Contemplate these strategic facts prior to implementing a mobile erp solution

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Contemplate these Strategic Facts Prior to Implementing a Mobile ERP Solution “A good ERP is more than just good software. It involves an institutional commitment to connecting people, processes and resources.” – James Young. It’s been a long time now since ERP has stabilized its popularity and need in almost all domains and geographies. A technology that has penetrated the personal as well as professional lives of everyone needs no words to describe its significance today – the hot and happening Mobile technology. Undoubtedly, when it comes to a confluence of these two powerhouses, Mobile ERP solutions is born and there is bound to be a sparkling shower of positive as well as negative issues to welcome it. However many advantages it brings along, if not done properly, there are sure shot challenges that may crop up and disturb the stability and success of the organization. Looking at the last year’s growth forum and witnessing the first two quarters this year, Mobile ERP is here to stay. Mobile ERP Software Development has been the talk of the town now with enterprises adapting it to the optimum. Key ERP processes are now being handled through such solutions. It proves as an adept platform to access data anywhere, anytime along with advantages of bridging information gaps, streamlining processes, reducing paper usage and thereby increasing productivity and profitability. Ranging its benefits from a mere sales person to the top management, it has been creating a lasting impression on enterprises. As such, if you see the history of ERP going mobile, you will find it a bit slower as compared to other solutions. The reason being the complexity and heavy customization that is involved in ERP systems, which leads to an enterprise thinking twice prior to adapting any new technology, unless and until there is a strong and capable IT partner and a perfectly managed infrastructure. Hence, when you look at the implementation of Mobile ERP Solution in any enterprise, it does require a specialized set of processes / policies / strategies to be in place before hand, so that the entire process gets smooth and fruitful. There have been umpteen cases where there is utter failure in the implementation owing to lack of prior strategic moves. 5 Major Strategies to be Ascertained Prior to Implementing a Mobile ERP Solution



When it comes to any Mobile ERP solution, the connectivity can be done through native apps and web apps. Both have their own set of pros and cons. Native apps work better in case of poor connectivity in and around locations since they hold the entire solution themselves but at the same time, do need extra coding and efforts to maintain customization. As against that, web apps are simpler to maintain and manage but are executed server side and hence internal connectivity is highly essential for smooth functioning. It is important to have a provision of saving the information intermittently on the mobile device and then periodically send it to the back office. •

User Experience

After all, the user needs to be happy and comfortable. That always remains the motto of any software solution and ERP being complex already, needs to have an additional focus when it is being used on the mobile device. The screen size crunch could be a hurdle to the user and hence there have to be efforts preplanned for a smooth operation of the same. In case they are not comfortable with the mobile version, they will immediately opt for the desktop / laptop version. Even performance could be an issue which needs to be addressed well in advance. •


A mobile device is always susceptible to loss, theft, damage etc. And hence there has to be extra protection thought of, before the implementation of the Mobile ERP solution. Mobile devices are usually connected via public networks and WiFi connections also, that is where

there has to be a higher level of security like a VPN network to avoid data breach, hacking and unauthorized access to information. •


With a variety of functionalities being encompassed in an ERP solution, there are chances of a performance variation in terms of functionality on different devices. With continuous internet available on desktops and laptops, usually, there are fewer chances of poor performance but while on mobile devices, there are chances of the same. Hence, it has to be decided beforehand, which functionalities are heavy to handle and need not be a part of the mobile version at all. If this segregation is done properly, the implementation will be smooth and efficient. •

Device Type & Spread

In the plethora of mobile devices available in the market, there are various sizes that could cause a matter of concern when it comes to implementation of such a huge and heavy ERP solution. Smartphones will be smaller in size as compared to a tablet so if the functionality is not involving too many numbers etc., phones are fine but if it involves a lot of statistics and graphs, the screen size has to be bigger and wider. Imbibing mobile with ERP emphasizes on taking a lot of precautionary care very well ahead in time, prior to implementation since there is such a lot of diversity in all aspects, be it hardware, devices, network connectivity, functionalities, security aspects, user interfaces, infrastructure, environment and much more. As an Enterprise Mobility Solution Provider and a Mobile ERP Software Development Company, we @ SPEC INDIA have garnered visible experience in implementing Mobile ERP solutions all around the globe, including Fortune 500 companies. Visit us @ to request for a Free POC to test drive our services.

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