161120 berkeley campus service bulletin

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BLESSI NGS Wepr ayf orbl essi ngs,wepr ayf orpeace Comf or tf orf ami l y ,pr ot ect i onwhi l ewesl eep Wepr ayf orheal i ng,f orpr osper i t y Wepr ayf orYourmi ght yhandt oeaseoursuf f er i ng Andal lt hewhi l e,Youheareachspokenneed Yetl oveuswayt oomucht ogi veusl essert hi ngs ' Causewhati fyourbl essi ngscomet hr oughr ai ndr ops Whati fYourheal i ngcomest hr ought ear s Whati fat housandsl eepl essni ght sar ewhati tt akest o knowYou' r enear Whati ft r i al soft hi sl i f ear eYourmer ci esi ndi sgui se Wepr ayf orwi sdom,Yourvoi cet ohear Wecr yi nangerwhenwecannotf eel Younear Wedoubtyourgoodness,wedoubtyourl ove Asi fever ypr omi sef r om Yourwor di snotenough Andal lt hewhi l e,Youheareachdesper at epl ea Andl ongt hatwe' dhavef ai t ht obel i eve ' Causewhati fyourbl essi ngscomet hr oughr ai ndr ops Whati fYourheal i ngcomest hr ought ear s Whati fat housandsl eepl essni ght sar ewhati tt akest o knowYou' r enear Whati ft r i al soft hi sl i f ear eYourmer ci esi ndi sgui se Whenf r i endsbet r ayus Whendar knessseemst owi n Weknowt hatpai nr emi ndst hi shear t Thatt hi si snot , Thi si snotourhome I t ' snotourhome ' Causewhati fyourbl essi ngscomet hr oughr ai ndr ops Whati fYourheal i ngcomest hr ought ear s Whati fat housandsl eepl essni ght sar ewhati tt akest o knowYou' r enear Whati fmygr eat estdi sappoi nt ment sort heachi ngof t hi sl i f e I st her eveal i ngofagr eat ert hi r stt hi swor l dcan' tsat i sf y Whati ft r i al soft hi sl i f e Ther ai n,t hest or ms,t hehar destni ght s Ar eyourmer ci esi ndi sgui se

MI GHTYTO SAVE Ev er y oneneedsc ompas s i on Lov et hat ' snev erf ai l i ng Letmer c yf al l onme Ev er y oneneedsf or gi v enes s Thek i ndnes sofaSav i or Thehopeofnat i ons Sav i or Hec anmov et hemount ai ns MyGodi smi ght yt os av e Hei smi ght yt os av e For ev er Aut horofs al v at i on Her os eandc onquer edt hegr av e J es usc onquer edt hegr av e T ak emeasy ouf i ndme Al l myf ear sandf ai l ur es Fi l l myl i f eagai n Igi v emyl i f et of ol l ow Ev er y t hi ngt hatIbel i ev ei n NowIs ur r ender YesIs ur r ender CHORUS Shi ney ourl i ghtandl ett hewhol ewor l ds ee We' r es i ngi ng Fort hegl or yoft her i s enKi ng J es us , Shi ney ourl i ghtandl ett hewhol ewor l ds ee We' r es i ngi ng Fort hegl or yoft her i s enKi ng CHORUS You' r emySav i or Youc anmov et hemount ai ns GodYouar emi ght yt os av e Youar emi ght yt os av e For ev er Aut horofs al v at i on Your os eandc onquer edt hegr av e Yesy ouc onquer edt hegr av e Youar emi ght yt os av e

THELORDWHO I SALWAYSNEXTTO VERSE1 He’ swal k i ngwi t hme,andhe’ sal way sbes i deme TheLor di ss oc l os eIf eel hi m br eat he Het ak esc ar eofme,andhe’ sal way sr i ghtnex tt ome TheLor di ss oc l os eIf eel hi sl ov e PRECHORUS1 ButIj us tl i v edl i f eandInev err eal i z ed SoIl i v edj us tl i k eaf ool ,andIwasl onel y Onl ynowIr eal i z e,t hatatanypl ac eort i me TheLor d’ sl ov i ngar msar eopenedwi def orme CHORUS Ibel i ev e,t heLor di sal way sbymys i de Ibel i ev e,he’ swal k i ngwi t hmeal l t het i me Hehasal way ss hownmet hi sunc hangi ngl ov e Nev er c hangi ngl ov e,f or ev er VERSE2 He’ swal k i ngwi t hme,andhe’ sal way sbes i deme TheLor di ss oc l os eIf eel hi m br eat he Het ak esc ar eofme,andhe’ sal way sr i ghtnex tt ome TheLor di ss oc l os eIf eel hi sl ov e PRECHORUS2 YetIj us tl i v el i f e,andf or gethi m al l t het i me I nt hemi ds toft hi ngsIal way sf ai l t of i ndhi m NowIpr ayt ot heLor d,t obeempt yi nmyhear t , Andbef i l l edwi t hhi m unt i l Iov er f l ow! CHORUS Ibel i ev e,t heLor di sal way sbymys i de Ibel i ev e,he’ swal k i ngwi t hmeal l t het i me Hehasal way ss hownmet hi sunc hangi ngl ov e Nev er c hangi ngl ov e,f or ev er I NTERLUDE

THELORDWHO I SALWAYSNEXTTO CHORUS Ibel i ev e,t heLor di sal way sbymys i de Ibel i ev e,he’ swal k i ngwi t hmeal l t het i me Hehasal way ss hownmet hi sunc hangi ngl ov e Nev er c hangi ngl ov e,f or ev er CHORUS2 AndIk nowt heLor dhast r ul ywor k edt hr oughme Whenal l Idi dwasof f erupmyl i f et ohi m Iwi l l gi v ehi m al l t hel ov eIhav et ogi v e Nev er c hangi ngl ov e,f or ev er ENDI NG He’ swal k i ngwi t hme,andhe’ sal way sbes i deme TheLor di ss oc l os eIf eel hi m br eat he

BRAI NLOVE VERSE1 I nmymi nd,t her e’ snol i mi tt ol ov i ngy ou Ther e’ snol i mi tt ol ov i ngy ou,i nmymi nd Ev er y day ,Ic anl i v ei nl ov ewi t hy ou Ic anl i v ei nl ov ewi t hy ou,ev er y day OhCHORUS1 Whydopeopl ec has el ov et hatr unsaway ? Whenwi l l t heys eei t ’ snott r ue? Ther e’ sal ov et hat ’ spur e,t hat ’ swor t hs omuc hmor e, Whenwi l l t heys eet hees s enc ei sYou? VERSE2 Al l day ,al l ni ght ,nomat t erwher ey ouar e Nomat t erwher ey ouar e,al l day ,al l ni ght Ev er y one,i nami l l i ondi f f er entway s , i nami l l i ondi f f er entway s c anf eel t hi sl ov e OhCHORUS2 Whet hery ou’ r ey oungorol d,t hi sf i r ewon’ tgr owc ol d I t ’ st heonl yl ov et ol as tf or ev er Lov et hatc an’ tbec ompar ed,s i xt hous andy ear suns har ed Nowl ov ebec omest hewi ngsoft her apt ur e I NSTRUMENTAL CHORUS2 Whet hery ou’ r ey oungorol d,t hi sf i r ewon’ tgr owc ol d I t ’ st heonl yl ov et ol as tf or ev er Lov et hatc an’ tbec ompar ed,s i xt hous andy ear suns har ed Nowl ov ebec omest hewi ngsoft her apt ur e VERSE1 I nmymi nd,t her e’ snol i mi tt ol ov i ngy ou Ther e’ snol i mi tt ol ov i ngy ou,i nmymi nd Ev er y day ,Ic anl i v ei nl ov ewi t hy ou Ic anl i v ei nl ov ewi t hy ou,ev er y day ENDI NG Ic anl i v ei nl ov ewi t hy ou,ev er y day Ic anl i v ei nl ov ewi t hy ou,ev er y day

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