This is Millennial India!! Offshoring Services Get Better than the Best!! When an organization decides that it is not worth spending the three most important driving forces money, time and energy on non-core competencies, it is only diverting its three most important resources to its primary expertise. This decision can be driven by many factors, one of the most important being non-availability and the difficulty of retaining skilled resources. Coupled with government taxes, regulations, employee benefits to be offered and higher pay scale, the countries from the western world are looking at various associations with partners in stable, emerging countries to transfer business processes which may become unreasonable to manage and to even begin on their own. Information technology outsourcing and India go hand in hand. Millennial India comes across as a more reliable and a more trustworthy entity with both the economic reforms like the GST and also the movements like Digital India giving India the much required push! It is only practical for enterprises to look at the various possibilities of associating with offshore software development companies in india for getting competent software developed & maintained without getting into the hassles of doing it themselves. A prudent global outsourcing strategy is very important for an organization to keep focused on what they do the best.