161113 berkeley campus service bulletin

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Unashamedl ove Ver se1 You' r ecal l i ngmet ol ayasi de Thewor r i esofmyday Toqui etdownmybusymi nd Andf i ndahi di ngpl ace Wor t hy ,wor t hy Chor us Ofachi l dl i kef ai t handofmyhonestpr ai se Andofmyunashamedl oveOfahol yl i f e Andofmysacr i f i ceAndofmyunashamedl ove Ver se2 Iopenupmyhear tandl et Myspi r i twor shi pyour s Iopenupmymout handl et Asongofpr ai secomef or t h Wor t hy ,Youar ewor t hy Chor us Ofachi l dl i kef ai t handofmyhonestpr ai se Andofmyunashamedl oveOfahol yl i f e Andofmysacr i f i ceAndofmyunashamedl ove

Mor eLoveToThee VERSE1 Mor eLoveToThee,O Lor d,Mor eLoveToThee HearThouThePr ayerIMakeOnBendedKnee Thi sI sMyEar nestPl ea: Mor eLove,O Lor d,ToThee Mor eLoveToThee,Mor eLoveToThee Mor eLoveToThee,Mor eLoveToThee VERSE2 OnceEar t hl yJoyICr aved,SoughtPeace&Rest Now,Thee,Al oneISeek,Gi veWhatI sBest Thi sAl lMyPr ayerShal lBe: Mor eLove,O Lor d,ToThee; Mor eLoveToThee,Mor eLoveToThee Mor eLoveToThee,Mor eLoveToThee VERSE3 ThenShal lMyLat estBr eat hWhi sperThyPr ai se Thi sBeThePar t i ngCr yMyHear tShal lRai se St i l l Al lMyPr ayerShal lBe: Mor eLove,O Lor d,ToThee Mor eLoveToThee,Mor eLoveToThee Mor eLoveToThee,Mor eLoveToThee

JoyofRapt ur e CHORUS( Sl ow) Et er nalhappi ness,l et ’ sal lpr ai set heLor d Thel astr esur r ect i on,t hegr eat estt her e’ severbeen Fort hej oy-ofr apt ur e,l et ’ sal lpr ai set heLor d Iwi l lbewi t ht heLor d,myBr i degr oom,f or ever ( I nt r oI nt er l ude) Thi sj oyofr ebi r t h,I ’ l lsi ngandpr ai se( Hal l el uj ah) Thi sj oyofr ebi r t h,I ’ l lsi ngandpr ai se( Hal l el uj ah) Thi sj oyofr ebi r t h,I ’ l lsi ngandpr ai se,t ot heLor d ( Hal l el u-hal l el uj ah) Thi sj oyofr apt ur e,I ’ l lsi ngandpr ai se( Hal l el uj ah) Thi sj oyofr apt ur e,I ’ l lsi ngandpr ai se( Hal l el uj ah) Thi sj oyofr apt ur e,I ’ l lsi ngandpr ai se,t ot heLor d ( Hal l el u-hal l el uj ah) VERSE1 Nowi sourchancet or apt ur et oheaven' sci t yofgol d Suchagr eatbl essi ngf r om hi m,Igi vet hankst ot he Lor d! CHORUS Et er nalhappi ness,l et ’ sal lpr ai set heLor d Thel astr esur r ect i on,t hegr eat estt her e’ severbeen Fort hej oy-ofr apt ur e,l et ’ sal lpr ai set heLor d Iwi l lbewi t ht heLor d,myBr i degr oom,f or ever ( Shor tI nt er l ude) Thi sj oyofr apt ur e,I ’ l lsi ngandpr ai se( Hal l el uj ah) Thi sj oyofr apt ur e,I ’ l lsi ngandpr ai se( Hal l el uj ah) Thi sj oyofr apt ur e,I ’ l lsi ngandpr ai se,t ot heLor d ( Hal l el u-hal l el uj ah) ( CONTI NUE)

JoyofRapt ur e VERSE2 Thi schancehasnevercomebef or e, norwi l li tcomeagai n Thebl essi ngt or apt ur ei smi ne,Iwi l lpr ai set heLor d CHORUS Et er nalhappi ness,l et ’ sal lpr ai set heLor d Thel astr esur r ect i on,t hegr eat estt her e’ severbeen Fort hej oy-ofr apt ur e,l et ’ sal lpr ai set heLor d Iwi l lbewi t ht heLor d,myBr i degr oom,f or ever( x2) ( ENDI NG CHORUS) Chor us2 OurLor dwi l l -comeagai n,t ot akemewi t hhi m We’ l lwedandcel ebr at e, f ort hewhol et housandyear s, Fort hej oy-ofr apt ur e,l et ’ sal lpr ai set heLor d I ’ l ll ovehi m,mydearLor d,myBr i degr oom,f or ever ( END)

Li f eofTheRi ght eous Event odayt heLor donl yst ar esdownatt hewor l d I nsear choft her i ght eouspeopl eHel ooks Hi sneckmustbei npai nf oronbot hofHi shands He~r est sHi swear ychi n Peopl easnumer ousast hesandal ongt heshor e Li ket hecount l essst ar si nt hesky amongsomanyl i vesonear t h Toseei famongt hem t her ear et hosewhoseekt heLor d Seeki ngt het r ut handt r yi ngt ol i vear i ght eousl i f e •Event odaywear ychi nr est i ngi nHi shands TheLor donl yst ar esdownatt hewor l d Thenoncet her i ght eousper sonl i f t shi sf ace i nt ot heskyandst ar es Hi seyesconnectwi t ht heLor d’ seyesf r om above TheLor di st akenbysur pr i se Andt her i ght eousi ssomovedover whel med Tear sbegi nt of l oodhi seyes( * )

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