Road Safety Assessment for Urban Roads: A case of Lucknow City

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Thesis / Terminal Project

Bachelors in Planning Road Safety Assessment for Urban Roads: A case of Lucknow City May 2018

By: Ankit Patel Reg. No. 2140200148 2014 - 2018

Guide: Asst. Prof. Kanad Pankaj

Department of Planning School of Planning & Architecture, Vijayawada

Undertaking I, Mr. Ankit Patel, the author of the thesis titled “Road Safety Assessment for Urban roads: A case of Lucknow City”, hereby declare that this is an independent work of mine, carried out towards partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelors Degree in Planning at the Department of Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada. The work has not been submitted to any other organization / institution for the award of any Degree/Diploma.

……………………….………………. Ankit Patel Reg. No. 2140200148 2014-2018 Bachelor of Planning Department of Planning Date: 14/05/2018 PHOTO OF STUDENT

Disclaimer The content produced in the thesis report is an original piece of work and takes due acknowledgement of referred content, wherever applicable. The thoughts expressed herein remain the responsibility of the undersigned author and have no bearing on or does not represent those of School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada.

……………………….………………. Ankit Patel Reg. No. 2140200148 2014-2018 Bachelor of Planning Department of Planning

Acknowledgment I take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to our HOD Dr. Ramesh Srikonda and my guide Mr. Kanad Pankaj, for their enthusiastic and motivating attitude and kind as well as the

keen interest they invoked for the present study. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Prasanth Vardhan, Mr. V. K. Sharat and Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak Mohamed for valuable guidance for this study and mentoring they have provided to me during my present thesis in order to give right direction. I am thankful to Mr. Vamsi Deepak TSV for providing me moral support and help through his vast experience. I am very much grateful to Mr. Prem Shahi, District Transport Officer, Lucknow for providing the Data related to my thesis. Also, I am thankful to the Police Superintendent of Lucknow who has given the permission to collect information and survey on road stretches. I would like to admire all my colleagues of School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada for being helpful & kind to me in an event of need. I would like to sincere appreciation to my loving Mother & Father. I also express my deep affection to my brother & Sisters for providing lots of moral support. I would also like to thank Mr. Nayan Laskar who helped me in a critical situation. I would like to especially thank mine for supporting me every time, without which it would have to be done impossible for me to complete this work. I would also thank my friends, especially to Muzammil Hassan who helped me a lot during my field study work. -Ankit Patel

Abstract Each year, more than 1.2 million people die across the globe due to road crashes; there is a pressing need to understand the underlying cause of the problem. Road safety is one of the major societal issues and it is a shared, multi-sectoral, responsibility of the government and a range of civil society stakeholders. It incorporates the development and management of road infrastructure, provision of safer vehicles, legislation and law enforcement, mobility planning, provision of health and hospital services, child safety, urban land use planning etc. The success of road safety strategies in all countries depends upon a broad base of support and common action from all stakeholders. At a plenary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on 14th April 2004, a resolution co-sponsored by India expressed grave concern about a large number of fatalities in road crashes. The World Health Organization also declared the year 2004 as the Year of Road Safety and launched World Health Day in April 2004 with the slogan – “Road safety is no accident�. Increasing number of road traffic injuries in Indian cities is a major concern. As a number of cities grow and existing cities expand the road infrastructure, it is imperative for city authorities to ensure safe infrastructure. The authorities are expected to apply safety principles in all of their road projects to prevent accidents and to ensure the safety of their vulnerable road users. There was vital need to frame an assessment methodology for road safety at urban local body level so therefore this study is an attempt to study the safety aspects of urban roads by identifying the vulnerable road stretches, their mitigating strategies and city level planning intervention need for road safety. Road safety is a quality aspect of road traffic and this aspect has to be balanced with aspects like the level of service, access for destinations, environmental impact, costs etc. when it comes to decisions in what infrastructural projects to invest. In decision making on infrastructural projects, road safety arguments have to be considered as explicit as possible in the planning phase already. India is a signatory to Brasilia Declaration and is committed to reducing the number of road accidents and fatalities by 50 % by 2020. However, with one of the highest motorization growth rate in the world accompanied by a rapid expansion in the road network and urbanization over the years, India is faced with serious impacts on road safety levels. The analysis of road accident data 2015 reveals that about 1,374 accidents and 400 deaths take place every day on Indian roads, which further translates into 57 accidents and loss of 17 lives on an average every hour in our country. About 54.1 % of all persons killed in road accidents are in the 15 - 34 years age group during the year 2015. So in order to come up with a road safety method for Indian Urban local bodies, the study is carried out in the City of Lucknow by analyzing the spatial accident locations and black spots marked by Superintendent Police Lucknow. This study helped me to understand the problems of the blackspot region and it resulted in identifying the vulnerable road users. The best practices studied helped in the provision of suitable strategies and recommendations for the identified stretches of roads prone to vulnerability.

Contents Undertaking ................................................................................................................................................ Disclaimer.................................................................................................................................................... Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................................ Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................... Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Without safety, no sustainability! ....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Context and concern: ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 India’s initiatives on road safety: ................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Need of the Study: .............................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Aim: ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 Objectives:............................................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 Scope: ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.7 Limitation: ............................................................................................................................................... 7 1.8 Study Utility and expected outcome: ..................................................................................................... 7 1.9 Methodology : ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 2: Literature review .................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Best Practices .......................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.1 Vision Zero: ...................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.2 Dutch Sustainable Safety: ................................................................................................................ 9 2.1.3 Safe Community Programmes: ...................................................................................................... 10 2.1.4 The Netherlands’ Sustainable Safety vision: .................................................................................. 10 2.1.5 Way forward for developing nations: ............................................................................................ 10 2.1.6 Improvement in the Policy and Regulatory Environment ·............................................................ 10 2.2 Important terminologies used in the study: ......................................................................................... 11 2.4 Conceptual Literature: .......................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.1 Road Safety Assessment ................................................................................................................ 12 When to conduct Road Safety Audit? ................................................................................................. 13 Who should Conduct Road Safety Audit? ........................................................................................... 14 Relevant research referred: ........................................................................................................................ 14 2.4 Empirical literature ............................................................................................................................... 15 Methodology : ..................................................................................................................................... 15 2.5 Learnings: .............................................................................................................................................. 15

Chapter 3: Case study area .................................................................................................................... 17 3.1 Historicity of the city: ............................................................................................................................ 17 3.2

Land Use Distribution:..................................................................................................................... 18

3.3 Historicity of the study area:................................................................................................................. 19 3.4 Significance ........................................................................................................................................... 22 Road Network ..................................................................................................................................... 22 3.5

Problems Observed: ........................................................................................................................ 25

3.5 Delineation of study area: ..................................................................................................................... 26 3.5. 1. The accident locations are marked on the base map of Lucknow City.................................... 26 3.5.2 Road accident cluster density mapping: .................................................................................... 27 3.5.3 Kernel density estimation .......................................................................................................... 29 Chapter 4 : Data Collection and Analysis............................................................................................... 31 4. Data Collection: ....................................................................................................................................... 31 4.1 Methods of data collection ........................................................................................................... 31 4.1.1 Qualitative Data Collection ........................................................................................................ 31 Surveys/Questionnaires ...................................................................................................................... 31 Existing Data........................................................................................................................................ 31 4.1.2 Quantitative Data Collection...................................................................................................... 31 Observations ....................................................................................................................................... 31 Interviews............................................................................................................................................ 32 4.2 Data Requirements for the Study Area ................................................................................................. 32 4.3 Data Collected ....................................................................................................................................... 32 4.3.1 Road Inventory ........................................................................................................................... 33 4.3.2 Volume Count: ........................................................................................................................... 33 4.3.3 Speed measure: ......................................................................................................................... 33 4.3.4 Pedestrian count: ....................................................................................................................... 34 5. Secondary data collected: ................................................................................................................... 34 5.1 Road accident causes .................................................................................................................... 34 5.2

Distribution of age of Victims.................................................................................................. 35

6. Data analysis: ...................................................................................................................................... 35 6.1 Road Safety Index: ........................................................................................................................ 35 6.2 Road Safety Assessment: .............................................................................................................. 39 Chapter 5 Strategies and Proposals....................................................................................................... 40 5.1 City level intervention: .......................................................................................................................... 40 5.2

Speed Calming measures: ............................................................................................................... 40

5.2.1 Circular hump: ............................................................................................................................ 40 5.2.2 Speed cushions and thermoplastic thumps: .............................................................................. 41 5.3 Proposal for dedicated pedestrian lane & Bicycle lane at VIP road stretch ......................................... 42 5.4 Action plan for Bicyclist, Pedestrain, Motorvehicles: ........................................................................... 42 5.4.1

Action plan for Bicyclist: .......................................................................................................... 42


Action plan for pedestrians: .................................................................................................... 43


Action plan for Motorised vehicles: ........................................................................................ 43

5.5 Use of retro reflective signages: ........................................................................................................... 44 References .................................................................................................................................................. 47

List of Table Table 1: Accident prone wards ................................................................................................................... 21 Table 2 Fatalities ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Table 3 Road Inventory ............................................................................................................................... 33 Table 4: PCU count ...................................................................................................................................... 33 Table 5: Level of service .............................................................................................................................. 33 Table 6: SPI .................................................................................................................................................. 33 Table 7: LOS level in RSI .............................................................................................................................. 36 Table 8:Main factors of RSI ......................................................................................................................... 36 Table 9: RSI ranking of roads....................................................................................................................... 38

List of figure Figure 1:Share of road accidents in Indian state .......................................................................................... 3 Figure 2:Share of person killed in Indian State ............................................................................................. 4 Figure 3: Road accident statistics.................................................................................................................. 4 Figure 4: Accident statistics .......................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 5: Seriousness of injury in UP Figure 6: Seriousness of Injury in India ......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 7: Severity level of road accidents ..................................................................................................... 6 Figure 8:Urban road safety parameters...................................................................................................... 16 Figure 9: Evolution of Lucknow City ............................................................................................................ 17 Figure 10:Lucknow Master plan 2031 ......................................................................................................... 18 Figure 11: Proposed landuse ...................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 12: Development centres in Lucknow ............................................................................................. 19 Figure 13: Types of Vehicles, CMP .............................................................................................................. 21 Figure 14:Growth of registered vehicles..................................................................................................... 21 Figure 15 Distribution of road by carriageway Figure 16 Distribution of ROW .................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 17: Congested roads( CMP Lucknow) .............................................................................................. 23 Figure 18: Congested Nodes,CMP............................................................................................................... 24 Figure 19: Existing road signages in city Figure 20: Existing road medians in city ..................................................................................................... 24 Figure 21: On-street parking status of roads. ............................................................................................. 25 Figure 22: Basemap of City ......................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 23; Traffic movemnt characteristics ................................................................................................ 26 Figure 24: Cluster density map ................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 25: Kernel density mapping ............................................................................................................. 29 Figure 26: Zone 5 roads mapping all accident locations ............................................................................. 30 Figure 27:Detail of the work plan ............................................................................................................... 32 Figure 28: Causes observed ........................................................................................................................ 34 Figure 29: Circular hump............................................................................................................................. 41 Figure 30: Thermoplastic humps ................................................................................................................ 41 Figure 31: Retroreflective Signages : .......................................................................................................... 44

Chapter 1: Introduction Road traffic injury is a major global public health problem. Rapid motorization in low and middle-income countries along with the poor safety quality of road traffic systems and the lack of institutional capacity to manage outcomes contribute to a global growing crisis. About 1.3 million people die each year on the world's roads and between 20 and 50 million sustain non-fatal injuries.

1.1 Without safety, no sustainability! Road safety is one of the major societal issues. It is a multi-sectoral and multidimensional issue and incorporates the development and management of road infrastructure, provision of safer vehicles, legislation and law enforcement, mobility planning, provision of health and hospital services, child safety, urban land use planning etc. In other words, its ambit spans engineering aspects of both, roads and vehicles on one hand and the provision of health and hospital services for trauma cases (in post-crash scenario) on the other.

1.2 Context and concern: Road safety is a shared, multi-sectoral, responsibility of the government and a range of civil society stakeholders. The success of road safety strategies in all countries depends upon a broad base of support and common action from all stakeholders. At a plenary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on 14th April 2004, a resolution co-sponsored by India expressed grave concern about the large number of fatalities in road crashes. The World Health Organization also declared the year 2004 as the Year of Road Safety and launched World Health Day in April 2004 with the slogan – “Road safety is no accident”. The urban sprawl and a public transport that doesn’t fit the mobility needs leads to increase in the private car usage and also to traffic congestion on roads. Nevertheless the accidents are not only linked to the traffic volumes, but also to the design and management aspects of the urban road network or the behavior of the road users. In order to assess the urban road safety, a hierarchy of the road network elements is defined and a detailed analysis of the accidents is undertaken. Based on the statistical data, the network elements with low safety performance are analysed in terms of different attributes that influence their performance.

1.2.1 India’s initiatives on road safety: A study undertaken by the Planning Commission in 2002 estimated the social cost of road accidents in India at about 3 per cent of GDP. • National Level Policies in India for Road Safety Source: Draft National Road Safety Policy, Department of road transport and highways, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways

1|Ankit Patel(2140200148, B.plan,2014 -18)

• National Road Safety Council Report on Road Safety Education Source: Road Safety Is No Accident, National Road Safety Council, September 2011, Report of the Working Group on Road Safety Education (RSE) • Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012–2017 Source: Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012–2017), Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, Planning Commission (Government of India) 2013 • Road Safety Policy by Government of Tamil Nadu, GOI Source: Road Safety Policy, Home, Prohibition & Excise (transport-v) Department 2007.

1.3 Need of the Study: One of major concerns in India relates to Fatalities and injuries caused by traffic. Total number of people involved in traffic crashes as well as rates per million population have been increasing in the last three decades. According to official statistics, 1,14,444 people were killed in road traffic crashes in India in 2007(NCRB, 2007) which increased to 1,34,599 in 2010 (NCRPB, 2010). 3,94,982 accidental deaths were reported in the country during the 2012. Traffic fatalities increased by about 5% per year from 1980 to 2000, and since then have increased by about 8% per year for the four years for which statistics are available. The fatality rate has increased from 36 fatalities per million persons in 1980 to 95 fatalities per million persons in 2006 (Mohan et al. 2009). However, a study done in Bangalore shows that while the number of traffic crash deaths recorded by the police may be reasonably reliable, the total number of injuries is grossly underestimated (Gururaj 2006). According to that study, deaths were underestimated by 5% and the number injured who needed treatment in hospitals was underestimated by more than a factor of two. In that study, the ratio of injured people reporting to hospitals versus those killed was 8% . An estimated 1,650,000 people were victimized in traffic crashes were hospitalized in 2006. Clearly, the road injury problems that generates at urban level cannot be entirely solved without measurements specific for urban areas. Most of the urban injury accidents and of fatalities involve vulnerable road users because of being unprotected from motorized traffic and existence of organized road spaces only for facilitating the movements of motorized vehicles and not vulnerable road users who are mostly pedestrians, cyclists and two wheelers.  

India is a signatory to Brasilia Declaration and is committed to reduce the number of road accidents and fatalities by 50 per cent by 2020. However, with one of the highest motorization growth rate in the world accompanied by rapid expansion in road network and urbanization over the years, our country is faced with serious impacts on road safety levels. The total number of road accidents increased by 2.5 per cent from 4,89,400 in 2014 to 5,01,423 in 2015. The total number of persons killed in road accidents increased by 4.6 per cent from 1,39,671 in 2014 to 1,46,133 in 2015. Road accident injuries have also increased by 1.4 per cent from 4,93,474 in 2014 to 5,00,279 in 2015. The severity of road accidents, measured in terms of number of persons killed per 100 accidents has increased from 28.5 in 2014 to 29.1 in 2015. The analysis of road accident data 2015 reveals that about 1,374 accidents and 400 deaths take place every day on Indian roads, which further translates into 57 accidents and loss of 17 lives on an average every hour in our country.

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        

About 54.1 per cent of all persons killed in road accidents are in the 15 - 34 years age group during the year 2015. 17 people die every hour on Indian road. 4.07 lakh crores costs to India due to road crashes annually. 46 children die every day on Indian roads. 50% of road crashes deaths could have been avoided with rapid assistance. 50 Lakh+ were seriously injured or disabled in the past decade. 10 Lakh+ people were killed in road accident over the past decade. In UP, 86% accidents result in fatalities or grievous injury 53% accidents result in fatalities or grievous injury in India.

Share of road accidents in Indian States Haryana West Bengal Chhattisgarh Gujarat Telangana Rajasthan Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Kerala Maharashtra Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu 0




2015 Number of Road Accidents






2016 Number of Road Accidents

Figure 1:Share of road accidents in Indian state Source: RTO Lucknow

Tamil Nadu is having the highest share of road accidents in India. Maharashtra was able to reduce 30% of the accident from 2015 to 2016. It was possible with implementation of stricter safe policies adopted at state level. The recommendations from all the developing nations was studied and compiled for preparing safe strategies for road crashes. 13 states out of 29 are having higher number of accidents and UP ranks 6th with average 35000 accidents in a year. 3|Ankit Patel(2140200148, B.plan,2014 -18)


Share of persons killed in Indian states Bihar Haryana Punjab West Bengal Telangana Gujarat Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan Karnataka Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh 0



2015 Number of Persons Killed in Road Accidents




2016 Number of Persons Killed in Road Accidents

Figure 2:Share of person killed in Indian State Source: RTO Lucknow

However, the fatality rate of road users is highest in Uttar Pradesh. The road infrastructure facility are the major safety objectives for developing nations like India.

Figure 3: Road accident statistics


4|Ankit Patel(2140200148, B.plan,2014 -18)

Figure 4: Accident statistics


Indians roads are in one of the deadliest stage as 43.7% of the road accidents in India are caused due to over speeding, this can easily be avoided if people drive with care and follow speed limits. So while India definitely needs stricter road safety laws, but at the same time, India needs more responsible drivers who drive more cautiously on the roads and follow the rules. Only then, India’s killer roads can become safer and loss of life prevented. Uttar Pradesh ranks 1st in number of fatalities on road accidents and it’s an alarming cause for state. 36,091, India 8%


1,36,07 1, 28%

4,313, 12% 664, 2%

16,164 , 45%

1,87,64 2, 39%

14,471 , 41%

1,20,84 8, 25% Fatal

Grievous Injury


Grievous Injury

Minor Injury

Non Injury

Minor Injury

Non Injury

Figure 5: Seriousness of injury in UP

Figure 6: Seriousness of Injury in India

Source: RTO Lucknow

5|Ankit Patel(2140200148, B.plan,2014 -18)

The fatalities and grievous injuries in Uttar Pradesh is almost double times of the percentage at national level and this statistics shows that there is a need for emergency recovery in the state in not undertaken with considerable requirements. There is huge difference in the severity of the accidents at national and state level.

Severity of road accidents Puducherry Delhi Dadra & Nagar Haveli Andaman & Nicobar Island Uttar Pradesh Tripura Tamil Nadu Rajasthan Odisha Mizoram Manipur Madhya Pradesh Karnataka Jammu & Kashmir Haryana Goa Bihar Arunachal Pradesh 2 0





Persons Killed per 100 Accidents 2016

Persons Killed per 100 Accidents 2015

Persons Killed per 100 Accidents 2014

Persons Killed per 100 Accidents 2013



Figure 7: Severity level of road accidents Source: RTO Lucknow

1.4 Aim: To develop a road safety assessment framework for urban roads and identify strategies for urban road safety.

1.5 Objectives: 1. To understand the road safety concept and identifying best practices: This study will give an overview of the successful practices followed in world and the major initiatives to be undertaken. The issues covered in practices can be relatable to Indian scenario 2. To study the significance of road infrastructure services in city of Lucknow and delineate the area with most vulnerable road infrastructure. This study will identify the blackspot region with the highest severity rate and find out the relation between the road characteristics and vulnerability of the stretches and their abutting landuse. It will also come out with the locations prone more to accidents and their linkages 3. To assess the existing status of study area and identify issues and potential therein. 6|Ankit Patel(2140200148, B.plan,2014 -18)

Assessment of the identified stretches through Urban road safety toolkit and its level of service in terms of safety. Speed performance Index ,Pedestrian level of service, Road safety ranking and identification of severe assets to be prioritized for road safety. 4. To prepare a spatial plan and suggest suitable recommendation. Understanding the strength of the stretches suitable strategies can be framed as action plan and city level interventions to be made.

1.6 Scope: The study will focus on the condition of road services in linkage with the adjacent landuse and traffic pattern. It will also focus on relation between speed and vulnerable road users. It will inform about the Speed limits, excessive speed, road layout and design for the urban roads. Identification of the hotspots with critical infrastructure and treatment strategies.

1.7 Limitation:      

It was a time bound exercise because of rigid curriculum. Limitation of data as most of the organizations were either delaying or false hopes. Sample size less than 1% Study carried out in limited area. Primary Surveys carried out in frame of 2-3 days. Road accidents has been considered to understand road safety.

1.8 Study Utility and expected outcome: •

This study will identify the issues related to road safety and its best practices for zero fatalities road. This will be done by identifying hotspots with the analysis of crash data.

The identified location will be studied to find out the feasible spatial linkages for the phenomenon and will suggest measures to control over it.

This study will be focussing on impact of accidents on vulnerable road users.

The issues and potential of the study will suggest the framework for safer road assets to be prioritized for development.

This framework will be reference to develop the city an resilent city in terms of road safety by considering the pedestrians and bicyclist who are the major victims.

1.9 Methodology : The study has been carried into four phases. The first phase is about studying the need of the topic and selecting the case area for study. Then studying the recent literature on the topic and extracting the elements for the further study. Then the next phase is of the data collection and validation where the sources of primary and secondary data collection is identified for a field visit plan. Accident data is collected before primary survey for selection of road stretches to study. 7|Ankit Patel(2140200148, B.plan,2014 -18)

The third phase is data analysis and validation and it results out with issue identification of the area. The fourth phase is planning intervention where the selected stretches are given suitable strategies for study.

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Chapter 2: Literature review This chapter is a brief of successful practices followed in world for reducing traffic injuries. It has also comprised information of reviewed literature for the study of this topic. Road safety assessment is carried out in India according to the established literature of “Road Safety Audit” developed by the Transport Research and Injury Prevention Program of IIT Delhi and Civil Engineering department (Transportation Engineering department section) of IIT Delhi.

2.1 Best Practices 2.1.1 Vision Zero: In 1997, the Swedish Parliament adopted the Vision Zero, a new road safety policy based on four principles: •

Ethics: human life and health are paramount; they take priority over mobility and other objectives of the road transport system;

Responsibility chain: The providers, professional organisations and professional users are responsible for the safety of the system. The users have the responsibility to follow rules and regulations. If the road users fail to follow rules and regulations, the responsibility falls back on the providers of the system;

Safety philosophy: humans make errors; road transport systems should minimise the opportunity for error and the harm done when errors occur;

Driving mechanisms for change: providers and enforcers of the road transport system must do their utmost to guarantee the safety of all citizens and each of the participants should be ready to change to achieve safety.

2.1.2 Dutch Sustainable Safety: Sustainable safety is based on the idea that the consequences of human errors and human vulnerability are to be minimized. The implementation of Sustainable Safety relies upon five main principles: •

Functionality of roads: roads should be defined according to their main function: through‐ roads, distributor roads, access roads in a hierarchically structured road network;

Homogeneity of masses and/or speed and direction: Equality in speed, direction and masses at medium and high speeds;

Predictability of road trajectory and road user behavior by a recognizable road design; Forgivingness of the environment: Injury mitigation by forgiving roadsides and crash prevention by forgiving (potential) errors/violations committed by road users;

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Task capability: users should be helped to assess their own task capability for participating in traffic.

2.1.3 Safe Community Programmes: The Safe Communities concept began its formal existence at the First World Conference on Accident and Injury Prevention held in Stockholm, Sweden, in September 1989. The resolution of the conference, states that ʺall human beings have an equal right to health and safety.ʺ This is a fundamental aspect of the World Health Organizations (WHO) Health for All strategy and for the WHO Global Programme on Accident Prevention and Injury Control.      

Hospitals or other health institutions record accident statistics systematically over a given period of time; Based on these accident records, the main accident problems in the local communities are identified; A steering group for accident prevention is set up, involving all parties which may help to prevent accidents, e.g. municipalities, schools, health services, police, voluntary organisations, industries, etc; A quantified target for accident reduction for a given period is set and measures are implemented; The resulting changes in the number of crashes and injuries are monitored closely and published; Measures are regularly evaluated and may result in changes in the targets or the safety programme.

2.1.4 The Netherlands’ Sustainable Safety vision: It has led to implementation of effective road safety measures. Infrastructure measures have reduced the number of fatalities by 30 per cent.

2.1.5 Way forward for developing nations: Land use planning aims to reduce the number of motorized trips and trip length. Segregate functions of access and movement to create safer road networks. Ensure good local planning of parking and circulation and design to be as self-enforcing as possible.        

Introduce and strictly enforce access control procedures. Introduce and strictly enforce development control procedures. Carry out a safety review of existing road networks to identify deficiencies and potential hazards. Introduce a formal Safety Audit of proposed new roads to maximize safety for all road users. Establish a road safety unit with a brief to identify and improve hazardous locations. Establish road hierarchy to minimize conflicts between access and movement needs and between types of road user Provide safe routes , networks and areas for pedestrians, cyclists and NMVs Introduce crash prevention activities ( safety audit , access control , road user education ) Introduce crash reduction activities at hazardous locations (accident blackspots, route action plans, area-wide action plans, mass action plans)

2.1.6 Improvement in the Policy and Regulatory Environment · 10 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

Legislate to require roads authorities to exercise access and development control on their road networks and ensure enforcement powers are adequate

Examine existing traffic laws, prosecution system and fines /penalties to ensure it is a sufficient deterrent and seek innovative ways to finance improvements for traffic calming.

2.2 Important terminologies used in the study: Accessibility : In transportation, accessibility refers to the ease of reaching destinations Accident : It occurs on a public road or on a private road to which the public has right of access.It involves at least one moving vehicle and at least one injured or killed person. It is reported by the police. Selfreporting is possible. ( Accident frequency: The rate of occurrence of accidents. This number determines how often a driver is involved in accidents, which can help predict losses and base a premium. Accident rate: The number of accidents that occurs per million vehicle miles of travel. Calculation of Accident Rates: The accident rate for a location is found by dividing the accident experience by the exposure: Accident Rate = Accidents / Exposure Arterial road: A road that predominantly carries through traffic from one region to another, forming principal avenues of travel for traffic movements.( Arterial road (urban) : A general term for a main traffic route, but specifically referring to certain streets so designated in a local authority’s district scheme.( Assessment: The technical process of identifying the outcomes of a particular action or proposal, compared with their intentions or objectives. ( Audit : An audit is a planned documentation and activity that examines compliance with the established standards or best practice requirements. An audit consists of a review, monitoring and an evaluation stage. It generally leads to a full report on compliance with best practice and provides recommendations and/or corrective actions if necessary. ( Bicycle : A two or three wheeled vehicle designed to be propelled solely by human power, or a two or three wheeled vehicle that is a power assisted pedal cycle. Casualty: A person killed or injured in a war or accident. A casualty is a person who is the victim of an accident, injury, or trauma. A person fatally injured, or who sustains injuries and is recorded as a personal injury in a collision/incident. Crash severity: A measure of the seriousness of a road traffic crash derived from the most severe casualty as a result of a crash, or if no casualty, from the value of property damage. The five levels are: 1. Fatal crash 2. Hospitalization crash (injury crash requiring hospitalization) 11 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

3. Medical treatment crash (injury crash requiring medical treatment) 4. Minor injury crash (injury crash requiring no medical treatment - i.e., minor injury, first-aid only required or extent of injury unknown) 5. Property damage only crash Crossing : A place where two roads, two railroad lines, or a road and a railroad line cross (, n.d.) Density : The quantity of people or things in a given area or space Black Spot: The location in a road where the traffic accidents often occur is called a Black Spot. An accident black spot is a term used in road safety management to denote a place where road traffic accidents have historically been concentrated. It may have occurred for a variety of reasons, such as a sharp drop or corner in a straight road, so oncoming traffic is concealed, a hidden junction on a fast road, poor or concealed warning signs at cross-roads etc.

2.4 Conceptual Literature: 2.4.1 Road Safety Assessment: RSA is carried out by an independent multidisciplinary RSA Team that typically consists of representatives from local law enforcement, road safety education, road/traffic engineering, emergency medical response, and an expert in human factors. An RSA can be a tool for public agencies to improve road safety and communicate to the public on how the agency is proactively addressing road safety concerns. (tiwari, 2013). They can also be used on any sized project from minor intersection and roadway retrofits to large transportation projects The aim of an RSA is to answer the following questions:  

What elements of the road may present a safety concern: to what extent, to which road users, and under what circumstances? What opportunities exist to eliminate or mitigate identified safety concerns?

The benefits of RSAs are that they:     

May help produce designs that reduce the number and severity of crashes May reduce costs by identifying safety issues and correcting them before projects are built Help promote awareness of safe road design practices Help integrate multimodal road safety concerns Help identify key human factor considerations

Road Safety Audit (RSA) is a review of a project to assess and identify the safety concerns of road users. In this RSA process emphasis is laid on improving safety for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. RSA can be carried out in the following cases: i) ii)

To evaluate the safety of an existing road or an infrastructure. To identify the safety concerns of a proposed infrastructure during the planning, design and implementation stages.

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Often, the safety considerations are ignored while planning transport projects, which later prove to have high socio - economic costs. For e.g. - death of an earning member of a household would impact his/her family in many different ways. Injuries may reduce the productivity of an individual, or may result in the loss of livelihood of the family. Road safety audits are applicable to diverse types of road projects and to all categories of roads in both urban and peri-urban areas. (tiwari, 2013) Road safety audits should be conducted on all road projects, such as: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Intersection design projects (signalized and non-signalized), Pedestrian and bicycle routes, Local area traffic management schemes in urban areas, Traffic calming measures in neighborhoods, Approaches to bridges, rail over/under bridges, Grade separators and interchanges, Implementation of Mass Rapid Transit System, etc.

The purpose of a road safety audit is to manage safety by identifying and addressing risks associated with road safety deficiencies. Auditing at different stages of a project, starting from the planning stage can lead to the timely elimination of problems and minimize time and costs of retrofitting roads/ transport infrastructure to improve safety at a later stage. The benefits of conducting a road safety audit are: a) b) c) d)

Identification of potentially unsafe locations along a road, Reducing the severity and likelihood of road accidents Reducing the need for costly remedial work by rationalizing the design, Minimizing the total cost of a project to the community by preventing accidents, disruption and trauma

When to conduct Road Safety Audit? The RSA process starts with the decision to build a new road, invest in reconstruction, widening or major maintenance of an existing road or simply to evaluate the safety aspects of an existing infrastructure. Road Safety Audits should be performed periodically since the planning stage of a roadway project, so as to ensure the safety aspects for all users are taken care at all the stages. It is recommended that RSA should be conducted in the following critical stages of a project life cycle.    

Feasibility stage (if any new proposal is made on existing infrastructure) Design stage Construction stage Maintenance stage

(tiwari, 2013). Once the detailed design of the proposed infrastructure is completed, the design stage audit needs to be undertaken. The deficiencies identified in the design audit, if any, are to be addressed by making necessary changes in the design of the proposed infrastructure/facility. The construction stage audit comes into picture when the project is under implementation after the approval of design drawings/ documents and the completion of the procurement process. The objective 13 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

of this audit is to check whether adequate safety measures are taken during construction. The final stage of the RSA process is termed as the monitoring stage. Monitoring stage audit needs to be carried out periodically during the service life of a project to ensure that the facility continues to serve road users in a safe manner.

Who should Conduct Road Safety Audit? The RSA process is framed in such a way that auditing shall be done at various stages of a project (Planning, Designing, Execution, and Maintenance etc.), and at each stage the person responsible for a specific stage would also be responsible for conducting the audit. For e.g. – Following is the list of people, who could be responsible for RSA at various stages of the project. a. Project Designer/ Engineer (Planning & Design Stage) - The person involved in designing or planning of the project will be responsible for conducting the feasibility and design stage audit. b. Site Engineer (Construction Stage) - The person involved in the execution or construction of the project will be responsible for the construction stage audit. c. Maintenance Engineer (Maintenance of existing Infrastructure) - The person involved in the maintenance of the existing infrastructure or in monitoring of a newly executed project will be responsible for the periodic audit. d. Administrators (Various Urban Local Bodies) – Administrators are responsible for ensuring better planning, construction and maintenance of infrastructure that is people-friendly. The checklists are simple enough for them to carry out themselves or to check on the work of their subordinates.

Relevant research referred: 1. Identification of Road Accidents Hot Spots in Varanasi using QGIS: This study to identify the prime vulnerable locations that require remedial measures. This analysis helped in identifying the safe road segments and isolated zones, which could efficiently be used as models in development of safer pathways. (chaudhary, 2015) 2. Using Road Safety Audit for Urban Streets to assess Road Infrastructure: The average individual risk of fatality in relation to the distance covered is thirty times higher in road transport that in the other modes. In case of road transportation, infrastructure facilities plays important role in safety of road users, mainly well maintenance road structure with proper marking and delineation. (Majithiya1, 2016) 3. Development of model for road accidents based on intersection parameters using regression models: Variation of accident rate with respect to intersection parameters is estimated. As number of intersections increase, accident rate increases, major traffic, unpaved shoulder, speed and turning radius have positive relation with accident rate. Minor traffic shows negative relation with accident rate. (Rao, 2015) 4. Road safety analysis using multi criteria approach: A case study in India: Multi criteria decision making methods have been used for analysis. Three methods have been considered viz., Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Fuzzy AHP and Simple Average Weighted (SAW) methods. The methodology suggested can be used to determine the level of contribution of parameters towards safety hazard. Accordingly, appropriate mitigation measures may be adopted. (kanuganti, 2016) 14 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

5. Study on Road Safety Index: RSI is a proven and highly cost effective process that assists with the production of safer roads. It should become a part of road design process in most of the road authorities in developing countries. Out of several engineering factors identified, certain important quantifiable parameters were measured and aggregated to a common base scale. It cover all the requirements to ensure accident free section in any road network. (1, 2015)

2.4 Empirical literature In 2016, Maruti Suzuki introduced the comprehensive ”Road Safety Index” and rated 8 cities as part of the India Road Safety Mission. In 2017, the scope of the study was widened, the methodology was revamped and additional parameters were included so as to come up with as comprehensive an index as possible.

Methodology : The road services has been divided into six sub services on the basis of their usage and infrastructure. These subservices are namely:     

Roadway Characteristics which comprises of the physical characteristics of road such as carriage width, intersections Traffic characteristics which comprises of indicators related to vehicular traffic flow on the road such as speed, road markings e.t.c Roadside characteristics which comprises of infrastructure lying aside of road such as street light, shoulders e.t.c Pavement characteristics which comprises of physical characteristics of pavements adjacent to roads. Miscellaneous characteristics includes intersection visibility, presence of median e.t.c

Road Safety Index: (RSI) RSI = Wi1 *i1+ Wi2 * i2+Wi3* i3 + Wi4*i4…..Win*in •

Where ‘n’ is number of groups that define the overall factors to contribute accident.

‘Wi’ is the relative weightage allocated with ith service characteristics.

‘i’ is the relative score of the characteristic.

2.5 Learnings: Speed • Exceeding speed limit results in unsafe conditions. Speed limit signage, traffic calming measures are required to control speed. Traffic volume • It is required to understand proportion of different users present on the road which has influence on specific infrastructure requirements. For example, pedestrian crossing facilities etc. Pedestrian, cyclist and motorist safety 15 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

• Pedestrians are mostly concerns about shortest path; they are not willing to wait beyond 60 seconds at signalized junctions. Cyclists mostly look for continuity and riding quality of road surface. For both pedestrian and cyclist security (Crime) is important. They avoid lonely and poorly lit places. • For motorized vehicles, any trees, side railing, raised median (more than 150 cm) or any vertical objects etc. is a hazard. Road geometry for pedestrian, bicyclist and motorist • Minimum pedestrian and cyclists geometric design requirements should be meet. For motorized vehicles, horizontal and vertical curves should be designed for safe speed limits. Bus stops/stations • Bus stops require because of large number of commuter’s boarding and alighting. Specific checklist is provided to look into safety of bus stops or metro stations. Educational facilities • Educational facilities are required because of presence of children and teenagers. Specific checklist is provided to look into safety of educational facilities

Figure 8:Urban road safety parameters

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Chapter 3: Case study area Lucknow city has been experiencing high growth of population over the years, which can be attributed to high natural growth and migration from the adjacent rural areas and towns with expectation of better employment and livelihood opportunity. The total road length of Lucknow city is 3387 K.m, which includes 73 k.m of N.H and 12.5 k.m of SH, and rest arterial and sub arterial.

3.1 Historicity of the city: Lucknow is the capital city of Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state of India. Lucknow had a population of 3,647,834 in 2001.The estimated population of Lucknow in 2010 is more than 50 lakh. Lucknow is also the administrative headquarters of Lucknow District and Lucknow Division. According to Government of India, the Lucknow district is one of the ninety Minority Concentrated Districts in India, shown by 2001 census data on population, socio-economic indicators and basic amenities indicators. The City covers an area of 980 bounded by 26.30 degree & 27.10 degree North Latitude and 80.30 degree & 81.13 degree East Longitude. Today, Lucknow is a vibrant city that is witnessing an economic boom and is among the top ten fastest growing m (Road traffic injury prevention , 2004) (Mobility and transport, 2015) (coles, 2018)etropolitan cities of India. Located in what was historically known as the Awadh region, Lucknow has always been a multicultural city.It is also known as the Golden City of the East, Shiraz-i-Hind and the Constantinople of India. Lucknow is popularly known as the the City of Nawabs. The Gomti River, meanders through the city, dividing it into the Trans-Gomti and Cis-Gomti regions.It is the second largest city in Uttar Pradesh state. Courtly manners, beautiful gardens, poetry, music, and fine cuisine patronized by the Persian-loving Shia Nawabs of the city are well known amongst Indians and students of South Asian culture and history.

Figure 9: Evolution of Lucknow City

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Source: CMP 2011 Lucknow

3.2 Land Use Distribution: The municipal area was 92 Sq Km in 1987 and increased to 163 Sq Km in 2005. The Lucknow Master Plan prepared during 2004-05 for the year 2021 covers an area of 980 Sq Km. Residential use has grown dramatically in comparison to all other uses, although there has also been notable growth in commercial, industrial and public service land use. The percentage of area under traffic and transportation use has decreased from 10.38% in 1987 to 7.62% in 2004-05. However, a provision of 16% of total land use has been made under traffic and transportation in Lucknow Master Plan 2021. (Authority)

Figure 10: Lucknow Master plan 2031

The proposed master plan shows that the residential use is going to contribute around 49% 0f the land use and the recreational landuse is given second

Figure 11: Proposed landuse

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most importance with 20% of the area under it. Then the transportation carries out 16% of the landuse in the proposal. Public services landuse has 7% contribution, industrial landuse has 4% and commercial landuse has 3% of the contribution. Be it the cultural charm or the monumental, all are well conserved here to make Lucknow "The city of many splendors". Lucknow - The upcoming METRO is a hallmark of cultural extravaganza, known all over the world for its many splendors. The unique combination of its cultured grace and newly acquired pace is its most promising feature that augurs well for the future. A city that has a magical charm, a charm that's forever and a charm that's apart.

3.3 Historicity of the study area: Lucknow city has the following distinct centers, which attract people and traffic: Heritage Centers or Tourist Centers: The main tourist attraction centers of Lucknow city are: Bara Imamabad, Chita Imamabad, Rum Darwaza –located on the Northwest of the Bara Imambara and Sikandar Bagh. Commercial Centers: Lucknow has seen a radial growth but the city centre continues to remain the hub of commercial activities. Old City areas of Aminabad, Chowk, Hazratganj, Kapurthala-Bhootnath Chowk, Aminabad-Latouche Road (Gautam Buddha Marg) etc. are the main commercial areas of Lucknow city. Industrial Centers – Although Lucknow is primarily an administrative city, it also has an industrial base, which includes industries relating to aeronautics, machine tools, distillery chemicals, furniture and chikan embroidery etc. Lucknow city is traditionally associated with chikan Figure 12: Development centres in Lucknow embroidery work on readymade garments, sarees, etc. with most units being small-scale and household-based and are located in the old city area. The state Government, which it is fulfilling very actively, and enthusiastically have entrusted Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) with the responsibility of planning and development of Lucknow. The Authority (LDA) has prepared “Lucknow Master Plan-2021” for guided and planned development of the city in future by taking into consideration the requirements for overall development and is planning and developing the envisaged infrastructure. Educational Centers: Lucknow is a hub of education and research and many premier institutions are located in and around the city. The Indian Institute of Management (IIM-Lucknow), Chhatrapati Shahuji 19 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

Maharaj Medical University, University of Lucknow, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, etc. are some of the most prominent educational hubs in the city. Prominent institutes of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research like Central Drug Research Institute, Indian Toxicological Research Centre, National Botanical Research Institute, and Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Maps are also located in the city. Transport Terminals: Railway Stations, Airport and Bus & Truck Terminal – Lucknow is well connected by roadways, railways and airways. A large number of passengers/ commuters and goods across the state of Uttar Pradesh and the country use these modes daily to and from Lucknow, and thereby creates an impact on city’s transport infrastructure. The main railway station is Lucknow Railway Station at Charbagh, which on an average handles 60,000 passengers daily. It is a major junction with links to all major cities of the state and country. Lucknow has further thirteen more railway stations, viz. Alamnagar, Malhaur, Utretia, Transport Nagar, Dilkhusha, Gomti Nagar, Badshahnagar, Manak Nagar, Amausi, Aishbagh junction, Lucknow City, Daliganj and Mohibullapur. Other suburban stations include Bakshi Ka Talab and Kakori. Chaudary Charan Singh Airport, located on the southern side of the city along Kanpur road, handles about 4000 passengers daily, out of which 17% of them have either origin or destination abroad. Similarly, the Bus Terminal located at Alambagh, run by UPSRTC, is another point of traffic generator. Lucknow city has one Transport Nagar at Alambagh along Kanpur road that attracts approximately 4800 trucks daily and plays a significant role in terms of freight movement in Lucknow city. Vehicles :The growth trend of registered vehicles in Lucknow city shows an increase in personalised vehicles consisting two wheelers and four wheelers over the last five years. The increase in private vehicle registration indicates predominant use of personalised modes to fulfill city’s mobility needs in the absence of properly organised public transport system in the city.

Table 1: Overall LOS in City

Source: CMP 2011, Lucknow

The city has been examined on basis of major 10 indicators of road infrastructure level of service and the result obtained shows that none of the indicator has better level of service. The level of service of road safety is found very poor and it shows that there is a need to study the linkages of road safety at city scale by solving the issues at stretch level. 20 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

Growth of registered vehicles in Lucknow 1500000 1000000 500000 0







Vehicles registered Figure 14:Growth of registered vehicles

Figure 13: Types of Vehicles, CMP

The total number of vehicles registered in Lucknow city has increased from 2, 62,291 in 1994 to 9, 72,127 in 2008 to further 10,10,226 in 2009. The total registered vehicles (on-road) in Lucknow, as per the available data, were 11 lakh as in March 2010. The growth rate is very high for two wheelers and carsjeep-van category, which are personalized modes and occupy significant proportion of road space. Table 2: Accident prone wards

Accident prone areas 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

2015 Fatal accident

2015 Grievously injured

2016 Fatal accident

2016 Grievously injured

Source: RTO Lucknow

The Sarojni nagar ward is highly vulnerable in terms of mobility as the injury and accidents are highest in the city compared to all other wards. The above graph shows the wards with blackspot regions and their severity in terms of type of accidents. These are the 20 main locations marked by the zonal police stations and the trend analysis says that there is high increase in number of accidents and injuries in sarojini nagar ward. So for the further study, the case area choosen is “Sarojini nagar�. The road stretches of sarojini nagar has to marked with accident location to figure out the conflict points and 21 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

Table 3 Fatalities


Vibhuti khand Indira nagar Hssan ganj Gomtinagar Godamba Gazipur Sarojni nagar PGI Madiyon Krishna nagar Hazratganj Gosaiganj Gomtinagar Gautampalli Etaunja Chinhat Cant BKT Aashiyana Alambagh 0







The fatalities recorded in Sarojini nagar area is found highest in city so the severity level of road stretches in the ward is taken for further study.

3.4 Significance Road Network Total length of road network in Lucknow city is 620 kms, which includes 73 km of NH; 12.5 km of State Highways and the rest are of arterial and sub-arterial roads. Road inventory carried out under CMP had analysed in terms of parameters like type of road, Right of Way (RoW), carriageway, availability of footpath etc. that shows that the road network in the city has not been able to cope up with the growing demand for mobility of the city. The network is not developed enough to cater to the multimodal trip behaviour of the city populace and the ever-increasing trips with the rise in population and growth of vehicle registration. The survey undertaken revealed that 37% of road network in the study area have Right of Way (RoW) between 20 to 30 meters, 32% of road network has RoW of 10 to 20 meters, and 1% of the road network has RoW above 50 meters. Thirty percent of road network have abutting land use as mixed land-use. Seventy percent of road network do not have proper signages. The city is struggling with inadequate infrastructure provision for the road users and it is leading towards more congestion, high accident rates and more vulnerability for locals. Average speed observed in the city is only 15 kmph, whereas, the average speed in old areas such as Aminabad, Chowk, Hazratganj has been found to be 6 to 9 kmph during peak hours. The low speed profile is due to the following reasons: Heterogeneous traffic, mixing of slow moving vehicles with fast moving vehicles Pedestrian movement on the carriageway due to non-availability of footpath, Encroachment on the carriageway by the street22 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

hawkers, Reduction in actual carriageway width due to unauthorised on street parking, Poor road geometrics.

Figure 15 Distribution of road by carriageway

Figure 16 Distribution of ROW

Souce: CMP 2011 , Lucknow

The National Highways passing through Lucknow serve a variety of functions, including but not limited to the provision of direct access to properties, pedestrian paths, bus routes, private vehicles and catering for through traffic that is not related to immediate land uses. Apart from the NH, most other roads serve more than one function to varying degrees, but it is clear that the mixing of incompatible functions has been leading to problems. Further, due to lack of proper enforcement mechanism, on-street parking takes place along most of the roads in Lucknow. These objectives and design criteria are aimed at achieving an efficient road system whereby conflicts between the roadway and the adjacent land use are minimised and the appropriate level of interaction between the roadway and land use is permitted. .Encroachment along theses arterials should be removed with enforcement. Violators should be heavily fined.

The values of volume by capacity (V/C) ratio of some of the highly congested roads of Lucknow city shows, majority of the roads have v/c ratio greater than one (1), even in the base year. Ideally for C level of service (urban roads), the desired value of v/c ratio is 1. The value of v/c ratio more than 1 indicates need for improvement / management measures. Figure 17: Congested roads( CMP Lucknow)

Unprecedented growth in vehicles on the roads and a stagnant length of road network are characteristic reasons for increasing congestion. However, components like heavy mixing of slow and fast moving traffic, presence of at-grade railway crossings, parking alongside roads, etc are specific features that also cause congestion in Lucknow city.

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Forty-one percent (Walk-17%, Bycycle-16%, Cycle Rickshaw-8%) of trips in Lucknow are made by nonmotorised transport (NMT); but the facilities available are grossly inadequate. The objective should be to provide continuous, encroachmentfree pedestrian and NMT facilities across the city. In Lucknow, the road network is found devoid of foot-paths. This makes the pedestrians use carrigeway for walking. Many a time it has been observed that the pedestrians use the road without least concern for the vehicular traffic. This leads to accidents. Hence, it is necessary that foot-paths should be provided along the main roads. A significant amount of pedestrian traffic was observed at various intersections in the city. In Figure 18: Congested Nodes,CMP order to have safe movement of pedestrians at the intersections, it is necessary to include a separate “Pedestrian Phase” or “All Red” phase in the cycle of the traffic lights. This will ensure safe crossing of pedestrian at signalized junctions.

Figure 19: Existing road signages in city

Figure 20: Existing road medians in city

This map shows the status of road median of the city and it is seen that 65% of the roads have undivided median. It can be an important element to reduce road collissions. The next figure shows the existing status of road signages in the city. The city is lacking with road signages in 55 % of its road hierarchy. So this both elements are an important factor of reducing collissions on road.

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Figure 21: On-street parking status of roads.

The City accounts around 30% of roads with high on street parking. This is major indication of severity level as ROW keeps on changing. This leads to change in function of the road pavements and results out as congestion or collision.

3.5 Problems Observed: UP has the dubious distinction of ranking 1st on All India Basis in number of fatal accidents. In UP, 86% accidents result in fatalities or grievous injury. In All India Basis, 53% accidents result in fatalities or grievous injury. Lucknow city accidents data estimates 25% of the accidents turns into fatality. It is observed that all the intersections of Lucknow are catering to heavy volume of traffic and there is always traffic congestion during peak hour. The selected intersections do not have proper geometric design, traffic management plan and lack in infrastructure facilities for pedestrians, nonmotorised traffic and public transport. The traffic problems and chaos during peak hours lead to loss of fuel and valuable time of users and also results in air and noise pollution putting human life in health risks and safety hazards. The V/C ratio of 10 identified stretches in the City Mobility Plan shows that the level of service of those roads are found very poor. The Kanpur road stretch has been taken for case study and has the highest share of inbound traffic compared to all other interlinking roads.

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3.5 Delineation of study area: 3.5. 1. The accident locations are marked on the base map of Lucknow City

Figure 22: Basemap of City.

Source: Author Traffic movement characteristics


Malihabad road SH-25


There are 6 administrative zones in the city of Lucknow and the number of fatalities and road injuries are spread throughout the city.

Sitapur road NH-24 12% 23%

Faizabad road NH 28 Gosaiganh road NH

15% 15%

Allahabad road NH 24B

The Kanpur NH has 23% contribution in the inbound traffic of the city and it poorest level of service according to the City Mobility plan report.

Kanpur road NH25 13%

Mohan road SH40

Majority of the accidents are falling in the 6th zone of the city. And the most no of conflict points seen on the map are in the Sarojini nagar ward.

Figure 23; Traffic movemnt characteristics

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3.5.2 Road accident cluster density mapping:

Figure 24: Cluster density map

Source: Author

This map shows that there are seven clusters of accidents and highest density of the cluster is in Sarojini nagar ward in the 5th zone of the City. There is an overlay of all types of accidents on stretches and types of roads existing in the City. Here the road stretches vulnerability is not mapped and the severity is not considered so this is an overlay analysis for identifying the major vulnerable clusters of the city. There are majorly 6 blackspots seen according to the generated map and the blackspot with the highest density falls under 5th zone of the city. 27 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

Table 4: Accident severity

Accident severity SIL/ Daroga Kheda RTO Office Gauri bazar Chawraha Nadarganj Chawraha RTO Office Airport Chawraha Gauri bazar Chawraha Scoter India Chawraha RTO Office Eco Garden Kailash purl Bus Stop Govind road VIP road Kanpu road 0 Severity Fatality accident





Grievously injured accident Road chainage

Source: RTO Lucknow This are major indicators used for hotspot mapping for identifying the road stretches with the possible vulnerability.

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3.5.3 Kernel density estimation Kernel density estimation is an interpolation technique, which is a method for generalizing incident locations to an entire area. In short, interpolation techniques generalize the collisions over the study region.

Figure 25: Kernel density mapping

Kernel density estimation:       

number of injury accidents per kilometre per year number of casualties per injury accident number of deaths per 100 casualties Road chainage Grievous accidents Fatalities Injuries

29 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

Figure 26: Zone 5 roads mapping all accident locations

Source: Author

There are three road selected for the case study and they are found vulnerable in the spatial analysis. The estimation has predicted the most vulnerable stretches for the case study so the identified stretches are the :   

Kanpur road VIP road Govind road

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Chapter 4 : Data Collection and Analysis This chapter is focused on the data collection of the case study area. It will highlight method of data collection, type of primary and secondary data needed. It will also highlight the type of survey required. Then it will also focus on the data analysis of the identified road stretches in perspective of road safety

4. Data Collection: Data collection has been done to understand the situation of the case area and how the congestion issue is affecting the commercial activity of the case area. To achieve the result, data has been collected as per requirement. Data collection is divided into two parts. First one is the primary data collection and second is the secondary data collection. Primary data collection, which is collected through the surveys, interviews etc. and the secondary data collection, has done in terms of the report, newspaper, land use etc.

4.1 Methods of data collection The collection of data is done through the different methods of data collection. The method of data collection is very useful and it makes easy to collect the data. The methods which have done during fieldwork.

4.1.1 Qualitative Data Collection This method is widely used during a field survey in terms of surveys/questionnaire or the data which is already available etc. Qualitative data collection has been done in two days during fieldwork.

Surveys/Questionnaires This is the most common method can either be self-administered or administered by someone else and can be face-to-face, telephone, mail, or web-based. From this method, data which is collected from the shops and customers.

Existing Data This kind of secondary data is often used in conjunction with survey data. It includes census data, knowledge/attitude/ behavior (KAB) studies, Vehicles statistics, Land use Data, etc. secondary data have been collected during fieldwork. From several departments, they provided the data related to the case.

4.1.2 Quantitative Data Collection This method is also helpful during the survey. During the survey, observation has been done to understand the issues of the case area and what is the reason behind the issue and how it can be solved for the betterment of the case area. Observations • Looking at what is happening rather than directly questioning participants 31 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

Used to better understand behaviors, their social context, and meanings attached to them

Useful for certain populations

Can identify unanticipated outcomes

Interviews Through the interviews, some idea has been given by the officers about the condition of the area which is very useful for the thesis. The interviews with police superintendent officer of the Lucknow city which tells about the blackspot measures they are taking. Also, the interview with the Transport Department Officer which tell us the issues related to the traffic in the market area.

4.2 Data Requirements for the Study Area The data which is required to collect during the field, work. I have divided the data into three parts.     

Data Related to the Road characteristics Data Related to the Traffic characteristics Data related to Road side characteristics Pavement characteristics Pedestrian and bicyclist elements.

4.3 Data Collected Data collection which is done between 7th February to 13th February. In that, the surveys have done and also meeting with the officers. Transportation-related survey has been done and speed measures, footpath and pedestrian accessibility, signanges, lighting for pedestrains, types of intersections are marked with their level of service. Also, then meeting with the Transport Department Officer, Municipal Commissioner and Superintendent Police for collecting their views.

Figure 27:Detail of the work plan

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4.3.1 Road Inventory The primary survey which have done on the road infrastructure condition and what are the facility is available in the area. The Kanpur road identified with higher severity is selected for further study of safety assessment.

Table 5 Road Inventory

4.3.2 Volume Count: Traffic Volume Count is counting of number of vehicles passing through a road over a period. It is usually expressed in terms of Passenger Car Unit (PCU) and measured to calculate Level of Service of the road and related attributes like congestion, carrying capacity, V/C Ratio, identification of peak hour or extended peak hour etc.

Table 6: PCU count

Table 7: Level of service

4.3.3 Speed measure: This survey was done to collect road speed performance of the identified stretches.

Table 8: SPI

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4.3.4 Pedestrian count: The upward and downward pedestrian flow was marked and this is the result of pedestrian level of service. The infrastructure present in the exsiting situation is found poor or average in terms. Table 9: Pedestrian LOS

5. Secondary data collected: 5.1 Road accident causes

Causes observed



Jumping Red Light

Wrong side

Chaning Lanes


Using Mobile



Figure 28: Causes observed

Source: RTO Lucknow

The excess speed is the major cause recorded for road accidents. Then human factors are the cause of accidents. Overtaking, Alcohol, Chaning lanes, Using mobile and jumping red light are all human factors leading to road accident.

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5.2 Distribution of age of Victims

Age distribution of victims > 60 years 45 - 60 years 35 - 45 years 25 - 35 years 18 - 25 years < 18 years 0






The elderly age population and youth are the major victims observed in the recorded data.

6. Data analysis: 6.1 Road Safety Index: In 2016, Maruti Suzuki introduced the comprehensive ”Road Safety Index” and rated 8 cities as part of the India Road Safety Mission. In 2017, the scope of the study was widened, the methodology was revamped and additional parameters were included so as to come up with as comprehensive an index as possible. Methodology : The road services has been divided into six sub services on the basis of their usage and infrastructure. These subservices are namely:     

Roadway Characteristics which comprises of the physical characteristics of road such as carriage width, intersections Traffic characteristics which comprises of indicators related to vehicular traffic flow on the road such as speed, road markings e.t.c Roadside characteristics which comprises of infrastructure lying aside of road such as street light, shoulders e.t.c Pavement characteristics which comprises of physical characteristics of pavements adjacent to roads. Miscellaneous characteristics includes intersection visibility, presence of median e.t.c

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Table 11:Main factors of RSI

Table 10: LOS level in RSI

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RSI : Wi1 *i1+ Wi2 * i2+Wi3* i3 + Wi4*i4…..Win*in •

Where ‘n’ is number of groups that define the overall factors to contribute accident.

‘Wi’ is the relative weightage allocated with ith service characteristics.

‘i’ is the relative score of the characteristic.

RSI for Arterial road: 0.35*56 + 0.26*73 + 0.18* 51 + 0.13*60 + 0.09*46 = 0.56 RSI for Collector road: 0.35*52 + 0.26*85 + 0.18* 38 + 0.13*65 + 0.09*41 = 0.55 RSI for Local road: 0.35*30 + 0.26*58 + 0.18* 13 + 0.13*35 + 0.09*16 = 0.31

Table 12: RSI ranking of roads

This study gave ranking of the roads based on Road safety Index.

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6.2 Road Safety Assessment: It is review of a project to assess and identify the safety concerns of road users. In this RSA process emphasis is laid on improving safety for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists.

Collector road:

Local road:

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Chapter 5 Strategies and Proposals This Chapter is focusing on the solution to the road traffic safety for selected stretches in City. This chapter will detail out strategies to reduce accident. Through traffic management, traffic congestion will reduce. The road accident reduction can be only done with holistic framework at city scale, so the first proposal is City level intervention.

5.1 City level intervention: 1. Development of decision framework by combining RSI+RSA as a toolkit for development of safer road.

Decision tool for development of road



2. To install Road Accident Analysis System in the six zone of the city.

5.2 Speed Calming measures: 5.2.1 Circular hump: The profile of a circular shaped hump is based on the shape of a circular arc with a radius varying from 11m to 113m and a chord length varying from 3.0m to 9.5m to achieve the desired speed of 20km/h to 50 km/h.

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Figure 29: Circular hump

5.2.2 Speed cushions and thermoplastic thumps: A speed cushion is a short, raised, rounded device, normally in the centre of a road lane. They can contribute to the reduction in the number and severity of accidents. They can reduce the volume of through traffic. Speed cushions are effective at reducing motor vehicle speeds. Speed humps are expected to reduce accidents by around 44%. Motor vehicles are likely to travel at around 17mph over a speed cushion. If there's a series of speed cushions, motor vehicles are likely to travel at 22 mph between them.

Figure 30: Thermoplastic humps

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5.3 Proposal for dedicated pedestrian lane & Bicycle lane at VIP road stretch

5.4 Action plan for Bicyclist, Pedestrain, Motorvehicles: 5.4.1 Action plan for Bicyclist: Reduce bicycle crashes at intersections:   

Improve intersection geometry Improve visibility at intersections Improve signing

Reduce bicycle crashes along roadway:  

Provide safe roadway facilities for parallel travel Provide contraflow bicycle lane.

Reduce motor vehicle speeds:  

Implement traffic calming techniques Implement speed enforcement

Reduce bicycle crashes at midblock crossings:  

Improve driveway intersections Implement access management

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Improve safety awareness and behavior:  

Provide bicyclist skill education Improve enforcement of bicycle-related laws

Increase use of bicycle safety equipment:    

Increase use of bicycle helmets Increase rider and bicycle conspicuity. Fix or remove surface irregularities Provide routine maintenance of bicycle facilities

5.4.2 Action plan for pedestrians: Improve pedestrian and Motorist Safety Awareness and Behavior:    

Install or upgrade Traffic and pedestrian signals Construct pedestrian refuge islands and raised medians Provide vehicle restriction/diversion measures Install overpasses/underpasses

Reduce Vehicle Speed:    

Implement road narrowing measures Install traffic calming – road section Install traffic calming – intersection Provide school route improvements

Improve Sight Distance and/or Visibility Between Motor Vehicles and Pedestrians:   

Implement lighting/crosswalk illumination measure Eliminate screening by physical objects Signals to alert motorists that pedestrians are crossing

Reduce pedestrian exposure to vehicular traffic:  

Provide education, outreach and training. Implement enforcement campaigns.

5.4.3 Action plan for Motorised vehicles: Reduce the number of motorcycle crashes: 

Expand existing impaired driving prevention programs to include motorcycle riders and specific motorcycle events

Increase the visibility of motorcyclists:

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Increase awareness of the causes of crash due to unlicensed riders

Reduce the severity of motorcycle crashes: 

Increase the use of compliant helmets.

Increase motorcycle rider safety awareness: 

Increase awareness of the consequences of aggressive riding, riding while fatigued or impaired, unsafe riding, and poor traffic strategies

Increase safety enhancements for motorcyclists: 

Include motorcycle in research and development

5.5 Use of retro reflective signages: Retroreflective sheeting is flexible retroreflective material primarily used to increase the nighttime conspicuity of traffic signs, high-visibility clothing, and other items so they are safely and effectively visible in the light of an approaching driver's headlamps. It is also used as a material to increase the scanning range of barcodes in factory settings. The sheeting consists of retroreflective glass beads, micro prisms, or encapsulated lenses sealed onto a fabric or plastic substrate. Retroreflectivity describes the efficiency of a material to redirect light back to its source, which when applied to signs, makes seeing the message easier. There are three types of retroreflective sheeting that used: engineering grade, high intensity prismatic, and diamond grade. Each type of sheeting provides a different level of reflectivity and durability. Engineering grade retroreflective sheeting is the standard sheeting that you might find on property and parking signs. Engineering grade, or EG, sheeting can be seen from about 500 feet away. High intensity prismatic retroreflective sheeting (HIP sheeting), is commonly used on official traffic signs, just like the ones in your own neighborhood. HIP sheeting offers three times the reflectivity that EG does, and can be seen from about 1000 feet away. The most reflective sheeting is diamond grade retroreflective. Diamond grade sheeting is the best choice for roadways, as it offers the highest visibility from the furthest distances. Diamond grade retroreflective sheeting also lasts the longest, making it the best investment long-term.

Figure 31: Retroreflective Signages :(

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References 1, S. K. (2015). Study on Road Safety Index. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,. Arowolo Matthew Oluwole, M. R. (2014). DEVELOPING A CONCEPTUAL ROAD SAFETY FRAMEWORK TO CONSTRUCT ROAD SAFETY REGRESSION OUTCOME . ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences . Authority, L. D. (n.d.). Lucknow Master plan 2021. chaudhary, J. (2015). Identification of road accidents hotspot using Qgis in Varanasi. Proceedings of National Conference on Open Source GIS: Opportunities and Challenges Department of Civil Engineering, IIT(BHU), Varanasi . coles, S. (2018). Evolution of road safety. Retrieved from kanuganti, S. (2016). Road safety analysis using multi criteria approach. World conference on transport research. M. El Gameh, A. E. (2014). Quantitative Analysis and Study on the Evolution of Road Safety. International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology. Majithiya1, D. P. (2016). Using Road Safety Audit for Urban Streets to. SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (SSRG-IJCE) – volume 3 Issue 5. Mobility and transport. (2015). Retrieved from ement_system/the_evolution_of_road_safety_management_for_results_en. Rao, D. N. (2015). Development of model for road accidents based on intersection parameters using regression models . International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5. Road traffic injury prevention . (2004). WHO. tiwari, G. (2013). Urban Road safety audit. MOUD. (n.d.).

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Arterial road:

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Collector road:

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Local road:

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57 | A n k i t P a t e l ( 2 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 8 , B . p l a n , 2 0 1 4 - 1 8 )

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