MCP Applicant 16.17
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1. My AIESEC XP Joined AIESEC in Rostov-on-Don iGIP member
CC VP Experts XP Break Point Forum Moscow
6 RE October 2012
GST Global Entrepreneurs AIESEC International
2013 AIESEC in Rostov-‐on-‐Don LC VP iGIP
12 RE
Jan-April 2014
2014-2015 MC VP oGIP AIESEC in Russia
318 RE 37% Rel. Gr. 86 Abs. Gr.
GST Team Leader for S&S AIESEC International 2015-2016 2015-2016
MC VP GIP Opera>ons AIESEC in Egypt
147 RE 194% Rel. Gr. 97 Abs. Gr.
2. Top 3 main strengths and weaknesses and what would be unique contribution to the team because of who you are?
ADAPTABILITY I have lived in different countries and worked with people from very different cultures. And that helped me to learn how to adapt to very diverse environment. The last 6 months of living in Egypt contributed to it immensely. I always have to find solutions in the constantly changing conditions.
STUBBORNESS I know that sometimes getting too excited about things it takes me time to start accepting other people’s opinions. I learn to be more open by listening more and talking less and every time I discover that it bring much more productive output that by insisting on something that I thought was the only way.
ANALYTICAL AND LOGICAL THINKING I always try to think first in a logical way which helps to draw the patters for finding the answers. It is also very important for me to take decisions based first of all on fasts and data. While discussing any issues that need solutions it helps to have constructive dialog with other people.
STRAIGHT FORWARD COMMUNICATION Sometimes I tend to aggressive in my communication with people when they are not performing as I expect. I m trying to put myself in the shoes of the person I talk to in order to understand how it feels for others what I might say. Unfortunately not always I think about it first before communicating.
DRIVE Being extremely excited about something gives me ability to drive other people with this excitement. It goes much easier to engage other people into something that you find purpose in. Moving people in one common direction something that comes naturally when I feel that it’s worth it.
CLOSED TO PEOPLE It takes me some time to open up to people. In most of the cases it makes others feel that I have zero emotions and don’t really care about what’s happening to them. I need to show my emotions more because it will help to connect to people easier.
Actually my strengths and weaknesses is my unique contribution to the team as of any team member at the same time. Though I believe that to become the best version of myself I need to capitalize on my strengths, I m absolutely sure that team will push me to work on my weaknesses as well. © 2016 Je3abrik Mul;purpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
3. What is the most negative feedback you received from your teammates and colleagues? “You don’t really care about other people’s emotions.” Being a logical person and the same time having hard times to open up to people makes others feel that I care only about result. The solution I see is to work more on my emotional intelligence to express what I have inside.
4. What are your values? How the way you lead people is shaped by them?
The way I lead
Values I live my integrity by being honest with the people around me and myself included. I always strive to act according to what I say and say thing according to what I believe in.
I do what I say I would and I will also build the direction of the team solely based on what we believe in and aspire for.
This value has shaped me the most as a person. I am constantly trying to improve myself and the world around. I truly believe that I can always be better version of myself and there is no finish line for excellence, it just requires to give your best best.
As long as I know that we did all we could I am happy. And we will always continue to improve and become better. I intend to make each person in the team more powerful than myself.
Seeking new opportunities to develop and grow keeps me consistently challenged. Constant progress of myself makes me feel alive. And I believe that people who feel alive are the ones who can make this world better.
CONTINUOUS I would focus on personal and professional development of my LEARNING
5. How do you see yourself in 2020 (country, occupation, family, contribution to the world, etc). How will your experiences in AIESEC contribute to who you are?
In 2020 I live in Russia and I started the process of founding my own start-up. The purpose of this future business is to help young people to understand what they are passionate about and which career path they would like to pursue. When we have in our country people who are happy about what they are doing the life would be much brighter and positive. Happy people want to contribute to the world one way or another and they produce happy results and it makes them even more happy. By 2020 my experiences in AIESEC made me realize that I am able to impact others and things do not depend on someone else. I learned how to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds, I found my own passion and willing to help others find theirs.
teams and together we would bring it to the LCs as well because AIESEC is the place where people are learning.
© 2016 Je3abrik Mul;purpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
1. What drives you to continue your AIESEC XP? Why have you decided to stand for Member Committee President of AIESEC in Russia 16|17?
First of all I can say that I am a very proud Russian person. I am proud to be born in that country and call myself Russian. Our country needs very strong leaders and I feel responsibility of making it only better. Other than responsibility I feel strength that I am able to make it better. And I want all young people in our country to feel the same way. Being MCP next year is the best way for me to contribute towards that. 2. What is the relevance of AIESEC for Russia and how will you enlarge organizational impact in our country in term 16|17?
For the past 10 years Russia has been developing a lot as a country. And at all the times to make country better we need people who would be doing so. We are the first generation of young people in Russia who have all the possible resources and information to do great things for our country. I believe that AIESEC is the organization that makes young people care. Care about what is happening around and take responsibility for it. People who feel responsibility start taking actions, they try and sometimes fail, and they try again. They try until they make things happen. That is what AIESEC teaches us. This organization has a very specific task: to develop leadership. And these leaders will shape the country they want to live in.
In 16/17 term AIESEC and AIESEC in Russia will be going though many changes and challenges. I am the person who always takes risks and the next year AIESEC in Russia needs to take many risks in order to make the impact that we want to. I want to be a part of generation that will challenge the way we do AIESEC today and will shape the organization which can become something very big for our country and the world.
Personally I want to gain a lot through this experience. Being a part of 2 MC teams I saw only a glimpse of challenging MCP experience can be. I am ready to go through this challenge and make myself better. I know that the team would always push my limits and help me grow as an individual. And the same way I want to contribute to their development.
ENLARGE OUR IMPACT PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Asking students and graduates, companies and NGOs what they are happy about, what worries them and how they see their future will help us to develop our product according to what they really need.
BIG PARTNERSHIPS We need to understand the direction our government has towards youth development. That will help us to see how our programs can be supported. What if we access schools and universities not one by one but with the help of Ministry of Education? How can we engage companies into supporting all the exchange programs?
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Everything is moving online. We need to invest our resources into moving leadership experiences online as well. How any young person in Russia can get © 2016 Je3abrik Mul;purpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. access to leadership development through his digital experience?
3. What are the trends shaping Russia as a country now and what opportunities and threats do they represent for AIESEC? Which programs can benefit the most and how?
Our projects and products need to be revamped in order for us to cover the same target groups that SDGs aim to impact. Identifying the direction which our government and business might take can give us a huge opportunity for big partnerships.
Since the 1st of January 2016 the world starts its way towards Sustainable Development Goals. At the moment we are not very clear how much Russian business and government will be investing in SDGs and going on the same way.
Our projects and products need to be revamped in order for us to cover the same target groups that SDGs aim to impact. Identifying the direction which our government and business might take can give us a huge opportunity for big partnerships.
OPPORTUNITIES People might like Russia or not but they can’t be indifferent. Our country is in the center of attention, people are very curious what is really happening. We can capitalize on that and run the campaign to make it more attractive as destination for incoming exchange. (For example together with the Ministry of Tourism).
OPPORTUNITIES Opportunity here clearly lies into bringing GIP programs to a new level. Current and emerging start-ups are willing to learn from foreign talents and Russian young people are eager to try how it would be to become entrepreneur before actually starting it themselves.
Our country has a very controversial image in the world. It is always very hard to predict what can happen next and how Russia’s international relations can influence our operations in the organization.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP Today we can find countless Russian entrepreneurs running businesses and sometimes a few in parallel. Government supports young people to start their own business by numerous funds and hubs.
THREATS Any moment our country can get into another confrontation with others. It can influence concerns of people who might come on exchange to Russia. We need to increase the number of Ey2Ey partnerships, In case of worse external situation we would not decline in our operations because of huge contribution of just one Entity.
4. Provide internal analysis of AIESEC in Russia: what helps us to grow and what holds us back? STRENGTHS • • • oGIP and iGCDP growth for the past 5 years • • 3 years of GR have brought significant improvement into • upscaling our projects • Know-how of UR is growing in LCs • • BD events are on a very high level • and always bring profit • • Stable relations with national • partners • • SM usage for marketing • • Synergies between front and back • office • Global positioning
SPECIFIC QUESTIONS WEAKNESSES 5 Ineffective work with NSTs Conversion rates in OGX programs Information management at LC and MC level Financial management and utilization of financial model Alumni management Membership retention rate Big gap between LCs contribution MC role became more operational Coaching model Implementation of business model Focus on short term results instead of building long term vision
OPPORTUNITIES • One of the biggest student and company markets in the world • Government alignment can bring huge support (financial and brand) THREATS • E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p t r e n d i n 6. Assess what are the Russia(globally known which make it behaviors AIESEC in Russia an attractive destination) has now? How do they • Partnerships with Universities differ from what you want • Big number of alumni who can to see? How to change support them? • Huge market for expansions • Development of online resources • Getting knowledge and expertise from partners © 2016 Je3abrik Mul;purpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. • Opportunities for outsourcing some operational work
THREATS • Political instability • Not clear brand image of AIESEC • Decline of country economy • Legal attention from the government (as international organization)
5. What were the key achievements and learnings of last 4 MC terms (including current one). How will you build up on them in your year?
MC ACHIEVERS 1948 RE • .First CSR based projects in iGCDP and development of national projects • Division of OGX into oGIP and oGCDP • Global Volunteer and Global Intern packaging • Long Term Partnerships in iGCDP • Defined peaks in GIP programs and first ever Ey2Ey partnerships for GIP globally • IC brought a lot of partners • Government support for VISAs • First Break Point Forum • Goal oriented culture, “If there is a goal we need to find resources and solutions to achieve it” • AIESEC in Russia was entity that brought a lot of innovations to the global plenary: co-delivery of exchange, GIP peaks, Ey2Ey frameworks, CSR. • Growth in SM channels • Culture of LCs is much stronger than functional cultures • The biggest “Dragon” recruitment in the history of AIESEC in Russia • Big reserves in MC budget • First Sales Conference for EBs
MC GAMECHANGERS 2011 RE • “Purposeful leadership for the country” • Well branded national projects in iGCDP, more support from CSR • Standardization of the processes in GCDPs • Global Talent and Global Citizen brands • Evolution in SMM • CRM systems • Structured TM department, introduction of PDP and SDP (Sales) • Decline of GIP programs • Change of financial model for LCs • GR support for iGCDP continues • Go Teach Russia iGIP brand • Not ambitious LCs • Global Citizen platform
• “Goals need to be achieved no matter what” • Bringing oGIP to top 1 Globally • Evolution of iGCDP national projects – WoP (LTP development) • Focus on expansions • First MC project “Shining Russia” • SMM revolution • GT and GC brands are well positioned which brought big growth in applications • OGX conversions increased • Poor coaching model • Brought back the culture of ambition, though created too much pressure on Ebs • Introduction of EDP • Development of LEAD program • Decreased debts of LCs • UR support for OGX • 100% goal achievement of MC budget plan • Fast adaptation to GIS
At the moment people realize that to have different results we need to do different things. And we are not afraid to try and fail even if we don’t know weather it will work or not.
1408 RE so far
New MC projects for oGIP and iGCDP Driving growth through focus Culture of unity and growth Adapted new OD model Optimization of processes in exchange UR focus for OGX New brand for AIESEC in Russia Development of internal communication Culture of departments is much stronger than LCs • Moscow breaks 100 of RE in oGIP • iGCDP is back on track • Focus on delivery of experiences • • • • • • • • •
One Russia. One passion. IgniBng the rapid growth. 6. Assess what are the behaviors AIESEC in Russia has now? How do they differ from what you want to see? How to change them?
We should build in the plenary the atmosphere of openness, trust and imagination. We should move towards our purpose as one unity.
Creativity is not doing the LACK OF TRUST same things again and again MC and LCs don’t trust each in a different way, that’s other enough. We don’t trust repackaging. It is so hard for us because we don’t have a to imagine a future where connection that would be AIESEC engages and develops strong enough. We all have a every young person in the common goal but we work in world. Only by stretching our different directions, because imagination we can create © 2016 Je3abrik Mul;purpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. we don’t trust. something new.
All of LCs want to increase impact of AIESEC in their cities and have set ambitious growth for the next year. Members of AIESEC in Russia are giving their best at the same time enjoying their experiences.
AIESEC in Russia always knows the impact of what we do on our country and that lies as the basis of what we do.
7. How do you envision AIESEC in Russia by the year 2020? What are the changes needed to be done in term 15|16 and 1617?
SHAPING WHAT WE DO AROUND WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS We are supported by government and big companies, all our customers know our value proposition. We need to learn how to measure the impact that we are making. When we can give the concrete outputs to the prospect partners (government included) we would be seen as a serious partner which can deliver the promise and bring the solutions to the society. Our main value still sounds vague to external environment that s why we need to showcase what we are doing on a bigger level in the country.
8. What is your vision for the term 16|17? What would be your driver programs and why? What are the strategies needed to achieve growth?
With the pace that AIESEC is changing I believe that next year we do not need to have driver programs on MC level. Each LC will be choosing the program they want to master based on the history of LC, market and their ambition. MC will be supporting the LC strategy though coaching and co-creation of Entity strategies together with LCs. In order for us to start moving towards 2020 we will need to build a road map of AIESEC in Russia for the midterm ambition. MC focuses can be the first step towards it.
BEING ACCESSIBLE TO ANYONE, ANYWHERE By transforming our operations online we will make AIESEC faster and bigger. Any person in the country will be able to go on exchange and get the valuable experience even not meeting a member personally. In the next term we need to continue business model implementation and try new things which bring us the customer flow starting from structures and finishing by the experience that every single member gets.
• Increasing the contribution of Tier3,4 LCs • Creation of coaching model • Education cycle according to the customer flow • OD model implementation
GROWING DISRUPTIVELY By transforming our operations online we will make AIESEC faster and bigger. Any person in the country will be able to go on exchange and get the valuable experience even not meeting a member personally. In the next term we need to continue business model implementation and try new things which bring us the customer flow starting from structures and finishing by the experience that every single member gets.
• Government support • Public relations development • Engagement projects • BD for exchange © 2016 Je3abrik Mul;purpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. • Alumni management & engagement
• 100% CF implementation • Products development • Financial model tailored according to CF changes • Digital transformation
• Creating digital experience for our customers through our platforms • Conversions focus • Outsourcing of the processes that are time consuming • Creation of apps for EPs and interns
For us to focus on the big partnership on the governmental level we need to be able clearly present what we do. In order to do that it is crucial for us to redefine our measures of success and measures of our impact.
We want to spark the interest in young people to develop themselves to contribute for a better world.
1. Youth Speak Making one inclusive project which will engage youth all around Russia 2. Brand advocacy (showcasing our impact) By showing the world what we are doing we inspire other people to step up in their lives. 3. Our projects Realization of our incoming exchange projects can impact lots of people. We don’t only participate in solving social issues but choose our markets based on SDG KPIs and align them together.
1. Focusing on value delivery Creating more impactful leadership experiences which we will be able to measure with LDM assesSment 2. Alumni engagement Measuring the impact we already did and how they are impacting the world now. *Alumni is anyone who completed any of ELD programs (GIP, GCDP, TMP, TLP)
© 2016 Je3abrik Mul;purpose Theme. All Rights Reserved.
9. Propose your MC structure for the year 16|17. How does it reflect the strategy that you have? How will @2020 roadmap, updated @XP and MoS launched on IPM influence on your MC structure and election process?
Digital XP
Customer XP Students
MC VP Product Dev-‐t
MC VP Product Dev-‐t
Customer XP Enablers
MC VP Product Dev-‐t
NETWORK MANAGEMENT GROUP The structure of MC team is subject to change after IPM. Considering that AIESEC Experience will be changing the main products that we are offering to our customers might be changing as well. That is why we will have MC VPs Product Development. The Structure is based on the focuses of the next year and supports them (Business Model Implementation, External Relations, Network Management, Digital Transformation).
MC VP Product Dev-‐t
BD Exchange support
Team will be selected first of all based on the profiles needed for AIESEC in Russia. I would be looking at the most important characteristics: 1. Flexibility Next year AIESEC will go through many changes, we need to ne able to react very fast to them. 2. Purposeful We always should remember that all what we do in AIESEC in Russia should be contributing to our country and leadership development of youth. 3. Ambitious We strive to make AIESEC impactful, for that we need to stretch our mind and capabilities. © 2016 Je3abrik Mul;purpose Theme. All Rights Reserved. 4. Imagination Everything would seem impossible. But we need to imagine it happening and it will.
10. How will you manage your MC team? And team of LCPs? (Be more specific for the first 3 months of the term)
• External education • Discipline • Personal development • LEAD Program Implementation My dream is to have single member of the team bringing value to AIESEC in Russia and becoming more powerful than any leader of this team could ever be.
• Personal development spaces with MCP • Twice a month touch points with LC coach • Monthly touch points with the whole LCPs team My ultimate ambition is to have LCPs engage in any important decision for AIESEC in Russia, create with them together the direction for our Entity.
Thank you!
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