Why is Mobile ERP Solutions an Indispensable Ingredient in the World of Modern Business? “A good ERP is more than just good software. It involves an institutional commitment to connecting people, processes and resources.” – James Young. When we talk about ERP, the picture that comes before our eyes is a massive implementation of processes and software activities. It surely comes along with its share of challenges and hurdles but offers a great future – productive, efficient and profitable. Not just the IT department, there is a whirlwind wave of change that passes through each department. It attempts to changes things for the better. There is yet another feather added to its cap which has turned out to be indispensable for any enterprise – Mobile ERP Solutions, the new age ERP. Combined with a power packed combination of two most happening innovations around the globe – mobility and ERP, these enterprise mobility solutions are set to rule the industry. With the whole world going mobile, it is Enterprises have understood the fact that having mobile apps within ERP systems is the simple way to get a successful business. It does sound simple but needs a clear-cut roadmap and plan.This acts as a key booster to maximized organizational ROI. There is much to work on – business processes, key goals, technical aspects, costing, security issues, user aspirations. These key strategic facts play an important role prior to implementing any Mobile ERP solution. Missing any of these aspects could lead the entire effort into the drain.