And Then it Crashed! Disregarding .NET, A Catastrophe.. Years of planning, years of my hard work and when my systems crashed, I remember only her words. “Be sure, because I think we would be better off with .NET enterprise application development. Without this we could be making the biggest mistake of our lives” …… But there was not point now. It is all over. I did not pay heed to my CTO. She was the best but my arrogance took better of me. I did not depend on the .NET technologies, the window to the future to support my huge enterprise I had brought up from scratch.
It all started as a small grocery business inherited from my family. I clearly remember how I started off taking care of the three shops spread across the city. With my judgement and foresight, I devised a very efficient home delivery model within the city and gradually a SMS model to help my regular clients place orders and make online payments. Today, after 10 branches I was ready to launch a website for people to browse through my products and place orders through the site or the very efficient app for Stop&Shop, the brand I nurtured & curated for the last seven years. The eCommerce bug had bit me hard, but I faltered on technology.