Cherwell Valley branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild
April 2015
Stitching Matters …….! Interim news from the Cherwell Valley branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild! Brief Notes on my visit to the Embroiderers’ Guild AGM! Ann Somerset Miles represented our branch at the AGM in Birmingham on Saturday 11th April 2015. Her full report will appear in the next newsletter due next month, but meanwhile here are her thoughts on what transpired relevant to Cherwell Valley.
The beautiful New Library (above) was packed with delegates, and with that happy buzz that signifies that people are truly enjoying themselves. There were displays of some wonderful work executed by members; and two magnificent talks, supported by excellent slide shows, given by Bobby Britnell (‘Unexpected Places’) and Jane E.Hall (‘A Sense of Wonder’). The Executive Committee on stage
The Trustees stressed that it had been “a year of high activity, new initiatives, successful projects and significant achievements”. There is a drive for the EG to become more outward facing; and an aim to provide individual members with more influence. Concern was expressed at the vulnerability of small branches (around 30 members or less) with some being forced to close through lack of support; and that we all need to adapt to the challenges of the digital age.! CEO, Terry Murphy, described The Guild as “Stitch plus Textile Art & Design” as he explained in very clear detail how the current executive committee suggest the EG will be administered in future, with changes in the Articles of Association. All these Proposals offer much more scope. These developmental thoughts will form the basis of a Special Resolution upon which EVERY member can vote either in person or by proxy. “Notice is hereby given of an Extraordinary General Meeting for this purpose, to beheld at the Library of Birmingham on 20th June, 2015 at 11.00am.” We, as members, each have an individual vote and it was stressed that voting would not be a Branch matter. To conclude this initial brief report, I must admit that until attending the AGM last Saturday, I have always regarded the narrational body as an intrusion, and the required subscription (they will remain the same for 2015/16) as a waste of money!! How wrong I have been. At least I attended with an open mind, not knowing what to expect. (ASM)! Ann Somerset Miles