Internet of things the big influencer for millennial mobile apps

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Internet of Things, The Big Influencer for Millennial Mobile Apps!! The internet of things blends in almost every place imaginable & unimaginable maturing fast since its early days when it started a marked disruption of sorts, integrating technology into human lives seamlessly & effortlessly so. IoT touches lives everywhere; across enterprises, homes, schools & colleges, hospitals, stores; everywhere. As conceptualized by mobile app development companies, the big technologies; Sensors, Analytics, Cloud, Social Media, Internet and more nurture every bit that makes up IoT. Practical & easy to use wearables & mobiles emerge as the driving force behind IoT, evidently making IoT a reality sooner than otherwise it would have been.

The IoT Roadmap as Predicted IoT touches almost every industry perceivable bringing in revolutionary changes with constant communications, insights and intelligence. With new additions to the technology landscape driven by IoT every passing moment, the IoT roadmap as predicted could easily be one of the most promising ones today. IHS • The number of connected devices may well exceed $20 billion by 2020.

IDC • 2020 will see the sale of 80 million+ wearable devices, a 30% plus growth from 2016 • The global spending on IoT may exceed $1 trillion soon enough BusinessInsider • IoT will add $1.7 trillion in overall value comprehensively covering hardware as well as services Forbes • 2018 should see green signals in European region when it comes to IoT data commercialization • 2018 is bound to see a wider acceptance of Blockchain driven by IoT maturity

The Mobiles Integrated into the IoT Ecosystem Less than decade ago, mobile device management was considered to be an uphill task for enterprises. The parameters change with IoT in place, and organizations get into the cycle of yet newer disruptive changes with Enterprise Mobility Management for the Untethered Workplace Rather than coming up with different solutions to manage different systems, an endpoint kind of architecture is visualized to unleash the powers of the combination of mobile devices within a unified ecosystem of the IoT. Mobile application integration and the mobile first approach becomes the new normal for mobile app development companies, helping realize the true potential of IoT. Surveys point to interesting predictions & facts related to the mobiles & their adoption. Statista • 2018 will see half of the global population using mobile phones moving over to smartphones. • Effectively, by 2019, there will be more than 2.5 billion smartphone users globally. eMarketer • The average American adult is likely to spend more than 3 hours 23 mins on nonvoice mobile apps in 2018 Socpub • 50% of participants covered would never recommend a business which doesn’t have an up-to-date mobile site Email Monday • More than 80% of the email users globally will be accessing mail via mobile devices.

Integrating Mobile Apps with IoT – A Win Win Situation Undoubtedly, IoT is influencing mobile apps development in a significant way. A lot of standards & processes for mobile app development are being harbored with IoT at the core. A mature approach towards mobile app integration brings faster adoption of mobile apps into the fold.

Smartphones engage the millennial user like never before and IoT influences mobile app development in a bigger way than evident. IoT influences a lot of things driven by the mobiles. IoT Driving the Business Processes It is the new normal to integrate mobile apps with sensory devices like the tiny beacons & touch points that are collecting valuable data for the organization generating analytics, insights for decision making, market patterns & customer patterns for personalization and more. Integration of IoT related technologies with appropriately designed mobile apps allows better visibility into the pipeline and simplified workflows in the long run as business processes encompassing software related activities as well as device touch points are all managed by a centralized system. Integrating mobile apps with IoT devices indeed adds a layer of efficiency, agility and flexibility within the enterprise.

Simplifying Information Technology for the Users With judicious integrations, a user does not struggle with different systems and technology support does not need to ensure data flows between disconnected technology stacks. Enterprises initially invest in setting up integration & management tools, but the overall synergy of mobile apps with IoT will lead to a simplified IT structure, which is a boon for growing businesses. Better Lives The millennials live with mobile apps, and they would easily welcome the outreach to technology IoT has to offer. IoT touches different parts of our lives; homes, workplaces, healthcare, education, travel, retail; almost everything. With newer additions like artificial intelligence and machine learning, we can only wait and watch what changes the next!

IoT is Changing Lives & How!!

The Challenges of Integrating Mobile Apps Integrating mobile apps into IoT is not without its set of challenges for mobile app development companies. Albeit, real tough ones! Handling Data & Scale Connected devices have the capability to produce large data sets, which could be unstructured. If real time decision making is dependent on IoT integration with mobile apps, capacity planning & infrastructure management have to be carefully considered. The scalability & flexibility of mobile apps may also prove to be a potential issue. Setting up a Conducive Environment to handle devices Devices & sensors setup in industrial zones may prove to be radically different than what enterprises are used to in customer facing or commercial sectors. comprehensive mobile app integration spanning all industry segments with IoT has a long way to go. Data Security & Privacy Almost all data formats captured by IoT devices specific to user, groups or organizations is potentially hackable. The best possible data privacy and industry security measures must be leveraged & periodically audited. Understandably, the chances of breaches increase as soon as mobile app integration co-exists with IoT devices. User Experiences IoT is not a singular term, rather it’s a massive concept encompassing a whole array of hardware & software related technologies. Integrating all touch points seamlessly with

devices of choice and then leveraging the entire offering to entice the users is definitely an uphill task.

Intuitive Mobile App Development for Smart Lives Interesting ways of making technology change lives come up and this is just the beginning. Mobile apps blend in with the IoT offerings like never before.

Smart Health • Fitness trackers • Health monitors Smart Homes • Energy management • Safety & security • Automating everyday tasks Smart Workplaces • Monitoring on goings • AI, VR, AR enhancements • BYOD integration Smart Grids • Energy management • Power savers • Environment friendliness

Smart Farms • Crop planning • Automated surveillance & protection • Soil analysis Smart Manufacturing Units • Optimized workflows • Predictive Maintenance • Health & safety of workers Smart Retail • In store personalization • Easy check outs • Inventory management Connected Vehicles • VTS • Navigation & routing • Maintenance • Integrating insurance

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