New commerce a mixed bag of e commerce, m commerce, m ecommerce, me commerce

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New Commerce - A Mixed Bag of e-Commerce, m-Commerce, meCommerce, me-Commerce e-Commerce, m-Commerce, m-eCommerce, me-Commerce. They are just too many and too confusing. And all it started with making shopping easy by including online shopping as an option to the brick and mortar stores; soon followed by banking and paying bills. e-Commerce entered the arena powered by the internet and tools like desktops and personal computers. Mobile technologies ushered in a complete change of lifestyles, both at work and at home. Soon m-eCommerce sites were in vogue making eCommerce enabled for mobile devices; followed by dedicated apps only approach, doing away with web access with m-commerce surfaced too. And the latest on the block is me-Commerce. Personalization in technology enabled transaction based sites or the latest jargon added to our dictionaries is certainly fintech and we simply cannot have enough of this as well! But, what drives commerce today? What propels the new ways of interacting for commerce? All in all technology does. The changing devices, lifestyles and preferences makes technology adapt and evolve; putting forward options of e-Commerce, mCommerce, m-eCommerce and me-Commerce. And adding to the chaos and confusion created by these terminologies. Let us simply call them New Commerce. Shall we?

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