161204 berkeley campus service bulletin

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LORD,ICALLUPONYOURNAME VERSE1 Lor d,Ical luponyourname,O myLor d,O myLove Lor d,wher ear eyou,wher ear eyounow? Iwantt obei nyourar msandconf esst oyou,O Lor d Att hi smomentI ~wi sht ober ebor n VERSE2 Wi t hal lmyhear tIcal landcal l ,al lofasuddenIcanf eel Thef i r eofhi sl ovecomecl osert ome Ast hewar mt hofhi sl ovecont i nuousl yseepsi nt omy soul Hott ear sbegi nt ost r eam downf r om myeyes CHORUS1 ‘ CauseIf eelmyLor dhascome,If eelhi m nextt ome Thegl owi ngwar mt hofhi sl ove,i sheal i ngmyspi r i t HowIwantt obet hel oveofmyLor d Ear nest l yIpl ead,“ For gi veme, ” Ohmyl ove,mypr eci ousLor d,Ical luponyourname I NTERLUDE VERSE1 Lor d,Ical luponyourname,O myLor d,O myLove Lor d,wher ear eyou,wher ear eyounow? Iwantt obei nyourar msandconf esst oyou,O Lor d Att hi smomentI ~wi sht ober ebor n VERSE2 Wi t hal lmyhear tIcal landcal l ,al lofasuddenIcanf eel Thef i r eofhi sl ovecomecl osert ome Ast hewar mt hofhi sl ovecont i nuousl yseepsi nt omy soul Hott ear sbegi nt ost r eam downf r om myeyes CHORUS1 ‘ CauseIf eelmyLor dhascome,If eelhi m nextt ome Thegl owi ngwar mt hofhi sl ove,i sheal i ngmyspi r i t HowIwantt obet hel oveofmyLor d Ear nest l yIpl ead,“ For gi veme, ” Ohmyl ove,mypr eci ousLor d ( NEXTPAGE)

LORD,ICALLUPONYOURNAME CHORUS2 ‘ CauseIf eelmyLor dhascome,pl easest ayr i ghtbymy si de Revealyourhear tt ome,r ecei vet hi shear tofmi ne ForIhavenost r engt h,wi t houtyou,myLor d, al lmyhope,i si nyoual one Ohmyl ove,mypr eci ousLor d,Ical luponyourname ENDI NG OhmyLor d,Ical luponyourname OhmyLor d,Ical luponyourname ( END)

HEREIAM TO WORSHI P Li ghtoft heWor l d Youst eppeddowni nt odar kness Openmyeyes Letmesee Beaut yt hatmade Thi shear tador eYou Hopeofal i f e Spentwi t hYou Her eIam t owor shi p Her eIam t obowdown Her eIam t osayt hatYou' r emyGod You' r eal t oget herl ovel y Al t oget herwor t hy Al t oget herwonder f ult ome Ki ngofal ldays Oh,sohi ghl yexal t ed Gl or i ousi nHeavenabove Humbl yYoucame Tot heear t hYoucr eat ed Al lf orl ove' ssakebecamepoor Her eIam t owor shi p Her eIam t obowdown Her eIam t osayt hatYou' r emyGod You' r eal t oget herl ovel y Al t oget herwor t hy Al t oget herwonder f ult ome I ' l lneverknowhowmuchi tcost Toseemysi nupont hatcr oss I ' l lneverknowhowmuchi tcost Toseemysi nupont hatcr oss I ' l lneverknowhowmuchi tcost Toseemysi nupont hatcr oss I ' l lneverknowhowmuchi tcost Toseemysi nupont hatcr oss ( NEXTPAGE)

HEREIAM TO WORSHI P Her eIam t owor shi p Her eIam t obowdown Her eIam t osayt hatYou' r emyGod You' r eal t oget herl ovel y Al t oget herwor t hy Al t oget herwonder f ult ome Her eIam t owor shi p Her eIam t obowdown Her eIam t osayt hatYou' r emyGod You' r eal t oget herl ovel y Al t oget herwor t hy Al t oget herwonder f ult ome Her eIam t owor shi p Her eIam t obowdown Her eIam t osayt hatYou' r emyGod You' r eal t oget herl ovel y Al t oget herwor t hy Al t oget herwonder f ult ome You' r ewonder f ult ome Her eIam t owor shi p OhGod,you' r ewonder f ult ome ( END)

WHENEVER,WHEREVER VERSE1 Wheneverorwher everImaybe I t ’ sonl yt heLor dt hatIsee Whet herIcl oseoropenmyeyes Ican’ tseem t ogethi m of fmymi nd PRECHORUS “ O,comet ome, ”Ihear dhi m cal l TheLor d,sogr eat ,pl eadedwi t hme,sosmal l Andsuddenl y ,hest oodbymysi de Wi t ht heLor dher ebymysi de, Wor r i esoft hewor l dar egone CHORUS Thought sofyou,myLor d,r ushi nt omymi nd Wheneverandwher ever ,i t ’ sonl yyouIt hi nkabout WhenIcl osemyeyesoropenmyeyes, You’ r et heonl yoneonmymi nd Can’ tseem t ogetyouof fmymi nd PRECHORUS “ O,comet ome, ”Ihear dhi m cal l TheLor d,sogr eat ,pl eadedwi t hme,sosmal l Andsuddenl y ,hest oodbymysi de Wi t ht heLor dher ebymysi de, Wor r i esoft hewor l dar egone CHORUS Thought sofyou,myLor d,r ushi nt omymi nd Wheneverandwher ever ,i t ’ sonl yyouIt hi nkabout WhenIcl osemyeyesoropenmyeyes, You’ r et heonl yoneonmymi nd Can’ tseem t ogetyouof fmymi nd ( SHORTI NTERLUDE) ( NEXTPAGE)

WHENEVER,WHEREVER CHORUS Thought sofyou,myLor d,r ushi nt omymi nd Wheneverandwher ever ,i t ’ sonl yyouIt hi nkabout WhenIcl osemyeyesoropenmyeyes, You’ r et heonl yoneonmymi nd Can’ tseem t ogetyouof fmymi nd CHORUS( sof t ) Thought sofyou,myLor d,r ushi nt omymi nd Wheneverandwher ever ,i t ’ sonl yyouIt hi nkabout WhenIcl osemyeyesoropenmyeyes, You’ r et heonl yoneonmymi nd Can’ tseem t ogetyouof fmymi nd CHORUS( modul at i on) Thought sofyou,myLor d,r ushi nt omymi nd Wheneverandwher ever ,i t ’ sonl yyouIt hi nkabout WhenIcl osemyeyesoropenmyeyes, You’ r et heonl yoneonmymi nd Can’ tseem t ogetyouof fmymi nd ( END)

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