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I am Anna Skryabina


Why have you decided to stand for AIESEC International? What will be your contribution and what do you expect to learn from this? I stand because experience? I am curios person and I am looking forward new professional experience. I plan to become a young entrepreneur and I want to look at the world from global perspective. I want to influence solving global problems and to find solutions using all opportunities. I really believe in impact of AIESEC, which we are doing in our countries and local realities and I want to do it better.

I expect    

I will contribute with

To experience global diversity in team and work; To practice global view and perspective in myself; To gain new skills and knowledge; To develop my network;

 

My passion for those things I am doing every day; My creativity and ideas, hardworking and effectiveness, result –people –orientation balance; My diverse experience of work within international physical and virtual teams around different types of projects and issues.

AI VP AIESEC eXPerience candidate

Which trends do you see shaping the world in the next two years and what opportunities and threats they represent for the global organization?

Technological development | Web 3.0 Development of technologies is not a trend, it is fact. Development of meta content, semantical nets, generation of content and expert opinion is our reality.

Treats 


The concept of social network is moving from openness to nakedness, where is difficult to protect your reputation/brand; In some years society will try to close from all this social interactions to protect private life->difficulty to reach target audiences;

Opportunities  

We have a huge network, huge community, which is real embodiment of the virtuality 3.0; We are able to generate content to be widely present in virtual and real world.

Activization of terrorism and extremism

With the development of technologies and communication technologies, with coming of speculating year of 2012, the world can face the fulmination of extremism and terrorism.

Opportunities 



We can become one of the first choice for establishment of relations between countries through those projects we run; Our contribution to intercultural issues, national and ethnic diversity can become more than valuable in case of correct positioning.

Threats For us it can become difficult to run our international exchange-based programs with stakeholders because of lack of trust to international organizations in the society.


I am Anna Skryabina

Evaluate the organizational performance towards AIESEC 2010 and make an analysis of our current strengths and weaknesses. EXCHANGE We achieved our exchange goal in the year 2009. And we made 54% growth in comparing with year 2008. We achieved maximum in last 10 year. Now it is much easy to optimize supply and demand with new functions of Most part of exchange realized is in DT pool. We have TT and ET pools which are not as developed as DT and MT. 7 cities do 15% of exchange in the world. Coefficient of the difference between countries with high exchange rate and low one is enormous.


We increased in members more than 112% comparing with year 2006. We overcrossed our goal for year 2009. How those members are contributing to our growth everyday?

Countries of CEE, AP, WENA and IGN regions bring 90% of members. Top 10 countries have 40 % of members. Our retention rate on I2A stage is 45%, which mean that 55 % of new recruited members leave organization; we have 60% of retention on TR stage. Our membership is unbalanced according to countries and territories. But generally, according to youth population of countries it is not as big as we could have. Profiles of our members are not diversified and we have a gap in technical, engineering, communications profiles. Most part of members has economic background. The main bottleneck for us is still talent planning and targeted recruitment. But we are trying to develop new products, to make AIESEC experience more flexible in order to attract ‘more’ and ’right’ people. *All data has been taken from AI Q4 2010 Performance Report

AI VP AIESEC eXPerience candidate We have an absolute growth in Leaders and we surpassed our goal for 2009 for 320 leaders.



How can we be sure, which quality of leadership experience our members had?  Why we have only 20% of leaders out of all members in organization? We can notice gap in our leadership pipeline, attractiveness of leadership role in organization, internal branding, talent and succession planning. For this parameter we achieved only 39% of our goal. We are working to make this experience shorter and more flexible.


Why in organization, where main activities are leadership, exchange and learning activities only 39% of members have ‘complete AIESEC experience’? We made a growth in countries and territories from 89 (in 2006) to 111 (in 2009)


We are increasing in our goals, we are achieving results, but do we have enough of quality we provide to our members in each entity? We are becoming truly global, but do we reach our potential? Because of the lack of data about the Quality of AIESEC experience, we can’t analyze it purely. But we need to remember that Quality of AIESEC Experience is absolutely connected with retention rate dynamics and exchange after leadership ratio.

I am Anna Skryabina


What do you envision for AIESEC as the evolution of the 2010 vision?

Our current 2010 vision represents and reflects the reality we had 5 years while creating it. And its key words and statements for me are: everyday, agents of positive change, impact, growing, potential, volume of AIESEC XP, every members, life-changing, first choice for leadership. Time passed and now we have some concrete results in achieving our 2010 vision. Analyzing our 2010 goals, we can make a conclusion, that our post-2010 vision will reflect our current reality. Here is some personal perspective on it:  We increased 112% of growth in members, and we achieved historical maximum in it. It says that the dynamic of growth of our network is very high. And in some years we will be able to overcome 100000 members barrier.  How we ensure that AIESEC is making its impact in every entity? How to ensure and our global brand is the same on every territory? Is it really life-changing experience? We need to focus on those members we have and the quality of experience they are living everyday. AIESEC experience became so flexible and diverse that and we say about those things we want to give to the society, students, organization. But we don’t say what we want to receive (non-profit character). We speak about those things we envision, but we don’t envision how our members should be. And may be now it is one of our problems with members pipeline.


In next envisioning process, I think, we need to specify more those goals we want to achieve and to try to measure more those invisible things as quality of experience, also using opportunities of our virtual platform.

AI VP AIESEC eXPerience candidate


What is the role of AI? What should be the role of AI? Why do you think this gap exists? The role of AI should be | But a gap exists, because 

     

Provide countries with services which respond their need to maintain growth; To keep global network connected mentally and technically; Implementing new ideas, solutions; Keep track of fresh external trends; Ensure the care of global brand; Maintain GIS platform; To lead by example;

 

We have lack of alignment between countries; We improve, but still we have lack of external representation, on-line of the organization globally; There is AI support to countries, but not all of them are bringing results, reflecting investments; Not intense internal communication with a plenary in terms of delivery of common message, informational transparency;

We need to consider that each year the role of AI can be modified according to the needs of the organization, as far as main focus areas for the term. AIESEC International is combined of the team of individuals, who took this position and opportunity to ‘explore and develop’ themselves more.

I am Anna Skryabina


Examine and evaluate the implementation and evolution of the AIESEC Experience across the global network over the last 5 years.

AIESEC experience is a framework to understand what AIESEC is and to explain to external environment. It is like you normally live your life and then you go to a writer and he is writing your biography, defining main steps you passed in your life. Let’s try o make our analysis, answering several guiding questions:  Was this ‘evolution’ natural? ‘Evolution’- modified hereditary of traits of organisms in a population over several generations [Wikipedia]. Since we developed the concept of AIESEC experience, there were a lot of changes happening in it. And according to Darwin we were trying to be relevant to external environment, to survive.  How quickly we adapt to changes? Implementation and changing of AIESEC experience goes differently from country to country, from region to region. For examples, all new concepts and ideas are implemented faster in AP region, and they are moving to the West. Mostly it can be connected with mentality of countries. For example in AP region there is mostly flexible @XP, in CEE we can find long, full , but dynamic @XP, in WENA some parts of @XP are cut because of the membership pipeline. Southern hemisphere experiences growth, but countries of IGN region were adapting slowly to changes.


Countries of MENA and Africa experience strong influence of external factors which affect implementation of fasttrack @XP and exchange.

AI VP AIESEC eXPerience candidate


Which changes have been done in these 5 years? Did it move to make more effective exchanges? We are moving from international exchange program (before 2005) to issue-based AIESEC experience (2005-2006), when we decided to make those experience which members are living in AIESEC more impactful. After this there was a huge decrease in exchange realization. 2006-2007: AIESEC experience, current stages, conservative cycle, stage-by-stage, long-term. 2007-2008: AIESEC experience, we involve again pocket recruitment to our activity to provide more international experience not only to our members but also to young people all over the world. 2008-2009: moving to the fast and short-term AIESEC experience, with an opportunity to start with exchange . 2009-2010: diversified, fast-track, flexible, with new modifications, experience, which adapts a lot to the reality of the country, entity, contributing to exchange and members growth Speaking about stages of AIESEC XP: Still we don’t have basic criteria for I2A, some LCs are not managing to have TR stage, LR varies from strong LR with middle-management to 0 LR structure, from us it is more difficult to realize exchanges after leadership, some countries still don’t know what is H4TF stage and use it for inactive members.


I am Anna Skryabina


Compare the AIESEC XP as a product to similar experiences students and partners can have today. What are the strengths and weaknesses of what AIESEC offers?

As organization we have competitors, which provide similar experience to students, such as international internships, leadership development, education on certain issues, voluntary opportunities. Among these organizations are: SIFE, JCI, ESN, AEGEE, IAESTE, Erasmus, etc. Among our competitors on organizations’ side are those who provide head hunting services, employer branding, corporate social responsibility. As AIESEC we have certain strengths, even though we have, for sure, improvement points.

Strength        


Opportunity to live compexed experience (leadership, exchange, learning); To gain new knowledge and skills; To be aware of the worlds trends; Personal|Professional network; International experience (exchange, reception); Opportunity to develop strategic view in managing organization; Opportunity to understand how companies and NGOs are working; Self-realization of members;

 Main plus is complex, which company can have from AIESEC;  Companies may participate in different AIESEC programs from recruiting trainees to recruiting AIESEC members with AIESEC XP, and recruitment trainees with AIESEC XP;  Generally they can use AIESEC to make an impact into society both direct and indirect;

Weaknesses  AIESEC becomes a ‘comfort zone’;  Members switch off from external environment;  Mostly taking new opportunities is about self motivation and self-awareness;  ‘Stakeholder focus’ competency is developed according to concrete JDs;  Self realization is one of the highest need of human according to Maslou, AIESEC is not relevant for people with not-satisfied basic needs;  Only people with right profile are able to live fully AIESEC XP; this experience is not for everybody;  For companies it is difficult to understand what is this AIESEC XP if we don’t make correct and clear positioning of AIESEC.  The most problem is selling, wrong positioning  People on TR stage don't know how to sell @ XP, cause they didn't live it.  Mostly invisible product, which is difficult to measure from the first site.

AI VP AIESEC eXPerience candidate


Can we make all parts of the AIESEC XP accessible virtually to make AIESEC truly global? In order to examine if AIESEC XP can be accessible virtually we have to check AIESEC Way and AIESEC Brand XP. Virtual experience is not against AIESEC way. But here we face a question how to ‘enjoy participation’ and ‘live diversity’ through internet? Of course we can be more effective comparing with our competitors if we provide this virtual experience. Our members auditory can become wider, but how will be work with our supporter and enablers? Will it be virtual work also? Physical manifestations: promotion and recruitment on-line can be more appealing for members, more accessible, but less personal. As AIESEChow we have certain‘personally’ strengths, even though we(we have, for sure,beings need Benefits: to develop on virtual level as human improvement points. interpersonal communication), how to make societal impact (indirect is possible through projects), to live international experience (edepends on the level of virtual membership), to build global network (quality of virtual relations)? Generally virtual experience is not against Brand XP (differentiator or essence), but it moves everything in virtual reality.

What can we do in virtuality? Before AIESEC: on-line promotion (+ I am an AIESECer 2.0), recruitment, virtual competency assessment, interview I2A: on-line streaming of conferences, materials in, virtual classes, I am an AIESECer stories. TR: it is a stage when you need to do concrete things in reality. Tasks can be tasks send by team leader (coordinator of the project, if another country). LR: virtual management of the team, like in GSTs. X: raising of EP and TNs on-line, matching, mid-evaluation of internships through and web 2.0 (blogs, twitter, flickr, facebook); H4TF: finding after AIESEC opportunities and application to the on-line;

I am Anna Skryabina


Using AIESEC’s global communication channels, please, develop an internal communication strategy for the network.


  

Faster alignment among network; Rapid sharing of message from AI ->MC & AI->LC; Creation of channels of LC->LC & MC->MC communication; Create a form of ‘Virtual reality’ like ‘Big Brother’ ;



    


 


I am an AIESECer 3.0 -> “Follow AI life and track their decision making process”; AI News -> Live broadcast (video on Youtube), 1-2 minutes everyday, 1 weekly + tools of 2.0, which we continue to use in effective way;

Internal team issues should not be broadcasted; Need people working on this Broadcast project (VP, manager, GST); Support and empower of @members to read; Internet connection problems; Specific hours of broadcasting per VP & specific team work; Raising of IT or media supporter | partner interested in it; Provide web 2.0 written copy (Blogger, Twitter, Facebook);

Wider answers you can find on the wiki:

AI VP AIESEC eXPerience candidate


Develop a marketing campaign (Product, Price, Place and Promotion)for students and partners to sell the AIESEC XP. What students should think after the campaign? I want to join this organization,

What companies should think after the campaign? I want to be a partner of AIESEC,

to live this amazing experience and to leave something after me through this organization in my local society.

I want to increase my impact through this organization , to use its opportunities for the development of my organization.

Product: It is difficult to buy abstract

Product: @ XP for companies, they are

experience, let’s propose a simulation, game, playing in which you gain certain competencies, skills, # of people in your personal and professional network, etc. And you write scenario of your game by yourself. We are selling virtual reality.

living every stage together with us. We don’t sell parts, we sell it all together. The start with I2A and they participate in learning events, they go to TR and they do leadership conferences, X- they become TNtakers, LR- they become mentors and H4TFthey recruit person with full @XP.

Place: Depends on human needs (as Maslou said): universities, clubs according to the interests, web 2.0, communities, where you can find self-realization, communication, socialization, success.

Place: events, forums, web-page, internet ( professional on-line networks, web 2.0, online advertisement non-conventional ), direct sales

Promotion: combination of physical, virtual, non-conventional promotion, treasure hunting and live experience. Somebody wants the process of living experience, some needs success stories,

Promotion: direct and on-line selling, head

Price: cost of materials, optimized and

Price: on-line advertisement, good quality

appeal web-page with competency assessment for externals, non-conventional marketing, index of searching engines

video and graphical content, interactive content on our web-pages.

hunting web-pages, other partnering associations, I am an AIESEC partner, concept of completed experience.

I am Anna Skryabina

AI VP AIESEC eXPerience candidate


New gamers need to understand that at one level they can become PAI and they understand an impact of the game and they move faster from level to level. If they want to have more score in a game they take extra –bonuses (can be LR+X). How can we provide it virtually and really?  Making analysis of AIESEC 2010 goals, we understood main gaps in those experiences we provide, and we ask the question?

What can contribute in strong induction, positioning, branding of AIESEC XP to our members and will support the development of countries from the local level? π (pi) is and important Constanta, induction process is the basis of AIESEC experience. Let me introduce you “@X π” virtuality game which can help us to build our π. Like in every normal (computer or real) game we need to know some rules, to know how to play, we need to understand what will be in the end and what are we striving for, what we want to win. What does it mean? New member during induction period should know all the information about the game, as much as PAI knows about AIESEC. They should know why they have been selected in AIESEC, what is Global competency model, how and why we use it, what is AIESEC conferences, who is change agent and what this change agent is doing after AIESEC, they should know AIESEC way, organizational structure, etc.


As in normal game they need to understand which benefits they have from every element, which skill and competencies they gain on each level. When people know rules and ‘bonuses’ from the beginning they become competitive and want to win.

Correct standard package for induction (materials, videos, virtual classes from AI, MCs); ‘Talk with PAI’; AI broadcast – ‘Big brother’; Interactive I am an AIESECer- F1 (how to play on other levels);

  

   

EB-members, MC-members, AImembers communication; Global, regional, national, local conference cycle; From MC to LCP  Flexible AIESEC XP; Alumni strategy, impact in local society, connection with LC;

Investments:   

Time investments of members of AI, MCs, EBs to ensure proper virtual and physical communication; Cost for AIESEC Int. broadcast (internet connection, web-cam streaming, other technical equipment); High quality materials creation;

Correctly inducted gamers:     

Will stay in organization, will deliver the brand correctly to the stakeholder, which will help to increase in number of players Will play on the right level and will increase their mobility; Will contribute in exchange growth and will go for an exchange; Will take care about the quality of their experience by themselves; Will be ready to help other gamers in other countries and entities

As organization we already have a great product, we just need to make our π

stronger and to pack in the way attractive for next generations.

Thank you for reading my application!

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