VOL 14 No. 14
January 29, 2014
West Coast Surf Shop has been keeping Island surfers supplied with everything from longboards to flip flops since 1964. BY CINDY LANE SUN STAFF WRITER |
HOLMES BEACH – There’s plenty to do at the West Coast Surf Shop a few days before its 50th anniversary, but founder Jim Brady is watching the Mavericks Invitational 2014 off the San Francisco coast online while his wife, Ronee Brady, mans the counter. “Big waves,” the characteristically concise local boy says. That translates to 50 feet – think five-story building. The surfers are deploying vests filled with air to bring them to the surface after being held under the crushing waves for several minutes, catching rides on Jet Skis back out to the lineup after each wave and recording it all with Go-Pro cameras mounted on helmets and boards. Surfing has changed a lot since 1964, when Brady opened the shop at its original location near the present site of the Island Chamber of Commerce, the year after Ron Jon’s – officially the oldest surf shop in Florida – opened its Cocoa Beach store. He’s not quite sure of the exact opening date – he was only 16 – but “All Summer Long” had just been released by the Beach Boys, and at the Manatee Public Beach, teenagers were dancing to surf music on the rooftop pavilion.
Ronee and Jim Brady, pictured in the “boardroom” of the West Coast Surf Shop, are celebrating 50 years in business. The original West Coast Surf Shop was located where the Island Chamber of Commerce is today. CINDY LANE | SUN
Anna Maria approves cell tower lease Kevin Barile, of Florida Tower Partners, LLC, says it might take up to nine months before the tower is operational. BY TOM VAUGHT SUN STAFF WRITER |
ANNA MARIA – The city commission worked out the details and passed an ordinance making the lease of city owned land for a cell phone tower a
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reality. The ordinance sets the stage for Florida Tower Partners, LLC to build a tower in the parking lot of Anna Maria City Hall that includes an elevated tier of equipment for the cell phone providers with room for parking beneath. After learning at a previous meeting that the tower could be as high as 162 feet, depending on the number of providers that sign up, they put 162 feet as the maximum height of the structure. There is also language that requires
the cell tower owner to tear down the tower if it becomes unnecessary. Commission Chair Chuck Webb said he wants to make sure the tower matches the Island ambience, City Attorney Jim Dye said he thinks that would be best handled when Florida Tower Partners submits a site plan. Commissioner Dale Woodland moved to accept the ordinance, and CommissionerDoug Copeland seconded the motion. The commissioners voted unanimously for the motion.
Bob Pitt wins the prestigious Florida Folk Heritage Award. 4
Anna Maria Island, Florida
There was some trepidation when the commission saw how much the aborted plan for the six lots at Pine Avenue and North Bay Boulevard would cost. The project, which included trees, a well for watering the landscape, electrical outlets for festivals, public bathrooms and parking spaces, was to be financed by Pine Avenue Restoration (PAR) and Rex Hagen, a resident who offered to fund the restrooms and parking lot. see CELL TOWER, page 43
Art is everywhere in Art Around the Island. 12 Vote for your favorites in The Sun’s
Readers’ Choice Contest. 19 The Island’s award-winning weekly newspaper