- Named Best Florida Newspaper In Its Class -
VOL 22 No. 42
July 27, 2022
Piney Point stormwater to be discharged into Tampa Bay
PALMETTO – Approximately 4.5 million gallons of stormwater contained in a storage pond at the Piney Point property is scheduled to be discharged into Tampa Bay at Port Manatee. The water contains elevated levels of salinity (salt) but does not contain the same high levels of nitrogen and phosphate as the Piney Point water discharged into the bay in 2021, according to the property’s court-appointed receiver, attorney Herb Donica. The Piney Point property is the site of a phosphate processing plant that closed in the 1960s. In April 2021, a breach in the outer wall of one of the Piney Point retention ponds, built into gypsum waste stacks, resulted in approximately 215 million gallons of water containing high levels of nitrogen and phosphate being discharged into the nearby bay. At the time, HRK Holdings LLC controlled the Piney Point property. In August 2021, Manatee County Circuit Court Judge Edward Nicholas issued an emergency order appointing Donica to serve as the receiver of the Piney Point site.
The Piney Point site contains multiple storage ponds, which are built into gypsum waste stacks. SEE PINEY, PAGE 12
Right of way permit approved for 105 Elm Wendy and Robert Jordan are now trying to sell the two properties they own adjacent to Fedora Campbell’s property at 105 Elm Ave. BY JOE HENDRICKS SUN CORRESPONDENT | jhendricks@amisun.com
ANNA MARIA – Fedora Campbell is one step closer to building her long-desired beachfront home at 105 Elm Ave. During an emergency city commission meeting on July 21, the Anna Maria Commission voted 5-0 in favor of granting final city approval of the right of way use permit that will allow Gagne Construction to extend Elm Avenue at Campbell’s expense.
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The unpaved extension of Elm Avenue will provide a driveway connection and utilities access to the three-story home to be built on Campbell’s property, but the city-issued permit must first be reviewed and approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). On June 9, the city commission tentatively approved Campbell’s rightof-way use permit request with the stipulation that final commission approval would be contingent on additional drainage elements to be designed and installed in the city right of way at Campbell’s expense to address existing and future flooding concerns at that street end. Several years ago, Elm Avenue was extended in a similar unpaved man-
Fedora Campbell’s home will be built in front of the existing beachfront home at 107 Elm Ave. ner – minus the additional drainage components – to provide driveway access for the beachfront home built at 107 Elm Ave. The west end of the avenue currently ends near the driveway of the 107 Elm Ave. home that North Carolina residents Wendy and Robert
Jordan purchased in 2021. There is also a beach access point and a walkover bridge at that street end. During Thursday’s meeting, Gagne Construction Office Manager Madison Larkin presented the plans for the additional drainage components previously requested by the commission. Larkin said the proposed drainage elements resemble the vertical infiltration trenches the city recently had installed along Pine Avenue. The right-of-way improvements will also include the installation of a 3-foot-wide beach access along the north side of the city right of way that will connect with a trail that now leads to the beach. The walkover bridge will SEE ELM, PAGE 25
feeds the souls of Gulf coast hurricane victims.
Holmes Beach? Maybe not. 3
unfolds at the Island Players. 11
Anna Maria Island, Florida
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