Sex + the Citrus Trend Book

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sex +the


gender; noun

1. gender refers to the socially constructed characterstics of women and men- such as norms, roles and relationships of and between groups of women and men. It varies from society to society and can be changed.

vegan; noun

A person whom’s way of life seeks to exlcude, as far as possible and practicle, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

Nutrition Facts


% DAILY VALUE* 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 100%


the menu


contents........................4 introduction......................6


trims + accessories.............10 supermarket chic...............14 zesty quotes.......................18 beauty................................24 infographics.......................26 key influencers...................28 fruity..................................32 dawn of the vegan.............38 lifestyle..............................40 consumer group..................42 disco tits.............................44 colour tones........................48


key words...........................50 references..........................52

introduction sex + the Citrus is an up and coming move-

ment translating into many aspects of the lives of millennial’s and generation Z from diet, to music taste, and translated within the fashions they wear. Sex + the Citrus explores the concept of gendered foods and how foods/products have previously been used to re-enforce old-fashioned gendered stereotypes. For example, eating meat or steak is usually regarded as very masculine in a primitive sense. In contrast, more processed refined foods like chocolate and ice-cream are associated with femininity and the supposed ‘weaker’ female emotions. For example, ‘ice-cream’ and chocolate are regarded as ‘post break-up foods’. Aside from all the health, environmental and ethical benefits of the increasingly popular vegan movement, many are resorting back to an all natural vegan diet with fruit and veg not falling into a gendered category in order to represent gender fluidity. The naturalness of the diet reflects that it’s natural to be able to explore one’s gender and sexual preferences and that trying to catergorise people’s feelings into the out-dated ‘male’ or ‘female’ stereotypes is pointless



trims + accessories

Accessories are where this trend really comes into a

niche of it's own. The main rule of accessorising within Sex + the Citrus is to have fun with it. Over-sized ironic fruit earrings make a meaningful, fun statement and no colour can be bright enough. Fishnets and sheer fabrics mimic shopping bags and provide sensuality whilst orange ruffles and textures are adopted to relfect the exciting textures of different fruits


not a basket case...


...just a basket bag

Supermarket chic draws on the visual element and

consideration of interior aesthetic and the role that it plays within this micro trend. For Sex + the Citrus, it's very much about breaking the glass ceiling on unneccessarily gendered products and gendered foods. Therefore, the visuals of neon supermarket walls, the vivid colours of the natrual produce and the industrial element of the supermarket interior directly attacks the industries which continue to support male and female

gender stereotypes. A simple Instagram post in the supermarket setting would instantly allow someone to associate themselves with the overall visuals of the trend and express that association to their social media. Furthermore, the supermarket tone offers a tongue in cheek mimic of the consumerist society which is seeing a shift in consumer behaviours all the way down to their groccery shopping- coming into light the impact of the plant-based lifestyle so many are falling in love with

#shelfawareness 14


Grace Jones: I’m many different moods... I’m very much human Interviewer: Are you feminine? Do you like being masculine? Grace Jones: I like bieng both, actually. I mean, I’m a’s not ‘being masculine’’, it’s an attitude really... I just act the way I feel. Interviewer: Does that make you bisexul?

are you feminine? do you like being masculine?

Grace Jones: That doesn’t make me anything, I think that it’s ridiculous trying to catergorise peoples feelings Interviewer: Do you like shocking people? Can I ask you that? Grace Jones: Does that shock you?

Grace Jones, iconic singer, songwriter, supermodel. Ahead of her time. Genderless, gender-free, self expressive. #idgaf origins.

Grace Jones Studio 54 by Adrian Boot 19

We are more than just our bodies, but that doesn't mean we have to be shamed for them, or our sexuality. #liberated"


“Refusing meat therefore presents opportunities, in each social interaction, for the binary to be called into question... If we can pay more attention to what we put in our bodies…. we can create a better sense of peace in the world. Vegetarianism is a part of that,” - DeLessio-Parson


"Don't get BITTER. Just get BETTER."

“Sexuality itself means mortality- equally for both man and woman” - Leon Kass

- Alyssa Edwards

"Ladies and gentlemen and everyone inbetween." RUBY ROSE AT THE EMA’S.

‘Feminised protein (milk and dairy products, eggs and meats that come from explicitly female organs e.g. placenta, ovaries, will be psychologically linked to femaleness’ therefore the adoption of a vegan/plant based diet not only represents the ethos and mind-set of this movement but also enables the post-gender generation to shake off the stereo-typical feminin/ masuline labels usually associated to the foods that they consume. - P.Rozin 18th May 2012

uotes that M AT T E R

uotes with Z E S T 21


citrus blush statement lips natural skin creamy eyes

The look of Sex + the Citrus is anything but boring! Citrus blush, bold stat-

ment lips, natural skin and creamy, block eyeshadow are all components which help to make up the basic foundations of the beauty aspect of this fresh trend. Old news like false eyelashes and heavy contouring take a back seat as the differences in individual face shapes are celebrated and bold hair colours are used for individual expression. For those feeling extra daring, direct inspiration can be taken from the vegan values held core to this trend, as many instagrammers are seen to be painting fruit and veg onto their faces


infographics Manchester

New York


city Green



colour Mirror Mirror

Terror Jr

culture Equality of sex

Gender roles

important issues Friendship gangs

core values


Infographics collated via frist hand research through

an anonymous survey in order to gain valuable insight into the mindset, behaviours and attitudes of the target demographic at present, to help predict how their mindets could change in the future. 20 individuals were asked to identify the option that resonated with them the most, in response to the following five subject areas. Each individual image represents the answer of 1 person out of the total group of 20




80's Music




Disco soul





key influencers

Instagram is for sure the social media platfrom

of choice for this micro-trend. They say a picture can speak a thousand words and as generation Z recognises the growing power and influence of Instagram, they’re using it as an expressive tool for growing acceptance, sharing their beliefs and allowing complete freedom for self-expression, experementation and acceptance.

If Sex + the Citurs is a movement that connects with you in any way then you’re going to want to check out some of the hot pics for up and coming Instagram superstars, helping to drive the movement forward, in a colourful, gender free, fruity and sexual direction





Jazelle Zanaughtti is the gender bending model taking social media and the fashion world by storm. Jazzelle's androgynous look refuses to fall into outdated 'male' or 'female' stereotypes.

A rising Insta star, Yella Bambi's adaptation of fun and fruity colours is transpired through to crazy, colourful hairdoes and playful, experimental makeup looks with statement hair accessories. @stephanie_sarley

In an interview for 'Creator' magazine, Stephanie stated that her work "speaks from the heart to marginalised people & women". Her videos are visually intrusive yet excitingly liberating all at once.

Shay is the fresh-faced icon re-defining the textbook definition of masculinity. Shay has even done collabs with i-D magazine after being recognised for having a zesty take on 'male-ness'. @pomkitchen_

For all your vegan food porn & Instagrammable hot spots, there isn't a more perfect location than Pom Kitchen, Sheffield. This quaint gem is run by passionate vegans & offers major vibes.


ur so appeeling


Got rubbers?


otes Amazing


when life gives you lemons

sunshine state

dawn of the

vegan Veganism is 'one of the fastest growing'


lifestyle choices in the UK and as many millennials continue to lead the way in this diet focused revolution, a raw, plant-based diet is trending more than ever. Healthy is the new trendy as we continuingly learn to embrace health in the body’s natural form. Acceptance of all body shapes highlights the value of health and its's the well-being inside that counts. Mindful eating is the new way for many of Generation Z. Exploring the growing trend of plant-based eating whilst blending the celebration of sexuality some artists have taken to creating juicy art pieces provoking thoughts of a seemingly innocent yet subliminally sexual nature (see 'Influencers' for details). Food is being used innovatively as a celebration of the human body and eating not just for the benefit of oneself, but for the fair treatment of all species, and the environment in a true reflection of those whom value equality for all. “At least 542,000 people in Britain are now following a vegan diet and never consume any animal products including meat, fish, milk,


cheese, eggs and honey. This is a whopping increase since the last estimate of 150,000 ten years ago, making veganism one of Britain’s fastest growing lifestyle movements.” according to (2016). Sex + the Citrus places emphasis on the comfort, simplicity and familiarity of fruit and vegetables. Sex and happiness are two very natural instincts to humans and adopting this tone, fruit and veg can be playfully used to create visuals that are witty, positive, and carry important messages within the undertones. Veganism is fundamentally a lifestyle choice, but it’s an individual’s choice which has countless benefits and rewards paid forward to means and causes greater than the individual themselves. It’s arguably something that most wouldn’t notice on a day to day basis, but gendered foods do actively re-enforce gender stereotypes.

Amongst the growing post-gender generation, and the increasing popularity of the vegan lifestyle, going back to nature with food is helping to express a generation fully free to explore and experience sexuality and gender preferences. What does it really mean to be masculine? Who made it the stereotype that girls binge on ice-cream and chocolate to get over a heart-break? Why are certain foods associated with genders when in reality, genders are a social construct to begin with. The natural diet mirrors the naturalness of sexual exploration and the natural expression of oneself to the outside world as a direct representation of our moods, attitudes and emotional identity inside


equality includes species

lifestyle Mix 'n' match styles are used to express individual-

ity. Glammed up fruits create quirky visuals. It's seen as cool to be healthy so shopping for fresh fruit and veg is a huge part of the trends lifestyle. Genders continue to merge and cultures cross over. Disco & music are key to the overall feel good attitude of the trend


consumer group W

hen looking at the consumer group, there were key features of their identity. There’s a sense of atittude among millennials, to challenge any negativity towards their beliefs. More so, whilst individual style is important, there's an empowering sense of belonging through the growing emergence of ‘friendship gangs’. Cultures become more integrated with details being drawn from continents and styles across the globe due to an ever inter-connected society. Although it is not seen as neccessary to conform to a certain body shape or type, all-around health and wellness play a major role in the consumers overall lifestyle






mix n match Pair with fishnet socks and layer on fishnet tights for the ultimate supermarket chic look and that subtle undertone of sex appeal .


juicy ju

ultra violet

neon aquamarine

Fruit. Coloured in



tangerine qween

banana skins

a whole new light.

ytilauxes sselredneg desab-tnalp

sexuality genderless plant-based

references [1] Definition of gender: World Health Organisation (2018). Gender, equity and human rights: Gendr. Retrieved from [2] Definition of Vegan: The Vegan Society (n.d.). Definition of Veganism. Retrieved from: [3] Quotations from Grace Jones interview: My New Career (2011, March 25). Grace Jones – Interview 1985. [Online video]. Available from: watch?v=vuW4TcZWeLI. [Accessed: 11 February 2018]. [4] Emoly Ratajkowski Quotation: E, Ratajkowkski (2016, March 30). Twitter. Available at [Accessed: 8 April 2018]. [5] Leon Kass Quotation: Leon Kass. (n.d.). Retrieved April 08, 2018, from Web site: [6] DeLessio-Parson Quotation: Anne DeLessio-Parson (2017) Doing vegetarianism to destabilize the meat-masculinity nexus in La Plata, Argentina, Gender, Place & Culture, 24:12, 1729-1748, DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2017.1395822. Accessed via The New York Post 2018, February 22: https:// [7] Ruby Rose Quotation: Ruby Rose (2015, October 25) at the EMA Awards. Accessed 2018, February 17, via Independet: news/people/ruby-rose-lauded-for-promoting-gender-fluid-movement-at-mtv-emas-a6708796.html. [8] Erykah Badu Quotation: Erykah Badu (2008, October 6). Interview with VegNews (by L,Mickleborough): Erykah Badu. Retrieved from: articles/ [Accessed 2018, Match 20]. [9] Alyssa Edwards Quotation: Caligula Durrendon. (2018). Alyssa Edwards :: Quote Collection. [Online Video]. 1 August 2014. Available from: [Accessed: 17 March 2018]. [10] P, Rozin Quotation: P, Rozin (2011, May 18). Is Meat Male? A Quantitative Multi-Method Framework to Establish Metaphoric Relationships. Chicago Journals. Published by the University of Chicago. Retrieved from: [11] Stephanie Sarley Quotation: Stephanie Sarley (2017, February 11). Interview with Creators (M, Slater). Sticky Fingers: Meet the Oakland artist Using Fruit to Explore Female Sexuality. Creators. Retrieved from: [Accessed March 2018]. [12] 'Veganism is 'one of the fastest growing' lifestyle choices in the UK' quotation. The Vegan Society (2016, May 17). Find out how many vegans are in Great Britain. Retrieved from: whats-new/news/find-out-how-many-vegans-are-great-britain [13] “At least 542,000 people in Britain are now following a vegan diet... .” according to (2016). Quotation: JVS (2016). Veganism is the fastest growing lifestyle movement ever according to new research. Retrieved from: https://www.jvs.

references [1] The Blonde Salad, (2018), The Blonde Salad Top [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 11 April 2018].

[3] Golf Wang FW16 Lookbook Highlark, (2018), Dream World of Streetwear [ONLINE]. Available at: https://highlark. com/golf-wang-fw16-lookbook/ [Accessed 11 April 2018].

[4] VOGUE, (2018), Chanel Autumn/Winter 2014 Ready-To-Wear Details [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.vogue. [Accessed 12 April 2018].

[5] ELLE, (2018), Not by Jenny Lai Spring 2013 Ready-to-Wear Beauty [ONLINE]. Available at: runway/spring-2013-rtw/g16144/not-by-jenny-lai-spring-2013-rtw-beauty/?slide=4 [Accessed 9 April 2018].

[6] Sicko Cartel, (2018), Tangerine Ruffle Pants [ONLINE]. Available at: tangerine-ruffle-pants [Accessed 15 March 2018].

[7] Clipzine, (2018), Orange [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2018].

[8] Dolls Kill, (2018), Skoot Garter Belt Pants [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2018].

[9] Pass the Baton, (2018), shigeki fujishiro knot [ONLINE]. Available at: items/detail/1000063819 [Accessed 17 March 2018].

[11] Fay's Book, (2018), This 5.5 pound bag has become the ultimate summer trend [ONLINE]. Available at: https:// [Accessed 4 March 2018]. [13] Lollipuff Bebefuzz, (2018), Chanel Milk Carton, Shopping Basket, and Meat Bags [ONLINE]. Available at: https:// [Accessed 4 March 2018].


references [13] Lollipuff Bebefuzz, (2018), Chanel Milk Carton, Shopping Basket, and Meat Bags [ONLINE]. Available at: https:// [Accessed 4 March 2018].

[16] Damon Fourie, ELLE South Africa, (2018), Fresh Produce [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 4 March 2018].

[17] Damon Fourie, ELLE South Africa, (2018), Fresh Produce [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 4 March 2018].

[18] Tony Futura, (2018), when life gives you lemons [ONLINE]. Available at: BA-dwqRitzU/?taken-by=tonyfutura [Accessed 5 February 2018].

[19] Adrian Boot, ASTOUND ME: D.A. KRÓLAK, (2018), Grace Jones Studio 54 [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2018].

[20] Glamour, (2018), 13 times we wished Ruby Rose's hair & makeup was OUR hair & makeup [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2018]. [22] Sebastian Faena, Paper magazine, (2018), Rihanna Break the Rules [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 2 February 2018].

[23] Felicity Ingram, (2018), Sunny Side Up [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 9 January 2018].

[27] Jazzelle Zanaughtti @uglyworldwide, (2018), shark bait OO WA AH -- super wish I didn't lose this necklace ): [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018].

[28] Yella Bambi, (2018), Christmas look! [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018].

references [29] Alicia Keys, Refinery 29, (2018), Alicia Keys Is The Latest Celeb To Rock Unicorn Braids [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 2 January 2018].

[35] Radical Buttons, (2018), Fuck gender roles enamel pin [ONLINE]. Available at: collections/enamel-pins-patches/products/fuck-gender-roles-pin [Accessed 22 January 2018].

[40] Sicko Cartel, (2018), "HONEY" [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 11 March 2018].

[44] HUMANS I WANNA FRICK, (2018), ft. boys, androgyny, nb folks, dirty scuffed up babes and Zayn Malik. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2018]. [46] Urban Outfitters Tumblr, (2018), Disco Ball Party [ONLINE]. Available at:!/ post/105997770229 [Accessed 16 January 2018].

the end.


S/S 19

+ the


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