1b MId-review submission

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Entry Point

: Any cephalopod of the genus Nautilus, having a spiral, chambered shell with pearly septa.


By Anna Pickersgill I A1773395

Design location

Abstract: The project brief required us to create a design for AusOcean. This non-government funded organization aims to improve and preserve the ocean through technology.

Due to their line of work, Ausocean had a number of specific requirements that need-

Resturaunt + tourst centre

ed to be addressed and implemented in the design development process:


Ocean theme An important requirement that was emphasizes by Aus ocean was an ocean theme in order to reflect there work in preserving the ocean via technology.


Envrionmentally Friendly The Aus Ocean also puts an emphasis the design taking into consideration the envriomental and ecological factors of the site.

Second Entry point

Sustainable design Further more it was important to them that the design was sustianble to help prevsere the site and reduce cost.

Master Plan I Scale: 1:250 Site analysis

nega�ve space to create outdoor space

Oceananic Theme: Nautilus


Vegetation The site has a relatively uneven spread For the most part, the site has a gen-

Add�onal circle to increase space

of vegetation. The landscape is relatle slope down to the beach, and the tively lush, and a majority of its flora only part that is significantly steep is is native. It would be beneficial to add the quarry. additional natural floral

Pre-Exisitng paths

Combining the extracted shaped

Extracting more spaces form the shell

refining the shape design concepts form

Division of shape

Final desgin based on the extraction of the shape

Concept to site

Sun directions The site faces west and receives

As the site in recent years has been

mostly southeast sun. The site

unoccupied and unused. At that time,


l in B M as

Subtracted volume



Addtional volume

does receive northern light, but

the site was used as a walking trail.


the quarry slightly reduces it. For

This use created paths within site




optimal sun, the site needs to be

to get to the beach and back again

Add a

Surr oun

veg eta

nd s u

bstr ac


on a slight angle

t ele

men ts


volu m


Addtional space

Sustainablity Digram Skylights

Green roof

Saving on energy costs (electric and hea�ng)

Provides a rainwater buffer

increasing cross ven�la�on

Reduces ambient noise outside and inside

Provides natural ligh�ng

Direct-green, low maintenance

The Interal courtyard Create a great indoor-outdoor connec�on

increased light into the building

Separa�on + noise reudc�on

Rammed limestone

Add tion al vo lum

e ad ded

Low Maintenance

for m

Defi ore s


ning entr y an d ex its

poin ts

Great Thermal mass

Great Sound insulator



Acess map

5 6 8 4

Pre-exisi�ng carpark




Acess route to Ausocean Head quaters

3 4


located close to pre-exis�ng pathway. Down

Acess ramp that would be embeeded into the landscape


lf P d



Acess route main entry point from the Gulf Pd B

Pre- exsi�ng vegta�on

1:100: Floor Plan Working Model: 1: 200

Purposed Acess Plan

Plan key: 1 Office area

6: outside- inside courtyard

2: Confferance room

7: outside offce + storage

3: workshop room

8: Storage + wet area

4: Kitchen + mutli use room 9: Boat parking area 5 : Bathroom

10: Ramp Acess and exit paths within the design

Landscape plan

Plant palette

Plant key

Scaevola Albida, more commonly known as white fan flower. They were a low growing shrub and made a hardy ground cover. The plant is a semi-succulent that attracts wildlife and thrives in coastal conditions

Stairs would be built into the landscape to allow for easier access to the beach

Poa labillardierei, which is more commonly known as the common Tussock- grass, is a low maintenance grass that works well in a moister area on low slops. They are highly ornamental and make for a very attractive plant.

Courtyard space for provides outside space for outside activities.

Eucalyptus ovata is more commonly known as swamp gum; the tree grows well in coastal environments. This species of eucalyptus provide dense which would be beneficial in the warmer months, and has a high tolerance for moist and windy environments.

Embedded ramp allows for disabled access and easier movement of the boats to the headquaters. Whilst sustaining the pre-exisitng vegetation it would be beneficial to introduce native coastal vegetation

1:200 Elevations

Section key

1:200 Sections A-A

Ficini Nodosa, more commonly known as the knotted club rush grow, is an incredibly adaptable plant and grows particularly in Australia in coastal environments. The plant is drought tolerant and provides a bright green rush like foliage.

1 : wet area + storage 2: Workshop 3: muliti use 4:conference are 5: office

Section key

1:200 Sections B-B

1 : Boat parking 2: wet area exit 3: muliti use 4:conference are 5: offices + storage

Exploded anonometeric

Solar window that also func�on as skylights

Green roof to provide increased thermal comfort



Rammed limestone walls

Workshop / mul�- use

Outside recrea�onal area Office

Material palette

Rammed limestone:

Green roof:

- Adobe has a number of thermal benefits

Turfed roofs have wavenumber thermal

such as high thermal performance, low

benefits, such as absorbing rainwater,

maintenance and durability.

providing insulation, and helping to lower

- Rammed limestone has a beautiful tex-

urban air temperatures.

tural quality. - My ocean theme is nautilus I intend on

- Greens roof create an aesthetically pleas-

replicating the pearly texture with the use

ing appearance to the building whilst also

of rammed limestone

providing thermal comfort.

Basic Construction Details

Most rammed earth walls are normally 200-300mm and tend to be load-bearing. Typical construction of the

Roof Drain with parapet well Green cover

Rammed “earth walls” is as follows : -Rammed earth -Air gap/ cavity -Insulation

Roof deck with vapor barrier roof structure light gauge steel purlins @ 600 ctrs 15mm ceiling board

-Damp proofing membrane -Internal plasterboard

preforated aluminum curb with drainage fabric

To further improve the thermal performance of the building, a green roof would be implemented. Green 250mm rammed limestone 15mm Air gap Thermal Batt insulation 12mm plasterboard

roofs have a number of positive thermal qualities and benefits. There are a variety of green roof systems available, and all have different thermal performances.

weep hole Damp proof membrane

Basic green roof construction generally is as follows: -Structural roof deck -Waterproof membrane -Root barrier -Growing substrate

Floor to Roof Basic I Scale: 1:20


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