Beacon Based Advertisement System – Bridging the Physical and Digital World “BLE Beacons has become the leading proximity / indoor location technology in the market today, just as the market is gathering significant momentum across a range of retail and non-retail verticals.” – Patrick Connoly Advertising was, is and will always be a vital factor in the success story of any business. It is an indispensable ingredient in garnering increasing customer base and retaining customer loyalty. Technology, as with other industries, has become an integrated involvement with the advertising industry through advertisement industry IT solutions. The Out-of-home (OOH) advertising arena has been advancing rapidly with the help of newer and smarter technologies. This is one domain of advertising that has captured the globe with its fruitful spread and niche results. You will see outdoor advertisements everywhere – you name it, it is there. What is of significance is to showcase the right advertisement, at the right place, to the right audience with the right content. And that too, with the right amount of indulgence so that the customer does not feel irritated or offended. The advertisements need to be impactful, smart, stylish to connect with existing customers or customers-to-be in a personalized manner. That is where the role of Beacons comes into play. As compared to other advertising media, Beacons has carved a niche for itself by imbibing the mobile technology as a part and parcel of its functioning, directly connecting with the audience via their mobile devices. Beacons and iBeacons application development have been grabbing attention by enticing patrons.Ranging from various locations such as street corners, airports, malls, stadiums and many more, Beacon development solutions are competent enough to gather high-end valuable information that can be leveraged to its finest, for better business profitability. Beacons and enterprise mobility together, are revolutionizing and boosting business. They, as a team, are encouraging advertisers to engross audiences on-the-go with appropriate and pertinent messages, offers etc. This Beacons based advertisement system directly leads to an exponential growth in customer targeting, enriched information retrieval and business outputs. Beacon based advertising has been one of the most wide-ranging solutions with proximity marketing working in a unified manner with beacon support. It offers accuracy and excellence that is ultimate to the advertising world.