The Expression of Being - Design Bachelor Thesis

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The Expression of Being And the New Age of Fusioned Reality

Volume 2

Anne Gorgy OCAD University Industrial Design Thesis Project 2016

content Synthesis & Application

2 6

E-Things Enabled, Enchanted, and 12 Enlightened Objects.

The Fusioned Reality A New Age


The Brand of E-Cubed


Technological Capabilities 38 Social Platform




3 7

The realm of E-Things Information Streams


Hyper-Personalization 16 Implications


Branding & Platform Design Data Analysis


Experience Journey Mappring 46 Branding


Platform Design


4 8

1 5

Founding Premise







Leveraging Opportunities

Active Engagement


Distinguishing Onself


Singular Plurality


Augmented Intelligence 24 and Behaviour


Data Proliferation & Concerns


Compelling Perspectives 28

Strategy & Value Creation Stakeholder's Map


Behaviour Space


Business Revenue Model


Creating the Business Model 78 Business Model Archetype

Manifestations of the Internet of Things



Final THOUGHTS The Design Process 85 Conclusion




''The world is but a canvas to our imagination.'' - Henry David Thoreau -



First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the amazing work of God that unceasingly guides me to find my way and true passion in life. To Alexander Manu, my design mentor and life guru, thank you for being a constant source of enlightenment, guidance, and inspiration. My work and I have been transformed by you. To my parents and my brother, I am forever grateful for your unconditional love and support, and continuous encouragement to pursue my dreams, for being my backbone and comfort zone, and for empowering me to become the person I am today. To my grandparents, those who are still here and those watching over me from up above, you are my guiding light and source of blessings. To my friends, living in the different places around the world, your personal brilliance have left a mark in my life. Thank you for unforgettable moments and experiences. I would also like to give special thanks to Krutika Galgalikar, for her contributions in the graphic design and branding of my project. Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who have helped bring this work to life, and contributed with their advice and guidance.










These two books reflect a study, over the course of the past 7 months, that was concerned with characteristics of the human condition and their means of Being. The books explore the advancement of our existence and as it keeps on evolving with and through the development and capabilities of technology. The main focus of my study has been revolving around the multi-dimensions of the Self and knowledge in the context of the Internet of Things. It looks into possibilities and leveraging the full capabilities of this new field of opportunity for individuals and businesses. Throughout the two books, I have examined many topics that tackle the state of blended reality, hyper-sharing cultures, cognitive ecologies, and data spaces. This research has been distilled in defining a new upcoming age of Fusioned Reality and creating a brand that captures the value found at the intersection of technology, users, and businesses. The brand proposal consists of multiple business offerings that can be implemented in succession over the next 30 years. It has been developed on the premise of a self-sustaining system that gives rise to a state of augmented intelligence and behaviour.


A New Age

at the intersection of human aspirations, technological capabilities, and business opportunities

Introduction Since the dawn of humanity, we have been looking for ways to extend ourselves, with the aim of finding meaning and purpose. As we come to exist and interact in everyday life, the Self develops to encompass multiple dimensions. These dimensions have come to live both in the physical and virtual world, in a state of blended reality. Always looking for ways to become whole and augment its condition of being. However, until today, our multidimensions and experiences has been living in a fragmented state. Across the various platforms, the different representations they propagated, and the multitude of data that was constantly being generated.

With the rise of the Internet of Things, and the possibilities it encompasses, lies a new opportunity. One, in which the blended reality came to an end, to give rise to a new age. The age of Fusioned Reality. This new upcoming age lies at the intersection of human aspirations, technological capabilities, and business opportunities. Its foundation realizes the role and ability of each of these entities, and strives to bring them together in a new whole. A whole that is self sustaining and is concerned with leveraging full potential of its elements to serve the human condition.




This new nature of objects, created by the Internet of Things, requires our deep examination of what it will mean for objects to be enabled, enchanted, and enlightened; to become E-Things. The amount of opportunities created through this new state will be tremendous, in terms of what objects will be capable of doing, and how it will transform people’s behaviour, and expectations.

Enabled Objects Through attaching sensors and smart tags to inanimate objects, they will be enabled by the Internet of Things. Enabled entities in space will be able to generate, store, and transfer data. When data is gathered, aggregated and analyzed based on their taxonomies and ontologies, it becomes enabled data. Enabled data is thus data that has been filtered through a user’s personal criteria.1

Enchanted Objects When objects transform through technology, they will be able to become more connected, more sensate, more informative, more useful, more delightful, and more engaging. They will transform into enchanted objects that are able to sense, perceive and respond to external stimuli and variables. Enchanted objects will enhance a user’s life and evoke emotional responses from them.2

enabled Enchanted Enlightened 13

Enlightened Objects This implies objects becoming context-aware and their ability to transform enabled data into information that can be of benefit to the user. When such information is utilized to modify or enhance a future action in beneficial ways, it creates value. A value loop is then created when modified actions derive new information that allow for a learning process to continue.3 A learning process, in which enabled entities combine information with relevant data and become able to communicate it as knowledge 1 when needed.

“A learning process, in which enabled entities combine information with relevant data and communicate it as knowledge.� 14

Objects then become enlightened when meaning is assigned to data, and experiences become more meaningful for each person based on the user-specific interpretation of everyday interactions, thus generating benefit.1


The Realm of E-Things

Information Streams Our interaction in space with E-Things will create a seamless landscape and environment of message flow. When objects become a link to a network of information, they will be considered as access points for features, services, and knowledge.

The various combinations of devices, places, and people will create a range and wealth of unique possibilities. This implies the enabled environment being intuitive to all, to become meaningful for every user and and to create user experiences that are clear and accessible. 1

Objects will be able to communicate with one another, determine their value and application in regards to other objects, and function as a unified whole. Such communication between enabled entities should also be concerned with the purpose, context, and method of transmission. These objects will be further expected to respond according to past, present, and future events.


When a space gains the ability to gather data, make sense of it, and become aware of its occupants, they will be expected to conduct an appropriate reaction to a given action and respond to occupants’ personal and collective needs.

Through constant interactions between each user and enabled objects, there will be a continuous flow of information, in which it will be constantly refined, and thus refining the personalization of an experience.


Data generated by a person and a continuous observation of his/her interaction by enabled spaces, will be used to determine their personal preferences, and benefit and enhance their experiences and future interactions. In that sense, each user will feel as if every product or service has been specifically tailored to them.

This implies a new era where hyper-personalized experiences will prevail, in which everyone will enjoy and benefit from experiences that have been highly tailored and curated to their own preferences, wants, and desires.

'' everyone will enjoy experiences that have been highly tailored to their own preferences, wants, and desires.'' 17

Implications The upcoming era is expected to be one of abundant hyper-personalized lives and experiences. People will strive to modify their abilities and profile in the physical and virtual world to rise up to achieve a self that meets their personal expectations. People’s consistent exposure to technology and knowledge will trigger changes in behaviour and generate new expectations. This questions the role technology will have in evolving people. 1 However, people will also transform enabled spaces through the triggers they provoke and their expectations. But what would be most intriguing is how technology will perceive those users and how they will impact and evolve technology in turn. As people publicly leave marks and aspects of their personality, beliefs, and behaviours behind, the term “me through your eyes” will not only be confined to what people perceive of others. The new nature of enabled spaces will raise the question of what a user can be in the eyes of E-Things.


In an effective and sustainable ecosystem, each element plays a role. In the realm of enabled landscapes and personalizing experiences, what role will people play? When every person enjoys and benefits from personalized experiences, what will set them apart becomes their unique roles as triggers, the nature of their engagement, and what they bring forth to the experience, rather than being mere passive receptors of experiences. As E-Things join the equation and become a radical player, the new raised concern will be what aspects in users that will be of interest to them and worth sharing, and how they can best communicate with one another. What people will contribute with personally and collectively that will influence and transform the experience, as well. The goal of such ecosystem of people and enabled objects and spaces will be how to shape and evolve one another.

“ how technology will perceive those users and how they will impact and evolve technology in turn”

“The goal of such ecosystem will be how to shape and evolve one another.“


Founding Premise

Active Engagement To discuss what it means to actively engage in an experience, we must refer to what that moment of experience was about. When describing a moment, it is what a person perceives at a particular time and place. It is something that you sense, experience, and feel. A moment is about you and what you were at that time and place. As human beings, our purpose is to create something that proves our presence on earth, but also something that serves for our quest for meaning and worth, as seen by others and ourselves. Therefore, we need to be, to create, but also involve others and let them know what we have created, and what, how, and where we have been. 4 This quality of being is one of becoming through learning and our experiences. It explains our motive to learn, search for more ways to experience life, and explore, in order to move forward and have more worth. These are the marks that we leave behind, through our work and acts, to become; to have mattered for others. 4

Therefore, to fully and actively engage in an experience, we must consider that piece of us during that experience. What we shared of ourselves, contributed with, and the references we have made in order to sense, perceive and feel that experience. What also needs to be considered is our awareness of how others defined us through that moment, and what they associated it us with. In that scope, we need to address what makes us unique and the associations people identify us through, and our state of plurality.


This quality of being is one of becoming through learning and our experiences.



Distinguishing Oneself In our state of being, what makes each person unique is their stories. Stories are experiences we have gone through, things that happened to us, and events we were part of. Each of these aspects changed us in a way or another. They are our personal narratives and they shape and influence our views and understanding of life and the world. But they also show us how people are affected by what happens to them and most importantly what they make happen in turn. Stories are the grounds that can connect us with other people, yet differentiate us from others through our personal twists and turns. Thus, in an experience, our stories become our personal essence and imprint. What we bring forth and how we engage inform our current stance and influences our imagination and how we move forward and shape our future and that of others.

“in an experience, our stories become our personal essence 22 and imprint.”

“Stories are the grounds that can connect us with other people, yet differentiate us from others, through our personal twists and turns.”

Singular Plurality The human condition of plurality revolves about being with others and how we ensure that others know we exist. Plurality is part of being human, of not being alone, but rather sharing with others what and who you are.4 Through advanced technologies, the Internet of Things, and their capabilities, we have come to exist through others rather than with them. Our willingness to share the details of our lives on social media and our engagement on social platforms have included others in our experiences and moments even if they are or were not physically present. People are no longer mere spectators of our lives or isolated from our experiences, but they are part of it as it happens no matter where they are in the world.

ability to store data, time factors will collapse, as people become enabled to leave their mark behind anywhere to be accessed by others at anytime. This implies that as you step in a place, you can access who was here, what stories did they leave behind in that place, and the moments they lived. This idea gives rise to what I came to call, singular plurality. It is our personal and singular perspective of the world but as we perceive it through the eyes of others. They take part in shaping what and how our experiences take place without being bound by time or place.

With the Internet of Things, and objects and spaces gaining the

“They take part in shaping our experiences without being bound by time or place.�


Augmented Intelligence and Behaviour As we come to exist, interact, and engage with E-Things, we will experience the true essence of information and value loops between people and objects. They will be sources of knowledge, affect our learning processes and access to information, inform our decisions, and influence our growth and experiences. As people evolve through knowledge, hyper-personalized experiences, and singular plurality, we will generate new information, behaviours and aspirations. This will in turn be acquired back by our objects, causing them to consistently learn, modify, and evolve to meet the new desires and wants.

“a system that is self-esustaining by its participants and the flow of information between them.� 24

This implies the new state of augmented intelligence and behaviour. It is one that is based on a system that is selfsustaining by its participants and the flow of information between them. The more the interactions and engagements, the more enhanced and intelligent it will become. Consequently, people will come to evolve with and through E-Things.


Leveraging Opportunities

Early Manifestations of the Internet of Things As mentioned earlier, at the core of the Internet of Things is the embedded sensors, smart tags, and beacons, and its functionality and benefits become manifested as objects and sensors become connected together. At the present moment, there is an estimate of 5 billion sensors being embedded in objects and connected to the Internet. Current objects available to the market include, but not limited to, smart home devices, wearables, and the newly introduced Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, and Tap. There is also the awaited social robots to be shortly released, such as Jibo. These objects mainly operate within private or public networks. The range of functions of the previously mentioned objects vary from only tracking and monitoring vitals or activities to expand to others controlling or automating systems. On the other end, Amazon’s Echo and the rest of its product family, serve as a hub that connects to and controls different services and other platforms, provide information and manage activities.


Data Proliferation The core function of connected object revolves around and depends primarily on collecting data. It is data about users’ preferences, interests, activities, schedules, vitals and health conditions, etc. However, with such massive data collection, comes multiple implications and concerns.

“data collected and stored in the cloud is intangible to users. They are aware of it, but might not fully realize the full potential of such data or how they can leverage and extract benefit from it.�

The collected data is currently part of different systems and is accessed or viewed through different platforms and applications. This may become messy for the user to manage all their data and keep up with all these different apps used, which might cause them to end up uninterested or frustrated. The second implication with the enormous data collected and stored in the cloud is that it is intangible to users. Even if they are aware of it, but they might not fully realize the full potential of such data collection or how they can fully leverage and extract benefit from it.

Concerns On the other hand, there is also the many concerns currently associated with the Internet of Things and data collection. With every mention of IoT, the words security and privacy always pop up. Critics are concerned with systems and objects getting hacked and the consequences of certain data being available to certain entities. That being said, as with any new technology or trend, there is always accompanied concerns and skepticism. However, as the technology develops and become in full manifestation, developers always find ways to overcome those concerns and obstacles, it is just a matter of time. Therefore, our main focus should instead revolve around how to leverage and use the benefits such technology and capability will bring forth.


Compelling Perspectives


To open our eyes to possibilities and opportunities in such scope, we must realize what lies at the heart of interactions and functions between us and connected objects. Such systems and objects are not mere data collectors that respond accordingly. What all these objects are inherently about is being pattern trackers of their users and surrounding environments, and desired functions.

Therefore, we must overlook our fears of security and privacy problems accompanied with data collection. And realize that as the technology develops, the ways of protecting and securing it will also develop hand in hand. In that sense, the main focus becomes directed towards not just mere machine to machine communication and developing smart systems and objects, but objects conforming to our human nature and our quality of being.

Patterns are defined as a regular or a discernable sequence of certain actions or situations. And in those actions and sequences, lies our daily routines and activities, the stories that make up our lives, and the choices we make. If the data from the different platforms could be collected into one, this platform become a storyteller of our experiences, our ways of being, and forms of expression.

Tying it all back to what was previously discussed, the new nature of objects as E-Things and being pattern collectors, the opportunity lying on the horizon then becomes, what can we be in the eyes of E-Things. That is the building block of the new age of Fusioned Reality and the emerging brand E3.

“the main focus becomes directed towards objects conforming to our human nature and our quality of being.�

“If the data from the different platforms could be collected into one, this platform becomes a storyteller of our experiences, our ways of being, and forms of expression.�


Connected Objects

They know your preferences, activities, how you do things. They know you.

They know surroundings, other users, contexts. They can cross-reference.

They can inform where you stand in comparison to others. The common & different stuff you have with other people.

Context + Knowledge = Wisdom Connected Objects


To inform your lifestyle and activities

To tailor your experiences and choices



To take or improve an action

To leverage resources

Intentional or nonintentional encounters

Contexts Might involve others


+ Unveil during interactions


Connected Objects Reactive







Modify Contribute

Therefore, our interactions with the contexts we encounter, combined with the knowledge and wisdom provided by connected objects, and the behaviour and contributions we generate during these interactions, determine our perception in the eyes of connected objects and spaces. That perception is then compared with others. Based upon that, we become differentiated from or matched wiith others. Where we stand from others implies our personal essence and stories that we contribute with, as well as our influence and status in an economy that depends on active engagement.

Contributions Interactions Personalized Experiences


Personal Essence



Stories Behaviours


These interactions and engagements imply a process and a network. The process starts with our intentional or unintentional encounters with contexts. Throughout this encounter, our connected objects and spaces provide us with either knowledge and/or wisdom to trigger an action. These actions involve users trying, exploring, discovering, and experiencing contexts in space. Based upon this engagement, users generate new behaviours or contributions, which modify, enhance, and personalize experiences. Thus, our behaviours and personal contributions in comparison to others shape our perceptions in the eyes of connected objects and spaces. These perceptions consequently inform the personalization and tailoring of products, services, or experiences of our future interactions.



The Fusioned Reality

A New Age Based on what has been previously discussed, in regards to aspects of our human condition and technological capabilities, lies the grounds of the new age of Fusioned Reality. This age is a system that realizes the aspirations and capabilities of the different elements that forms it. It revolves around our state of being of becoming, finding meaning, and leaving a mark behind. And utilizes the technological capability of context-aware objects that can track our patterns and become knowledgeable about our lifestyles and stories, and can deliver us with the wisdom to respond. While recognizes the business opportunity at the intersection of both people and technology. It is concerned with bringing together our multi-dimensions and the pieces of us that we leave behind as we actively engage and create our personal stories into one collective and authentic self. Thus, empowering us to realize the essence of the Self that uniquely belongs to each person. As well as, providing us with a

glimpse into others' essence and way of being as they transform and become transformed by the environments they interact with. This implies the fusion between the different entities, that once existed separately in the blended reality, and combining them to augment each other in a new whole. A whole that is self-sustaining through information value loops, between people, connected objects, and businesses, evolving with and through one another, as we continually generate new ways of being. This Fusioned Reality will transcend our forms of expression and ways of being, and create a new age based on authentic, and meaningful experiences that augment our intelligence and behaviour.

“This implies the fusion between the different entities, that once existed separately in the blended reality, and combining them to augment each other in a new whole.�


The Brand of E-Cubed The newly formed brand E3 is established upon 3 main building blocks in 2 categories. The first emerges from the nature of E-Things as enabled, enchanted, and enlightened. The second is that it revolves around engagement, experiences, and exchange of knowledge and forms of expression. It involves people, their E-things, and resources in one self-sustaining system, constantly refining and evolving. The brand portfolio consists of four sub-brands complementing one another. The first is a social platform, which generates posts for its users. It is based on an objective and collective perception of its users’ lifestyles and experiences through the eyes of their E-Things and their multiple user platforms. According to that perception, the app suggests people, products, services, events‌ etc that conform to each user’s lifestyle.


The next sub-brand is for broadcasting and marketing business activities. It connects these businesses with compatible users who share an interest in

their business services. As well as, tailoring their business offerings based on each user's essence and lifestyle. The third sub-brand is an advertising tool and platform for public places and entities. It promotes these spaces based on experiences and activities that take place there as observed by E-Things. It also features access points that broadcast stories that people have left behind for others to view. The fourth sub-brand is one that revolves around education and open innovation. It joins together people and professionals and promotes their significant business and educational contributions as perceived through connected networks, objects, and machines. These four sub-brands will feed and exist through one another. They will be established one at a time as part of the brand growth and based on the full manifestation and maturity of the capabilities of the Internet of Things.

It will first start off with the social platform, followed by the business service, the advertising platform, and then the educational and open innovation hub. Each of these sub-brands will be constantly developing and evolving to match the technological capability, its user base and their newly generated desires and aspirations. With the ultimate benefit of the brand to create a sense of self that not only rises to each user's expectations, but as they want to be seen by others, and as importantly as they want to be seen by their connected objects and spaces.



Entities Innovation & SPaces

What can they be in the eyes of their connected objects & Spaces?


Technological Capabilities To be seen by our connected objects encompasses a process of multiple stages that occur as we interact with these objects and spaces. This process first includes their nature and capability to track our patterns, in the form of data that we continuously generate in our day to day activities in both the physical and virtual world. Through analysing these patterns and data, our objects and spaces will be able to formulate it as knowledge of our lifestyle and acquire a coherent perception of our identity. This process is enabled through the technological capabilities of data mining and machine learning. Data mining or as some calls it “knowledge discovery” revolves around analyzing the masses of data gathered from various sources and directions into useful information. It analyzes data from different angles and dimensions, categorizes it, and summarizes the relationships between data sets. Thus, identifying the taxonomies and ontologies of data.


Machine learning lies within and is one of the categories of data mining. It is concerned with finding correlations and patterns in data sets. It utilizes algorithms to learn data with minimal human intervention or without being explicitly programmed. A new domain that utilizes the neural networks used in machine learning combined with constantly evolving and increasing computing power, is deep learning. It is mainly used to identify complex patterns in large data sets. This is currently used to identify objects in images and words in sounds.

“Through analysing these patterns and data, our objects and spaces will be able to formulate it as knowledge of our lifestyle and acquire a coherent perception of our identity.”

Based upon these technological capabilities, connected objects and spaces become able to generate a knowledge that is constructed from different domains and perspectives. A knowledge based response is delivered and translated to us as wisdom. A wisdom to find compatibility, to engage in experiences, or to augment our behaviour, actions, and intelligence. Therefore, our lifestyles and activities become dictated and affected by how our objects perceive us and curate experiences for us. This concept and technological capability becomes the enabler for all 4 sub-brands and the underlying foundation of their ideas.


our lifestyles become dictated and affected by how our objects perceive us and curate experiences for us. 39

The Social Platform Based on feasibility and current technologly, the social platform have been firstly developed. It is a revolutionary behaviour platform that generate and broadcast posts for its users based on an authentic and collective view of their unique experiences and activities. These posts are based on collected data from the different devices and platforms a user interacts with. The platform will bring out and highlight the multi-dimensions of the Self and user engagement in both the physical and virtual world. So, as users engage in their daily life activities and experiences, they both use and generate data. This data is aggregated across the various platforms to be analyzed through data mining and by means of machine and deep learning. Hence, the platform becomes knowledgeable about each user’s lifestyle and identity. This knowledge becomes reflected through 2 ways. The posts and details that the platform broadcasts. And the people and services that it suggests accordingly for each user based on their identity.


Benefits & Applications Therefore, the benefit and value of such platform lies in bringing into play and use the trails of data users are constantly generating and most of the time leaving behind unrealized or unused. The platform will provide users with meaningful insights about their lifestyles and unique choices and allow them to share them with others on the platform. It will also play a role in empowering its users through allowing them to discover and develop details about their identity and lifestyle choices. Through consistent engagement and interactions on the platform, each user will develop an essence that is unique to them and their expression of Being. Based upon that essence, the platform will further augment its users’ lifestyles by connecting them with people and services that complement their activities and experiences.

“It will bring into play data trails constantly left behind unrealized or unused.�

The benefits and applications generated through the platform will extend far beyond the social aspect of the platform and finding people who share the same interests and lifestyles. Not only users will be able to save time and effort finding services that fit them, but a lot of other experiences will be personally curated for them based on their profiles and the essence each user will develop. In addition to that, marketing for customers will be more meaningful and refined as they bundle offers and services that actually fit the unique lifestyle each user has. Another benefit is that employers will be able to find out if applying candidates are compatible with the work culture and environment, as well as customizing the work environment to fit most employees working at a firm or organization. The platform's applications will be further discovered and extended as users being to use it and it reaches its full manifestion.



Branding & Platform Design

Data Analysis In order to fully develop the platform's concept, and outline its functionality, the user' interactions and the data that is being collected had to be fully analysed. This meant mapping out different personas, imagine their lifestyles, outline their activities and interactions, the platforms they interact with, pattern trails , and data types. Based upon the types of interactions and activities, various domains were created in order to categorize the information. In addition to that, through the personas and their activities, different essences were generated. These are broad and abstract, but carry the uniqueness of each user's character and their general identity and style. Such data analysis gives a clear idea about the nature of posts that will be generated, their subject, and influence the overall design of the platform.











Domains The outing planner

The scientist

The working mom

The storyteller

Productivity Travel

The book worm

The backpacker


Home Fashion

The healthy person The lifestyle blogger

Lifestyle Food Entertainment

Interests Art Gaming

Education iMessages Whatsapp




Twitter Pinterest

Social Media

Tumblr Stumbleupon Snapchat




Amazon Echo


Online Shopping Hospitality




Physical Hubs

Financial Spotify


Wearables SmartPhones Fuelband Navigation Apple watch Places & Fitbit Destinations Devices SmartThings









Hospitality Facebook Instagram

Parties Events Outings

Uber Delivery

Tracking Nest

Amazon Tap







Interactions Techniques

Preferences Criticism


Activity Ambience Energy Destinations


Travelling Shopping

Planning Going out Hobbies Reading

Cooking Styling Gaming

Working out



Healthnut Planner


Music Ear Patterns Payment history



Media Vitals Calendars


Platform activity

Search history



Essences & Badges

Savvy Economist Marveler Wanderer

Adventurer Stylist Gardner Hacker Party Animal






• •

The virtual blends with the physical. We generate data on go. + Assist us and provide us with info. +/- Distract/modify the experience & our perception. - Many devices & platforms to manage. - Not all connect together.

+ + + +

The Physical World

Data Generation

Extends us & our dimensions. Tracks our patterns. Personalizes our experiences. Different data types & patterns. Data is intangible. Data is scattered on various platforms. Inform our next experience.

Data Retrieval + Finding info we need for different + +

interactions. Acquiring knowledge. Sometimes irrelevant. Doesn’t always match our identity. Time consuming. We discover new things. • •

+ + -


Experiences A blend between physical & digital media. The details that make up our identity. We create stories and memories. Provide us with meaning. Our essence gets unidentified. Doesn’t match all our dimensions (our collective self). We can’t augment others’ experiences & perception. Sometimes disconnected from the virtual. Not always curated based on our identity and the data we generate.


+/+ + +/+ + +

Only certain dimensions are broadcasted. We create our self-image. Extension of the physical. But modified based on what we show. We tell stories. We leave marks & access points on our profiles. We try to represent aspects of the Self.

The Virtual World

Experience Journey Mapping These maps intend to generally and roughly explore the nature of the blended reality. They outline our interactions in the physical world, instances of data retrieval and generation, our experience at the intersection of both worlds, and our behaviour and interaction in the virtual world. The goal of these maps is to analyze how both worlds intersect and influence one another. And to discover gain and pain points of our interaction within both world and how we represent and broadcast ourselves. Moreover, they look into users' experiences as they extend themselves and leave trails of data and stories behind. Such analysis explains the reason we transceded from the blended reality into the fusioned reality. And it will inform our new interactions and design criteria.


A day in a Life

Waking Up


In Bed n). m lar riatio a va led du ased e h s, Sc ne b ion ed ti t a u k c ro tifi , trac o ily a n a ( i (D ed ne ho ial m p eck soc ta). Ch ges, da ssa e m

. ing . k c ra ng cki al t Vit p tra e Sle

Getting Ready r. ne n pla . aily thes d & lo p. er ing c u h . t l ke gues es, ty ea a s w m n a & k e c & g ll uti ng d co s, ro .) che ickin i m P an ns nd oo Gr ends , bra actio fri style inter xt & Te g of in iques k c a n (Tr tech

Leave Home . ute o r . ur yo omly n la t. nd & p or ra laylis c p c, y ffi te tra dingl usi u k m m r ec s, Ch t acco r com oute ts.) u r c o f hif A y y ing o s & s a l P ble ack (Tr varia



n c. do usi . k m r o y , ne e w d pla onli nces m e p n o i a ts ho per x Ge ience k & s ns. lls. ee i mb wee scrib datio a , r t yb Se ou s, de men & pa ption s, y n e i m m e ie Pla stor reco om onsu , stor h , h c s e s s bli hoto aniz ents, r, list es.) g Pu e p r m tin & o f pay plann , rou n s a o e ia, Cle king ed chor c m , a , s ( tr ence tion i c a b r am inte


Breakfast d. ay, foo the d . g rin lan y list pa e ,p er dia, r p dia groc e & g me m are ries, kin cial p o re lo Co s, so d p e, ca w n e a n s.) tin c, eck musi f rou s, list h C o n y pla pla cking a (Tr


Bathroom of ng i k c ors tra ta l fact a d a g & xtern n i k e c tra s& ne vital i t l u Ro erna t n i

Lunch Break

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Go Out y.


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t ac

Be ha

tributions Con nd sa ur vio

Enga ge an dI nt er

Ne w


Self-Sustaining Ecosystem




w le d g

e & W is d o


Transcending to a New System Thus, the new system marks moving from a blended reality where both worlds existed parallely, diverging and intersecting at multiple points, to one that is cyclical. In the new reality, technology provide users with the knowledge and wisdom that they need as they come to interact with services and products, and engage in experiences provided by businesses. This generates new behaviours, which gets picked up again by technology to further refine our personalized offerings and experiences, and provided knowledge. This implies a system that is constantly evolving as we continuously generate new ways of being, in which the values of our data is reflected in our experiences that are evolving and getting refined as we are.


Branding To achieve a brand that is well defined, consistent , and has a clear identity, the different elements that make up branding and brand strategy has to be considered. This implies considering the brand vision, brand personality and attributes, and visual brand language. The VBL includes all the artifacts and associations that represent the brand, such as logo, tagline, typography, imagery, and colour palette. These associations are meant to support the overall brand positioning. Therefore, the first steps are directed towards realizing the brand vision, followed by utilizing the perceptual map to capture the attributes to be associated with the brand.


Perceptual Map Extrovert Confident Differentiated Innovative









Stimulating Immersive Embracing




Approachable Creative




nd Promise a r B






E d an

nd P e r s o

nc e e s s


Brand Vision

Brand Promise

Brand Essence

To become your most captivating Self

Brand Personality

Bringing together your physical and virtual identity into a collective authentic self.

To reflect data value & its role in self expression instead of associating brands with consumption & data security concerns. Inviting & Friendly Dynamic & Engaging Empowering Rich & Original

Brand Attributes Unique

Captivating Friendly

Innovative Rich

Stimulating Approachable Delightful Immersive


Engaging Attractive Communicative

Distinctive Confident Peculiar


Differentiated Personal Creative


Brand Name When choosing the brand name, it had to reflect the platform as something that observes people and is knowledgeable about their lifestyle and identity. It also had to reflect the nature of being a storyteller, and a platform that broadcasts and encourages uniqueness. Witness has been the most likely, since a witness is someone who observes an event or incident. They also possess a knowledge on the matter or the subject and it is reflected in “wit-� that is intelligence, mental sharpness and to have knowledge. In addition to that, as they give evidence of the event, they act as storytellers. Therefore, the old English version of the name was picked that is WITNIS.





To reveal or indicate

To gossip or inform

(novel in Latin)

(hallmark in Latin)

Witness - To have knowledge form observation. - To serve as evidence.


Witness I



Logo & Colour Exploration In the exploration and designing process of the logo, different and several approaches were tried out. From an abstract of the letter and infinity symbol, to just the name, to lastly having an abstract representation or symbol that captures what the brand is about. As for the colours, colour phsycology had to be referenced to pick a colour palette that is dynamic and communicative.


Story Behind the Logo The chosen logo is made up of 2 concetric circles, with one consisting of small pieces that are of different colours. This design utlizes the meaning of the circle as a symbol, which includes whloleness, totality, the Self, the infinite (in relation to possibilities and opportunities created through the brand), and timelessnss. Moreover, the design represents the unique little parts that form the whole. From afar, it can be also seen as an abstract eye. The used colour palette are gradients of blue and teal. Blue as the colour of communication and openness. While teal is a blend of yellows and blue, thus making it both dynamic and friendly.


Logo, Name, Tagline


The Expression of Being

Colour Palette

Pacific Blue #05afbe

Water Leaf #9bdfe5

Tuatara #3c3c3b

Denim #1d71b8

Dove Gray #706f6f


Danube #66aad0

Silver #c6c6c6

Downy #66cccc

Wild Sand #f6f6f6


Gill Sans ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 A humanist sans-serif font used in its medium weight for the brand name. It is known for its simplicity and timelessness.

Roboto ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 A neo-grotesque sans-serif developed by Google. It is described as a medern yet approachable & emotional font.


Platform Design For the platform design, which will be a mobile app, different steps and processes had to be considered before designing the user interface. This first includes laying out the different types of information the app will be working with, the information architecture as the user navigates through the app. This is followed by designing the wireframes, user interface, and user flow through the the different screens.


Information Types

Platform generated Info

Raw User Info Routines Basic Info Experiences

Consumed Media

User essence



Profile Style Media

Interests & Activities

Devices & Platforms Generated Media Data & Patterns

Through synced data

Badges Description

Lifestyle insights



Platform Broadcasted Info


App walk through

Others' posts Diverse Media

User Posts Status & Essence Activity log & notifications User's basic info

Settings you can modify Domains & categories Collected Data across Platforms

Post, Services, People Suggestions


Information Architecture & User flow Login Screen

Sign In

Sign Up


Onboarding Create Account


Navigation Bar


Current Screen


More Favourites Notifications Sign Out

Sidebar Status Current, Past, Unlock Similar to You



User Info Activity Log Inbox Personal Collective









For You

Categories Search bar


Wireframes & User Interface Loading

Sign In


Create Account



Sidebar In Home, users find posts for the people they are following.

More Icon


The More icon leads to notifications, log out, or favourites. Favourites are the posts that users want to save.

In the engage screen, users finds suggestions for people, posts, services, products & experiences that match their identity. They can also use the search or the categories to find what they are looking for whether relevant to their essence or not.

Profile Profile screen has everything related to users. This is where they find their posts, current essence and badge, basic info, activity log, or their inbox. Activity log is concerned with the user's activity or any activity by other people in regards to their posts. For the posts, they are categorised as personal or collective. In the personal, it is only the user that is involved in the activity. While, the collective is when users have shared the activity with other people.


The posts the platform generate are featured as a snippet with a type of media and a description that is less than 70 words. Before broadcasting, it shows the user the insights or data that generated the posts. It's up to the user then to add more details to the post and share it with others


Design Features


The overall design of the platform reflects a minimal design language. This is used in contrast to the massive amounts of data that we constantly generate and consume, in order to simplify the user experience and make it easier to find value and gain insights. Through the navigation sidebar, the user can access the main screen of the platform. In the Home screen, users will find snippets of the other users' posts, which they can expand to read full story and details. Users can interact with these posts to connect and/or collaborate with others, and contribute to their experiences and activities. The main function of the Engage screen is to augment the user's lifestyle with people, products, services, or experiences. When users select any of these suggestions, it will connect them to the business or brand to further personalize the offering. Users have the option to find suggestions based on their essence or to discover whatever they wish for with no filters applied. The profile screen features each user's personal badge and their personal essence. These are abstract and general descriptions that capture the user's identity. Users will find most of their personal functions on the app in the profile screen, whether their activity log, info, inbox, or their posts. However, the user interface design will be modified and refined to reflect the world where this data lives, a 3-dimensional world, not confined to a 2-dimensional screen. As well as reflecting the nature of eveyone and eveything as carriers of tags and meaning in the link enabled ecology.





This includes both our interactions with other users or entities, as well as connected objects and spaces.

Our interactions with people and objects provide us with knowledge, which can inform how we engage in experiences and contribute based on the knowledge that we possess about the current context.

These interactions provoke behaviours or trigger actions.

When we contantly learn through information value loops, we evolve and generate new contributions & interactions.



Through our consistent interactions and engagements, we develop our personal essence.

This is when our data as well as contributions and behaviours are compared to other users.

It is our identity, uniqueness of our lifestyle, what sets up apart from other people, and what we add or contribute with to the knowledge provided by our network of people and objects.

It is the difference in our level of active engagement and personalization of our experience. It is our influence and the marks we leave behind compared to other people.

Gamification is the application of game mechanics and design techniques to enhance user engagement. It leverages on people's natural desires for socializing, learning, mastery, competition, status, self-expression, alturism, and community collaboration.


These desires come to serve as an experience journey for users as they use and interact with the platform over time, in which each of these lead to the other, in that order.

Status The status is our personal essence and reflection of our level of personal active engagement. It is based on applied filters when compared to others or set criteria.



Our self-expression is the state of our authentic and collective Self.

In each of our contributions, interactions, and engagements with others, we influence the quality of experiences for other people through our suggestions, behaviours, contributions, recommendations, and stories.

It manifests as we generate new behaviours based on our personalized interactions and when we find and connect with people and services that augment our ways of being.

Ecosystem Through these communications, we form a network that benefit, augment, and evolve each participant present in such ecosystem. With the result of creating meaningful experiences tailored to each user and leveraging available resources.

Gamification techniques are also applied within the platform design. This is reflected in the status feature, the badges users receive, and the status level users develop over time, which they can compare to other people. Therefore, not only gamification offers users with the fun aspects of competition, but also provides them with insights about their status in regards to others and how they can enhance their engagement and experiences.


The new Eco-system WITNIS Tracks your experiences and activities

Associates you to personalized tags & essence

You become your own brand

People can follow your path and you can sponsor or endorse them.

You are matched with people and services that match who you are and what you do

Services, businesses and entities will come to have their objective broadcasting

Growing into open innovation as an influencer


They will have their true essence

A connected landscape where everyone and everything is a carrier and expression of links & associations

Saving energy and resources through waste elimination (as a result of mismatching)

Manifestation and match of wants and desires into personalized experiences

Easier access Eliminating barriers and hierarchies and rising beyond consumption


Storyteller Augments & complements


Broadcaster of uniqueness



Revealer of the Collective Self


Expression Spotter



Active Agent

Carrier of Personal Tags & Associations



Strategy & Value Creation 59

Stakeholder's Map The stakeholder's map looks into any entity that affects or will be affected by the business. Since, the platform generates user insights about their identity and lifestyle, this will affect how users express themselves and find people and services. It will also affect businesses and marketing as they tailor their services and offers to each user. Data will also be collected from user interactions and experiences with these business offers and services. As for providers, this is where most of the data is aggregated. They both affect and will be affected by the platform. They provide user interactions data in the physical and virtual world. As users come to realize their essence the business activity of these providers might be affected. Lastly, the platform is influenced heavily by the new laws that might be set by legislators in terms of user privacy and data security. It is also affected by the engineering of the technology of the Internet of Things that will enable the functionality of the platform.The user experience and interface is also dependant on developers' and designers' work, which will also inform the brand as a whole.


Marketing & Advertizing

Legislators Individuals






Developers Facebook Tumblr Well-Being

Twitter Snapchat

Retail Restaurants


Social Media




Banking YouTube


Entertainment Travel

Service Providers



Amazon Devices

Behance Blogs

Websites Echo, Tap, Dot Jibo Fitbit Soundcloud Wearables Uber Nike + Gear Communication


Behaviour Space Attraction




Immersive Accessible Interactive Shareable



Desires • • • •

Connection. Immortality. Control. Evolution.

Goals • • • • • • • •

Discovery. Particitpation. Exploration. Contribution. Knowledge. Collaboration. Imprinting. Influencing.

Motivation • • • • • • •


Belonging. Branding Status. Vanity. Access. Fiero. Social currency.

• • • • • •

Information Perception. Knowledge. Experience. Sensory. Cognition

Action • • • • • •

Absorbing. Informative. Engaging. Challenging. Motivating Rewarding.


Self People Networks Objects Spaces Time Data Activity Information

Knowledgeable Transformative Informative Explorative Innovative


Value (Value Space)

Functional Value

Satisfaction Free Adaptive and evolving Context Aware Real-Time Communication Collaboration Enlighting Intuitive

Emotional State • •

Fiero connection


Intellectual State • • •

Creativity Innovation Knowledge


• • • • • • •

Experience Cognition Knowledge Matching. Resources. Innovation. Status

Experimental Value • • •

Recognition Discovery Exploration

Physical State • •

Exploratory Interactive


Business Revenue Model As the building block for the value proposition and business model, the revenue model tackles the value creation by the business, and how it will generate a revenue. The value chain created as the business adds value to each step in its services reflects the uniqueness of this business idea. In the virtual and traditional value chain, businesses usually distribute information or products. However, the platform's value lies in being a distributor of knowledge. A knowledge about user's lifestyle, identity, and experiences. This knowledge is transformed into a wisdom of finding the right people and services that can further augment a user's lifestyle. This becomes what makes us the value proposition. As for generating revenues, the business looks into several options. However, not all options are adequate or relevant to the brand strategy or business offering. The most likely ones are build to sell, receiving a percentage as customer recommend a business or service, and selling data.


WHAT Value Proposition Empowerment through meaningful insights Discovering & Developing your identity Augmenting your lifestyle and Being Selling Data Affiliate Marketing

IoT Enthusiasts



Traditional & Virtual

Tech Savvy

Revenue Model

Primary & Secondary Activities


Everyone Early Adopters

In app purchases Build to sell Advertising through customers


Value Chain



Marketing & Sales Service


Creating the Business Model The platform's business model has been in constant refinement as the concept and idea were developing. By using the value proposition canvas, the platform's business activity has been outlined in relation to user activities on the platform. Through that, it became more clear what the platform enhances and how it does so, as well what customer pains it has relieved and how. Through utlizing the insights gained from both the revenue model and the value proposition, the business model canvas was constructed from the different aspects and factors that will make up the business. I have combined aspects from both the lean and traditional canvas and modified some categories to fit the nature of the business opportunity and the innovation process.


Gains - Discovering your personal lifestyle & identity. - Finding people and services that match your essence. - Connecting with others & contributing to their choices and activities. - Acquiring status

Pains - Scattered data across platforms. - Becoming confused about identity & the multiple dimensions.

Customer Jobs


- The virtual & the physical world are not merging. - People & services don't always match our identity.

- Engage, interact, contribute and live. - View posted media, add details, and interact with others. - View your status and discover your essence & what identifies you. - Find people & services that match your identity.

Value Proposition Gain Creators - Data aggregated into one platform. - Discovering your lifestyle & what you do best. - Finding people & services that match your identity & connecting with them. - Developing your essence & status & becoming influential.

Products & Services A platform that collects & mines your trackable data & interactions to generate posts on you behalf.

Business & Technology

Pain Relievers Highlights what you do best as a form of uniqueness.

You have control over what gets posted and who can view it.

It suggests & connects Reflects data value as self expression & you with people & processes it as insights services of similar on one platform. interests.


Business Model Canvas Forecast & Foresight



- Transparent & continuous stream of information and data.

- A platform aggregating & mining data across the different platforms to generate insights about each user's lifestyle & identity.

- Empowerment through meaningful insights.

- Reflected in fusing technology, people, and businesses to develop the collective and authentic Self.

- Augmenting users' lifestyle and Being.

- Abundance of hyperpersonalized experiences. - Different platforms for the different applications. - Intangible data that is unrealized & unused. - Knowledge as the new currency. - The Self scattered between multiple dimensions & the blended reality. - What makes us unique gets lost between the various interactions & the prevalence of resources & experiences.

Resources - The Internet of Things. - Connected objects, devices, and spaces. - Data to be aggregated. - Social Capital. - Software. - Branding. - Devices.

Activities - Data aggregation & mining. - Generating posts & broadcasting them. - Developing identities, essence. - Suggesting & connecting with people and services. - Develop your status & tailor your profile accordingly.


- Discovering & Developing user's identity.

Target Market

Competitive Advantage

Key Partners

- IoT enthusiats.

- Amazon.

- Novel platform idea.

- Tech savvy.

- Platforms & devices that data will be aggregated form.

- No competitors.

- early adopters. - Growing to become used with everyone.


- Data aggregator & minor into one platform (value creator).


- Technology.

- Selling data.

- Data aggregation & mining. - R&D

- Advertising based on customer shares of products or places.

- App maintenance and operations.

- Build to sell.

- Affliciate marketing.


Business Model Archetype According to the platform's business activity, it will play several roles in terms of business archetypes based on knowledge and content generation, and user acitivity.


Users' essence & lifestyle info


User generated content

User insights from data mining Aggregated Data User activity on platform




Creator The user insights the platform generates from data aggregation & mining becomes an intellectual property and an exchanged form of knowledge. Users consistent interactions will create their identity and essence that is generated & boradcasted by the platform.

Landlord All user activity, collaborations, profiles, and generated content allow the platform to become an owner of this data or knowledge, that will be of value to other businesses.

Broker The insights generated from user data, user generated content on the platform, the essence that they will develop all becomes knowledge that is of high value to other businesses to tailor & bundle their offerings according to each user.

Distributor Since the platform aggregates a lot of data across various platforms and devices and organizes them, it could play the role of a distributor for a more refined and categorized form of this data.



Final Thoughts

The Design Process Each of these books reflect a comprehensive design process that comprised of many phases and strategic tools. This process as developed and explained by Alexander Manu utilizes 2 methods. These methods have been used over the course of the past 9 months to reach the outcomes and opportunities explained in these 2 books. The first is the "pre-competitive strategic mindset" that is proposed by Alexander Manu, starts with questions and expands through looking into disruptions and utilizing strategic foresight. The insights generated are then distilled through using the second method, which is "the traditional funnel method", to generate an idea and create competitive opportunities. The next 2 pages, sum up the entire process I went through. It lays out how I started, the topics I studied and explored, the insights generated, compelling opportunities that emerged, and the concepts and ideas generated. Apart from all the twists and turns that happened during the process, it is interesting to note as my journey evolved and transformed, the generated outcomes turned out as the answers to my very first initial questions.


The pre-competitive Strategic Mindset



Hyper Sharing

Infinite Cortex

Open Innovation Knowledge Economy

Knowledge is power

Knowledge as the new currency


The Blended Reality The Multi-Dimensional Self


Human Needs The Internet of Things


New Ecosystems Access Creative Economy

Exchange of knowledge between objects & people

Knowledge Ecosystems

Disruptions 86

The Funnel Method Foresight Active Engagement Information Streams Context Aware

Singular Plurality Self- Sustaining Eco-system


Knowledgeable Objects

Pattern Trackers

Augment the Self

Resource Allocation What Can We Be in the Eyes of Connected Objects?

Expression of Being

The Fusioned Reality

Augmented Intelligence & Behaviour

Intangible Data


A new whole The Collective & Authentic Self

Competitive Opportunities


Conclusion These books are a manifestation of a journey that explores possibilities. With an aim set towards leveraging opportunities that enhance our way of Being and create value for businesses. The concept of a new age of a fusioned reality emerges from and is a reflection of a process that starts with unlearning and detachment from the traditional and the familiar. And a mindset that embraces blurred visions, uncertainties, and opportunities that emerge on the horizon. The outcomes explored in this book only marks then a new journey and a beginning that awaits to be explored.


End Notes 1. Manu, Alexander. “The Method in Action: Dataspace.” The Imagination Challenge. 2. Rose, David. Enchanted Objects: Design, Human Desire, and the Internet of Things. 3. “The More Things Change: Value Creation, Value Capture, and the Internet of Things.” Deloitte Review. 4. Manu, Alexander. “Unfolding Signals.” The Imagination Challenge.

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