All Work and No Play? Gamification is the New Way User engagement gets a completely new avatar with Gamification. A completely fresh approach to doing business and work; gaming while doing the more routine and serious things is the exciting new way to entice and motivate users while value adding to enterprise solutions. The environment of participation built by bringing Gaming into Enterprise solutions gives a sense of achievement to the participants who could be employees and customers both, at all times. Discussions and research point out that Gamification apps and solutions is the next big thing for enterprise solutions; both web based and app based.
Gamification Put to Use Gamification depends solely on imagination and ingenuity of the designers of the systems. Put to use to make almost any task interesting, Gamification solutions and apps bring excitement to the unpredicted. Gamifying Everything
E-commerce Enterprise Education Social Media
Gamification of e-Commerce Solutions e-Commerce and enterprise solutions weave in into each other to offer the best to the customers. Besides all other benefits gamification brings to e-Commerce, it makes the shopping experience completely interactive. The challenges of the game compel the users to go ahead for more and keep adding to their shopping carts and lists.