Guía biblioteca inglés

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Public School El Torcal C/ Cayetano de Cabra, nº 7. 29003 Málaga School Library Blog:

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal



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The Library: Read, Write and Investigate



Objectives of the Library



The Users: who can use it?



Zones and Sections of the Library



The Organisation of the Collections



The Pre-School Corner



The Opening Times



The Library staff and Support Team



Services and Programmes






Performance Standards



Using the Internet in the Library



Library Layout


School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


1L The Library: Read, Write and Investigate The Library is the school’s very special educational space. In it, you can read, discover new topics, learn and investigate either under the guidance of your teacher or by yourself. As well as books, magazines and comics; you can find videos, DVDs, CDs, maps and use the internet on the computers. All of this so you can take yourself on journeys to faraway worlds…to meet wizards and witches in magical worlds that are full of surprises. It is a place to stimulate your imagination, to enjoy stories and to recite poems. It is also a place which can offer you the resources necessary to study, investigate and do work. It is a meeting place for all your Friends to share your readings, your writings and the discoveries you have made during your investigations. Come and see! Let yourself be guided by TORCALÍN and discover a new world!

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


2 Objectives of the Library  To support the curriculum development and our educational project.  To facilitate the educational community Access to a great variety of resources and programmes.  To contribute to the development of basic competencies within our students.  To promote reading and writing practices as methodological strategies for the building of knowledge.  To encourage reading in the school in order to form a Reading community.  To give the children and understanding of the tools and strategies used to access information.


The Users: Who can use it?

The library is available to all the students as well as the faculty and the parents of the students. The document which allows access to all the resources and services in the library is the BE/CREA card. This card freely delivers everything requested and is necessary to loan books. If the card is lost, it is possible to obtain a new one.

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal



Zones and Sections of the Library In the library we can find different spaces:  Loan Zone: It is the management zone of the library where those responsible organise loans and work. The computer in this zone is used exclusively for this purpose; the students can not use it.  Computer Zone: In this zone you can find computers with an internet connection which can be used to research and do investigative work etc.  Audio-visual Zone: In the library, we present slide shows and videos using a large retractable projector screen. The DVDs and CDs can be found in their own shelves.  New Zone: In this zone you will find the newly acquired books. You can find new information regarding these books here too.  Non-Fiction Zone: The non-fiction books from all ages are found in the big book shelf; ordered according to the CDU system. Next to the big book shelf you can find the signalling system which tells us how the books are ordered.  Fiction Zone: You can find the fiction books in the lower bookshelves. The fiction books have a coloured sticker according to the appropriate age of the reader.

Blue, pre-school and early readers

Red, 7 - 10 years old

Green, 10 – 12 years old

● Yellow, over 12 years old

 Early Readers Zone. The Pre-School Corner: The books for the youngest children can be found here accompanied with a blue sticker.  Team Working and Group Reading Zone: Large tables are found here which allow you to work, read and study together as a group. School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


 Toy Library: In this zone there are games and resources for the youngest students.

In addition to the zones mentioned, there are in fact more marked sections: books that come with work booklets, material zones, books and resources for the teacher, resources for the diverse programmes and projects that are developing in the school, work made by the students and finally, books about Málaga and Andalucía.


The Organisation of the Collections Everything in the library is ordered so that it can be easily found when needed. In order to maintain the collection in an organised fashion, the library follows a simplified system of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC); a system which is implemented across the vast majority of libraries. The books and documents are divided into two large groups: Fiction and Non-Fiction. Fiction books are books written by authors which tell imaginary stories whereas non-fiction books refer to the real world and are made up of facts regarding a multitude of topics.

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


Depending on the topic, these books are divided into several groups according to the CDU and they all group themselves in the corresponding area according to a colour, a number and a phrase. In each book, you will find a rectangular sticker with the corresponding UDC colour at the bottom of the book’s spine Here is an example of the sticker label:

79 PEL jue

Sports, games

CDU Number

The first three letters of the author’s surname

Pelegrin, Ana

The first three letters of Juegos populares the book’s title in lower case

This key will help you remember the sticker information

The fiction books are found in the lower, smaller bookshelves. They belong to group 8 (Language and Literature) and they are classified by reader level which is why they have a circular sticker on the upper part of the book’s spine. The blue sticker indicates the book is for children aged up to 7 years, the colour red for children

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


aged colour children between 10 years old.

between 7 to 10 years old and the green for aged to 12

You can also find yellow stickers which indicate the book is for children aged over 12.

In the UDC chart we can see the stickers for pre-school books and the colour codes for the fiction books.

There are distinct sections which correspond to the different literary genres: Illustrated albums, stories/tales, prose, poems, drama and comics

This key in the library helps guide you School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


The books are ordered alphabetically in the book shelves by author following this order: from left to right and from down going upwards.

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal



The Pre-School Corner In this zone you will find the corner for younger readers. These younger readers either still haven’t acquired the ability to read or they find themselves in the process of learning to. As well as the UDC label, the books here come with a pictogram on the cover which helps them to grasp the meaning of the book’s contents.

Infant book pictograms

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


Books to tell Special texts with illustrations that complement the text. The book needs the help of an adult so that the book resonates with the child.

The world that surrounds us Near the non-fiction books, they explain what happens around us. They can be effective when either told as a story but also in a factual, realistic way.

Surprise stories

They are books which give children a sense of Discovery and exploration. They more often than not lead to sensorial stimulation, improving fine motor skills which develops the children’s senses.

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


Picture books

These are books in which the illustrations tell the story, not the words.

Musical books

Rhyming books, poems, jingles and popular songs. Rhythm and rhyme is emphasised greatly in this section.

These books carry a label and bar code just like the rest of the books in the library.

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal



The Opening Times The library remains open during school hours whenever there is a group of students working in there with their teacher as well as the time given to the library team to take out their technical and organisational tasks. Each group of students, with their tutor is allocated an hour every week in order to use the library during school hours. During two break times in the week (Monday and Wednesday) the library is open for the lending and returning of books. At the beginning of each school year, the schedule of the support team and student groups is organised.


Support Team In charge of the library is a team of teachers who are responsible for the activities and programmes that are organised, the loaning of books/materials and for providing assistance when needed. A group of students from year 6 and the school monitor come together in the library at break time to help with the organisation of the collections. SUPPORT TEAM ANA CID PROLONGO ANTONIA LUQUE ASTORGA RAFAEL CALDERÓN RUÍZ JOSÉ ANTONIO FELIP PERÉZ Mº VICTORIA FERRER BARRABINO DESEADA GALLARDO GARRIDO Mº JOSÉ GONZÁLEZ DE COBOS AMPARO GUZMAN SAMBLÁS ESTHER ORTEGA PALOP ISABEL VASCO MOHEDANO INMACULADA VICENTE HERNÁNDEZ SILVIA VILLAHIZÁN, MONITORA ESCOLAR

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


Services and Programmes


The services provided by the Library are: 

Reading and support in the room

Teaching the children to understand how the school library Works, about its resources, services and activities which it offers

Teaching and encouraging the children to form skills to seek out information independently

Support activities curricular activities

To help with the projects and programmes in the school that are developing

The production of a thematic newsletter regarding the major events that we celebrate in the school

Releasing information regarding the new items in the





library 

General information in the library blog: And also in the library section of the school’s website

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


10 Loans It is possible to loan items for one week and if you need, you can extend the loan for a week extra. In special cases, you are able to loan two items at the same time, under the discretion of the library team. The maximum amount of time possible to loan a DVD or CD is one week. This can not be extended. The book collections in the classrooms are classed as collective loans taken from the library. The teacher of the class is responsible for maintaining these books. In the classrooms it is possible to have a SDA with a maximum of fifty volumes based upon the learning units/topics, working projects and classroom group reading for a period of time that the tutor considers necessary. All loans must be noted in the computer: the bar code reader will scan the book’s code automatically. When taking a book from the shelf you must take care to ensure that the other books around it do not get jumbled up because they are placed in alphabetical order. You can select your own books or ask a member of staff what they can recommend to you. Also, you can look at what your schoolmates have recommended in the ‘New’ section of the information panel. When you return a loan you must hand the item over to the library staff on duty so that he/she can log the book’s return in the ABIES system. You must never return a book to the shelves yourself.

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal



Performance Standards 

The tutors will be able to make use of the library during school hours in which they are fully responsible for the students during the time they spend in the library (one pre-determined hour a week)

The library is a place to read and investigate, not a place to play nor eat. You will attempt to remain silent or at least use a quiet tone of voice in order to not disrupt fellow students.

Once finished being used, the books and furniture will be placed where you found them.

You will only loan books using the ABIES system.

The loan will be issued for a 7 day period and may be renewed for another 7 days upon approval.

The loaning of books and other resources to classrooms (loaned to tutor and registered in ABIES) will determine the type of collection and needs each class requires.

The dictionaries, encyclopaedias and consultation material will only be used in the library.

The control of books coming in and leaving will be the responsibility of those in charge of the library.

When you return a book, you will place it in the ‘returns’ shelf.

The loss of and mutilation/damage to books will result in the person that has loaned the book to pay for the repair or replacement of that book. In addition, they will temporarily lose the right to loan books.

The library will be open to the whole educational community who have the right to make use of the resources available in it.

The library is everyone’s, take care of it.

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


11 Using the Internet in the Library Available in the technology zone of the library are computers with an internet connection. They can be used in order to discover new things in on-line encyclopaedias, play educational games/programmes and to research information to help in your school work. You will however, have to abide by the following rules: ACTIVIES PERMITTED


 Accessing web pages

 Using chat programmes

 Access to website based emails

 Accessing pages/programmes which contain violence, racism, pornography and those that promote committing crimes

 Files download through accessing FTP servers  Using educational programmes  Accessing educational blogs

 Using games that are not already installed and authorised  Installing programmes and accessories  To modify the configuration of the computers and to install any kind of software without authorisation

Remember: Surfing the internet does not come without its risks. Take note of the following guidelines: You will always use the internet in the presence of a member of staff. You must not give away your personal details on the internet, nor your address or telephone number. You must not take part in personal activities (sending/receiving emails or entering in chat rooms.) Never meet or arrange to meet with people you have met through the internet. Whatever incident or need… always tell the member of staff present in the library. School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


The computers and access to the internet are to be used exclusively for teaching activities.

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal



Library Layout

School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


School Library Guide CEIP El Torcal


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