På Rette Spor / The New Odyssey of Transit Spaces in the Railway Town
Empty missionary building on Århusvej
Private house on Skolegade
Private house on Stationsgade
The Civic Center of Trustrup
The local super market in Trustrup
Hair dresser on the corner of Stationsgade
The new mobility town \ 03 The former railway town \ 06 Who is Trustrup? \ 08 Only a stop away \ 14 It’s a fact \ 17 Reporting from the front \ 18 The diagnosis of Trustrup \ 20 Empty building on Stationsagde
Potential plan \ 22 Implementation plan \ 24 Why mobility? \ 28 Capacity and parameters \ 30 Process \ 32 Presentation \ 34 Design analysis \ 42 Conclusion and reflection \ 45
Reading guide
Det er tid til at føre de gamle stationsbyer tilbage på rette spor. I takt med at mennesker bliver mere mobile, opstår der nye spørgsmål og udfordringer til de urbane rum, som der rejses igennem: hvad er den moderne stationsby og hvad kan transitrummet i fremtiden? Dette undersøges og afprøves i Trustrup, byen med det første stop på den nye letbane mellem Aarhus og Grenaa i det nordlige Djursland. På de kommende sider præsenteres en række forslag til hvordan mobilitet kan se ud i fremtiden og hvordan dette kan forme offentlige samlingsrum i Trustrup og lokalområdet. Projektet er udarbejdet som led i “Designing Urban Mobilities”-modulet på kandidatuddannelsen på Urban Design ved Aalborg Universitet og er udført med støtte fra Norddjurs Kommune. Visionen med projektet “På Rette Spor” er at skabe en strategisk plan, som sætter en fremtidig retning for Trustrup som Den Nye Mobilitetsby og danne grundlag for langsigtet bæredygtig vækst og attraktion. I forbindelse med den strategiske tilgang, er der udviklet en potentialeplan for Trustrup, som identificerer hvilke muligheder og udfordringer der er i Trustrup, baseret på analyser, workshops og feltbesøg. Potentialeplanen giver en retning for en helhedsorienteret udvikling for Trustrup. Trustrup Station er derefter udvalgt som et særligt indsatsområde, hvortil et konkret designforslag er udviklet. Projektet præsenteres med analyse- og designmateriale, hvor baggrundsviden og teoretisk grundlag vil blive præsenteret løbende. Rapporten er hovedsageligt formidlet på engelsk, men de vigtigste emner har danske resuméer, hvilket er markeret med “DK”. Alle illustrationer og billeder er af egen produktion, hvis ikke andet er anført ved billedet. Illustrationer er i rigtig skala ved print på A3. Hele projektet er dækket af denne rapport; yderligere er der vedlagt en pjece på dansk til markedsføring af Trustrup og projektet “På Rette Spor”.
It is time to bring the Danish railway towns back on track. As people become more mobile, new questions and challenges to how we design public spaces that accommodates movement arise: what is the contemporary railway town and how will transit spaces function in the future? This is tested and applied in Trustrup, the town with the first stop on the new light rail line from Aarhus to Grenaa in Northern Djursland to create a new odyssey of travelling in the rural land. On the following pages a series of design proposals for a new mobility hub will be presented, indicating how a mobility nervecenter could perform in the future. The project is made as part of the “Designing Urban Mobilities” module on the master degree of Urban Design at Aalborg University, and have been accomplished with support from Norddjurs Municipality. The aim of the project “The New Odyssey of Transit Spaces in the Railway Town” is to create a strategic developing plan for Trustrup and to revitalize the station to become a place that can draw attention and generate long termed growth. In addition to this, a potential plan to identify different opportunities and challenges in Trustrup has been mapped and defined. The potential plan gives direction to a coherent development of Trustrup, whilst the area of the station is detailed further in a specific design proposal. The project will in this booklet be presented with analysis and design solutions, which will be supported by background knowledge and theoretical foundation as it fits in with the process. The rapport is primarily written in English, however there are short summarizations in Danish. These are marked with “DK” next to the text. All illustrations and images are by own production, unless otherwise is marked at the image. Illustrations are in the correct scale when printed on A3 paper size. The entire project is covered in this booklet; additionally a pamphlet in Danish have been attached for branding of Trustrup and the project of “The New Odyssey of Transit Spaces in the Railway Town”.
The new mobility town / Den nye mobilitetsby
Trustrup Aarhus Airport
Ebeltoft Aarhus
Odder St.
Trustrup is a particularly interesting place in this context, as the closure of the Grenaa line and opening of a light rail line in its place gives Trustrup a higher degree of connectedness, and a solid base for change. New doors are opening for the town, and so it is time to make choices on how the town should now be presented in the future; all to create the foundation for forthcoming growth and settlement. On the coming pages the current situation in Trustrup will be analyzed, including the public involvement of the local citizens and an investigation of the larger context, to find what elements of the railway town that still carries the ability to sustain growth, and to what extend new elements should be added. With this as a point of departure a specific design proposal has been developed, seeking to renew Trustrup and create a new understanding of the term ‘railway town’, making Trustrup a frontrunner in the progress of revitalizing railway towns across the country into “New Mobility Towns”. DK Formålet med projektet “På Rette Spor” er at genfortolke stationsbyens mobilitetsscenarier og undersøge hvorfor mange stationsbyers vækst har stagneret og i nogle tilfælde faldet de seneste år. Dette afspejles oftest ved faldende indbyggertal, lukkende byfunktioner og en ældelse af gennemsnitsalderen i byen. Der er derfor behov for at nytænke “stationsbyen”. Potentialet for mobilitet er i høj grad til stede i Trustrup, da der i den nærmeste fremtid bliver forbundet med letbanestrækningen mellem Odder og Grenaa. I samspil med de landlige omgivelser og Trustrups nye forbundenhed til Odder, Grenaa og Aarhus, er der rig mulighed for at skabe nytænkende strategier og kvaliteter for bosætningsmiljøer med højt til himlen. Med udgangspunkt i Trustrup og den lokale situation omkring byen, udvikles et nyt mobilitetsrum, som fremadrettet kan være et forbillede for de forældede stationsbyer.
13 kilometers outside of Grenaa the small town of Trustrup is situated. Trustrup is one of the many towns that sprouted and grew with the coming of the railway network in the early 20th century, and with its own station on the Grenaa and later the Ebeltoft railway line, the town quickly grew with various functions from banks and schools to stores like butchers, bakers and hairdressers. Today however, only few of these functions remain, and some, like the school, struggle to remain functioning. The local industrialisation that came with the railways is slowly dying out, unable to keep up with the modern fast paced world. New values to the railway town have to be described and emphasized to once again create the foundation for growth in towns such as Trustrup.
The atmosphere of the rural land
The photo shows Trustrup Station from the year of 2001 and is beautifully depicting how the charming old industrial infrastructure meets the masonry houses, all with a close connection to the rural landscape. This illustrates some of the strengths of a place like Trustrup; well connected, plenty of space and the quiet of the rural.
Stückler, H., 2001, ’Stationsbygning og det tidligere sporareal set mod Ryomgård’, www.styckler.blogspot.dk
History of railway towns
The tracks pierce through the rural land, connecting the nation and giving travelers a view of the danish fields. While the onlooker does have the scenic view distrubed by the occasional train, the carriages bumbling atop the tracks does add their own charms. A glimmer of civilization sliding across the horizon.
DK Med industrialismens store udvidelse af jernbanenettet, opstod utallige små stationsbyer, ofte præget af en ensartethed som følge af at være udsprunget fra den samme bevægelse. Med tiden har den danske industri ændret sig markant, og der er ikke længere den samme brug for stationsbyerne. For at disse byer fortsat skal kunne eksistere, er det essentielt at det defineres hvad disse byer kan i nutidens kontekst, og hvad der adskiller de enkelte stationsbyer fra hinanden.
Sørensen, H., 1967, ’ N
The former railway town
deskjobs in the cities, the original catalyst for the railway towns vanished (ibid.). A rethinking of the railway town and what constitutes one such is necessary. It is no longer transportation of goods that makes these places appealing. Instead of the transportation of goods, it is now the transportation of people that gives railway towns an edge in the competition against other rural towns and villages. This is especially true in a world with an ever increasing focus on more environmentally sustainable transportation methods, where travel by car becomes an ever more polluted idea (Schwartz, 2015). The benefits of rural life combined with easy car-free city access is what locations such as Trustrup offer, where neighbouring towns falter, being without the essential station.
Since then the the growth has decreased and in some places been replaced by a decline, as can be seen in Trustrup. As industry have centralized and changed from manual labour to various
With the new light rail opening soon, Trustrup is the perfect place to develop and test new solutions for the railway town, updating the way railwaytowns are seen and the context in which they are perceived.
Throughout the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century a vast network of small railway stations sprouted in Denmark (Danmarkshistorien.dk, 2012). Often the nodes of this network were placed strategically with industry in mind, creating the possibility for easier transportation of goods. With the stations much followed: first an inn would appear, some grocery shopping, homes for the labourers, and soon a specific kind of town would appear, which is neither a village or a city, but a town of its own, with a station in its centre and specific characteristics in its architecture. Thus the railway network cultivated hundreds of similar small Danish towns such as Trustrup, with industry as the engine behind the growth (Groth et al., 2013).
The old station building of Trustrup can be seen on the left. The use of the station has ebbed away, the smaller building was converted into a new station, and the station into the community house, that today is the beating heart of the community. Stückler, H., 2015, ’Stationsbygningen i Trustrup set fra sporsiden i slutningen af 80erne’, www.styckler.blogspot.dk
Sørensen, H., 1967, ’ Stationsbygningen med ETJ tog gennemgående til Grenå ’, www.jernbanen.dk
Nødager trinbræt set mod øst’, www.djbm.dk
The trains have driven the Grenaa track for over a century, bringing passengers and goods to and from the freight ships and the inner land.
Who is Trustrup?
The atmosphere of the rural land
Here is an image of the old centre and station from which Trustrup as a town grew. With the trainsservice currently closed there is only little activity in front of the station today. With the exception of the events in the culture house, nothing much goes on in the outskirts of Trustrup.
The first records of Trustrup as a named place, then Thruæthstorp, appears around year 1300 (Helbo, n.d.). At this time Trustrup was merely eight farms, five of which can still be found today. This was the reason for a station for Trustrup on Grenaabanen, established in 1876, growing Trustrup into a small town.
The strengths of Trustrup have not gone unnoticed by Norddjurs Municipality, who have described Trustrup as being well connected, and a key part of ‘Bybånd Øst’ (the collaboration between the three easternmost significant towns and cities in Norddjurs) as it is the first light rail stop in the municipality, and a natural connection point to Aarhus Airport (Norddjurs, 2016).
Today Trustrup carries traits from the golden age of the railway town but is generally declined and neglected. A lot of the houses are in poor condition or empty and a lot of them are for sale. Furthermore, the town is separated by Århusvej, a road that suffers from heavy traffic and is hard to cross as a pedestrian, especially because of the speed. The speed limit is 60 km/h but the traffic is usually way faster. Therefore, the road carries a great sense of unsafety and is ironically functioning as the centre of the town today.
As such, Trustrup is a potential center for the local area, especially due to the presence of Toubro Børneby. It is placed between Trustrup and Lyngby. The distance between Toubro and Trustrup takes five minutes by bike or approximately 18 minutes of walking.
Despite of a town that is neglected, Trustrup has a great engaged community that is arranging common events at the community house “Kulturhuset” and is fighting to improve their town. Inhabitants exhibit a sense of belonging and a great care for what happens in their local environments, showcased by their battle for a bike path to Homå to the east and their cases against Danske Statsbaner (DSB)’s efforts to close overpasses over the rails. Trustrup’s nearest neighbour town is Lyngby, with which the town shares the school and kindergarten named “Toubro Børneby”. The only direct connection from Trustrup to Lyngby and Toubro Børnebyen is along Lyngbyvej.
Trustrup Station & Community House
12 Football fields & Tennis court
Graffiti Area
13 Group Medical Practice
Scout Hut
14 Solar Park
15 Skovgården (Forrest)
The Church
16 Nordbakken: future dwelling area
The Statue of Achton Friis
17 Toubro Skolen (School)
Local Super Market
18 Sports Centre & Youth Club
19 Outdoor Community Area
20 Bonfire
10 Farm Shop 11
Petrol Station
21 Nursery Garden
19 20
Recreative path
Old Trustrup
Nygård Å
4 6
Bike path
Current city ”centrum”
10 9
12 11
Pedestrian crossing
Gr en
The character of Trustrup
The park and its small playground is one of the few gathering points in Trustrup for instance, for the yearly St. John’s Eve (Skt. Hans Aften)
The wide expanse lies beyond Trustrup. Beautiful in it’s vastness, but also a large seperation between Toubro Børneby off to the north, and Trustrup itself, further south.
With age comes some charm and a great deal of dillapidation. Old structures in Trustrup are falling in disuse and disrepair, as the decline in citizens leave them empty.
The youth of Trustrup have nowhere to go, and so express their creativity and use their time painting abandonned houses in Trustrup.
The atmosphere of the town
Trustrup for sale! Parts of it at least. One big reason could be Århusvej, severing it’s way through the town, pumping one truck through the town after the other, all at high speeds. It is through the windshield of the car that most see Trustrup.
The character of Trustrup
If you look past the road, and closer on the niches of Trustrup, you find many hidden gems. As seen on the picture above; one mans trash is another mans treassure. With some time, a splash of creativity and a pinch of ingeniuty the ressources in Trustrup are being put to good use; creating small cozy places filled with identy and soul.
13 Next to empty houses, new residents find their place. In the yellow wagon, a young couple lives inexpensive to save money for traveling the world, therby using Trustrup as the stepping stone for experiences.
The atmosphere of the town
As buildings fall apart, the nature quickly reclaims its space, creating beautiful meetings between the new and the old. The remnants of history never disappears on its own and it will therefore be a part of the place over time
Only a stop away
Trustrup and its global connections
/ Nu kan du bo i Trustrup og arbejde i København
With Aarhus Airport only 14 minutes away in car from Trustrup, and the docks of Grenaa within 18 minutes, traveling to the other ends of the country or other countries, is less of a hassle here, than one might expect. Travelling from Trustrup to London would take a little less than two hours discounting airport waiting time, that is the same time it would take to go from Nørreport in Copenhagen to London. Should you want to go from Trustrup to Nørreport to work, it could be achieved on one hour and forty minutes, arriving at the airport the 30 minutes prior recommended for domestic flights (DAT.dk, 2018). Comparing the way of traveling within the region, Auning (another town in Norddjurs) sees growth from people wanting to live more inexpensive and closer to nature, and still have easy transportation to Aarhus (Bolius, 2018; Auningby.dk, 2018). That trip by car takes 45 minutes, if you hit morning traffic it might take longer. Trustrup offers car-free travel to Aarhus, by light rail, in less than an hour. While more than 45 minutes, the journey makes it possible to work on the way, socially interact with other travelers.
Stockholm Gothenburg
Aarhus Airport
By being close to the different types of mobility, Trustrup has a great potential of being a mobility hub that connects to larger cities both in Denmark and the rest of the world. Therefore Trustrup has a potential of not being thought of as a remote town once you are there. It is hard to completely avoid traveling time, comparing Trustrup to other cities the traveling time is just as competitive as other cities with commuters on a daily basis.
Copenhagen Gdansk
London Prague Munich
DK Trustrup er bedre forbundet til omverdenen end man måske lige tror ved første øjekast. Gennem lufthavnen, Grenaa havn og letbanen er store dele af verden tæt på. For eksempel kan man hurtigere nå til at arbejde i København fra Trustrup end man kan med bil fra Odense, og man kan være i London på samme tid som en der tager af sted fra Nørreport Station i København. Trustrup kan derfor sagtens tænkes som en mobil forstad til Aarhus, særligt for dem der foretrækker letbane kørsel over bilen.
Palma de Mallorca
Sivota Itheca
1h 15min
New York (EWR)
Trustrup - Copenhagen
Trustrup - Aarhus
54 min (plane) 2h 40min (ferry) 4h 43 min (ferry)
Trustrup - Varberg
58 min (plane) 4h 58min (ferry) 4h 43 min (ferry)
Trustrup lies far from everything, getting to and from15 the town is surely a hassle! But is it? How much longer does it take to get around the region, the country or the world from Trustrup than from so many other locations?
London (STN) 1 h 40 min
40 min
37 min
57 min
Aarhus Airport (AAR)
6 min
10 min
Trustrup and its global connection
8 h 25 min
Copenhagen (CPH)
8 h 20 min
PUBLIC Tirstrup
8 min
8 min
19 min (car)
1 h 11 min (bus)
55 min
London (STN)
8 h 20 min
Copenhagen (CPH)
18 min
18 min
New York (EWR)
Aarhus PUBLIC 4 h 25 min
1 h 18 min (car) 2 h 36 min (bus)
Copenhagen H
Trustrup - Aarhus
1h 15min
Trustrup - Copenhagen
58 min (plane) 4h 58min (ferry) 4h 43 min (ferry)
54 min (plane) 2h 40min (ferry) 4h 43 min (ferry)
Trustrup - Varberg
Grenaa Harbor
SjĂŚllands Odde
With Nice three and a half hours away, from your door closes behind you till the plane touches ground in France, spontaneous travel can become tempting for the people in Trustrup.
8 h 25 min
Square metre price
Citizens in Trustrup year 1976-2014
Year 2016 + 2017
Year 2017
2562 people moving to Norddjurs year 2016 2469 people moving away from Norddjurs year 2016
Age distribution in Trustrup People 90 Aarhus Copenhagen 29,640 DKK 45,259 DKK
Trustrup 4,209 DKK
Grenaa 7,055 DKK
Houses for sale in 8570 Trustrup
March 2018 50 Average age Male: 43.2 years Female: 43.6 years
30 20
77.4% Regular houses
12.94% Farms
9,7% Sites
10 Total number: 32 0
0-9 10-19
District heating 2017
Price DKK
House prices pr. sqm. in Trustrup
2014: The light rail from Aarhus to Grenaa was announced
Price DKK 10,000
8,000 7,500
Year 1995
Cars on Ă…rhusvej
Between the city of Drammelstrup and Trustrup, 2017
Trustrup & Lyngby
Single-family house 130 m2 Average price in DKK
Apartment 75 m2 Average price in DKK
Car and bike prices per year
Average price for a bike per year
Average price for a car (150,000DKK) per year
(boliga.dk, 2018:1; boliga.dk, 2018:2; boligsiden.dk,2018; bolius.dk, 2018; Christensen and Rasmussen, 2015; dst.dk, 2018; energitilsynet, 2018; rm.dk, 2018)
It’s a fact / Trustrup opgjort i tal
There are economic benefits living in Trustrup for example, solar powered heating, and the square meter price is a fraction of the prices compared to Aarhus and Copenhagen, and approximately 40 per cent of the price in Grenaa. Despite of this houses stand empty in Trustrup and the total amount of inhabitants have been slowly falling since the 70s. The goal is to renew Trustrup and create growth, but to do so it is nessessary to understand the reasons why this has been happening.
Therefor it is important to look at what else motivates choice of living amongst new families, and where Trustrup may have challenges that have to be solved to appeal to this group. Cost of living is a major factor, with a 30% influence rate with the 25 to 54 year olds; Trustrup is already covered on this, which may well be the basis for the already planned expansions to Trustrup. Another important factor is proximity to good schools (ibid.). Toubro Børneby is a school with a relatively bad renomé and a school that is in continuous risk of being closed. The school has merely 70 pupils, and classes have been unified across grades, and there are problems with bullying and a lack of variety in the activities children can participate in. It is essential for Trustrup to turn this around; the community and new management of the school is working fervently to accomplish this, but in an effort to further this progress along, strategies should be formulated to increase safety and activities for the children. At the same time it is important not to forget those who already live in Trustrup. Today the average age in Trustrup is 40 years, with a majority of the older generation (60-69 years). According to the ’centreforcities’ research have shown that the elderly have a tendency to value the rural more than other age groups. When trying to attract new people to the town, the people already living there should not be forgotten, but taken into consideration when implementing new initiatives.
DK Der er fordele ved at flytte til Trustrup, fordi leve omkostningerne og bolig priserne er lave. Men desværre er befolkningstallet faldende, hvilket tyder på at det er nogle andre værdier der spiller en stor rolle. Derfor er det essentielt at undersøge grundende herfor, for at afgøre hvor der skal gøres en indsats både for dem der bor i byen men også for at skabe vækst. Det skal understreges at nogen af storbyens attraktioner også kan findes i Trustrup, og styrkerne der kan være svære at finde i storbyerne skal yderligere forstærkes. Væsentligt for dette er blandt andet et godt rygte for nyopstartede familier. Trustrup skal være et trygt sted at vokse op, og det dårlige ry omkring skolen skal vendes.
Trustrup in numbers
A definite part of the decline in Trustrup and in many towns like it, is the general urbanisation in Denmark. An ever increasing amount of people move to cities to the point where two out of every three of us will live in cities by 2050 (Damsgaard, 2016). The British organisation ‘centreforcities’ have investigated the reasons citydwellers choose to live where they do. Things such as being close to the workplace motivate 24% of the generation now aged between 25-34, eager to find their first long term jobs. Availability of public transport, proximity to other city functions and to people are other high-scoring motivators. Only with older age groups do things such as being close to the open land take priority (Thomas, Serwicka and Swinney, 2015). As the average age is already high in Trustrup, some of those values of the younger generations and the newly established families have to be emphasized for a larger part of that generation to move out of the cities.
Reporting from the front / Reportage fra felten Dot-mocracy
Exploring Djursland
Big scale
One day in Trustrup
Green city And spaces for children
Depature from Aalborg
City branding
Aarhus Airport Unifying Trustrup and Lyngby
The Hairdresser Attract young people to Trustrup
11.00 Niels Bille, former teacher at the school
New arrivals in Trustrup
Attract families with children and a disire to live through the local community
13.00 Drifting 14.00
Workshop at Toubro Skolen hosted by us
17.00 Grenaa
19.00 20.00 Workshop at Kulturhuset hosted by us
22.00 Returning to Aalborg 23.00
The day included a visit to Aarhus Airport, to see the circumstances by which a traveller would reach the airport. Following this the day was divided into several tasks, ranging from two workshops with the children and the adults of Trustrup, interviews with commercial, municipal and culturally influential people of Trustrup, urban analysis, visits to neighbouring towns and a tour through Trustrup.
A childs favorite place in Trustrup: The park
Workshop at the school: Children drawing
Biggest challenges in Trustrup
Expansion of Nordbakken
Børnebyen Maintain the development Use the local community Local business and school
And Roundabout between Lyngbyvej and Århusvej
Brochere Materials for the people who consider to move to Trustrup
Biggest dream in Trustrup
Aqua Djurs, introducing to the watersituation
Small scale
Workshop May 13th
Villagewalk with Lone a passionated citizen in Trustrup
Tea with the sextor
Bikepath to Homå
To evaluate the points made by the participating inhabitants of Trustrup at the workshop, the various ideas were placed on a wall. Participants were then given stickers to place on their favorite ideas and on what they see as the biggest challenges. This way it could be determined which points took priority in the minds of Trustrup. The results can be seen in the diagram above.
Workshop in Kulturhuset
Toubro Børneby
Big scale
Conclusive mindmap
Aarhus Airport Connection to the world Space Wide expanses
The future of transportation How do we travel in the future? And what are the commuter relations?
Enviromental sustainability Trustrup to become a city without cars
Close to water 10 km to the nearest beach
node in the future?
Nature Rural land Aarhus Light rail
Versatile ways of trasport Cars, busses, light rail, airplanes and bikes
Launch pad
Physical growth
Trustrup as a place for take off and temporal stops for journeys to the world
Connection to the hinterland
Mobility chain Effectiveness to create a smooth journey
Railway town Trustrup Station becomeing a centre
Social cohesion
lives in the future as we get more mobile Transit spaces to become extensions of the everyday life Århusvej Pedestrian crossing at Århusvej
Railway town
”Fællesskab” Enhancing the sense of community
Driving element Why families with children may move to Trustrup
Slowing down the traffic Safety for school kids
Toubro Børneby
Social sustainability New traditions
City branding
Enhancing public transport Transit spaces will have larger
Small scale
Create physical growth and potentials in Trustrup
Centrum Moving the center towards north
From the dot-mocracy and observations done in Trustrup a comprehensive mindmap of the challenges and potentials in Trustrup could be made. This gives an overview of possible projects in Trustrup, related to how important the issue is to current inhabitants. The mindmap can be seen above, having been sorted in topic, scale and their relationship. Distilling the results further, three main focus points can be formed: Sustaining and creating room for the strong community in Trustrup, improving connections internally and externally in the town and emphasizing Trustrups placement in the rural land. With this knowledge design proposals can be created with these foci in mind, ensuring the solutions solve the right problems, and are welcome with those who live there.
Drifting in Trustrup
A childs biggest dream in Trustrup: A place to hang out and eat pizza
A childs way to school
Workshop in Kulturhuset
Process and working methods
Unifying Trustrup and Lyngby
The diagnosis of Trustrup / Livet i det ĂĽbne land
Conslusion of the analysis
Concluding on the analysis it can be found that Trustrup has lost its identity of being a well functioning railway town. The town is neglected and declined and is separated by the road Århusvej, a road many drives through during the day without noticing or respecting the life in Trustrup. - and that is a shame. For those taking their time to explore Trustrup, they find a tightly knit community, who is trying to sustain the good qualities in Trustrup, a town where you know your next-door neighbour. Trustrup has a huge potential of being a mobility hub connecting to different types of transportation that potentially can get people anywhere in the world. Because of the access to the greater mobility networks via light rail and the nearby airport.That said, the town does have problems extending further than being unknown to those passing through. The consequence of the small amount of young families moving to Trustrup, is that the average age will increase in the future. The reason for this is the bad reputation of Toubro Børneby, and the unsafe routes by which children have to travel to reach the school. New ressources are visibly needed in Trustrup, and childlife is required to revitalize parts of the town. With the new light rail a surge of possibilities arise and to enhance the growth in Trustrup it would be beneficial to reinvigorate the town.
Ten points about Trustrup Århusvej creates a significant and dangerous divide between inhabitants and town functions. Trustrup has a strong local community, and is able to sustain local events. Trustrup is poorly connected to neighbouring towns and to Toubro Børneby.
Trustrup is largely unknown, for many just a place to pass through, carrying out little conversation with travelers. The town centre is poorly defined and scattered on a stretch along Århusvej. It is hard to identify the place to gather. The youth of Trustrup are in need of a place to be in their spare time. Through the light rail and Aarhus Airport, Trustrup is quite well connected regionally and globally. There is forest, rural land and beach within biking distance. It is very inexpensive to live in Trustrup compared to larger cities, and there is plenty of room for expansion.
Key points of Trustrup
The town is aging, both materially and in terms of the inhabitants.
A key part of attracting people to Trustrup is to make people aware it exists. The majority of people driving through Trustrup by Århusvej have been passing several other similar towns. Therefore, there should be an awareness of Trustrup at the entrances to the town, a modern take on the town gate likewise the entrance should slow down traffic and make Århusvej safer to cross.
With only the Lyngbyvej railway overpass remaining open, the cross between Århusvej and Lyngbyvej becomes ever more overburdened. With the many heavy vehicles having to make left-turns over Århusvej, and the lack of a traffical solution to this, the traffic will clock up. This makes Århusvej more dangerous to pass and slows traffic. A traffical solution, for instance a roundabout, should be designed to alleviate this.
Potential plan Making Trustrup into the frontrunner of a new wave of thriving railway towns, and to capitalize on the potentials and solve the problems diagnosed in Trustrup requires more than a single intervention. For this purpose a map of proposed projects in Trustrup has been formed, seeking to achieve the various goals formed by the prior analysis: Creating awareness around Trustrup, distincting it from other railway towns and other towns along Århusvej. Making use of the light rail as convenient and comfortable as possible. Creating room for growth in Trustrup. Emphasizing the strengths of the rural land. Emphasizing Trustrup as a good family suburb to Grenå and satellite town to Aarhus. In addition to these specific points, existing pathways around the town have been connected, creating a connected route showcasing both the rural land and all the elements of Trustrup. Intersecting this path, a new path is planned connecting from Stationsgade over the rails, creating a direct connection from the station (and new city centre (4)) to Toubro Børneby, all going through the newly planned development area (3). With these solutions Trustrup should become better inter-connected, have room for expansion and be much more vocal in its conversation with those traveling through, reminding them that Trustrup is more than a place with a road.
Future housing Future center
DK Det kræver flere tiltag at markere Trustrup som
en moderne stationsby og skabe gode forhold for såvel tilflyttere som nuboende. Kortet til højre viser særligt vigtige lokationer i Trustrup, der enten bærer udfordringer i forhold til udviklingen eller har store uudnyttede potentialer, hvor nye urbane indgreb foreslås. Samtidigt foreslås det at samle byen gennem nye gå- og cykelstier samt forbundne eksisterende stier.
Existing path Future path Existing trees Future trees Bike path
The town needs to expand for growth to be possible. North of the rails, Norddjurs municipality have planned an area for at least 50 family homes. That plan has multiple merits other than just the growth, creating stronger ties with Lyngby and creating a direct through-town connection to the Toubro Børneby. The potential of this preexisting plan plays well with the other potentials in Trustrup, and as such is carried over to this plan.
There can be no railway town without a station. With the growth towards north, the natural town-centre should also move. By creating the centre at the station, the focus on using the light rail is emphasized, and a centre without disturbance from Ă…rhusvej is created. This also helps create unity between the new town north of the rails and the old town south of the rails. This is also a site many commuters see every day.
When moving the town-centre, the old centre at the Achton Friis monument is left behind. The innate potential as a previous centre and the history leaves this as a site of continued importance. One key element in this is that for many travelers this will be the only place with a direct visual connection to the new centre. As part of the town-branding and making the town legible and easy to navigate, this place needs to be redesigned.
3 1 4
Implementation plan / Implementeringsplan
Trustrup Station Development of Nordbakken Path to Toubro Børneby Recreational path Redesign of old citycenter Roundabout at Lyngbyvej
Town entry-zones New development plan Expansion of Lyngby towards Trustrup Expansion of Toubro Børneby
Growth in pubulation
Raise public awareness on Trustrup
l and Socia al tur cul h wt gro
Unify energies = Move the town center
After this it is time to work on other key points in the town, and make the whole more unified. First by creating a stronger connection from the old town centre at the Achton Friis monument, and later with clear entrance areas where Aarhusvej enters Trustrup, signalling that drivers are now in Trustrup, and not just “some town along the way”. This would mark the end of the initial potential plan, having created the foundation for full development of Nordbakken and reforming the way railway towns focus. At this point the situation would need a full reassessment, but looking at how Trustrup and Lyngby gained strength by combining schools and kindergartens may be wise, and so efforts to expand Lyngby down towards Nordbakken could be sensible.
Trustrup has 1.000 inhabitants
Ligth rail opens
To order the potential plan, the initiatives have been laid out in various overlapping phases over the coming 25 years, as seen below. The foundation for the town comes with the new city centre, with the awareness and the new connection to Toubro Børneby and Lyngby it creates. It is also where the existing strength of the community will meet. For town branding to work, the town has to work first, and so the new centre is first step in the potential plan, quickly followed by the internal paths around the town and to Toubro Børneby, and putting an ease on the heavy traffic on Århusvej with a roundabout. This creates a town much safer to travel, showcases the community to those commuting from Grenaa to Aarhus by train and gives those already living in Trustrup a place to gather. The process of creating this is supported by, and supports the continued development of Nordbakken.
Focus on the qualities in Trustrup Nature Mobility Strong community The school Economic benefits
Rivatilizing transit spaces
On the coming pages it will investigated why wor25 king with mobility and transit spaces are important, and in particular why it is important for Trustrup. From this and from the earlier defined focus points, boundaries and requirements to the design are set, and a proposal for the new Trustrup Station will be formulated and presented. Finally the design and the effects of the strategy as a whole will be analyzed, and the situation in Trustrup post development will be predicted.
Creating growth
The rual land seen from Lyngbyvej
With the potential plan set, the greater strategy for Trustrup defined and the first step of the process identified, a deeper development of the station can begin; ensuring this key first step affords the solutions that are required of it. By starting with the station, the goal is to unify the energies in Trustrup, collecting them in a new centre able to kickstart the growth process in Nordbakken, starting a positive spiral of continued growth.
Design proposal
PĂĽ Rette Spor / The New Odyssey of Transit Spaces in the Railway Village
The rumors spread, something is happening in Trustrup. The poster at Aarhus railwaystation makes awareness for the daily travelers, mayby enough to eventually travel themselves and see what Trustrup is beyond the view from the tracks.
28 Why mobility? / En undersøgelse af hvordan transitrum opleves
Denmark is in change. People relocate from the countryside to the city, and workplaces are being concentrated in fewer locations. As a result, people across the world spend more and more time commuting to work, and in Denmark the distance from home to work has increased by 9% over the last ten years (DTU, 2016; Valdimarsson, 2018). People have become more inclined to travel in the everyday life and spending time in transit areas have become everyday ventures. This progression dictates modifications, adaptations, and re-adjustments of how to work with mobility in the future – both socially, economically, and physically; but it also leaves a great potential of creating urban spaces that accommodates and facilitates mobilities for all types of users.
Categorising scales of mobilities
Mobility is a complex composition and one can even speak of various categories and scales of mobility. In this case three mobility scales will be elucidated. First, there is the local mobility, which indicates the everyday journeys that unfold when people move in their local areas. This can for instance be; the bike ride to school, walking the dog, going to the community house for a gathering, or catching the light rail to Aarhus. The degree of local mobility is highly important as it reflects the energy of the neighbourhood and how prone the locals are to use their community and the functions that the area provides. Second is the regional mobility, which mark a larger scale of movement. When one travels in the regional scale there is a larger need for planning and scheduling of the journey, where one often plans a longer mobility chain with diverse forms of transportation. This form of mobility takes up a significant amount of time in the daily life, as the workplaces move further away in the region or even neighbouring regions. Lastly there is mobility on a global scale, which determine the crossing of international borders. For most people this is an event planned weeks or months in advance, often in relation to vacations. These three levels of mobility are relatively simple to work with individually, however the challenge is the intersections (or the “Critical Points of Contact” as defined by Jensen & Morelli, 2011) between the different forms and scales of mobility. In these specific intersections social frictions and energies of diverse mobilities occur, creating possibilities for new ways for people to meet (ibid., Goffman 1959).
Consequences of commuting for the local environment The increase in individual mobility have brought a lot of freedom when it comes to choosing a place to live. As pointed out earlier, it is possible to choose to live in Trustrup and work in Copenhagen,
not to mention Grenaa or one of the neighbouring towns and villages. As shown earlier Trustrup is, in spite its rural location, well connected to larger mobility networks. However, commuting comes with a range of disadvantages as for example, the lack of affiliation and engagement to the community. Civic engagement, such as participation in local politics, community clubs, or social relations in the area, have been found to decrease with 10% per 10 minutes commuted in the day (Putnam, 2000, p.213). This means that as daily travel times increase, people become more solitary and unsociable, losing ties with their local communities (Montgomery, 2013, p.53). This have negative consequences for both the health of the community and the individual, as Montgomery states, the rate of mental disorders increases for people who travel long distances and particularly when traveling by car (Montgomery, 2013). In the case of Trustrup commuting it is a necessity for many of the inhabitants and essential for the town to exist in the future. Herewith the goal of this project is to the design and facilitate spaces that accommodate commuting and movement with a primary focus on the original station area in Trustrup. In “Staging Mobilities” (2013) by Ole B. Jensen it is stated that travel and movement is more than just the transportation from A to B. The town spaces are where the everyday lives of individuals are being unfolded and told, and this complexity of social intersections is the pulse of the community. However, there is an existing range of social behaviors and patterns in society that dictate civil distances as we flow through spaces, which to some extent create social gaps that intensify the experience of transit spaces. This propounds a new strategy of how transit spaces should be designed, in such a way that people and activities are drawn in, inviting and comforting people to stay while acknowledging the demands of the daily commute (Sørensen, 2018).
Rethinking the narrative of transit spaces
The experience of transit spaces can feel static and changeless. As one arrives to a transit space (ex. a train station, bus stop, airport or a parking lot) you rarely have any expectations of how you want the place “to make you feel”. The main concern is how to transport yourself from A to B as fast as possible. It can be questioned if these transit spaces could be more than just a mental and physical extension of the travel, but be a thought through link between the everyday life of the local inhabitants and the ordinary travellers that arrive to and depart from the space. Having said that, people’s ways are crossing at transit spaces, and therefore there is an innate potential, to make the train station area into a gathering and meeting point for social interaction and community happenings.
Multiple examples across the world show that where individual car-travel might suffocate the urban spaces, transport means such as light rails can have the opposite effect (Schwartz, 2015); as people flock at the station, attracting more people as a result (Gehl, 1971; Whyte, 1980). This only goes to reinforce Montgomory’s point earlier: Usage of the light rail is paramount, as the current main mode of travel in Trustrup involves riding Århusvej, a place that only very poorly affords a gathering of people for any time longer than quickly passing by. For the focus on light rail usage to be possible, access to other means of travel have to be easy and seamless; it can’t be considered a great inconvenience to use other modes of transportation to get to and from the light rail station (Gade, 2018). That said, for a very long time, a primary focus has been to design around this perception of transit spaces: Efficient mobility systems designed for getting from A to B as fast as possible (Lynch, 1981:194). By doing so, the journey between A and B have often been neglected, leading to a different and more introverted behaviour by people on the move (Goffman, 1959). While the efficient travel should be afforded, for those in a rush to be able to get to B in time, many travellers find themselves with a few minutes to spare before the train comes. Instead of designing a complicated system where there is no time to waste which causes stress, it could be beneficial to design spaces where people actually use their few minutes to spare (Gade, 2018).
The common mobility space
“Travelling is traditionally considered an unfortunate necessity, a “waste of time” to be minimized. Yet recreational travel is widespread, and ordinary routes could easily be designed to make travelling a delight, and not just a necessity.” Kevin Lynch (1990)
The experience of traveling contains many different networking structures and variables. As transit spaces are being experienced daily by commuters, many temporal congregations occur. These temporary meetings are what should be emphasised as a positive part of the journey, and not simply seen as a delay. With people becoming more mobile, the everyday transit spaces become infrastructural nerve centres where multiple social groups meet on a daily basis. Affording travellers to stop and breath in the urban space can make traveling into a delight and not just a necessity. Revitalizing transit spaces to places where people can socialize extends the experience of the travel, creating a more smooth and cohesive journey. Therefore, the new odyssey of transit spaces is a hybrid urban space that accommodates urban travels and movement while engaging the locals in the community in Trustrup. The New Mobility Space meets the citizens in eye level and thereby creates a space for people to stay, stop over, and create a sense of belonging for the inhabitants of Trustrup and people on the move. By allowing travels to be more than just getting from A to B in the fastest possible manner, the experience of travelling is expanded beyond a daily chore.
Mobility theory
In Trustrup a great range of mobility forms intersect around the original station area (ex. the light rail, airport shuttle, recreative routes), which paves the way for an innovative and radical approach of a new mobility nerve centre. As multiple paths hybridize and intersect in Trustrup the requirements of the common light rail station stop expands and a possibility of engaging the local community into the activities of the site is created. The claim is that the increase of mobility complexities and the involvement of local and social activities will influence the experience of transit places and that it ultimately can produce culture and town identity in the future (Jensen, 2013). By extending the vocabulary of working with mobilities design, concepts such as materiality, scales, volumes, surfaces, distances, and colours (Jensen ei. Lawson, 2016) could potentially turn transit spaces into multi-sensorial public spaces – creating an increased value and cohesive travel narrative that enhance the fact that mobility is more than just the travel from A to B.
DK I takt med at mennesker bliver mobile og tilbringer mere tid på transport åbner der sig nye spørgsmål og udfordringer til de rum, der passeres på rejsen. Derfor står transitrummet nu til genfortolkning, så det kan blive et samlingsrum, der inviterer til mere end blot passage. Det gamle stationsområde i Trustrup rummer en række potentialer, som kan imødekomme byens borgere og mennesker på farten. Denne interaktion mellem de forskellige brugere kan skabe en ny form for energi og kompleksitet i det urbane rum, som herved kan være med til at generere nye relationer, længerevarende ophold samt et vibrerende samlingspunkt i Trustrup.
Description of program
functions Café + Coffee to go Community House
Amount of seats in the cafe Simple food and drinks People capacity Already existing culture house: rooms for local events
Amount of public toilets Public toilets with easy acces
Youth Club
Amount of children in the Youth Club A place for children to hang out after school
bike parks
car parks
transport Bikes Buses
Amount of bike parking* Amount of people using their bike per day (from home to the station) in procent: 20% from Trustrup, 90% from Lyngby, 90% from Homå Bus departures per day Busstop at Trustrup Station, bus 120
Amount of car parking* Amount of people using their car per day (from home to the station) in procent: 2% from Trustrup, 5 % from Lyngby, 5% from Homå
Light rail
Amount of times a person interacts with the light rail per day* Use in procent: 40% from Trustrup, 20 % from Lyngby, 5% from Homå *Assumption of the total population number in Trustrup is 1047 in the year of 2043
430 2
interactions departures /h
usage People
Total amount of people using the station area Light rail users + useres of the station area
users Children
Needs + amount of children in Trustrup (0-19 years)* Place to hang out (entertainment after school) Safe routs to school (as a pedestrian and cyclist)
Needs + amount of commuters in Trustrup per day* Fast transportation Seamless journey (no obstacles) Place to get a snack and an cup of coffee
Disabled people
Needs Easy accesibility to functions (no raised plantforms) Inclusion Accesibility to nature
Needs + amount of elders in Trustrup (+60 years )* Easy accessibility to functions (no raised platforms) Local meeting space that can create a sense of belonging Short routes for everyday experiences and health Information boards that are easy to understand Accessibility to nature
Needs Connection with nature for well-being, walks and pleasure Local meeting space that can create a sense of belonging Possibility to buy food and drinks Everyday shopping needs
Needs Bed and breakfast Information boards (easy navigation) An overall sense of a seamless journey Creating an experince of ”travel” and more than just going form A to B *Assumption of the total population number in Trustrup is 1047 in the year of 2043
? 301
To set the frames for the design, a table of functions, capacities and sizes was developed based on the assumed inhabitant numbers after the new development area is inhabited. The numbers are further based on the ambitious goal of 30% usage of the light rail among commuters in Trustrup (similar sized railway towns, albeit not on the light rail to Aarhus, can be found to have around 20% usage). While true that the station has to be made before the expansion of Trustrup to the development area is even halfway done, for the goals of this project to come true, the station must be built for a future with a growing Trustrup in mind. A future where car-travel becomes less common, and public transport continue to gain favor with the general public (in the last 10 years train usage have increased by 16% (Trafik- og Byggestyrelsen, 2015)), and the millennials being the first generation with steadily decreased car usage (Schwartz, 2015). From the usage and inhabitant numbers, specific needs of particular age groups and the amount of specific functions such as bikeparking is derived.
How can the physical settings of the railway area in Trustrup generate public life in the local community and improve the degree of connectedness both internally and externally for Trustrup?
This is further enhanced by vibrant town-life around the station, a place attracting young and old to events and activities year-round, and serving as a strong gathering point for the community. The awareness can inspire new families to come and join this healthy and strong community, and be a part of evolving the new Trustrup. DK Med skabelsen af den nye Trustrup Station, går Trustrup ind i en ny æra for stationsbyer, hvor glæderne ved det åbne landskab og den praktiske frihed ved stor mobilitet forenes. Stationen bliver et tiltrækeknde sted, for dem der passere igennem, hvilket gør Trustrup til mere end bare et stop på vejen, men et stop man har lyst til at stå af ved. Dette er yderligere forstærket af et vibrerende byliv omkring stationen, et sted for unge og gamle, hvor der holdes events og aktiviter året rundt og Trustrups folk kan samles. Opmærksomheden på dette kan inspirere nye familier til at komme og tilslutte sig dette sunde og stærke fælleskab, og være en del af udviklingen af det nye Trustrup.
Design parameters Seamless journey The daily commute
Social responsability Trustrup is a small place driven by its strong community. Designs for the town centre should reflect this, and be of a scale and limited that allows the community to take ownership and make their own contributions over time. A centre for the people of Trustrup.
Safety Trustrup must appeal to the newly established family, therefor the town must be a safe place for all. While the station should be an activity-rich place, safety cannot be compromised, and designs must take great care to prevent accidents and create defensible space.
Town nerve center The station has to be much more than just a station. This is to be the hub of activity for Trustrup, where you can always meet a neighbour, where the young can go after school to play and where the culture house offers various events through the week. Functions must reflect this.
should be as smooth an experience as possible. Every hiccup on the road is time that could be spent socializing, resting or simply getting to the destination faster. When the goal is high light rail usage, the journey must be seamless.
Local vibes While the station is the new
town centre, it should still reflect what kind of place Trustrup is located in; the rural land. People do not go to Trustrup to see a hyper-modern tall structure, that is better seen elsewhere; no, Trustrup is the down-to-earth calm experience.
Vision and design parameters
With the creation of the new Trustrup Station, Trustrup enters a new era of railway towns, where the joys of rural land and easy convenient freedom of high mobility meets. The station becomes a place that is more than just a stop along the journey, making Trustrup the place you want to get off.
Using the stories of the local traveller Acton Friis as an off-set for the concept of Trustrup as a village for departures and arrivals
Stop ’n’ Ride
depend on public transport – no cars
Tour de Green Strup
Transit spaces to become more than temporary congregations
Optimizing and streamlining travelling by light rail, bike and as a pedestrian
Nature Mobility Strong community The school Part of a network High connectivity Social responsibility
Potential plan scale 1:10.000
Trustrup as a village for commuters and travellers
idea generation
Toubro School as a place to create social cohesion for the local children
Brainstorming, sketching and discussing the ideas from the workshops
Sensing the atmosphere of the site by taking pictures
Researching on the Danish railway villages
Workshop with local students
The qualities of Trustrup
analysis & methods
Trustrup 4,209 DKK
Grenaa 7,055 DKK
Workshop billede
Aarhus Copenhagen 29,640 DKK 45,259 DKK
Workshop in the Community House
Using Facebook and the online newspaper to reach locals
Communicating with community organisations and
t 13
1st crit: analysis
Trustrup: 2nd visit
Trustrup: 1st visit
24 hour workshop
Working tools: Volume studies and sketching in plan, section and elevation
The railway village in the future?
Working tools: Volume studies and sketching in plan, section and elevation
We want to... Enhance the sense of community Create recreational routes Safe paths for school kids
Trustrup Station as a mobility hub
Stop ’n’ Play
Creating a seamless journey
and creating a new and more safe village center
design & concept
Stop ’n’ Relax
s of commuters and travelers ed
Trustrup could become a stop on the journey and accomodate the
The safty of travelling and how to create public spaces where people feel secure
33 Unifying the energies of Trustrup and moving the centrum from Århusvej to the new mobility hub
Revitalizing the transit spaces in the railway village Enhancing the identity and history of the place Meeting point for the everyday life Local activities High mobility Enhancing the nature and open landscape Sustainable environmental solutions Branding of Trustrup
”The Mobility Path” ”The Burger” – the concept of mobility zones
”Det tager kun 5 minutter at køre gennem Trustrup – men vi vil så gerne have at du bliver lidt længere” ”En landsby, der giver mening” ”Kom tættere på fællesskabet”
Branding and promotion of Trustrup and the life in the rural land
What if Trustrup became the frontrunner of the future town between the local, regional, and global network and social cohesion of both the local community and people on the move?
to y,
give us a sense of the everyday life in Trustrup
Theoretical research: what is mobility?
We recieved photos from the commun it
How to cross the lightrail tracks?
”I Trustrup er der plads til store tanker”
Process diagram
Wish List Seamless journey Café Activity zone Supermarket Hostel Housing Water management
Selgascano – Mérida Factory
Stationsgade scale 1:1.000
A multifunctional space for activities and places where people can hang out
The Station Area scale 1:500
Requesting photos taken by the locals
Presentation of the project for the locals of Trustrup in the Community House
Feedback panel Mads Holm-Petersen, Norddjurs Municipality Tina Vesterman, CFBO Niels Agerholm, AAU Ole B. Jensen, AAU Ditte Bendix Lanng, AAU
Process diagram The process behind the project has been an iterative process, working with four themes; contact with the citizens in Trustrup, analysis and methods, idea generation and design and concepts. The idea generations have been continuously formed and reiterated, always going backwards and forwards, the diagram illustrates the different ideas, thoughts and working methods, and how they influence and interact with each other. 19
Trustrup: 3rd visit
2nd crit: concept
week number
34 Trusrup seen from the path coming from Toubro Børneby. As children flow in from school, the area grows increasingly more lively, seeing skaters go up and down the ramps, next to the elders of the town, enjoying a beer on The Sunny Side and watching the joyfull youth.
The new mobility area
”The writers of the past claim that the southern Djurs shires around Ålsø, Vejby, and Trustrup are boresome and gives a taste of how the inner Djursland is further west. I do not believe them to be right, for it is my childhoods county! Come on a blessed summers day, where the western breeze plays across the flatlands and where the clean, blue sky with it’s light cirrus clouds shines above the bountiful fields with the stye’s silken sheets; over the fragrant hay heaps and the remote, bluish forests; over the country mansion’s slender spires – then here is also wonderfull, rich, and beautiful.” Achton Friis – De Jyders Land (1932)
At the new Trustrup Station different zones with different uses meet along the tracks, creating vibrant energy between them, and fully supporting the stretches of the rails. The station becomes the new nerve center of the town, where people can gather for all manner of activities and those passing through can see it all from within the train. Getting off at Trustrup will be more inviting than ever. The design is divided into five zones with a connecting path tying them all together. The zones are placed parallel to the tracks, overlapping each other and creates social frictions and energies.
The northern zone is the Sunny Zone. This zone offers sitting islands, trees to climb, and the possibility to take a stroll along the recreative path around Trustrup or a ride on the mountain bike route; all this with a view from the hillside, watching the rest of the station.
The second zone is the Activity Zone. Here the younger generation can gather for activities either on the skating track, on the trampoline or in the Youth Club.
At the Platform Zone passengers arriving from Grenaa or departing to Aarhus will congregate, making use of the shelter provided by the cover above. At the end of the platform to the east, an advertisement display is placed, welcoming those arriving by the light rail.
In the Culture Zone the community house, Kulturhuset, is placed. The culture house is able to support events and gatherings for the community and now it is extended with a café. Furthermore, the zone offers car- and bike-parking, which means that one can easily change from one transportation form to another or use the facilities in the area.
The Shared Zone is the area in front of the station which is turned into a shared space, where busses, cars and soft trafficants will interact with each other. This is possible due to the limited traffic passing through in this area. The space can also be used for events such as outdoor activities or other social events.
The last element is the path which interacts with all five zones and connects the station area to the rest of the town. The path stretches from the old centre at Århusvej all the way to Toubro Børneby, creating safe passage for the users of the area, especially the children that needs to go to school.
DK Den nye Trustrup Station samler byfunktioner langs skinnerne i fem zoner. På denne måde kan forskellige aktiviteter snakke sammen på tværs af skinnerne og og interagere med dem der måtte rejse igennem byen med tog. Zonerne er forbundet af en sti der går langs Stationsgade og hele vejen ud til Toubro Børneby, og således forbinder det gamle og det nye Trustrup, gennem byens nye centrum, den nye station.
Station area
Moving the centrum The center of Trustrup is being relocated from Århusvej to the station area. Where both new and old functions is unified and creating the surroundings for social growth and interactions.
Zones placed along the tracks The center of Trustrup is being relocated from Århusvej to the station area. Where both new and old functions is unified and creating the surroundings for social growth and interactions.
Create a connection over the tracks The path creates a coherent connection between the different zones, and offers an seamless and safe journey through the area.
Critical Point of Contact Critical Points of Contact occur when the zones and the path interacts. In the most critical intersections such as the light rail crossing, physical intervention are established to ensure a well-functioning point of contract.
Create a connection with a reference to the landscape The covers at the station imitates the form from the surrounding landscape. Different functions like light, water management or toilet facilities is integrated in the supporting columns and are strategically placed depending on the needs on the area.
par Bike
Club Youth king
top Bus s
par Bike
par Bike
a g are Waitin
ce d spa Share
ity Activ
to Bus s
ide nny S he Su
e quar ity S mun m o C
g in Build
3 4
tio Sta ns
a re W
ike inb
Plan 1:500
G eri roc ho p
ga de
Bus stop
Bus stop + bike parking
Long termed bike parking
Waiting zone + public toilet
1:150 Section A-A
It takes 1 minute to go from Track 1 to the bus stop
Shared space that connects with Stationsgade and Ă…rhusvej
70 meters through the new mobility area
Bus stop
Shared Zone
Culture Zone
Ramp for bikes and pedestrians
Tra Gre
ack 1 enaa
Public toilet
The Sunny Side
Car parking
Youth Club
Bike parking
Local commercial board
The section illustrates how the main path is in level with the light rail tracks and thereby provides smooth and seamless mobility. Due to the absence of physical barriers the path is accessible for all users, including persons with disabilities and elderly people. The section is supported by a text, which illustrates the different events along the path.
Aarhus H
10 minutes (1.4 km) on bike to Toubroskolen A seamless journey from Track 2 to the parkinglot on 2 minutes by foot
Platform Zone
Track 2 Aarhus H
Activity Zone
Sunny Zone Ramp for bikes and pedestrians
The new mobility area
1. If there is sun, The Sunny Side is bound to have its share of it. The perfect place for a short stroll, a picnic or just a short pause on the way home from work. With full view of the remaning station, the life of Trustrup can truly be enjoyed from here.
2. The shared zone is rich with activity, as the people of Trustrup are on their way home from the monthly market at the Community Square. Many choose to pick up resupplies for the fridge along the way, frequenting the new grocery store.
The new mobility area
3. As always, the children of Trustrup exrcise their skateboarding abilities, attracting onlookers. The light at the crossing have turned red, warning approaching walkers and cyclists that a train is inbound, bring a new load of passengers home to Trustrup. The Youth Club can be seen in the background.
Trustrup station in numbers
Column Index
Welco to Trust
Youth Club covered area 222m² Youth Club 60m² Standard Column
Light Column
Information Column
Water mangement Column
Distribution of Space
Projected citizens in Trustrup year 2018 - 2043 People
Toilet Column
Nordbakken is fully developed The Sunny Side ~300m²
1050 Lightrail opens 1000
950 Covered waiting area 249m² Indoor waiting area 27m²
850 Skate area 176 m²
750 Year
Culture Zone 33%
Sunny Zone 22%
Shared Zone 17%
Activity Zone 19%
Platform Zone 6%
Total site area: 2804 m²
Activitivities througout the day Lightrail
Culture House 390m²
Café Culturehouse Youthclub Community square 176m²
Community Square
Café 51m²
Sunny Side
18 02 64 20
Extra Youth Activity Flex Bus School Commute Grocery Shopping 04.00
Peak timeframe
Semi peak timeframe
Parking slots Handicap parking slots Bicycle parking slots Indoor bicycle parking slots
A day in Trustrup Biking the new path
Child 12 years
Youth Club
Toubro Børneby
Lightrail depature
Adult 35 years
Light rail arrival
Job in Aarhus
The Sunny Side
Light rail arrival
Light rail depature
Biking the new path
Basketball in Grenaa
Grocery shopping
Culture house
Bus depature
Pensioned 65 years
Aarhus Airport
Flying Malaga
Lightrail departures: 1 every 30 min, schedueld bus departures: 4 a day, Felxbus availability: all day every day
Analysis of the new mobility area
The new mobility hub around Trustrup Station creates the frames and settings for a complex composition of functions and meetings between the people living in Trustrup and the people on the move. The flow of people and the intensity at the station varies throughout the day, where some people use the facilities and stay for a long time, others are on the move and only use the station as a temporal stop. The station provides safety both day and night by unifying people and functions, the eyes are on the station, also by night where the light columns will light up the area. The scenery and the functions around the new mobility area will create awareness of Trustrup, and in the future attract people to settle in the town and let it develop, expand, and grow.
44 Trustrup Station is a small place, but with its lit up colloumns, covered waiting areas, and the assembly of the towns activity around the tracks, it is a palce that stands out for travelers, as they travel through one railwaytown after the other.
Conclusion People have become more inclined to travel in the everyday life and spending time in transit areas are everyday ventures. This progression dictates modifications, adaptations, and re-adjustments of how to work with mobility in the future. The project of “The New Odyssey of Transit Spaces in the Railway Town” is a strategic and site specific proposal to how the original train station of the railway town can be translated into the 21st century. The future development strategy have been collected in a potential plan, which is based on the analysis and the collaboration with the inhabitants in Trustrup. Not only does the potential plan frame the structures of the town, it also connects with a regional and global network.
DK For at føre Trustrup tilbage På Rette Spor, og for at rumme den stigende mængde mennesker, der pendler i deres hverdag og derfor bruger tid i transitrum, skal stationsbyen have en renæssance. Dette kræver modifikationer, tilpasninger og genfortolkning af, hvordan der skal arbejdes med mobilitet i fremtiden. Projektet er et strategisk og stedsspecifikt forslag til, hvordan den originale togstation i stationsbyen kan blive overført til det 21. århundrede. Den fremtidige udviklingsstrategi er blevet samlet i en potentialeplan, baseret på analysen og udviklet i samarbejde med indbyggerne i Trustrup. Planen sætter ikke bare rammerne for strukturen af byen, men sætter også byen ind i et regional og global netværk. Det nye mobilitetsrum i Trustrup integrere den daglige rejse med det lokale fællesskab, og gør stationen til mere end bare et passivt venteområde, men i stedet et aktivt center for fællesskabet. Ved at anlægge forskellige mobilitets zoner med forskellige funktioner ved siden af - og over togskinnerne, vil den nye Trustrup Station trække opmærksomhed fra gennemrejsende. Ved at flytte bycentret fra Århusvej til stationen, samles byens energier i en kompleks interaktions- og aktivitetsstruktur. Et lokalt samlingspunkt er blevet skabt for Trustrups indbyggere, med rum hvor sociale interaktion kan ske mellem unge og ældre. Derfor er funktionerne i zonerne designede til forskellige målgrupper og kan således samle befolkningen i Trustrup, Lyngby og det større netværk. Med samlede byfunktioner og følelsen af et sikkert miljø at mødes i, er der blevet skabt et moderne mobilitetsrum for sociale interaktioner. Designforslaget læser det byggede miljø, og forholder sig til byens kulturelle og historiske kendetegn. Stedet reflekterer dets omgivelser i det åbne land, og giver plads til nye funktioner og aktiviteter for lokale, grønne rum og en sikker cykelrute til Toubro Børneby; alt sammen for at gøre Trustrup et mere attraktivt sted at bosætte sig for nye generationer.
Reflection By rethinking and creating a renaissance of the railway town, this project suggests a renewal of the transit space, that includes diverse ways of transportations, variation in activities, and different users that intersects in the critical points of contact. This leads to a discussion whether the railway town is still the correct term for this type of town, or if it should be called a mobility town? In the future the mobility town should not only be associated with the centrum of Trustrup, but perhaps the mobility zones can be stretched to volumetric dimensions and transformed into larger scales of the urban context. Due to people spending more time in transit zones, these spaces obtain significant parts in our everyday life, which can add to the discussion of how the current terminology fits and if transit spaces even exist in the future? In that manner the current transit space can be interpreted as common urban spaces, even though these spaces today only reflects ordinary transportation forms. Currently the focus of traveling is not only about moving from A to B, but also what happens in the spare minutes. In this project the possibility to improve and/or extend the travellers time frame, has been integrated into the design solution. Hybrid mobility spaces should be capable of handling both efficient traffic flows but also other activities unrelated to transportation, creating a mutually beneficial relation between the two systems. The daily flow of people creates vibrant town centres, this is crucial to attract awareness to the town which creates growth on the long term. In this way the overall systems, processes, and conceptual thoughts of this project can be used to bring people together in vibrant mobility spaces, which can be applied to other villages, towns, or cities to create awareness, social interfering, and growth in neglected railway towns and transit areas.
Conclusion and reflection
The New Mobility Area of Trustrup integrates the daily journeys to become a part of the local community, and makes the station more than just a passive waiting area, but instead an active community centre. By applying various mobility zones with different types of functions next to and across the light rail tracks, the new mobility area of Trustrup will draw attention from the thoroughfare. By moving the town center from Århusvej to the station area, the energies of the town have been unified into a complex structure of interactions and activities. A local gathering point have been created for the inhabitants of Trustrup, with spaces where social interactions between young and old can occur. Therefore, the functions placed in the urban space accommodates different types of users and unifies the inhabitants in Trustrup, Lyngby and greater network structures. By centralizing the new and current town functions, and by creating a safe space for congregations, an innovative mobility space for social interaction have been made. The design proposal reads the built environment and relate to the cultural and historical features of the town. Set in the rural landscape the design reflects its surroundings while it accommodates new facilities and activities for the locals, green recreative spaces, and a safe bike route to Toubro Børneby; all to make Trustrup a more attractive place to settle for the generations to come.
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Danish titel: På Rette Spor English titel: The New Odyssey of Transit Spaces in the Railway Town Designing Urban Mobility Urban Design MSc02 Aalborg University Supervisors: Ditte Bendix Lanng & Niels Agerholm Authors: Andrea Falk Pedersen, Anne Louise Brath Severinsen, Anne Sofie Elgaard Sørensen, August Gade Johansen & Emma Lockwood Date: June 13th 2018 Publications: 8 Pages: 48
@ this booklet is supposed to be printed on A3
It is time to bring the Danish railway towns back on track. As the complexity of urban mobility increase and people travel more new questions and challenges to how we design transit spaces arise. Journeys and pass-throughs become ordinary experiences in the everyday life and this is mirrored in the temporal and momentary relations that people evolve to certain places. This project explores the urban potentials of the contemporary railway town of Trustrup in Northern Djursland and aims to revitalize the odyssey of travelling in the rural land. The vision of the project is to create a strategic development plan, which can set a future direction for Trustrup as “The New Mobility Town” and engage the local community with an innovative approach. In this way the railway town will have its renaissance and be paraphrased into a new mobility nerve center that can afford community orientated activities, accommodate seamless journeys, and generate long termed growth for Trustrup.