Big data solutions – providing a powerful thrust to the construction industry

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Big Data Solutions – Providing a Powerful Thrust to the Construction Industry The world of Big Data has been encompassing almost all industrial domains across the globe, under its purview and by and large, penetrating deep into each one of them. The construction industry is no exception to it, even though the very thought of this unique combination – Big Data in Construction Industry looks quite vague. It is tough to perceive how Big Data solutions would benefit this huge heavy industry, which involves a large amount of complexity in terms of cost, material handling, stake holders, geographical locations, project management, stringent deadlines and much more. Higher complexity, higher is the need for Big Data to wave its magic wand over it and show its spark. Looking at the huge amount of data that would get generated out of this industry zone, there would be a range of benefits that would be generalized in nature, applicable to any industry domain and some of them would be specific to this particular industry genre. The difficult part is that analytics has not been an active ingredient in the construction industry owing to its own set of complexities. Of course, it is getting increasingly popular now but as compared to other fraternities like Retail, Financing, E-Commerce, Education, Oil & Gas, Entertainment etc., it will still buy some time to get total control through Big Data Analytics. Gradually, technologies like real-time data analytics, cloud-computing with huge and unstructured data sets are gaining momentum, with relevant stakeholders like architects, engineers and owners experiencing the benefits of this wonderful innovation. They are now happily linking their complex webbed financial and corporate data through the Big Data Solutions and leveraging its usage to the fullest.

5 Key Areas in the Construction Industry, where Big Data Solutions Play a Pivotal Role 

Monitoring and tracking construction kits and machines

The moment you talk of the construction industry, the spread is so huge and wide that it seems almost impossible for any technology to get its grab over the industry information. But, Big Data Solutions in the construction industry have been proving their mettle by performing the impossible. With them, it is now a seemingly possible situation to trace and track all the geographically spread out assets and also plan its movement. This is a sure shot way to get the projects going on time, since the time lag in searching for information is eliminated to a large extent. 

Availability of a in-depth stakeholder database leading to lesser risks

Though construction projects may not be huge in numbers as compared to other arenas, the involvement of stake holders like contractors, engineers, architects, designers, customers, workers and many others is quite large. Big Data

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