Portfolio Architecture

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a r c h i t e c t u r e u r b a n p l a n n i n g

PORTFOLIO Anna Branzanti

Anna Branzanti Bologna (Italy)

(+39) 333-6395528 skype_ annaseattle anna.branzanti928@gmail.com

(+39) 3336395528 skype_ annaseattle anna.branzanti928@gmail.com


(architectural fields)

2017 Jan - today Studio Arkit & Par tners_Architecture Technology & Environment, Bologna (IT) Project Architect - free lance

2015 April 2016 Oct

SmithGroupJJR_Architecture Engeneering and Planning. 301 Battery St, San Francisco, CA 94111 (USA)

2014 April-May

Studio Plicchi _ Prof. Ing. Gianni Plicchi. Via Zaccherini Alvisi 6A, Bologna (IT)

2013 Aug-Sept

Ecole de Patrimoine Africain de Por to-Novo (BEN)

2010 fall

Agence d’Architecture 5+1AA _ Alfonso Femia e Gianluca Peluffo architects. 7501055, Rue des petites écuries, Paris (FR)

Architect I at the Healthcare Studio Internship at the technical studio Internship and thesis research




2014 summer

License to practice architecture in Italy,

2008 - 2014

Università degli Studi di Ferrara (IT)

2011 - 2012

Université Libre de Bruxelles, faculté d’Architecture La Cambre-Hor ta (BE)

2003 - 2008

Liceo Scientifico “Enrico Fermi”, Bologna (IT)

2006 - 2007

“The Bush School” high school, Seattle, Washington (USA)

2013 April

Mimar Sinan Fine Ar ts University of Istanbul (TR)

2012 March

La Cambre ULB (BE) and Architecture University of Tétouan (MA)

2012 January

Ecole de Patrimoine Africain de Por to-Novo (BEN) and La Cambre ULB (BE)

University of Firenze, Faculty of Architecture.

Master’s Degree in Architecture & Urban Design, 110/110 with honours. Erasmus Student

High school scientific studies, 97/100 Exchange AFS student, 3.8/4 gpa

“Living Tomorrow_ Istanbul 2013”

“Les mosquées de la Medina de Tétouan”

“Espaces publics de Porto-Novo _ Inventaire, cartographie, vade-mecum, gestion urbaine et coopération « Sud-sud » entre Porto-Novo (Bénin) et Lubumbashi (RDC)”.

(+39) 3336395528 skype_ annaseattle anna.branzanti928@gmail.com

Competences LANGUAGES

Italian English


Native L1 fluent speaking - high proficiency writing

[3.9/4 .0 gpa English class in Seattle - 2007, Esol Certificate Level B2 - 2010]


very good/fluent speaking - good competence writing



“Africa Urbana. Esperienze di rigenerazione”

Paesaggio Urbano - Urban Design, Maggioli Editore, n° 4.2015, p.64-75.

“Stazione Ferrociclabile “

Domus Aurea, Edizioni Rendi, Sept 2010







Sketch Up


Rhinoceros 3D



Microsoft Office


Analog & Digital Photography Drawing & Hand Drafting Traveling Sport & Yoga

- Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196 del 30 giugno 2003 -






urban planning & p r o j e c t l a n d s c a p e

h o u s i n g

VNGC: Sutter Health Acute Care - Women’s & Children’s Hospital.

Port de Nouveaux Échanges: redevelopment of the lagoon waterfront

TownHousing: residential complex in the ex-Lambretta district

San Francisco, California

Porto-Novo, Bénin

RSA Rapolla Aging: Nursing Home. Rapolla (PZ), Italy

Milano Lambrate, Italy

34 w o r s h i p & c u l t u r e

40 o f f i c e s

46 hospitality

MosquĂŠe de la Ligue: a new cultural center

Land Shaping: Hera business complex

The New Palm: Business HĂ´tel

Bruxelles, Belgium

Rovigo, Italy

Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Seeding Beach: Eco-Lodge Jacqueville, Ivory Coast



Van Ness & Geary Campus CPMC Sutter - Women’s and Children’s Hospital in downtown San Francisco, California.

Mobilization, Demolition, Escavation & Shoring: Dec 2013 - Dec 2014 Construction: Jan 2015 - June 2018 Surface: 990,000 sf (92’000 m2) Cost: 2 billions (USD) Client: Sutter Health Architects: SmithgroupJJR - SF Integrated Project Delivery


990,000 sq ft

(92’000 m2)

12 hospital floors 5 living roof gardens

(25 000 sq ft)


licensed patient beds

435 underground

parking spaces

The Van Ness and Geary Campus represents a new location for Sutter’s Acute care Women’s & Children’s Hospital, obtained through the demolition of the pre-existing Cathedral Hill Hotel, started in 2013. The site occupies a full city-block, containing approximately 106,000 square feet of lot area and it currently represents the second most expensive project under construction in the US. The Van Ness & Geary Campus has been planned and built using Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) process: more than 250 team members (designers, engeneers, contractors, subcontractors and owner representatives) work alongside, in offices across the street from the building project, designing the project in a 3D environment. Integrated Project Delivery is a cohesive design and construction approach to the project, meant to improve communication and increase productivity, while bringing more attention to design quality and error reduction, using as far as possible, lean production methods (maximize costumer value while minimizing waste, in order to produce the most cost-efficient results throughout the project’s lifecycle). The campus has a lightweight structural steel system that significantly improves the resource and energy effectiveness of the project. From a design point of view,


together with creating a more personal and comfortable space, connected to the community and patient-family focus, sustainability has been one of the main design tools: incorporating a 100 percent filtered outside air system, highly-diverse vegetated exteriors, healthy building materials and water conservation tactics results in a setting that promotes the health of patients, staff, and visitors. The project aims for LEED certification. The program includes a rich and complex combination of public and staff spaces. Support and work areas are located in the podium of the building, together with admitting areas, a cafeteria, conference spaces and an emergency department, centrally located on a major transit route within San Francisco. The women’s and children’s program includes private patient rooms of different deparments (labor and delivery, postpartum, neo-natal ICU’s, pediatrics and pediatric ICUs, acute care), which are located along the perimeter of the tower (Level 6 to Level 10); Level 11 is dedicated to the Executive Administration, with various offices and suites. In the entire building, architectcural items as feature walls, colorful folded planes, portals and dropped ceilings are used as wa yfinding tools, where nature’s elements have been used as essential symbiothic relationships to health and healing.


Executive Admin Acute Care Acute Care Postpartum Pediatric Acute Care ICU & Respiratory Care NICU, Antepartum & LDR Integrated Invasive Services Emergency

Imaging / Nuc Med

Lobby - Dining - Admin - Conference - Support Parking - Discharge - Conference - Support Parking Garage Parking Garage

Overall Section North-South, Looking East

The hospital is in the heart of “earthquake country,� located 6.8 mi from the San Andreas Fault. It is designed to be able to safely remain open and continue providing essential services after a major earthquake or other disaster, thanks to the Viscous Wall Dampers. Bolted floor to floor to the structural steel floor beams and in case of earthhquake, these dampers act as shock absorbers, to dissipate the damaging energy of the seismic event using the shear resistance force of a highly viscous fluid. While pretty common in Japan, Van Ness & Geary Campus is the first project in the US using this technology.



Physicians Dining

Engeneering Central Sterile



Biomedical Engeneering

Materials Management

Conference EVS



Floor Plan sample - Level 2 View of the Entrance Lobby - Level 1


View of the campus from the Site Office located between Van Ness Ave & Post Street

for more informations about “Van Ness and Geary Campus”: >>http://vng.cpmc2020.org/





RSA Rapolla Preliminary Project for a Nursing Home in Rapolla, Italy proposition: March 2019 Surface: 5’800 m2

Client: private Architects: Studio Arkit & Partners


The Rapolla RSA is the first nursing home proposed for a little italian town in the region of Basilicata. Considering the main constraint of the site, represented by its high slopes on various directions, the building has been developed on different levels, raising from - and within - the earth. General services and sanitary support areas have been located on the wider ground floor with some additional functions on semi-underground floors (gym, morgue, the Foundation offices); while residential and social areas have been located on the two floors above. Different materials play a central role in the perception of the building, where the natural local stone is used for the basement, embedded in the hill, creating contrast with the lighter “white plaster and glass design” that appears to be leaning on its base. Based on the client’s request to host 60 generic and 10 Alzheimer patients, the nursing home has been planned considering the different needs and functions defined by the law. The quality of space and the perception of it have been the leading elements to plan the entire structure, focusing at the same time on the importance of patients


privacy - in more intimate spaces as their rooms - and patients sociability in more common and organized areas. A positive “Spatial Experience” can lead to a perceptional improvement, from both a physical and symbolic point of view, creating memories and stimulating feelings, influencing behaviors. Residential nucleus (of 20 patients max) organized in single and double rooms are supported by essential services to make them accessible for patients and easily manageable by the personnel. Public and common spaces must be easily readable to allow orientation and avoid confusion; they must adapt to the different needs and characteristics (both physical and psychological) of the users. Wide glass windows, terraces overlooking the town, a more quite paved court and a green roof help creating a strong relationship between inside and outside, between the building and its context, allowing multiple contacts with natural light and the overall environment.

N accessi secondari

+ 5,00 m

+ 4,00 m

NUCLEO GENERICO B 12 CAMERE (8 doppie, 4 singole) = 20 pazienti + servizi annessi. camera tipo1 = 25,5 mq + 4,5 mq bagno privato. camera tipo2 = 20 mq + 4,8 mq bagno privato.

NUCLEO GENERICO A 10 CAMERE (doppie) = 20 pazienti + servizi annessi.


Area ResidenzialitĂ Area di Socializzazione

camera = 25,5 mq + 4,5 mq bagno privato.

First Floor:

Residential Area/Common Areas PIANTA PIANO PRIMO scala 1:300

+ 6,00 m

0,00 m - 3,50 m -6,00 m

+ 0,00 m

- 0,50 m

- 7,00 m

NUCLEO SPECIALISTICO 10 CAMERE singole = 10 pazienti + servizi annessi. camera = 25,5 mq + 4,5 mq bagno privato.

-3,50 m

Ground Floor:

General Services/Administration/Sanitary Assistance


- 6,00 m

+ 0,30 m

Area Servizi generali

NUCLEO GENERICO B 12 CAMERE (8 doppie, 4 singole) = 20 pazienti + servizi annessi. camera tipo1 = 25,5 mq + 4,5 mq bagno privato. camera tipo2 = 20 mq + 4,8 mq bagno privato.


0,00 m 10 CAMERE (doppie) = 20 pazienti + servizi annessi.

-5,00 m

- 3,50 m

camera = 25,5 mq + 4,5 mq bagno privato. -7,00 m

Area Residenzialità Area di Socializzazione


+ 6,00 m

enzialità zzazione

0,00 m - 3,50 m -6,00 m




u r b a n planning &project landscape


Port de Nouveaux Échanges Proposals for the redevelopment of the lagoon waterfront in Porto-Novo, BÊnin. March 2014, A.A.2012-2013 Achitecture Master Thesis Tutors: Prof. Romeo Farinella and Arch. Riccardo Pedrazzoli


Port de nouveaux echanges is a thesis that proposes a urban reconfiguration for the lagoon waterfront in the African capital of Bénin. The project focuses on incredible natural and touristic potentials that can be the starting point for local redevelopment, throughout a sustainable and efficient use of the territory.

visible through seasonal flood- have nowadays more and more important physical consequences and more and more significant legislative repercussions.

Porto-Novo is a water city, a port on an inlet of the Gulf of Guinea, whose territory has shaped the identity of a multifaceted community. The incredible heritage that can be found in Porto-Novo, both material and immaterial, often tied to the strong Vodoun and ancestor worship, is today one of the most “well preserved” among west African cities. Simultaneously in the past 50 years urban, political and economic dynamics have altered the relationship between the architectural landscape and the lagoon, showing its vulnerability.

In the light of those facts, the relationship between the lagoon and Porto-Novo has acquired a central role for the future development of the city itself and it is directly revealed throughout the spatialization of the waterfront. The proposed project faces peculiar issues of the urban identity. Water, cultural heritage, tourist potentials, economic activities and sustainable uses of this weak environment are the elements shaping the project, where urbanized and natural spaces are interdependent. Re-connecting and re-activating to protect and regenerate: this thesis aims to encourage a sustainable use of the city border on the lagoon, through its reconfiguration that starts from the existing potentials and activities.

Despite the declared intentions of the public administration about the conversion of Porto-Novo in a “ville verte”, the actual processes of expansion and development are completely disconnected on one hand from the dynamics of preservation of the heritage and of the agricultural fields, and on the other hand from the potential role of the lagoon in this entire topic. Moreover, the effects of the climate change -mostly

After a more general definition of a territorial strategy, the second phase of the project proposes the reorganization of the waterfront - and in particular of the East side through a sequence of productive spaces and exchange areas, like a new market. The architectural elements become landscape infrastructures and thanks to their flexibility, the aim of those spaces is to start a sustainable process of urban regeneration.


A new East-West axis

New polarities

Infrastructures & Public services

Urban agriculture & acquaculture

Eco-Turism & cultural heritage


24 laguna pesca

margine agricoltura piscicoltura


Along the waterfront path (that represents the limit between water&land, and whose position depends on maximum floods level) the local food market represents one of the main polarities. The impluvium roof would catch the rainwater which, after being filtered and partially purified in specific tanks with Water Hyacinth, it could be recycled for irrigation.



Development of building shapes, as derivations of living spaces in the vernacular urban pattern: the original organization of the courtyard is opened and modified on the base of necessary functional changes along the waterfront.

for more informations about “Port de Nouveaux Échanges” >>http://issuu.com/anna.branzanti/docs/portonovo_book_cop_72dpi Published in: “Africa Urbana. Esperienze di Rigenerazione” Paesaggio Urbano - Urban Design, Maggioli Editore, April 2015, p. 64-75.





Townhouses for a residential complex in an ex-industrial district in Milano Lambrate, Italy A.A. 2009-2010 Design Studio Tutor: Prof. Alfonso Femia With: Simone Gandolfi, Arianna Palaferri


Lambrate is a former industrial district located in the first suburbs of East Milan, where the Italian industrial boom took place in the 50’s thanks to the production of the famous “Lambretta”. Many of the old industrial buildings are empty today or have already been demolished, and many lots await transformations to make Lambrate a new culturally alive residential district. The project involves one of the abandoned lots, characterized by an existing warehouse, redeveloped through sport facilities and administrations. Around it the residential intervention is going to take place, together with some commercial activities. A single element hosting the apartments crosses the entire area, defining spaces and centralities, with different functions and themes. On the street side, the facade is more homogeneous, running parallel with the sidewalk until it crosses the lot and follows the perimeter on the opposite side. The paths along the building are sinuous steps that decrease until the park level, becoming seats, resting areas and playground. The change of elevation defines a hierarchy between the more public spaces (park on the level zero) and the semi-private and private ones.

A single element

Porosity of the building related to the path

The “townhouse typology” is used to combine the idea of mass housing with that of urban location. The project experiment different types of apartments both for dimensions and inside distribution, exploiting the best orientation all along the building even if all of them share the same principle of standard unit. Moreover, irregular light columns and digs become air and light opportunity also for the rooms that are not located on the front or back side.

Openings towards the context


Green areas for public and semi-private property


North-East Elevation




+ 4,00 m

Residential Retail

Along the entire building multiple apartments have been studied, according to a variety of clients’ needs. The apartments change in dimensions and inside distribution offering a rich range of sizes from 70 to 200 m2.

+ 7,10 m

+ 10,10 m


cultural &religious architecture


Mosquée de la Ligue

Project of a new mosque in an existing building in Bruxelles, Belgium A.A. 2011-2012 Design Studio Terrain d’Architecture Main tutor: Victor Brunfaut With Anca Iamandi, Corentin Holvoet, Dao Doan


After a semester of analysis based on the current situation of the Islamic culture and religion expressed in the public space of Bruxelles, a project of a new mosque in an existing building cannot be faced without considering all the issues that this delicate topic might concern. This project tries to become an expression of several mutations that are actually going on in Bruxelles, and its aim is to declare a visibility that has the right to be there, without imposing itself considering the fragile urban frame and socio-political context in which it’s included. Starting from a real need of the Muslim community of Saint-Gilles department, the project of the mosque considers a complex program that has to be integrated. As well as the masculine and feminine praying areas with the connected washing area, also teaching classes, multi-purpose rooms, a library and a small museum are provided, transforming it into a cultural center rather than a simple ritual space. For economic, functional and distributive reasons, the volume on the street side is preserved but almost completely opened on the ground floor. This passage permits a clear entrance in the interior court where a new volume will be realized after the demolition of the previous parking, slightly rotated, in order to follow the right direction of praying towards La Meque. Entering the parcel, the praying volume gets more and more visible. Smooth differences of levels and several possible paths give a hierarchy to the spaces and guarantee the possibility of crossing the entire lot, experiencing the area from different points of view, and assure the separation of fluxes when needed. The flexibility in terms of time, use and users is a crucial point in the project. The use of light is another essential element considering the praying rooms: infinite, repetitive and small openings on the thick walls lighten the spaces creating a sort of “dematerialization� of the space.




Various functions mean different users. The multipurpose area on the ground floor requires a free and flexible space, that can be enjoyed through different paths and become a praying area in case of particular events.. As demanded by the clients, the feminine and masculine praying rooms have different entrances that can be used separately.


Ground Level


services & transports


Land Shaping

Project for a business complex in Rovigo landscape, Italy A.A. 2010-2011 Design Studio Tutor: Prof. Massarente With: Sara Dughetti, Arianna Palaferri


The project of an office tower for the Hera Company in the outskirts of Rovigo gives the chance to reflect about the relationship between buildings and surrounding landscape in the suburbs. The elongated lot is included between the railway ballast and a small canal, stretching among the agricultural fields all around. The project itself develops with the idea of mixing up buildings and landscape, shaping the volumes organically and clearly controlling natural elements within precise and repetitive simple shapes. Empty spaces and fill-in spaces are alternated: buildings, parkings, water plain, arenas, playgrounds and tree planted lots are hardly recognizable looking at the plan. The built objects organically spread on the ground and are composed by four lower units and one office tower twelve storeys high. All buildings are glass walled and have a second skin made of synthetic fabric that helps protecting from solar radiations and gives a natural vibration to the facade when hit by the wind. The volumes of each single floor of the tower are grouped into four, each one cantilevering and withdrawing, creating shadows for the ones underneath. Moreover, at level two an elevated public square connects the tower with the smaller volume of the company restaurant.


7 2

3 4 5 2 2

parks and gardens green-house arena planted woods pond parking community vegetable garden

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 6 1



Standard office floor

In contrast with the organic shape of the buildings, the interior organization of the plans is quite regular: offices are organized around the structural nucleus (made of concrete walls), where a frame system (steel beams and columns) allows more flexibility.


Section - Elevation of the Hera Tower




The New Palm

Preliminary Project for a business hôtel in Abidjan, Ivory Coast Proposition: November 2018 Surface: about 14’000 m2

Client: private Architects: Studio Arkit & Partners


As economic capital of Ivory Coast, with its fast growing economy and international market, Abidjan is now facing the request for newer hospitality projects. The New Palm Club hôtel generates from the client’s desire to increase the number of rooms of the adjacent Palm Hotel, creating a separate building with its own refined identity. The exploration inside the theme of “double skin” becomes crucial in this project. As double layer, the metal panels create a protection from the sun, controlling temperature and the quality of light that penetrates the building, but they also becomes “a barrier” from the exterior world, and mostly from the adjacent highway. The skin occasionally bends or opens up, revealing punctual locations of the building, defining relationships between spaces and forcing the sight, the light and the view towards a specific function or panorama. Four entire floors are dedicated to the required hotel rooms, while the multiple functions as meeting rooms, boutiques, restaurant, bars, terraces for events, swimming pools and a small spa are also open to additional outside-clients and they have been located on the ground and semi-underground floor overlooking the interior courts.




Bar Restaurant Kitchen

Conference Rooms

Main Entrance

Ground Floor


The “H� shape of the New Palm protects the more private area of the swimming pool, centrally located on the ground floor. The building mainly opens towards East, and it is connected to the adjacent Hotel througt green wide steps, that create intimate corners overlooking the water.


Double/ Double Superior Room


Section - Elevation of the New Palm Hotel




Seeding Beach

Preliminary Project for an eco-lodge in Jacqueville, Ivory Coast Proposition: January 2019 Surface: about 1’600 m2

Client: private Architects: Studio Arkit & Partners


Seeding beaches, currently under construction, represents a very simple idea of a lodge on the beach of Jacqueville, 60 km west from Abidjan, in Ivory Coast. Due to the very limitate budget, the project is meant to be as close as possible to the local knowledge and ability of contruction in order to be easily realized and reproduced (for instance, the rooms located in the “seeds” are in fact built using similar structures and techniques that are normally used for local sun-umbrellas). Little rooms with private terraces are spread among the plam trees as natural “seeds” with two floors, separated by a wide and articulated boardwalk, that allows acces to the rooms above and offers shade for the restaurant maquis. On the back of the lot denser rooms organised in circular are a cheap option for the young cadets of the nearby school. Besides, a circular structure with an open floorplan offers the space for busier events, widely diffused and needed in the area. The limited dimension of the modular unit “seed” and the flexibility of the wooden boardwalk allow to mantain all the existing palm trees in place, without damaging the identity and the rithm of the repetitive plantation on the edge of the beach.







Fruits _ Ground floor and elevation


Seeds _ Ground floor



(+39) 333 6395528 anna.branzanti928@gmail.com

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