1 minute read
Tara Whitney is founder of WA's largest and most successful grant writing business - securing over $95 million for clients in just 6 years. Whitney Consulting started as a sole trader in 2017 with no thoughts of expanding. Tara now has 8 staff and they have grown year on year.

Tara’s police officer husband was relocated from Perth to a small, regional town in
January 2017. At that time, Tara was unable to continue in her State Government grants and business case assessment role, due to relocating 200km from Perth and, as there were no suitable jobs available to her in the small farming town of approximately 1,150 people, she decided to carve out a different path.
Uncharacteristically, Tara wasn’t worried – she just knew she would make it work. She decided to start her own business, writing grant applications, instead of assessing them. Whitney Consulting is now based in Perth and the Wheatbelt, as well as branching into Sydney. Whitney Consulting has four staff members in Perth, one in Beverley, two based in Pingelly and a new staff member in Sydney. Whitney Consulting has two full time employees, two part time and four casuals.
Whitney Consulting is 100% remotely and flexibly run. The company motto for employees is “A grant deadline is not negotiable, but neither is a child’s school assembly”, and to the team, both are extremely important, and they work as a team to make sure each staff member is able to achieve what they need to in work and life, together. And they love it!