Big Data Solutions will Change the Way you Think about Everything A very popular buzzword today, in the technology globe – ‘Big Data’ has its own set of magnetic effect, as we witness the globe moving towards it slowly and steadily but at the same time, it is a tough task to understand how big Big Data is. It’s a very relative term, which also depends a lot on your understandings, perception and how best you are able to extract the best out of the Big Data’s sea of information. The bulk of data that we are talking about has been present all these years and has been on an increasing spree since then. Having that data is not what is challenging. The major task is to identify means and mechanisms to understand what it says and how best can it help. That is where Big Data Services fit in, with its varied and sophisticated technological moves to analyze and understand the data in a much better fashion, offering a variety of outputs that will help organizations, in varied fraternities, observe and come up with relevant decisions, based on the output. This technology has been opening a large number of different avenues, changing the entire perspective of looking at a set of data. Today, it is magical to believe that a chunk of information that has been existing since years would give you so much of value added information and could become a key indicator in increasing business efficiency and effectiveness. The 3 V’s – a Big Contributor to the Big Success of Big Data Solutions As per Gartner’s definition of for Big Data Analytical Services, there are three major pillars – the 3 V’s, based on which, it defines an entirely new world to us
Volume, which specifies the actual amount of data that is being culled and extracted for further analysis Velocity that showcases the speed at which the data is being created and utilized in different sectors Variety which focuses on the different mediums of getting the data in various formats, structures / unstructured, audios / videos / files / social media and so on.
Big Data Solutions and Its Impact on the Top 5 Segments of Today
Entertainment Big Data is the face of the entertainment industry today. Be it sports, television, movies and much more, it is driven by fans and a connect with the audience. Within the industry, Big Data solutions have carved a niche for themselves by coming up with different opportunities by bringing forth various measures to capture the viewers and come up with different means to entertain them to their fullest.