Scriptless Test Automation – A Step Further for Enhancing Productivity in Software Testing In the big bang world of software testing, Test Automation has always been in the limelight owing to very obvious reasons like cost effectiveness, less repetition of tests, accelerated regression testing and more. Organizations are leaning on a plethora of automated testing tools to achieve these objectives but still, there are cases where the benefits are not visible to the extent they should be. Why? Isn’t the approach to Automated Testing Services correct? Aren’t the tools competent enough to maximize the ROI of the organization? Why is the Go to Market time not stepping up? The basic reason lies in the maintenance and management of the scripts that are being written as a part to build test automation. With every small change in the product, the entire script based test automation framework has to be updated with all possible implications. This surely requires increasing time and money to be put into the automated testing scenario. It also needs a lot of in-project investments in terms of time and money in order to learn the scripting language and to create a suitable framework to reuse the code. The answer to these queries lies in adapting the revolutionary technique, which has become quite popular today – Scriptless Automated Testing. This is a form of testing which offers reduction in time to create automated tests by reducing the amount of scripts. Testing teams can now perform in a graphical setup, wherein they can compose tests by selecting objects from dropdown menus and can also visually create conditions. This has given a sure shot rise in the productivity factor as compared to script based test automation. A change in your approach and there are umpteen benefits available to your organization. Of course, test automation will work the way it is but there will be least requirement of writing cumbersome scripts. How does Automated Scriptless Testing Tool Work? No one can deny the importance of Software QA Services in any software life cycle and following it the importance of test automation. A step further comes Scriptless test automation which offers a very simplistic interface wherein you don’t need to learn the coding styles or programming features of any particular language. You just have to operate a drop-down or Excel kind of mechanism and it starts working. The basic fundamentals of test automation – modularity, data and keyword driving are imbibed into the software, keeping intact the features that any scripting tool would provide. Their client server approach offers the automation to the entire team at one go. Apart from management of execution of test suites and test run result reporting, it also allows you to fix bugs from anywhere within the entire script setup.