Welcome to Europe 2007-2009

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Welcome to Europe –

an e-guide book of 8 European countries

Anna Szczepaniak & Małgorzata Szukała SP 9 Dzierżoniów, Poland Contact Seminar Gdańsk, 19th September 2009

Our projects: • Discovering Europe • Are we really different? • A Safe e-Journey • Enjoy Your Meals and Festivals! • Welcome to Europe • Smart Surfers

Project team • Portugal: Cristina Silva, EB 2,3 da Lousã, • Poland: Anna Szczepaniak, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. Mikołaja Kopernika, Dzierżoniów • Lithuania: Alina Kalinauskiene, Gargzdu "Vaivorykstes" gimanazija, • Spain: Carolina Castro Comes, IES Aubenç, • Great Britain: Madge Peters, Olnafirth School, Voe • Romania: Cristina Cioanta, Scoala cu clasele I-VIII, Avrig, • Italy: Sebastiana Puglisi, SMS "Leonardo Da Vinci", • Czech Republic: Lenka Weinbergerová, Základní škola Františky Plamínkové, Prague

What actions to take to reach aims? Age of participating students Choose topic Set out aims Make plan Set out tasks Integrate topics into national curriculum Choose tools for: -Communication -Publication -Processing of data Evaluation



basic elements of the project /product acting time/

Idea of Project What are our aims? How will we integrate project into National curriculum? What will be the results and benefits? How will we present our product?


Duration of Project Two years project for 2007-2009 which will continue until June 2009 Time plan of activities Deadline for tasks and sharing of results

Beginning The idea of this project was born a year earlier, when we finished our previous project about similarities and differences in students’ life in Poland, Portugal and Italy. The coordinators decided to develop the cooperation and to let students know more about each other’s countries, regions, culture and traditions.

The aims of the project are: • to interest students in history and culture of their regions and countries, • to show them how they can use ICT in their learning process, • how to learn from their peers’ works • to make students realize how beautiful their country is and that they should be proud of it, • to encourage students to improve their English by using ICT.

The project was divided into six parts – topics:

PART I: "Welcome to our home towns" (one day trip in students' favourite places in their home towns)

PART II: "Welcome to our school" (students present their schools)

PART III: "Travelling to the Past" Students exchange information about their favourite traditions, events in their regions (connected with festivals, history).

Up Helly Aa in Lerwick in GB

PART IV: - "Different places, different flavours" - each group of students describe their favourite typical food in their countries.

PART V: "Who's who in our region and country" : famous people who lived in our regions and countries.

PART VI: “Welcome to my country� students make presentations with general information about their country, choose interesting places in their country and present them.

Interesting places

Posters or leaflets – an invitation to their home town and region

Leaflets from Poland

One of the aims of our project was visiting each other country, if possible. Two of the visits took place: Polish group visited the capital city of the Czech Republic Prague, Portuguese group visited Polish school and together with Polish students they visited some historical Polish places, made friends with Polish students and knew Polish cuisine and culture. They also visited the city of Prague.

Visiting Prague

Portuguese visit Poland

Knowing each other and visiting Wrocław

Visiting Auschwitz and Cracow

Visiting Town Hall

In our school in Dzier偶oni贸w

Advantages for project participants Students used digital cameras, Microsoft Office Powerpoint or Open Office.org Impress and the Internet (websites) to make presentations for the project. Teacher coordinator have improved her ICT skills creating the blog . The other teachers had to work with ICT using the eTwinning platform tools and improved their ICT skills of making multimedia presentations.

Students working on the project

Our blog http://welcome-to-europe.bloog.pl

The project ‘Welcome to Europe’ considerably improved the quality of educational services in our schools: the participants got to know a lot about European culture and history, improved their knowledge of English and ICT skills. It was already awarded with 3 National Quality Labels - in Portugal, the Czech Republic and Poland.

Anna Szczepaniak & Małgorzata Szukała Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. Mikołaja Kopernika Dzierżoniów Thank you for your attention Contact Seminar Gdańsk, 19th September 2009.

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