Connected Health, the Millennial Age Prescription! Penned by Internet of Things!! Internet of things becomes a way of life blending in technology into almost everything we do, using a sophisticated mash-up of devices, sensors, networks, Cloud, software and people themselves. It is assessed that there are more than billions of interconnected devices across the world and the number keeps growing at a tremendous pace. By the new decade this number could rise by a whooping five times! IoT is surely huge when it comes to redefining the usage of technology in the Healthcare industry startups as well as bringing in the prudence of IoT Application Development Companies to the arena. IoT comes with an innumerable number of implementation possibilities right from tracking fitness, collecting data, monitoring patients, surgical implants and right up to the extremely elaborate surgical robots. IoT defines integrated healthcare by devising an ecosystem for connected healthcare focused on better patient care, wellness & fitness, awareness and prompter treatments. A survey reference states that 97% of covered healthcare institutes were considering IoT as the key initiative when it comes to technology in the current decade. Another market research states that the investments in IoT will exceed 150 billion by 2022 as compared to 40 billion plus in 2017. Technology seeps in into healthcare as never before making Healthcare & Technology inseparable and blended in into each other!