Etwin and Ning visiting Poland

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Etwin and Ning are visiting Poland

Straight from Hungary we are going north to Poland, a land of old mountains and rich history.

Wow! Dinousaurs here?!

Yes, d about inosaurs l ived h 250 m ere in Św illion s year iętorz s ago yskie (in so Moun uth p tains art of Polan t d ) dinos . Som oday’s aurs’ e othe f ossils r in Sile were s i a ( found not fa town Dzier r from ż oniów about our ) – th 200 m ey are illion s year s old.

Now we are in one of the oldest mountains in Europe – Sudety (Sudetes)

In Sudetes a wonderful cave is situated. The cave is called „Bear Cave� because the bones of cave bears were found there.

The Bear Cave was created for about 48 millions years. The proccess started 50 millions years ago and ended about 1,5 millions years ago.

Cave bears lived in Sudetes in Europe during the Pleistocene and became extinct at the beginning of the Last Glacial Maximum, about 27,500 years ago.

Etwin and Ning are going north and visiting the archaeological open air museum Biskupin. It is an archaeological site and a life-size model of an Iron Age fortified settlement in north-central (Wielkopolska) Poland.

The settlement at Biskupin belongs to the Hallstatt C and D periods (early Iron Age, 800-650 BC and 650-475 BC).

Welcome to Biskupin

Not far from Biskupin, the first capital city of Poland – Gniezno is situated. There, a very important event for history of Poland took place in 966 - Baptism of Poland.

Baptism of Poland in 966

Middle Ages is a very good period in history of Poland. First kings ruled the country and it was becoming bigger and bigger. In 12th century our home town Dzier偶oni贸w was set up. The towns usually were surrounded with deffensive walls. We have some Middle Ages deffensive walls in Dzier偶oni贸w. Unfortunately Middle Ages is a period of many wars in Europe. One of the biggest battle took place near a village of Grunwald.

Battle of Grunwald

15th July 1410

Partitions of Poland The Partitions of Poland or Partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth are three partitions which took place in the second half of the 18th century (1772,1793,1795) and ended the existence of the Polish– Lithuanian Commonwealth for 123 years.

Partitions of Poland

Russian Empire Kingdom of Prussia

Habsburg Austria

Those 123 years were very difficult for Polish people. They tried to regain independence, many national uprisings took place and at last after WW1 (the first World War) we fought our independence.

11.11.1918 Poland is an independent country again

Poland as independent only for 21 years. On 1st September 1939 Germans invaded the country from the west and on 17th September 1939 the Soviet Union invaded from the east. The country was occupied by two enemy countries. It was terrible time of war. A lot of people were killed, taken to work or death camps‌

01.09.1939 – 08.05.1945 World War II

Unfortunately, the end of WW2 in Europe wasn’t the beginning of freedom for Poland. The Soviet communism occupied Poland till 1989. The years of communism were the time of terror, empty shops, closed borders,‌

Communism in Poland (1945-1989)

In 1989 after many years of „Silidarity” fight for democracy, in Poland first democratic election took place – that’s the end of communism in Poland. Because of it, we could join European Union in 2004 and be here with you 

Round table talks initiated the fall of communism in Poland in 1989.

e r a e w … , A n d n g ou r i h s i h g fin u o r th y e n f jour o y r histo . d n a Po l

We f much ound out so . Soo n y ou w be ab l your e to che ill ck know the h ledge of istory Polan of d in o ur qu iz 

See you soon Poland ď Š

The authors, students of classes 4a, 4c and 4d: Agata Izdebna Wiktoria Kurzyńska Melania Bednarz Wiktoria Hercuń Joanna Jaśkiewicz Rafał Marecki Aleksandra Różak Szymon Sztachelek Dawid Zając Laura Zabłocka Teacher: Anna Szczepaniak

„Journey Through Time” Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. Mikołaja Kopernika Dzierżoniów, Poland

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