Program booklet

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The Boresha Afya ya Mama na Mtoto Programme

1 “Our Mothers and Babies Matter’’

About Vihiga County Vihiga County is located in the Lake Victoria Basin of Western region of Kenya between longitude 340 30’ and 350 0’ East and latitude 00 and 00 15’ North. The county covers an area of 531.0 KM2 with a population of 590,013 (2019 census).




To transform Vihiga into a prosperous county by formulation and implementation of Good Governance and development systems.

Vihiga to become a prosperous and model county in Kenya.

All-inclusive development without corruption and tribalism, supported by County values and hard work.

Integrity & Honesty


Creativity & Innovative

Values Transparency & Accountability

Quality service


Respect/Courtesy Teamwork


The Governor’s Statement

The programme’s main aim is to contribute to the reduction of maternal and child deaths and malnutrition in the county We have gone further to develop a robust healthcare system with well-distributed health facilities across the county, including Ambulance/Medical Emergency Services and related rescue services; which are well equipped, stocked, staffed and managed.


This is a call to all residents of Vihiga County to fully utilize the available healthcare programs currently being implemented by our department of health services.

he County Government of Vihiga has prioritized Public Healthcare as the foundation of our county’s health and well-


H.E. Dr. Wilber Khasilwa Ottichilo

Vihiga County is implementing the BORESHA AFYA YA MAMA NA MTOTO alias OTTICHILOCARE.

Governor Vihiga County


CECM for Health Services Remarks We have concluded preparations of the legal framework is in place, to provide guidance for a sustainable and proper implementation of the OTTICHILOCARE programme. I wish to extend my gratitude to our development partners; notably UNICEF and PATH International, who funded and supported the implementation of the programme. I also wish to thank all other development partners who have supported the health department initiatives, particularly DANIDA, AMREF, Nutrition International, Ipas, Marie Stopes, AMPATH, Institute of Cancer, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, KEMRI, KEMSA and Ministry of Health – Afya House. Dr. Amos Kutwa CECM Health Services

CHIEF Officer Public Health Remarks As a response to weak and progressive aggravation of Maternal Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) situation in 2018, UNICEF supported the County Government of Vihiga through bottleneck analysis to identify main barriers of Reproductive Maternal Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) services. The programme is now running across the county benefiting close to 6000 pregnant mothers in Vihiga County. Ms. Mary Anyiendah Chief Officer Public Health


Background In response to the increasing maternal and child mortality rates, building on the national and regional social protection experiences, and considering the international evidence from wide and specific CTs, the County Government of Vihiga initiated the Boresha Afya Ya Mama Na Mtoto Programme with technical support from UNICEF.

programme in which to receive monetary, women registered as beneficiaries receive key Reproductive, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) messages and are required to fulfil a series of conditions from the early pregnancy stage, until their child is 18 months old.

The Boresha Afya Ya Mama Na Mtoto Programme alias OTTICHILOCARE; is a health oriented social protection programme aimed at improving key health outcomes of pregnant women, and lactating mothers with children under 18 months of age living in the Vihiga County. It is a conditional cash transfer

PROGRAM VISION Optimum Reproductive, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNACH) and nutrition for all people in Vihiga County.

What you get: The conditions include accessing specific priority services at Boresha Health Centres (BHC) and at pre-defined moments to receive quality protocol maternal and childcare services which include

UNICEF country representative Werner Schultink hands a gift to Patience Awinja, OttichiloCare beneficiary who delivered at Emuhaya Sub County hospital.


ante-natal care,

childbirth with skilled assistance, and

preventive and promotive young child health, that include immunization, nutrition support and family planning counselling

The Drive The Boresha programme has been designed and geared towards supporting mothers and children during the conceptual period of the first 1,000 days of life that is, from conception until the child´s second year. The delivery of the cash transfer takes place at specific payment points defined in line with some of the prioritized conditional events as tabulated below;

1st ANC before 16 weeks of the pregnancy process

4 quality ANC services completed

Skilled Delivery

Postnatal care services after 6 weeks

18 months after delivery on production of a Birth certificate


Elligibility Women who meet the following requirements are eligible for the Boresha Afya Ya Mama Na Mtoto Programme:

Being an expectant mother and having attended a BHC before completing the first trimester of pregnancy (or 16 weeks). Being a resident of Vihiga County. This condition is guaranteed through the verification and certification of their residence. Having a national identity card (ID). Adults require a national identity card, passport, birth certificate, birth notification or a letter of confirmation from either the Chief or Assistant Chief. Minors require a birth certificate, birth notification or a letter of confirmation from either the Chief or Assistant Chief identifying the guardian or parent.

Governor Wilber Ottichilo gives a mama pack to a mother who had delivered at the Vihiga County Referral Hospital when he visited the facility.

Note: The Boresha Afya Ya Mama Na Mtoto programme is not a targeted intervention. All pregnant women that have been residents of the Vihiga County for the last three months are eligible for it.


Access to the Ottichilocare

OTTICHILOCARE county coordinator Salome Sungu hands mama packs to healthcare workers at Likindu health center in Hamisi.

There are 21 Boresha health facilities within the county where mothers go for registration.

1. Mbale Rural health center,

8. Vihiga

16. Emusire

9. Givudimbuli,

17. Emuhaya,

2. Lyanaginga,

10. Serem,

18. Sabatia and

3. Enzaro,

11. Kegondi,

4. Shiru,

12. Ipali,

19. Hamisi sub county hospitals

5. Banja,

13. Ekwanda,

20. Musitinyi and

6. Bugina,

14. Ebusiratsi,

21. Ebusyubi dispensaries.

7. Tigoi,

15. Esiarambatsi,


The Programme in Figures Since inception of the program



receive KES 1000 as stipend


since January 2020 a total of KES 7,138,677 has been given depending on the stage of attendance to the clinic

mothers have been registered into the Management information system

The performance before initiation and the situation as at June 2020 is as below



1ST ANC 60% 4TH ANC 32%

Postnatal 2-3 Days 29.9% 6 Weeks 13.8%

Skilled Delivery

1ST ANC 66.8% 4TH ANC 44.9%



Fully Immunized Children 44%

2-3 Days 39% 6 Weeks 17.2% 9

Skilled Delivery 55.2% Fully Immunized Children 63.6%

Achievements The program has managed to achieve the following;

Integration of Boresha management system with M-PESA for future payment of stipends

Continuous public awareness on Ottichilo care program and the importance of early clinic attendance and hospital delivery emphasized

SMS send to clients on mother and child health

The RMNCAH bill was signed and enacted into an act in August 2020 by H.E the Governor

We have provided bundles to Data clerks and CHVs, modems to facilities to enable registration of mothers to be carried out. (ensuring internet access)

Mothers are being given mama packs after a skilled delivery in our facilities


Ottichilocare in pictures

Governor Wilber Ottichilo poses for a photo with the UNICEF team led by the country representative Werner Schultink when they paid him a courtesy call at the county headquarters.

Governor Wilber Ottichilo, Trisha DiGiovanni (UNICEF Kenya) and Michael Hjelmaker (Embassy of Sweden) cut a ribbon during the launch of the OttichiloCare program at Bugina health center in November 2018.


Governor Wilber Ottichilo hands a mama pack to an expectant mother registered under the OttichiloCare program during a field visit with the UNICEF team to Emuhaya.

Governor Wilber Ottichilo hands a mama pack to an expectant mother registered under the OttichiloCare program during a field visit with the UNICEF team to Emuhaya.


Governor Wilber Ottichilo, UNICEF country representative Werner Schultink, at Emuhaya Sub County when they visited the facility to make a follow up on the OttichiloCare program

Governor Wilber Ottichilo, UNICEF country representative Werner Schultink, healthcare workers and community health volunteers join a dance at Emuhaya Sub County when they visited the facility to make a follow up on the OttichiloCare program.


Governor Wilber Ottichilo visits Sophy Anyiso the first mother to deliver under the OttichiloCare program at the Vihiga County Referral hospital.

Governor Wilber Ottichilo, UNICEF country representative Werner Schultink, healthcare workers and community health volunteers visiting families to make a follow up on the OttichiloCare program.


Governor Wilber Ottichilo hands a mama pack to the mother of baby Moses Ottichilo who delivered under the OttichiloCare program at Emuhaya Sub County hospital.

“Improved maternal health benefits the whole of society’’ Isabella Lovin 15



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