taste Good Company has an opportunity to reach the target consumer and establish a trustful relationship and brand identity.

arget market

14 12

company name

campaign objective

primary products chips, crackers organic natural


to rebrand company by establishing the brand identity on the market, for purpose of increase the revenue of the brand on the market.

to expand the target audience on the market. To increase brand awareness toward a new target group and increase sales by 3% vs. year ago. big goal BHAG

“I love food. I’ve been working in restaurants and grocery stores my whole life, and if i’ve learned anything, it’s that food tastes best when it’s made with real ingredients.”

deliverables evolved logo New web design The app, recipe book Advertisement, digital, print, and motion.


Founder, Food Should Taste Good Inc.

tag line unique selling proposition (USP) “one for you, one for me, good for us”

strengths focus on nutritious, convenient and tasty food strong market position well known parent company the parent company is the leader on the food market growing market audience of supporters growth in international business

opportunities to build an app to support the organic/natural food knowledge to revolve brand logo new packaging design to expand brand to vegan market rising obesity increases demands for healthy foods growth possibilities in emerging markets


weakness’s not recognizable on the market no visual catchy logo the packaging is not distinguishable on the shelf new brand on the market expansive to make a product

threats the competition of organic product on the market growing market is slow the difficulties to grow organic ingredients rising cost of raw materials big corporations lower the standards of organic products

Introduction People live in a fast moving world that has high expectations for exciting life style experiences. People eat on the run, with no time to communicate, or to socialize with friends and family. The American economy is going through a recession, experiencing a slow job market, lack of budget, and growing health costs. The consumer is the one who suffers. People are seeking to satisfy the need of healthy food alternatives and trying to lower health risks. For instance, the unhealthy food intake and lack of physical activity contributes to the growing obesity epidemic in the U.S (Ebbeling, 2002). One of the companies that offer healthy natural alternatives is the Food Should Taste Good brand. Food Should Taste Good is a new food brand of tortilla chips that offers to shoppers’ high quality all natural products. The variety of healthy choices includes kosher, gluten-free, cholesterol-free, low sodium, free of genetically modified ingredients, and free of trans fats products (General Mills, 2012). What sets this label apart from most organic chips makers is twofold. The brand not only makes healthy chips, but also brings the joy and emotional pleasure of consuming one with multiple tasty flavors. According to the company website, the brand’s focus is: “Food Should Do Good.” It involves a commitment to support communities, important causes, and protect the environment. The company’s disadvantage is that it is a young brand on the market that is not recognizable on the shelf, and additionally has not yet established a reputation with loyal support. Growing concerns about environmental matters supplements the natural organic food trend that is on the rise. The brand has an opportunity to expand their target audience market, increase their revenue, and establish their reputation. This paper reviews, examines, and explains how a Food Should Taste Good rebranding project will improve the brand recognition on the market, bring visibility on the shelf among the competitors, and increase their brand revenue. The primary deliverables include a second-generation logo, advanced website, an app, and the advertisements: digital, print, and motion. This project will support the healthy conscious consumer to maintain a healthy active living style by providing the weight good app. Food Should Taste Good Pete Lescoe, a cook and food enthusiast, founded the company in 2006. Food Should Taste Good is located in Needham Massachusetts. Pete worked in the restaurant business and observed that “food taste best when made with real ingredients” (Lescoe). The company’s owner is passionate about food that should be nutritious for the body. He created a product that is gluten free, cholesterol free, trans-fat free, kosher, GMI-free, and certified vegan (General Mills, 2012). The chips he bakes are made from natural ingredients and full of sophisticated taste. The specialty of the company is healthy tortilla chips. The brand offers a variety of flavors. Currently the company offers 16 different flavors of tortilla chips. A convenience food product, the chips have become a very popular snack item on the market. The price of the Food Should Taste Good chips is competitive with other healthy chips. General Mills acquired the company in February 2012. The brand now is one of the fastest grow-



ing natural food brands in the industry (General Mills, 2012). Food Should Taste Good Inc. has 20 industry awards (General Mills). The company distribution list starts with the major retailers such as Whole Foods, Kroger, Safeway, Starbucks, Costco, and Target (General Mills). The company campaign, Food Should Do Good, contributed over $200,000 to charity for important causes such as cancer awareness and hunger. The brand is becoming a major competitor on the healthy snacks food market. In order to stay on the competitive market, the brand needs to win the customers voice. The campaign goal is to identify needs and wants of the consumer, and then to satisfy those consumers better than the competition. During the campaign project we will research consumers needs and analyze and develop strategy to improve the brand visibility. The target market is the specific group of people that appreciates a healthy product and enjoys good taste. Who is buying chips? Fifty years ago breakfast would be prepared by the mother, the stay at home homemaker (Bruhn, 1998). Since then the food habits have changed due to a variety of factors and trends including changing taste, lifestyle, and convenience. One of the major recent social-economic trends is the increase of women involvement in the labor market. The family income increased and the household size has declined (Bruhn). People are dining out, and select take-out meals in exchange for time convenience. The ethnicity of the U.S. population has changed. The fastest growing groups are Latinos and Asian Americans. Latinos are in the U.S. reaching 30 million people (Bruhn). This dynamic drives changes in traditional American food inducing a new Hispanic flavor. The trend for adventure expresses a desire for new tastes and new food. The trend toward indulgent self-gratification is raising the consumption of snack food to 23%, candy 11%, and cola 13.5% (Bruhn). The population of the U.S. is growing, and going from 300 million to 680 million by 2040 (Bruhn). It is also getting older. In the next 50 years the population of those 65 years and older is projected to double (Bruhn). Older Americans are more concerned with their health, spend more on medical services, and are becoming more conscious about healthy food. The physical health of the nation is important. People focus more on a healthy and active style of living. People are more conscious about healthy and nutritious food for various reasons. We believe in the healing nature of food and select the healthy choice to prevent major diseases. The younger generation is less concerned about health compared to the older generation. Forty Five Percent of Americans select healthy foods; they are college educated, working long hour’s professionals (Bruhn). Convenience is one of the most important elements of food products. The Consumer feels “dollar-rich and time-poor� (Bruhn). Supermarkets offer various types of pre-packaged food, salads, and meal bars. As more women enter the workforce people are eating out more. Global warming and ecological issues drive concern for the environment. Consumers are concerned about packaging and the ability to recycle products. This forces companies to use their resources efficiently. In addition to environmental impact, about 40% of consumers oppose animal testing for products (Bruhn).

paper research

Genetically Modified Ingredients are broadly used in the food industry. Consumers demand clear labeling for not natural ingredients. In the past five years the healthy snack market has risen 41% (Specialty Food, 2012). Consumers are fighting obesity and health concerns by choosing a healthy alternative. Younger adults consume snacks more often than older. The rising population of 30-65 year olds is the healthy snacking consumer (Bruhn). Food Should Taste Good Company has an opportunity to reach the target consumer and establish a trustful relationship and brand identity. Campaign Objectives The goal for this campaign is to achieve awareness and recognition of the brand on the market and to reach the consumer by focusing on their needs and wants. The campaign deliverables are the evolved logo, web design, the app, and the advertisement. The color, typography, imagery, and copy are the important consideration for the rebranding campaign. Color The voice of natural, organic, and good for people should be highlighted throughout the campaign. The main color scheme of the project is red, orange, brown, and green. Colors and shapes draw reader’s attention (Weinschenk) before reading the text. The green color imbues a clean, recycle, organic, and nature based element. Other colors researched are the brown, orange, and red. These colors should be a light pastel palette. Colors “evoke emotions” (O’Grady, 2006) and feelings. Red color is linked to passion and excitement. An orange color evokes feelings of hunger. Brown is the mix of red and orange. Brown complements the recyclable material and often it’s a brown carton bag. Typography The font of the campaign proposed to Helvetica. Helvetica typeface has a clarity, openness, and looks sophisticated on the white background. The Helvetica typeface offers varies of visual weights from light, regular, bold, and black. It benefits to balance, blend the mood of the campaign. Imagery Images for the campaign will be focused on the personality of the brand. The product of the brand is a healthy, natural, and organic food item. The Food Should Do Good targets that it’s good for people and the environment. Images of family and friends gathering around a table, people in fitness activities, yoga, and playing games bring desire for a healthy living style. Positive emotions, enjoyment of life, and sense of community are the main selection for the imagery of the mood board. Copy The copy for the project will reflect the brands benefits focus on good food, taste, health, and the environment. The content will focus on educating the consumer about a healthy and active living style. It will espouse responsible living in the community, the importance of everyone’s connection in the world, the chain of good from simply buying chips to supporting important causes. Logo The name of the brand is long but it has a hidden agenda. The brand sends a message to the consumer through a straightforward memorandum. The current logo has a black and white with no color involvement style. The font is traditional serif typeface, all capital letters. The capital letters are harder to recognize and it takes more time to read. According to Weinschenk, “people perceive capitals as shouting,” so save capitals for the headlines to get someone’s attention. The simple square outlined message looks like a nutrition label on the product. Actually this fulfills its purpose. It brings attention to the brand because it is capital letters. On the colorful bag of chips the black and white name tag stands out better and looks like a statement. The brand is doing “good” for the body and for the people. “Good for you, good for me, good for us” is the brands message. The recommendation is to change the logo font to Helvetica. Helvetica typeface has a clarity, openness, and looks sophisticated on the white background. The typeface of the main wording should be changed to sentence style and the font on the word “good” leave capital. A proposal is to emphasize the word “good” in light green pastel color palette. Another suggestion is to change letters of the “good” word color to the colors of the ingredients. The sweet potato, the jalapeno, olive, and the blue corn are most distinctive colored ingredients. The typeface would be


changed to the kid’s handwriting on the word “good.” The goal is to create a tag word that the consumer memorizes about the brand. Website This voice and mood would migrate to the website and application. The good positive emotional personality of the brand sells the product. The goal for the evolving website is to reach directly to the consumer. Bring the good brand to your home and circle of life. It would have a stylized cartoon drawn with the immature hand of a child featuring black outlined images with colorful chips around. The kids are the future and hope for society and the future target audience for the brand. The white background with the black outline is a consistent style prevailing throughout the brand. Additionally adding to the website the informational page that would have information and data facts about healthy food. The website would have a link to the weight good app and tools to maintain the healthy weight. The recipe and blog page would focus on communication and two-way conversation between the consumer and the brand. The chips and various flavors unite the mix of ethnics within the country. The website would have a choice for international language consumers. The voice of the campaign steers bond and connection by depicting people around a big table with good food. The Food Should Do Good is good for the people and the environment they live. It makes everything around colorful, positive, and tasteful. Packaging The product packaging will incorporate the voice and color scheme. The current packaging is a white bag with darker (black) outline all around the important information on the bag. The background is white. There will be the reusable/recyclable style packaging offered for the large party chip sack that the consumer would reuse while grocery shopping. We would use ecofriendly packaging for the product. The advertisement strategy The advertisement campaign would use all the above components to create an effective message through the print, digital, and motion elements. The campaign should bring the attention of the viewer to the product. The brand not only sells chips, it does good with every chip sold. The intention of the campaign is to find that customer and create a memorable tagline stimulating their interest. Each medium has it’s own effect on the consumer (Felton, p. 121) and is used to reach a different audience. These approaches would drive traffic to the brand website for more information and attention to the product. Social Media Social media is one of the channels to reach the consumer. The Facebook blog would connect to the main website influencing a wider audience on the social level much like a friend in the life of the consumer. Another idea is to create a social media account on major social communication sites. Do this by starting a campaign sending a bag of chips to every one on Facebook/Twitter that adds the brand to their circle. Send out coupons and discount offers to healthy active group types and their members. The objective is to create a buzz about the company. Trans media One of the ideas is to bring communication to the table. The story of the brand continues by the consumer adding their voice to the conversation through the blog and recipe sharing. Create a recipe book for healthy natural cooking. The simple exchange of the recipes would start a buzz of communication blogs among the healthy conscious consumers. Weight good app The good weight app would set the tone to target the smart phone and digital generation of the target audience. Weight good app would start the campaign by helping the consumer maintain a healthy weight. The app would be offered on the bag of chips, on the fitness club websites, and social media communication sites. The campaign would create a rewards program for the user of the app. The app would cultivate the same consistent tagline for the campaign. Print Create a brochure with an enclosed recipe book for healthy, organic meals. The images for the print campaign should have a mood of healthy growing farms, family around a table of good food,

fitness, and the community. Distribute the sample book as a mail advertisement. In the quest for your audience distribute the book at the healthy markets, grocery stores, and fitness clubs. Have a sample table at major Costco and Whole Food stores. Give out the printed information about the brand. The campaign includes having printed, “food should taste good”, on the bottom of the grocery basket. Media-interactive Web ads would involve offers (Felton, p. 140) and lead the consumer to the company website for more information. Post the ads to the cooking, fitness, and grocery store websites. It is an effective way to reach the audience and “work immediately” (Felton, p. 139). TV ad The TV ad is the “highest-profile work” (Felton, p. 105). It is very effective to advertise during the American Super bowl event. It is the most watched entertainment on American television and reaches 110 million viewers (NFL, 2012). The advertisement airtime is the most expensive of the year and could reach to up to $3.5 million for 30 seconds (Forbes, 2012). The campaign would advertise during major American events and holidays. The imagery for the TV ad would reflect the brands theme of health, fitness, and community, care. During the super bowl the images would focus on friends and family around the TV sharing good food. Thanksgiving is a family holiday. The focus will be on the family getting together. The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law are now agreeable at the table. In the beginning of the year people make healthy resolutions. This would be a good time to advertise the weight good app. Conclusion A love for food took Pete Lescoe on the journey to create a great product. He invested all his food science knowledge and heart. Food Should Taste Good is the company that not only sells simply chips but is also a company that does good for people and the environment. The brand has a strong sense of community. According to the company website the brand’s focus is this message: “Food Should Do Good.” It involves a commitment to support communities, important causes, and take care of the environment. With growing concerns about environmental matters, the natural organic food trend is on the rise. The brand has an opportunity to expand their target audience market, increase their revenue, and establish a reputation. The target audience needs are to stay healthy and eat good food. This project proposal is to support the healthy natural conscious consumer to maintain a healthy active living style. The goal will be accomplished by focusing on bringing new natural voice to the brand. The social media element is offered to improve communication to the consumer. The weight application would serve the need to stay healthy and offer brand advice on healthy eating. The motion advertisement would take the brand to a new zenith in the competitive food industry world. The campaign is designed to help the young brand to grow strong brand identity and make solid steps in this competitive market. “One for me, one for you, good for us” is the new tagline for the campaign. It tags the word good and carries the theme, “good forfor you, me, and our environment”, that was proposed It tags the word good and carries the theme, “good you, me, and our environment”, that was proby PetebyLescoe. posed Pete Lescoe.


References: Bruhn, C. (1998). Consumer attitudes and perceptions. (Chapter 19, pp. 507-517). Food storage stability. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (USA). Ebbeling, S., Pawlak, D., and Lidwig, D. (2002, August). (Vol. 360, pp. 473-482) Childhood obesity: public-health crisis, common sense cure. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from: 2/fulltext Enterpreneurs. (October 2, 2012). Experts All Atwitter about Super Bowl Ads. Retrieved from Felton, G. (2006). Advertising concept and copy. New York, London. W. W Norton & Company. General Mills: Food Should Taste Good snacks. (2012) Retrieved September 30, 2012, from: How color affects taste and smell. Retrieved from Lescoe. P. (2012). Food should taste good. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from: Murdoch, J. and Miele, M. (1999). (Vol. 39, pp. 465-483). Back to Nature: Changing ‘Worlds of Production’ in the Food Sector. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from: NFL. Super Bowl is most-watched TV show in U.S. history – again. Retrieved from O’Grady, J. & O’Grady, K. (2006). A designer’s research manual: Succeed in design by knowing your clients and what they really need. Beverly, MA: Rockport Publishers, Inc. Tactic: Color theory/color predictions, page 62. Real food with real flavor. (2012). American Fitness, 30(1), 63. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Specialty Food — Trends in Healthy Snacks. (2012). Retrieved from
lthysnacks/ Weinschenk, S. (2011, December). 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People, 1/e Vitalsource eBook for Full Sail University. Pearson Learning Solutions. When the chips are down, which should you eat? (2011). Consumer Reports, 76(3), 8 Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

2 process moodboard 28 imagery 30 color 32 font 34 logo 36








r us

e e f n m o o r

u e f o n o y r o

ld D u o h d o S o o G d o Fo




People believe in the healing nature of food and select the healthy choice to prevent major diseases. The target market is the specific group of people that appreciates a healthy product and enjoys flavorful taste. Images for the campaign will be focused on the personality of the brand. The product of the brand is a healthy, natural, and organic food item. The Food Should Do Good targets that it’s good for people and the environment. Images of family and friends gathering around a table, people in fitness activities, yoga, and playing games bring desire for a healthy living style. Positive emotions, enjoyment of life, and sense of community are the main selection for the imagery of the mood board.


30 50 75 10 169 124 80

13 23 87 0 225 188 67

11 62 100 219 119 1



1 17

The voice of natural, organic, and good for people should be highlighted throughout the campaign. The main color scheme of the project is red, orange, brown, and green. Colors and shapes draw reader’s attention (Weinschenk) before reading the text. The green color imbues a clean, recycle, organic, and nature based element. Other colors researched are the brown, orange, and red. These colors should be a light pastel palette. Colors “evoke emotions” (O’Grady, 2006) and feelings. Red color is linked to passion and excitement. An orange color evokes feelings of hunger. Brown is the mix of red and orange. Brown complements the recyclable material and often it’s a brown carton bag.

50 0 100 0 141 198 63


one for you


for us


one for me The font of the campaign proposed to Helvetica. Helvetica typeface has a clarity, openness, and looks sophisticated on the white background. The Helvetica typeface offers varies of visual weights from light, regular, bold, and black. It benefits to balance, blend the mood of the campaign.



The name of the brand is long but it has a hidden agenda. The brand sends a message to the consumer through a straightforward memorandum. The current logo has a black and white with no color involvement style. The font is traditional serif typeface, all capital letters. The capital letters are harder to recognize and it takes more time to read. According to Weinschenk, “people perceive capitals as shouting,” so save capitals for the headlines to get someone’s attention. The simple square outlined message looks like a nutrition label on the product. Actually this fulfills its purpose. It brings attention to the brand because it is capital letters. On the colorful bag of chips the black and white name tag stands out better and looks like a statement. The brand is doing “good” for the body and for the people. “Good for you, good for me, good for us” is the brands message. The recommendation is to change the logo font to Helvetica. Helvetica typeface has a clarity, openness, and looks sophisticated on the white background. The typeface of the main wording should be changed to sentence style and the font on the word “good” leave capital. A proposal is to emphasize the word “good” in light green pastel color palette. Another suggestion is to change letters of the “good” word color to the colors of the ingredients. The sweet potato, the jalapeno, olive, and the blue corn are most distinctive colored ingredients. The typeface would be changed to the kid’s handwriting on the word “good.” The goal is to create a tag word that the consumer memorizes about the brand.


one color black on white


transparent 20%

one color inverse white on black

logo concept Healthy and Natural logo research is based on Healthy and Natural lifestyle concept. The original logo contains the logotype in form of the simple message to the consumer. The design started from sketching the mind map ideas around the words nature, healthy, lifestyle. The most common directions that engage all directions were good, smile, and nature, green. The logo design started from black and white sketch. Several ideas conclude the design process. The final three logo was chosen by the context of green natural environment that is healthy for everyone on the planet. The client selected one of the most related to the original logo style. The client’s vision is to stay in the same healthy, natural category of the product, and maintain the health conscious target audience. It was decided to add color and logomark to the logo. The color is pantone # 8CC63E. The logomark in form of the word “good.� It creates the memorable tag word for the consumer and brings the feeling of nature in vine elegance wording style. Designer presented the logo in black and white, color, transparent 20%, inverse transparent, and inverse white on the black background.

3 style

style guide 42 print 44 motion 46 summery 48

one for you one for me for us 13 23 87 0 225 188 67


50 0 100 0 141 198 63

30 50 75 10 169 124 80

11 62 100 1 219 119 17



People believe in the healing nature of food and select the healthy choice to prevent major diseases. The target market is the specific group of people that appreciates a healthy product and enjoys flavorful taste. Images for the campaign will be focused on the personality of the brand. The product of the brand is a healthy, natural, and organic food item. The Food Should Do Good targets that it’s good for people and the environment. Images of family and friends gathering around a table, people in fitness activities, yoga, and playing games bring desire for a healthy living style. Positive emotions, enjoyment of life, and sense of community are the main selection for the imagery of the mood board.








motion 25

4 solutions 28 electronic media 30 social media 32 print media



“I love food. I’ve been working in restaurants and grocery stores my whole life, and if i’ve learned anything, it’s that food tastes best when it’s made with real ingredients.”


Founder, Food Should Taste Good Inc.

Food Should Taste Good & Design and (it’s a cracker, too!) are treadmarks of Food Should Taste Good, Inc. Distributed by: Food Should Taste Good, Inc. PO Box 776, Needham Heights, MA 02494

Visit foodshouldtastegood. com for coupons and recipes or “like” us at foodshouldtastegood to enter our giveaways and contests!

Call us: 1-877-588-3784 Visit us: Product of USA 3209343101

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