Future Lifestyles report - 'Genclusivity'

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December 2019

Volume 1 Issue 1 Word Count: 1998

The Future is Gen-Clusive

Group 3am Fleur Robinson, Anvita Shah, Anna Berkova, Amy Hewitt, Anna Richardson. Jie Ouyang Figure 1

Contents Page 3


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Lifestyle Shifts

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Page 11 Insights Page 15 Future directions


“The Future is Female� (Mettler, 2017) is a celebrated slogan that has been echoing through the world for the last 50 years, however it is now apparent that this anthem is outdated (Wilhelm, 2017). The future is not only inclusive for females, it is inclusive in regards of all genders. Now, more than ever, there is a need for complete gender inclusivity, with media, celebrities and influencers not being afraid to discuss this topic and scrutinize companies if they do not consider it. Having an insight into gender trends that are evolving and shaping today’s and the future society is largely beneficial for companies whose success depends on their consumers and reputation, as this puts them at an advantageous selling point. For a business the importance of understanding the diversity in the gender spectrum is inextricably linked to its sales and therefore to its success (Saunter et al., 2019).

I n this report the lifestyle shift that will be discussed is GenClusivity. The coined title examines a future where inclusivity is

Figure 4

not solely acknowledging two genders but is creating an environment where a person of any orientation, gender or gender identity can feel included. This is not only in regard to the society but predominantly industry, as it will come under scrutiny if this trend is ignored. This trend will highly affect consumer behaviour and attitude, therefore recognizing and adapting with this lifestyle shift will be crucial for businesses to prosper in the future.

“The future is not only inclusive for females, it is inclusive in regards of all genders�

Figure 5

The shift towards Gen-Clusivity has been influenced by a plethora of factors, with issues such as transgender and gender fluidity becoming prevalent. Now more than ever this major cultural shift is beginning to shape our society. The current relevance of this trend can be for example seen through frequent appearance of on-screen representation of the LGBTQ community, such as influencers and celebrities. With the dominating presence of media in current lifestyles, today’s society is highly exposed to this shift. Innovators such as Sam Smith and Ru Paul who are strong online advocates for the Gen-Clusive community, have been the catalyst to create ‘fertile ground’ in allowing this positive shift to occur. These influences have significantly impacted consumer thinking, creating a broader outlook and convincing many customers to embrace this vital progressive change of Gen-Clusivity into all aspects of society.

F urthermore “20 percent of millennials currently identify

as LGBTQ, with an increasing percentage of young people identifying as non-binary, or as something other than their prescribed genders.� (Johansson, 2017). This creates a strong presence of individuals who are willing to create a Gen-Clusive future and are influencing a societal shift in creating progressive attitudes towards the LGBTQ community.


Figure 8

Progressive Thinking

Progressive thinking is a major driver, which is helping create a more Gen-Clusive society. “Today’s millennial women are refusing to accept any restrictions, based on their gender or color, on what they might be allowed to do and what they may be able to achieve. The result has been vastly improved educational and income opportunities for women and a greater demand for the ability to blend work with the rest of life’s responsibilities and pleasures from both sexes” (Winograd and Hais, 2013). These achievements include pressure towards closing the gender pay gap and ending transgender discrimination in the workplace. As well as this, there is greater pressure for inclusivity within fashion, which is creating an abundance of diverse models being welcomed into the fashion world. This strong move towards progressive thinking is paving the way for a more socially accepting society.

For millennials activism has been way of change and way of pushing this lifestyle shift further through society. Activism has proven as an effective way of manifesting a cause and getting the required outcome. Young activists, such as actress Emma Watson, have been driving gender inclusivity, through public speaking and informing the ones that know less or are oblivious to the matter. Watson’s gender equality speech at the UN was echoing through the society and the world, raising questions, however since then public speaking on the matter of gender inclusivity has become more common. It could be argued that her speech, talking about gender equality and gender inclusivity, was what initiated the public shift to the new lifestyle trend (UN Women, 2014). Furthermore, events such as the Gay Pride marches or International Women’s day have prompted large amounts of the society to participate. Activism has been a key element in the drive of gender inclusivity.


Media and technology have been pivotal platforms for driving the discussed lifestyle shift. With the awareness of gender inclusivity slowly rising through social media in the past few years, the trend has now reached new heights. Millennials have been at the forefront of this technological drive of the trend, as they “accelerate the drive towards greater diversity because they are impatient for greater flexibility and more options in their working lives” (Hurley, 2019). Furthermore, celebrities utilize social media to promote and create awareness of the problems relating to this issue. A great example of this is The #MeToo Campaign, that was first established in 2006 (Metoo, 2018); however, strongly resurfaced in 2018 with the allegations of sexual harassment in Hollywood. At highly promoted and viewed events, such as the Oscars, these issues were largely discussed and highlighted, with the hashtag trending on social platforms such as Instagram and Twitter (North, 2018). Lastly channels, such as Ted Talks, help create a widespread understanding of current and relevant matters. It can be argued that due to technology the movement towards a gender inclusive future is possible.

“Millennials have been at the forefront of this technological drive”

Gen-Clusive can be observed as a trend that is manifesting in a series of different aspects in society through the way in which people are living, what they are consuming and the decisions they make. The need for a greater gender balance is affecting every aspect of society from industry to individuals and the way in which people live their daily lives. The lifestyle can be observed to be manifesting in a number of ways with this further providing an insight into the emerging trend. The generations predominantly adopting this new lifestyle shift are Generation Y and Generation Z. Generation Y, commonly known as millennials have been found to be the most socially accepting generation not adverse to change and opposed to tradition. Generation Y’s lifestyles are noticeably different to the generations that have preceded them in terms of the way they live, the choices they make and the products they consume adopting the Gen-Clusive shift (PewResearchCenter, 2010). Generation Z, or commonly known as “True Gen” (Francis and Hoefel, 2018) are a cohort who are not defined by labels and value equality due to being exposed to a variety of cultures and beliefs. The generations “search for authenticity generates greater freedom of expression and greater openness to understanding different kinds of people” (Francis and Hoefel, 2018). It is identifiably Generation Y and Z who are the innovators and drivers of the trend Gen-Clusive; however, it is important to not discount that it is not a single generational group.

There are prominent individuals from other generations with iconic figures such as Ru Paul and celebrities such as Sam Smith driving the change. Furthermore, the LGBTQ+ community can also be observed to be adopting into the lifestyle. The open-minded subculture is seeking change and fighting for a fairer future adopting the lifestyle shift raising greater awareness in terms of equality. The lifestyle is manifesting in the way in which people are going about their daily lives, these shifts can be observed in a number of different ways. Consumers are increasingly opting to no-longer shop with retailers, who do not operate in a fair and equal manner. companies that operate with a glass-ceiling and are not equal in terms of pay and rights are being abandoned by consumers. For this reason, businesses need to be aware of the changing attitudes and behaviours of the innovators of Gen-Clusive considering consumption and brand relationships. These innovators look for three key elements when it comes to consumption: “consumption as access rather than possession, consumption as an expression of individual identity, and consumption as a matter of ethical concern” (Francis and Hoefel, 2018). As part of this lifestyle shift leading organisations have formed boycott lists including multinational corporations such as American chain Target allowing consumers to make informed decisions about the brands they shop with (EthicalConsumer, 2019)



eneration Y can be observed to have a preference towards companies that provide unisex clothing with retailers such as Collusion available via e-tailer ASOS profiting from the success along with companies that utilise inclusive models such as H&M. This can be observed to indicate the way in which people consume fashion is changing with innovators of the trends seeking brands that are future focused and diverse. This is evident from the statistic that “Millennials are more likely to choose one brand over another if that brand demonstrates inclusion and diversity in terms of its promotions and offers (cited by 70 percent of younger millennial respondents and 69 percent of older millennials)” (Carufel, 2018) indicating the way in which people go about their lives and the decisions they opt to make is changing. The way people live their lives is fundamentally changing. Household structures are visibly altering witnessing the rise in same-sex families and co-habitation (Batha, 2019). In addition, it can be found that people are living freer lives not bound by society’s norms and expectations “for marrying someone of a different race, 77% of Gen Zers were in favor — the next-highest generation was millennials, at 66%. For marriage equality, 66% favored — again, the next-highest generation was millennials, trailing them at 58%” (Kane, 2017) witnessing the innovative generations move towards a fairer and equal society a different outlook on the way in which prior generations lived their lives.

Through observing the lifestyle shift and its development it is important to take into account the future directions of the trend and the implications this will have upon the industry. The Gen-Clusive future will encounter a plethora of changes in society and industry. One of these is greater equality in the workplace. Transparency will become a requirement rather than an expectation, “making inclusion and diversity central to everyone’s work” (House of Lords, 2019). Furthermore, it can be predicted the glass ceiling dividing men and women in the workplace will begin to be broken down. Thus witnessing greater equality, alongside a breakdown in traditional roles in the workplace with industries adopting this shift.


nother future direction of the trend is the way in which products on the market will be increasingly inclusive, adapting to the Gen-Clusive society. This will witness the rise of gender-neutral beauty products with a number of LGBTQ models being featured in product campaigns. Moreover, children’s toys will be adapted to become genderless, with stereotypical gender roles in the way in which toys are labelled becoming a thing of the past. With this will come changes to advertising and marketing. Highly sexualised and stereotypical portrayals of men and women will become outdated with more inclusive representations utilised in the media as businesses will come under scrutiny from the general public on how they communicate to consumers.

Figure 15

In order for the industry to evolve into the Gen-Clusive future, the shifts in consumer behaviour must be acknowledged. Shoppers will become more educated on the matter of inclusivity, putting pressure on businesses to provide a more inclusive ethos, and purchase more consciously. Lifestyles will continue to change with the LGBTQ community widely accepted into society no longer considered as a minority group or subculture. In addition, same-sex families and non-traditional households will be considered a norm fundamentally changing society and the way in which it operates. For this reason, it is crucial for industries to recognize the magnitude of this lifestyle shift, as in the future this trend should not be a topic of discussion it should simply be a recognized matter implemented into society.

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Figure 13 - Fluide. 2018. Meet Fluide, the Makeup Brand That Believes in the Power of Inclusion. [Online]. [Accessed 11 December 2019]. Available from: https://www.allure.com/ story/fluide-the-new-makeup-brand-putting-representation-first# Figure 14 - Fluide. 2018. Meet Fluide, the Makeup Brand That Believes in the Power of Inclusion. [Online]. [Accessed 11 December 2019]. Available from: https://www.allure.com/story/ fluide-the-new-makeup-brand-putting-representation-first# Figure 15 - Donnia. 2016. Amazing Nature & Cityscapes Photography by Antonio Jaggie. [Online]. [Accessed 10 December 2019]. Available from: https://beauty.mixed.website/flow-string-art-zen-mandala-wall-hanging-spiritual-wall-decor-interior-3d-art-new-generation-sacred-geometry/

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