Plenitude magazine march 2010

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7th Edition

March 2010

Inauguration: Cathedral of Faith Johannesburg’s new Cathedral opens its doors

UCKG and the Fight Against HIV/AIDS 10 Ways to Love Your Job Find out how!

Alexandra Women’s Health Project Invest in Yourself: Study Further Living with HIV


Stay Tuned Keep watching us on your television screen

Watch UCKG on TV on these channels at the following times SABC 1: Worker’s Prayer : Monday to Friday from 5:50 am - 6 am SABC 3: Worker’s Prayer : Monday to Friday from 5:56 am - 6 am e-TV: Worker’s Prayer : Monday to Friday from 5:56 am - 6 am e-TV: Ray of Hope : Sundays from 6 am - 6:30 am


hen i came to the Church i was depressed since i was a single mother and not working. i also had a sister who was ill. we all depended on my mother for support. i remember my daughter was thrown out of school because i couldn’t afford to pay her school fees. she didn’t attend school for three months and this was tearing me apart. one day i was watching TV and i saw a Universal Church programme called Drying Tears. Towards the end

they showed the helpline number. i immediately called the number and spoke to the pastor. i stated all my problems and the pastor prayed for me. he gave me the address of the church close to where i lived. “i never hesitated to attend the Church because i needed an answer to all my problems. Today my life is blessed through the power of God.” Zintle Zulu - Soweto

Zintle, happy today with her daughter

bishop’s answers

Bishop’S Answers: Question

My family is in a big war, there is no peace. My dad is paranoid. I feel like committing suicide and I’m only 17. My family is Muslim, but I’ve recently converted to Christianity. I’m struggling to keep my faith. Please help me.



You need to let go of all the emotions that keep you captive to your past. Emotions don’t let your faith work and that may be the reason why you’re struggling to keep your faith. It’s not about how you feel, it’s about what is good for you and what is true about you. You’re so important to God that He died for you - what does that tell you about your value? Can you waste all that in a suicide? It doesn’t make sense. Come to the Church today and speak to a pastor about how you can use your faith to fight the evil thoughts that dance around your mind. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Regarding your family, I think you need to put that side of your life on hold for a while so you can focus on yourself first. Once you’re strong and firm in your faith and within yourself, you can then start helping them.


I am saved, baptised in water and in the Spirit. I want to be a pastor. What should I do? Should I wait? Please guide me!



You can only wait - there’s no other choice here. When God finds you ready, He’ll call you. For now, you need to show God you’re ready. Souls must be a priority in your life - not your love life, not being a pastor, nor being an assistant. If you keep on focusing on titles so you can serve God, you’ll never be called. Stop waiting to be an assistant to be helpful in the church. Save souls now. When you’re in the supermarket, talk about Jesus to people. When you’re in the church, instead of being there just to be there, look for ways to help out, even if it’s to clean the floor of the church. If you choose how you want to serve God, you’re still not ready.

Universal Publications

Executive Directors Bishop Marcelo Pires Vander Nunes WRITING Coordinator Vander Nunes

Columnists Bishop Edir Macedo, Bishop Marcelo Pires, Mrs Marcia Pires, Mrs Cristiane Cardoso, Journalists Ayanda Monyela Nikiwe Titus Nomsa Masengemu Nontobeko Mthethwa Precious Chavane

Proof reader Melanie Yap

Layout Designers Gilberto M. Soares Jayson Govender Prema October Anny Rodrigues

Photos Mp Vander Nunes Maque Chavane Ayanda Monyela PhotoXpress Contact Us If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to write to us at: Plenitude Magazine 122 Eloff Street, Johannesburg, 2000 or email us at: Printers Taj Printers 12 Golden Drive, Morehill Ext 8 Benoni (off Snake Road) P.O Box 18167 Actonville 1506 Tel: 011 425 0450/53/54/55/56 Fax: 011 425 0458 e-mail:

Plenitude’s Mission To communicate all events and happenings within the Church. To inform and educate members, potential members and the general public with testimonies, inspirational messages, helplines and much more.

Disclaimer The contents of this publication reflect the views of the authors only. Opinions expressed in testimonies should not be construed as medical advice. The views or opinions presented do not necessarily represent those of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. This publication is for information purposes only.

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The atheist who can’t live without God


SOCIAL HEALTH PROJECT 22 WOMEN’S Informing a community

Satan’s greatest weapon





When a guy asks you to pray with him



Choosing to forgive

49 LETTER TO THE EDITOR We are what we read



Cathedral of Faith, Johannesburg


UCKG and the fight against HIV/Aids


Lending a helping hand













How a teacher became a top class business woman


Four years of unemployment





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“The teenage years are the best time to know God and to make a covenant with Him. When this happens, everything is possible and defeat is nowhere to be found.”

The profile of the youth of God is a book written from first-hand experience. Only someone who has faced the battles common to the young and overcome them through a personal encounter with God could write with such clarity about how a young person can live a life of adventure and victory.

“To be a youth of God is not to have a boring life. Rather it’s a life full of success and victories. Where faith overcomes this evil world and dreams become reality. It is to feel the power of God and the inexplicable power of faith.”


The atheist who can’t live without God


Bishop Edir Macedo: Founder of the UCKG in 1977, author of numerous published books. Father of three and husband to Esther Bezzera. Visit his blog:

osé Saramago, a Portuguese writer and Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1998, has just launched another book with a biblical backdrop. In the book Cain, Saramago once again questions and doubts God’s justice and portrays the Creator as, in his point of view, “cruel, jealous and unbearable”. In an interview with the Portuguese magazine Visão, José Saramago, describes the Bible as “a manual of bad manners” in which you can find all sorts of atrocities and with his intellectual rhetoric, questions the veracity of the Scriptures, objecting strongly that the concepts written in the Bible are true records of the Word of God. “Regarding the holy book, I usually say: read the Bible and lose faith,” Saramago said during the interview. In 1991, the writer had already caused controversy with his book The Gospel According to Jesus Christ, which suggests a romantic relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, in what seems a desperate attempt to approach the divine, by humanising the figure of Christ, since the other way around would be unlikely. A “hardhearted atheist” as he describes himself and communist by ideology, Saramago’s arguments in his obsession with “exposing” God are lost amid his accusations of the Catholic Church—referring to acts such as the Inquisition, the Crusades, the dungeons and everything that is part of an oppressive past in which the institution exerted clear social and political power over Christian society—and a kind of unrest that the god that inhabited his imaginations was not found to be rejected in the Bible. To say that an atheist can develop a judgment in relation to God may seem contradictory, but Saramago’s own debate on the subject is conflicting and confusing. He combines concepts and definitions about the Bible, Christianity and the Catholic Church as if they were all the same thing. He says

that the Bible is “manipulative”, as if people were dominated by depravity and unable to form their own opinions when reading the Scriptures. He claims and values freedom, which he says is denied and oppressed by God, but moralises communism, which is one of the most repressive forms of government in the political world. Seated on the throne of his acclaimed and renowned intellect, and based on the prestige attained by his literary acknowledgements, he considers himself worthy to “impose” his beliefs as absolute truth and judge those who don’t agree with him as ignorant. But, what is more confusing, contradictory and interesting about his speech is the energy Saramago uses to criticise, discuss and challenge something that he believes doesn’t exist. Saramago doesn’t understand or accept the mysteries and spiritual messages of the Bible because he can only read it and interpret it in an academic and literary way and doesn’t see the relevance of a book that has lasted for centuries and continues to be authentic up to today. The Bible itself points out, literally, the way Saramago should read it and accept it without trying to find a rational explanation for the existence of its mysteries, when it states: “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever” (Deuteronomy 29:29). Saramago’s discussions lead us to believe that, perhaps from his own despair, he proves to be desperately searching for God. But his intellectual arrogance only allows him to accept an explainable God that fits in his limited box of human understanding, and does not depend on what seems uncomfortable and uncertain from a rational point of view. But the God in whom Saramago doesn’t believe “chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise” (1 Corinthians 1:27). God bless you.

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Nontobeko Mthethwa


PLEIN Street in the Johannesburg City Centre came into a complete standstill. It was still early morning on Sunday, 25th October, 2009, but members of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God gathered in large numbers to wait patiently for pastors to open the doors of their new church. It was no ordinary Sunday service but the inauguration of the new, better and bigger Cathedral of Faith. Impatience and excitement was written all over eager faces as members anticipated their first sight of the interior of the new cathedral. By seven o’clock in the morning, the building which seats more than 6,800 was filled to capacity. People exclaimed in admiration as they entered the furnished interior. For most, the cathedral was proof

The Cathedral was so full that hundreds had to stand in the streets

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Upper level of the new Cathedral of Faith in Johannesburg

that patience had paid off. Moving performances of music and song were provided by Women in Action, the Universal Choir and local youth “THE INAUGURATION WAS ATTENDED BY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, DIGNITARIES AND GUESTS FROM ALL PARTS OF SOUTH AFRICA”

Lower level of the Cathedral of Faith

groups. The inauguration was attended by government officials, dignitaries and guests from all parts of South Africa. We have waited for a very long time for a cathedral such as this. We have

been moved from one hall to another. When everyone couldn’t fit in the hall, we only used to see the pastor on the TV screens outside. But our struggle is now over because we have enough space for all members to sit together. Today the Cathedral of Faith stands as one of the most beautiful buildings in Johannesburg’s central business district. But many Church members know it has not always been this way. The Church was opened 15 years ago near the Park Station train terminus. It operated in a rented basement parking which the members called the “emgodini”. As time went by, there was too little space in the basement M a r c h . 2010 : P L E N I T U D E • 9

Founder, Bishop Edir Macedo prepares his special message for the congregation

to accommodate the growing membership. For the past three years Church members attended services in a temporary building while the new Cathedral was being built and finally, their waiting has come to an end.

“FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS CHURCH MEMBERS ATTENDED SERVICES IN A TEMPORARY BUILDING” Speaking at the opening, the founder of the Universal Church, Bishop Edir Macedo, told the congregation that it was a blessing to have a new church building. “But the greatest blessing is to have a new life filled with the presence of God.” He expressed his excitement at witnessing the opening of a new house of prayer and said that this house of God would be used to change lives through faith.

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The auxiliary hall in the Cathedral of Faith was packed to capacity

“This Church serves as proof that God is alive and if He can give us this beautiful Cathedral, He can also give you a new life,” Bishop Macedo said. The intersection of Plein and Eloff streets leading to the Cathedral was closed to traffic to enable more than five thousand people to gather outside. Many churchgoers found good vantage spots in nearby buildings to watch the live broadcast of the ceremony on large outdoor screens around the Cathedral of Faith.

Bishops Edir Macedo, Marcelo Crivella, Marcelo Pires and Sipho Rathebe

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Satan’s greatest weapon He knows that it is when we are at our weakest that we are most susceptible to his ploys

Bishop Marcelo Pires: Currently responsible for the evangelical work in South Africa. Married to Marcia Pires. First arrived in South Africa in 1993.

Over the years, satan has used countless weapons to deceive and alienate people from God’s presence. Amongst his favourites are: - Pride: The person becomes so blinded by his pride that he is unable to hear the voice of God or the voice of reason. - Prosperity: Satan may confuse the person to focus more on new-found prosperity, believing it to be a ‘gift’ from God and little by little become completely distracted with this blessing and divert his attention from God and his faith. - Adultery: Another special weapon satan uses to take someone from the presence of God, is by placing a ‘love interest’ in their way, especially if this person has faced difficulties in his/her sentimental life. Satan uses this ‘love interest’ to cause the Christian to ‘fall in love’ and commit adultery. The guilt and shame of this sin soon removes the person from God’s presence. The list is endless, but one of the most effective and most used weapons of the devil to date is probably the weapon of TIME. Many are those who’ve succumbed to this stealthy plan of delayed blessings and have become cold in faith and weary. They started their journey of faith boldly with God, but because of unanswered prayers, these once faithful Christians become despondent and weak. They start believing the lies satan plants in their hearts: God does not care about you, otherwise why would He not give you what you’ve asked for? Why do you even go to church anymore, participate in Chains of Prayer or campaigns anymore? Don’t you see you’re wasting your time? You pray but nothing happens. These thoughts haunt you every time you see someone else receiving what they asked for. Or every time you remember an unfulfilled dream. “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the

Become friends with Bishop Marcelo Pires on the following social networks:

Facebook: Bp Marcelo Pires

desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” (Matthew 4:1-3). Physically, Jesus was probably extremely weak from not eating for 40 days and nights, so the devil took that opportunity to tempt him. He knows that it is when we are at our weakest that we are most susceptible to his ploys. Answer the following: Has satan filled your mind and heart with doubts concerning the faithfulness of God? Have you started wondering whether or not God even WANTS to give you what you’ve been asking for, for so long now? Have you stopped using your faith because you don’t believe it will work? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions then satan has successfully used his number one weapon on you. So where to from here? When faced with this method of attack from the devil, you must start looking at your thought patterns. The way you look at your situation will play an important role in your victory. If you’ve prayed for something and it has not been answered, your thoughts should be: I did not receive today, but I will receive tomorrow, or, My prayer has not been answered yet, but God is with me and in due time He is going to answer me. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9). Dear child of God, do not become weary. Satan knows how close your victory is, he knows that God has something great in store for you! And since he can’t impede you from coming to church, he will try and make you lose hope and faith in God. Time is a very powerful weapon, but if you manage to overcome your doubts over unanswered prayers, your chance for victory is great!


Ark Community: Bp Marcelo Pires M a r c h . 2010 : P L E N I T U D E • 12

Can your life change in one day for the BETTER? You probably wouldn’t believe it could. And yet, you’d have no problem believing your life could be destroyed in one day. Glance at the news today and you will find examples of people whose lives took a sharp turn for the worse in one single day, because of one single event... Why can’t one event be the turning point in your life for the better? Welcome to the SIGNS Event. The writing on the wall can be rewritten! Many times we look at our lives and realise that the

writing is on the wall for our failing marriage… our dream of ending the loneliness… our troubled finances… or our disease-prone body. Sometimes we just don’t know what’s wrong - we can’t put a finger on it but feel a big void inside as if life has become completely meaningless... You do know that your life could be a lot better - what you don’t know is how to get there. Just like road signs keep us on track or help us find the way when we are lost, there are signs in life that can guide us out of our problems and into a more fulfilling life. The SIGNS Event will show you how to find these signs.

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How it all started

In the summer of 2006 billboards started appearing all over London bearing the word ‘Signs’ in flame-orange letters on a black background. Signs Event was a big day that was held in West Ham Park stadium on 2nd July 2006. Much effort was invested in publicising the event on billboards, radio, television, posters and in pamphlets.

The meeting combined practical teaching and the power of positive prayer. Teaching equipped people to help themselves. The event brought together people who needed help and sought solutions to their problems. The Signs Event offered changes, blessings and miracles to people’s lives.

The Sign Event has been held in the United Kingdom and Angola. In South Africa, the Signs Event will be held on Good Friday, 2nd April 2010. Prayers and requests will be presented to God that He may show that He is with us. Those who face situations which no one can resolve will seek signs, answers from God who makes everything possible.

Thousands of people gathered and packed into stands to pray, present their problems and hand over their lives to God. The power of God was challenged for Him to show Himself and perform miracles.

Bishop Renato Cardoso praying at the Signs Event in 2006 (Insert) Crowds gather at the stadium

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I want to come to the event, but I have some questions... • WHO is it for? It’s for people who don’t want to settle for what life is giving to them.

• WHAT will happen on the day? The meeting will combine practical teaching and the power of positive prayer. The teaching will equip you to help yourself and the prayer will bring you spiritual help – for those things in your life that only God can do.

• Is this a RELIGIOUS event? To us ‘being religious’ means following an organisation, and that’s not what we’re about.We help people recognise that they have a spiritual side and that they can use it to find a more fulfilling life. This event is open to people of all faiths and even to people of no faith.

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• HOW is it going to help me? Find focus and purpose for your life... discover practical tools to deal with your most difficult problems in an effective way... achieve clarity and direction to go where you want in life. The faith-charged environment of this event will get you back in touch with the strengths and talents that have been there all along, but have somehow not been put to use. It will enable you to rewrite the writing on your wall!

• Does it REALLY work? We know that you’ve had enough of words – so have we. This will be a day to see something concrete.We want you to believe your eyes, not your ears. Our challenge is simple: Come and see!

• Any more Questions?

Call our Helpline on 0861 33 0320

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THEY SAW THE SIGNS ... header here

There are signs that show us that God is here today and He has not changed, that show that God is still the same. The life of Alfred Thibane is evidence of how God showed Himself as the living God in his life. Alfred had never seen the hand of God working in his life, however, when he presented himself to God in prayer he saw the signs. Alfred was single and unemployed and his dream was to have a family of his own and a good job where he would be able to provide for himself and his family. The first sign that God gave to Alfred was a woman of God for him to marry.

After dating for some time, they were married. It was then that they realised that his wife was unable to conceive and they then took part in a chain of prayer asking God to bless them with a child. After seven years of trying to have a child, God gave Alfred another sign - the sign that his wife was with child. Today that sign is still evident as they are happy with a healthy son. Not only that, but Alfred’s financial life improved, he has a good job, two cars and a house. God showed signs that changed his life completely. Alfred Thibane - Bloemfontein

could have used that talent to establish my finances. In the Church I declared my faith, but I was not faithful with my tithes because I thought I was not earning enough money,” said Zodwa. After eleven years of financial struggle and many debts, she gave up her job and opened her own business which catered for individuals, the private sector and the government. ‘Zodwa and Naughty’ is the catering business she established in 2003. Through her faith in God and taking part in UCKG events, she has more than 20 staff members who work long hours. They include three qualified chefs, bakers, waiters, drivers and others who help in big events. She has six cars to her name and the home that she shares with her husband.

Zodwa was a working mother of two, earning a salary of R10,000. Because she and her husband wanted to give the best to their family, life became difficult as debts accumulated in the Kgampe household. Their income seemed too small and was not enough to support them. “God had given me a talent, but I was not using it. I would bake for friends or neighbours for free when I 16 • P L E N I T U D E : M a r c h . 2010

God has given Zodwa Kgampe many signs that have pointed to bigger things in her life and business. On 15th October 2009 she opened a school to teach baking and cooking. God is still showing Himself through signs of blessings in her life. Zodwa Kgampe - Soweto

When she grew up, Nontando never experienced any parental love. Her parents never even appreciated her good grades at school. She decided to move in with her grandmother, but didn’t find happiness there either. After finishing matric, Nontando decided to move to Johannesburg, hoping for better job opportunities. Because the job she found was not satisfactory, she decided to study further to improve her chances. After she met her boyfriend, she lost her job and their financial situation worsened. They only survived on his part-time jobs. After Nontando had their second child, their situation became really bad. At times there was no food in the house. Nontando remembers seeing her daughter eating a piece of soap, which tore her apart. They were

evicted from their rented home and when her husband lost his job, they were forced to move into a shack. When Nontando was first invited to the UCKG, she turned the invitation down. “When I heard about the Campaign of Israel, I decided to stay faithful to God,” she explained. “After some time I saw the signs. We were able to buy a four bedroom house and a townhouse. Then we were able to afford a mansion. We now run a security company and have just secured five contracts,” she said. “My dependence on God has rewarded me incredibly. My kids today have the best of everything,” concluded Nontando.

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Nontando - Johannesburg

My financial life was not making me happy at all. Although I worked for my previous employer for four years, I earned very little. I could not afford to buy the things I wanted like clothes, food for my family or buy myself a house. I was driving a Toyota Tazz 2003 model but I was struggling even to put petrol in the car. When I used my faith in a campaign in June 2005, God blessed me with a job at a cosmetics company which pays me a good salary. That was the first sign of the changes in my financial life. In December that year I managed to buy a townhouse.

Because I saw the signs of what God could do in my life, I did not rest but used my faith through a campaign in the church. This time I wanted to buy my dream car. I saw His power in my life once again. I managed to buy a new car, a Rav, 2009 model four-wheel drive. My financial life is going well. I can now afford to buy anything that I want. These signs have enlightened my life. I have seen the greatness of God and I am still expecting more from the coming Signs Event. Nomawabo Bolane – Soweto Cathedral

This event changed my life... “I could only speak for short periods of time and would have trouble climbing stairs or doing anything else that required exertion. When I discovered that I’d inherited the same heart problem that had killed my father, I got really scared. As a single mother, I was already struggling financially but I ended up losing my job because of my physical condition. “I attended a Signs meeting and felt comforted. I’d cried so much over my problems, but at that moment I no longer felt like crying. I knew that I had to be strong and face up to this sickness with the determination to beat it. I was delighted when my doctor came back with positive results from tests on my heart. Soon the heart problem could no longer be detected and my symptoms were gone!” Mercy Adeoshun M a r c h . 2010 : P L E N I T U D E • 17

The writing is on the wall

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Tick the writing on your wall

You’re the unluckiest person alive

You don’t deserve to be happy

What you’ve done is unforgivable

Your marriage is headed for divorce

Try as you might you’ll never succeed

Your child will never change

There’s no cure for you

Life is passing you by

You’ll never amount to anything

You’ll always be alone

Your addiction’s going to kill you

What’s the point of living?

You’ll never get that job

Your dreams will never come true

For more information call our HELPLINE: 0861 - 330 - 320

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When a guy in church asks you to pray with him... What is expected of you now? What do you do? Do you talk to him? Do you call him? He is looking for someone, he knows he needs his other half, but it’s hard to pinpoint who will fit perfectly with him. He looks at you, finds you quite attractive and starts wondering what else is there to you. He tries to find out more, asks around, sees your commitment to God, your involvement in the church ... he finds you interesting. Cristiane Cardoso: Author of Better than a new pair of Shoes, columnist in various publications. Founder of Sisterhood. Wife to Bishop Renato Cardoso and mother of one son. Visit , betterthananewpairofshoes.

And so he prays and asks, ‘God, is she the one you intend for me?’ But it’s so difficult to separate his heart from his faith in these moments. His heart is always reminding him of you. His thoughts are drawn to the last time he saw you, his ears to the last time he heard your voice. How can God speak to someone who is so intrigued by his own heart? It’s impossible. That’s when he decides to ask you to pray with him. He’s not sure about you, he’s not sure about his feelings for you, but he’d like to be and he needs a partner in prayer. What is expected of you now? What do you do? Do you talk to him? Do you call him? When a guy in church asks you to pray with him, he’s saying in other words, ‘I like you but I’m not sure if you are God’s will for me.’ Instead of going wild and thinking you’ve found the answers to your prayers, pay attention to the following: 1. This is the time your heart will deceive you the most. You may even pray, but your heart will make you numb to God’s voice. It encourages your feelings for that person, to the point where you’ll think it’s God telling you this is His will, when in fact, it’s your heart’s will.

2. Praying is not dating. Don’t go around telling everyone you know about the man with whom you’re praying. What if it’s not God’s will? What if it doesn’t work out? It’s not certain and so it should be kept as a secret between you, the guy, and the people you look up to spiritually (those who help you spiritually). People who help you spiritually will also help you in prayer. These people will never spread the news or judge you wrongly. If they think the guy is not appropriate for you, they’ll tell you because they want the best for you. 3. Don’t pray endlessly, it doesn’t work. If you’re going to pray with someone, make sure there’s a time limit. Give God a month or so to show you if this is His will for you both. 4. Be sensitive to God’s voice. God will answer your prayer, be sure of that. The problem is - are you willing to listen to Him? When it’s God’s will, He makes sure you have certainty. It doesn’t only feel right, it is right. You both connect in every way: you’re both attracted to one another, you’re both compatible for one another, you’re younger than him in order to avoid problems later in the marriage, you’re both of the same faith, you both want the same future and you both think the same way. 5. Be strict when it’s not of God. End it right away. Don’t keep on praying, thinking that by persisting with God, the guy will eventually become God’s will for you. If there’s a doubt or a concern, end it. Tell him you’ve prayed and God has answered your prayer: he’s not for you.

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CHAINS OF PRAYER WORK when YoU haVe decided what YoU want in life, the neXt steP is to ask “how do i attain that Blessing?” the answer is siMPle ...


od sent 10 plagues before taking the Israelites out of Egypt. He told Joshua to march around Jericho 13 times. He healed Naaman when he washed seven times in the Jordan River. The prophet Elijah had to pray seven times before he could see rain falling upon the earth. Great miracles happened every time people obeyed the instructions given by God.

be shy – one word of advice can prove valuable, even more than a prayer sometimes. Think of a Chain of Prayer as a medical treatment. Just like when you go to the doctor and he monitors your medical improvement, following up on you until you are completely healed, our aim is to make sure that you benefit from the Chain of Prayer by achieving the blessing you are seeking.

What is a Chain of Prayer? It is a series of weekly prayers - seven weeks in a row - without interruption for the purpose of achieving a blessing through faith. Whether it is a healing, a financial breakthrough or spiritual deliverance, a Chain of Prayer will help you develop your faith and determination to overcome your problems.

Do I have to come seven times? What if I miss one day? The success of a Chain of Prayer depends on perseverance. If you don’t use your determination, it won’t work. When you begin the Chain of Prayer you are engaging in a war against the root of your problem. The evil spirits will try to hinder or stop you from going on with your chain, BUT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, DO NOT BREAK IT! Take it seriously and your victory will be guaranteed.

Why do I have to attend more than once? Due to the seriousness of their problems, some people are so overwhelmed and worried that it is very difficult for them to use their faith the first time they attend a prayer meeting. The Lord Jesus taught us that we should pray always and never give up (Luke 18:1).

Does it really work? A Chain of Prayer is a biblical method to strive for and receive blessings – and it really works! It has worked for thousands of people and will work for you. No matter how big your problem is, the Chain of Prayer will help you to overcome it. What should I do before I start? Use your faith, give God proof of Before you start a Chain of Prayer, your commitment by being faithful to speak to a pastor for advice. He will the chain and you will see how much teach you step-by-step how to use your God will do for you. faith to overcome your problems. Don’t

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why the sisterhood? Evelyn and I would always end up on the same subject ‘what’s wrong with women today?’ The more we talked about it, the angrier we became. We realised that women today were destroying both themselves and the image of other women, like us, who have avoided the same mistakes. It’s the way they look at the world, relationships, families, fashion and even sex. When on earth did women begin to find it attractive to see a man strip? It’s outrageous! But it’s happening all over the place, and of course, it began with Hollywood and trickled down to all its followers. So now it’s not only OK if you’re a pregnant teenager, but it’s also cool! Never mind the baby that is going to be born into a single parent home, whose mother is still a child and completely unaware of her huge new responsibility. Never mind that this mother-child figure will still be living like a child for a good number of this baby’s formative years, who in turn will grow up with the same mentality… it’s OK to have sex while you’re young, just have as much ‘fun’ as you can, don’t ever think of the consequences later in life. And if possible, don’t ever bother if the boyfriend, the father of the baby, is unemployed, a drug addict and

completely unaware of what a real man should be. Enough of that. The point is, girls are learning all this garbage from Hollywood and what do you think society will be like in 10 years time? If today it is OK to be a 14 year-old clueless mom, how about then? I can’t even imagine! Meanwhile, God’s ways have not changed and those who have decided to live by them will not suffer the consequences of the Hollywood brain-washed society which exists today. That’s when the thought of the Sisterhood came about... ‘What if we start working with a group of young women in the church who have decided to be different? What if we give them all we know about being godly and of God?’ Just like Hollywood has used its powers to diminish society, we can use the power that God has given us, the Holy Spirit, to guide young women into uplifting society. If young women are taught how to be women of God, then society will have better mothers, better wives, better daughters, better co-workers, better

Founders Cristiane and Evelyn

families, better WOMEN who value the good things in life. Young women who preserve themselves for marriage, who know what it’s like to take care of a home and still follow a career, who will not be following fashion’s evil and sexy trends, but God’s trends. The Sisterhood began in Houston, in December 2009, with a group of 17 young women from the church, some single, some married. They have gone through a number of tasks both before and after entering the Sisterhood, all of which have changed them dramatically. We are experiencing our first Rush Month in South Africa and by 10th April, Pledge Night, we will be introducing our first pledges ever. Cristiane Cardoso

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ALEXANDRA WOMEN' The project was aimed at informing and educating women about cancer Nomsa Masengemu


Thousands of women gathered at the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Alexandra to find out more about improving their health and lifestyles. This special event which ran for three days from 4th to 6th February 2010 was an opportunity for many women to be tested for different types of diseases. Addressing the crowd, Mrs Marcia Pires, the founder of Women In Action (WiA) said, “There is no sin in looking for doctors. They are tools of God and

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will help you improve the quality of your life. Once you are empowered, you will make a difference.” The Alexandra Women’s Health Project was organised by WiA in partnership with the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), Breast Health Foundation (BHF) and Gauteng Department of Health. International Cancer Day was on 4th February. Ms Louise Turner from BHF said there were a number of women working in communities who had saved several women’s lives through



Hundreds of people gather around information tables set up inside a tent (Below) The Women in Action singers entertain the crowd

Bishop Marcelo Pires and his wife, Marcia, pray for the people and the project in alexandra



education, prevention and early detection. Among the dignitaries present were special guest, Mrs Thobeka Zuma, Dr Buddy Modi from Bankmed Medical Scheme and Department of Health officials.


Stating that a healthy nation would promote economic growth, Mrs Zuma said, “I am happy to see many women gathered wanting to gain knowledge and pleased to see men as well, showing that cancer is not



guest speakers on the day: (1)Marcia Pires, (2) Bev du toit, (3) dr Buddy Modi, (4) Bishop Marcelo Pires, (5) thobeka Zuma and (6) louise turner M a r c h . 2010 : P L E N I T U D E • 23

at the bers mem dy to ctiom urch, rea a in h c en ay wom ce of the on the d n a le entr peop help

prepared special rooms

for women only. We need to show our communities that we care and have their best interests at heart. Cancer brings an emotional burden to families because they don’t have the knowledge to deal with it.” She urged everyone to focus on the theme “Cancer can be prevented too”. Information was given on different types of illnesses and healthy eating by the Department of Health. HIV tests and family counselling was also part of the programme and those who attended were given condoms and informed about safe sex and abstinence. Representatives of many organisations including the Hospice Association of Witwatersrand, CHOC(Children’s Haematology Oncology Clinics) Childhood Cancer Association and SANCA (South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) provided material and guidance. A variety of subjects was discussed including support groups for the elderly, cancer among children and foetal alcohol syndrome. 24 • P L E N I T U D E : M a r c h . 2010

for pap smear


n on rmatio en info are giv ealth issues h People



Volunteers at information stations offered information and guidance

A record number of over 600 pap smears was taken. Breast and womb cancer tests were conducted as well as tests for diabetes and sexually transmitted diseases. Those who attended also had the opportunity to have their blood pressure checked.

Ms Rebecca Musi from the BHF explained how women could examine themselves for the first signs of breast cancer. Photographs: Mp, Vander Nunes, Maque Chavane


A record number of over 600 pap smears was taken Hundreds of women attend the event

Pastors offer visitors spiritual counselling at the awareness project

Women gather at the Breast Cancer information station

Guest speakers walk through the information tent

Throngs of people gather at the various information tables set up to provide insight into different diseases

y before the on tent - a da The Informati actual event

Women stand in line to get pap smears

Women in

Action sin gers perf orm at the even

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Choosing to forgive

Why does this happen, no matter what Bible reading is given to them, which prayer or blessing is bestowed upon them?

Marcia Pires: Founder of the Women in Action Group. Columnist for Bomme Fela and Universal News. Wife to Bishop Marcelo Pires. Visit ,

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As we women are led so much by what we feel, think and imagine, we constantly face internal conflicts when it comes to forgiveness. I am not referring to forgiving someone else but to feeling forgiven. We all have done, do and will do wrong, say words that we regret five minutes later, take attitudes that will bring consequences for days to come and there we are filling up our centre of emotions with the baggage of guilt and despair. For some the circle goes on until they meet Jesus and they experience His forgiveness, and then they become new creatures, lighter inside and invigorated with new life. Others will meet Jesus, will be forgiven but will not feel forgiven. Guilt and shame will accompany them inside and outside the church. Why does this happen, no matter what Bible reading is given to them, which prayer or blessing is bestowed upon them? The answer is very simple; these people are not able to forgive themselves! They understand all about the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to erase their sins and give

them life, but they only comprehend the words without grasping the full meaning of His sacrifice in changing their lives. They feel unclean, as if they do not qualify for His sacrifice and keep on carrying the baggage of sin that was already long forgiven on the cross. What should be done? Do not only acknowledge that God has forgiven you but also forgive yourself. Confront your mistakes, your wrong doings, the consequences that you may be facing but know that it ends there – after you have confronted it. Do not carry it around. Let your past, your faults, your shortcomings go. Free your heart of this guilt and shame. You do not need to carry it anymore, if you just forgive yourself! God is so great and omniscient that He knew you would go through this, so He left this message for you: “Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything.” (1 John 3:20). Now, believe in your forgiveness and feel forgiven for a new life.

header here health

Good nutrition can play a part in preventing weight loss and other AIDS’ complications

Living with HIV Nomsa Masengemu


eople living with HIV / AIDS are frequently given numerous vitamin and mineral pills to prevent lack of nutrition. Many AIDS and HIV infected people are turning to herbal medicine as a self-care approach. But many herbal medicines may cause allergic reactions, or sensitivity in infected people. This virus attacks the immune system, making it hard to defend the person against infections and diseases. There is a higher risk of HIV infected people getting food poisoning from bacteria. These bacteria can cause death to HIV positive people. This is why infected people need to pay close attention to nutrition. Good nutrition can play a part in preventing weight loss and other AIDS complications. When patients are diagnosed with HIV, doctors will usually advise the patients while they are not ill, to seek nutritional advice

from a qualified clinical dietician. This helps the person prepare and learn about nutrition. Maintaining a healthy diet is complex especially for a person with AIDS. Often there are cases of diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and a loss of appetite either from the disease itself or the medication they take. AIDS affects the digestion

system as well, which makes it hard for the body to absorb essential vitamins and minerals. A person with AIDS often experiences rapid weight loss. We tend to associate people who are infected with serious disease to be thin or at least not obese. People with HIV can be of normal weight. However, it is very important that they take care of themselves.

Positive sTEPS to well-being for a person living with HIV/AIDS Your body needs to rest - sleep when you are tired and give your body enough rest. Stress can harm the immune system. Try not to worry too much. Relax more often and do things that you enjoy, e.g. reading a book. Feeling good is excellent for your health. Try to keep a positive attitude. Choose light exercises. Find support and get good advice from health workers. Accept help when it is offered. Stop smoking as it damages your lungs and other parts of the body. It also makes it easier for infections to attack your body. Alcohol is harmful to the body especially the liver. It increases vulnerability to infections and destroys vitamins in the body. M a r c h . 2010 : P L E N I T U D E • 27



Ayanda Monyela


he theme for last year’s march against HIV was ‘you who are HIV positive, you are not dead‘. The march took place on 5th December 2009 from the Cathedral of Faith to the Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown, Johannesburg. This day was to remind people that HIV had not disappeared and there were many things still to be done. Thousands of members of the Universal Church from all parts of Gauteng province came out to support this cause. A total of 800, 000 condoms was distributed on the streets of the city. Members of the Universal Gospel Choir sang and danced before everyone gathered to hear a moving motivational speech by radio station personality, Criselda Kananda who has been living with HIV for 13 years. Bishop Marcelo Pires delivered the opening prayer. Tshepo Pilane, of Nhlambeto Health Services, an organisation which gives

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HIV peer counsellor training, said HIV is not a death sentence. People should always learn how to take care of themselves instead of blaming others for their own mistakes. In South Africa 5, 8 million people are living with HIV. “Stop blaming the government for your own acts. Take responsibility for your life. Abstain from sex or use a condom. The government has spent R 60 billion in order to help people with ARVs and awareness,” said Mr Pilane. He called

on all those who had taken part in the peer counselling course to come forward, stating that they now had the skills to assist and counsel people who were infected with or affected by the disease. Organisations of people living with HIV were a driving force behind the response to HIV/AIDS, and empowered people living positively with the virus and inspired others to action. Criselda Kananda told her story

Top: Crowds of people arrive at the Mary Fitzgerald Square (Far Right) The Universal Gospel Choir entertains the crowd


Main: Bishop Marcelo Pires addresses thousands of people who marched for this cause (Inserts Left and Right) Guest speakers Tshepo Pilane and Criselda Kananda

about how she was infected and how she was living with the disease. “When I was diagnosed positive, I was seven months’ pregnant. I was devastated and as you know when something bad happens, we tend to blame someone else. But as a daughter of God, I went to God, because my life depends on him. Today I am living my life normally like any other person. My 11-year-old daughter doesn’t have this disease,” she said. Her story made it clear that living with HIV certainly didn’t mean you were dead. You could still be who you used to be in life. Bishop Marcelo told everyone that prevention was better than cure and it was necessary for everyone to know their status. He advised single people to abstain from sex and wait for marriage, those who were engaged should know their status before they married and all married people should be faithful to their spouses.

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As envisioned by Bishop Edir Macedo, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) has spread the Gospel to the four corners of the Earth. The Church has been growing on all continents, especially within the world’s greatest power, the United States. From the 1980s, with perseverance and intelligent faith, Bishop Macedo’s evangelistic work has increased. Although it is well accepted in the USA, the UCKG faced many challenges. Today the Church has more than 165 temples in 20 states.

In Texas, the second largest state in America, evangelistic work has remained a challenge among the youth. “Compared with other churches, many comment on the performance and the growth of the Universal Church ... however much remains to be done. In Texas, especially, we must rescue the youth gangs and those involved in organised crime. Generally it is the Hispanics that are most in need ... The greatest work here must be focused on these people,” he said.

LANGUAGEs The largest number of Church members “COMPARED TO OTHER is concentrated in CHURCHES, MANY eight states, namely COMMENT ABOUT THE California, Florida, PERFORMANCE AND Georgia, Massachusetts, GROWTH OF THE UNIVERSAL New York, Pennsylvania, CHURCH HERE AND IN THE Washington and Texas. WORLD” New York and California have the largest number Bishop Renato Cardoso, of North American members. responsible for evangelistic work “The United States is a melting in the USA said there were few pastors and workers to carry out pot of cultures, languages and traditions. To better serve the work of God. members, the Church offers “There are few people meetings in English, Spanish interested in the lives of others. and Portuguese, depending Many have interest only in their on location,” said Bishop Renato. own lives,” said Bishop Renato.

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the united states is a melting pot of cultures, languages and traditions


THe universal cHurcH was esTaBlisHeD in THe usa in THe 80s. iT Has 165 TeMPles in 20 sTaTes


es of es ns

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“to better serve members, the universal church offers services in english, spanish and portuguese, depending on the location�

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Jorge Junqueira

bishop Renato Cardoso, responsible for the evangelistic work of the uCKg in the uSA

uCKg In nuRSIng hoMeS, hoSPITAlS AnD PRISonS The UCKG is active in many outreach programmes involving evangelism and youth groups. Within the sphere of social work, members visit hospitals, prisons and institutions which care for the elderly. They participate in activities such as donating blood and collecting food and clothing.

Bishop edir macedo Bezerra and his wife esther, with their daughters viviane and cristiane (on the right), at the time the ucKG was founded in the usa

how IT All begAn Bishop Edir Macedo visited the USA and started the first Universal Church on 5th May, 1987 in the state of New York. The Church was situated in lower Manhattan on a site donated by Pastor Forrest Higginbotham. Services were conducted in English with fewer than 50 members. In the same year, another Church was established in Brooklyn, with a pastor and a congregation of four people. Bishop Macedo was always accompanied by his wife, Esther Bezerra and children, Viviane, Cristiane and Moses. Soon evangelisation work extended to Newark, New Jersey,

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to the Portuguese and Brazilian communities. As the church grew, there was a demand for meetings in

bishop macedo was always accompanied by his wife, esther beZerra and children, viviane, cristiane and moses Spanish. The UCKG moved into California to minister to the Hispanic community and gradually extended its reach into more states.

In Florida, fortnightly visits are made to prisons and approval is being sought for similar activities in Massachusetts. The Church responds to letters, emails and phone calls from family members and prison inmates who participate in the many TV and radio programmes which the Church produces.

the church responds to letters, emails and phone calls from family members and prison inmates It also ministers to the needs of the elderly, with pastors paying regular visits to nursing homes and institutions to pray and offer spiritual counselling. Youth groups are active in all the states where the UCKG is established.

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unIveRSAl ChuRCh oPeneD SeveRAl CATheDRAlS on AMeRICAn SoIl In The lAST Two YeARS aGosTo De 2008: catedral da Fé de Boston, a capital e a maior cidade cidad e do estad estado o norte-american norte-americano de Massachusett Massachusetts s, ex-templo auGust 2008: cathedral oF Faith inoBoston, massachusetts. católico; novemBer 2008: cathedral oF Faith in atlanta, GeorGia.

noveMBro 2008: catedral da Fé em atlanta, capital do estado da Geórgia. auGust cathedral oF Faith miami, Florida. MARÇO2009 DE :2009: catedral da Féinno Brooklin, no distrito de nova march 2009: cathedral oF Faith in BrooKlyn, new yorK.

Fotos: cedidas


he SlePT In The gARDen Texas (USA) - Leo Aguero abandoned his wife and daughter and lived on the streets, sleeping in gardens. He took cocaine, heroin and acid, in-between many other substances and developed hepatitis and cirrhosis.

prayers and counselling are given through the driver’s window at the ucKG’s “drive-through”

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INNOVATIVE DEsIGN Several months ago, the Universal Church started an innovative project known as the “Prayer Drive-Through”. This outreach programme was carried out in Texas and Massachusetts where drivers and passengers could drive into centres, talk to pastors, receive counselling and pray - all without leaving their cars. The project made headlines in local newspapers and was well received in the local communities.

“I was taken to hospital by a fellow on the street ... My daughter invited me to go to the Universal Church. During the Campaign of Israel, I decided to make a commitment to God. I was taken off the list of people waiting for a liver transplant ... I got a job and then became a partner with my boss. Today I have my own business,” testifies Leo.

pastors and workers visit hospitals and nursing homes in the usa

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in houston (texas), over three thousand people attended the meeting held by Bishop macedo

sPORTING EVENT YOUTH GROUP Boston (USA) - Every day the number of members of the Youth Group in the UCKG grows. Its mission is to take the Gospel to people everywhere. The group recently held a sporting event for the Cathedral of Faith in Boston, Massachusetts, which attracted over 200 young Athletes of Christ to the Harry Della Russo Park in the city of Revere.

AlwAYS PReSenT Bishop Edir Macedo continues to keep a close eye on evangelistic work in the United States and often addresses meetings. More than 3,000 people recently attended his “Meeting of Peace” held in Houston, Texas.

In this state alone, the UCKG has 22 churches. Although work only started there in 1994, the numbers of members is increasing. Most of the faithful are of Hispanic origin.

Through sport, they gave witness to the message of the Gospel to young Americans and immigrants. Many participated for the first time at this type of event and were impressed with the joy of the Youth Group.

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Prayers were said in English and, at the end, medals were awarded to winners of the various events.

more than 200 young people came out to harry della russo park, in revere

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many young people participated in athletics events


PARENTING creaTinG a close relaTionsHiP wiTH Your cHilDren Ayanda Monyela


n modern society, there is often a lack of communication between parents and their children. One only needs to read the daily newspaper to find teenagers committing suicide or committing various crimes due to stress derived from family issues. These incidents reveal the importance

of parents’ communication with their children. Love for their children is within every parent, which is frequently revealed through the concern they show. It is of great importance that parents communicate with their children especially in the society we live in. Yet, we still find parents who are not giving their kids enough time to talk and bond due to their busy schedule. First, children need their parents’ affection. Second, they want to have a parent who helps them in their studies and in their own life. Unfortunately, they are deprived of this right, for, the parent

works all day outside and at home. At night they end up tired and go to sleep quickly. Children want more time to enjoy their childhood; if they don’t, they will be affected by bad friends and learn dangerous habits such as smoking, drinking and drugs which may lead them to delinquency and consequently to fail in their studies. What do I mean you ask? I mean you need to have a purpose prior to motherhood or fatherhood. You need to know you are someone besides a parent. When you have children you should enjoy them and you must create a close bond with them.

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how To CReATe A CloSe-KnIT FAMIlY 1) Don’t force your family to spend time together. This will only make them hate family time even more. Find things they enjoy and work around it to draw everyone together. If your child likes video games you could try one of the new interactive DVD games. Everyone likes to win and beating your parents in a game can be rather rewarding. 2) spend time in the kitchen together. If you have young kids, they love to make a mess. Bake some cupcakes or cookies with them but let them get involved by stirring or adding the ingredients. They will love this. When you are done you can sit down and have a rewarding treat with your child. 3) Always remember that one child is not the same as another. One might be perfect, a little angel, while the other is constantly trying

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to get into trouble. Always remind yourself that you have to treat them differently, so always even out things so there is at least one thing in the family someone is enjoying. 4) Children want attention. No matter how old they are, they want their parents to notice them and to take a part in their lives. Remember, don’t push them but find common ground. If your child likes sports, suggest playing a game of basketball or going to a game with them. Money is not always everything. It is the quality of what you do and if your child won’t come to you, then you have to go to them. 5) Jealousy is always a factor amongst children. Never do for one without doing for the other.

6) It is important to remember that as they grow to give them freedom. Always give kids choices in what they do. Ask them if they would either like to go bike riding or watch a movie, for example. By doing this it makes them feel more involved in what the family has planned instead of making them feel as if they have to do it because Mom says so. It is also a good way to teach them the value of making a good decision as well as giving them some independence. Family are the ones you love and who love you. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you do it together, even if it is just having dinner together. A few minutes a day can really shape the lives of children and make them better than we ever could have been. source:


10 ways

to love your job 1. PRIORITIsE According to one of the essential laws of economics, written more than 100 years ago by economist Vilfredo Pareto, 80 percent of results come from 26 percent of the effort. In other words, it’s not that you don’t have time to do your work, but rather you may be putting too much effort and time into non-essential tasks. Find your lowest-priority work and do it quickly or if possible give it to someone else to do. If you’re not sure how to rank your duties, ask your boss to help you prioritise. 2. PINPOINT YOUR ENERGY PEAKS The best time for managers to do their most critical work is when their energy is at its peak. Some people work better in the morning; if you fit into this group, schedule your toughest tasks accordingly. When you have a particularly large workload, consider coming in before your co-workers. That way you can get work done before other people’s agendas distract you. If your energy is highest in the afternoon, do the lightweight stuff in the morning. If you’re still overwhelmed, tell your boss. Morgenstern points out that bosses often aren’t aware that they’ve overburdened employees because the bosses themselves are overwhelmed.

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3. GET ORGANIsED Create routines to handle your least important tasks quickly, and you’ll gain more time for important matters. For example, adopt a rule that says you’ll touch an incoming piece of paper only if you make progress: file it, toss it, or act on it, rather than moving it among the piles and in-boxes on your desk. Check your email on a schedule (like every other hour). “Routines also save you a lot of aggravation as well as time because you’re not worrying about what to do next.”

people who are burnedout often neglect their personal needs. taking better care of yourself certainly won’t change aspects of your job, but it will make you feel more invigorated 4. TREAT YOURSELF RIGHT People who are burned-out often neglect their personal needs. For example, you may grab processed or sugary snacks in a rush and drink lots of coffee, which can lower your immunity and sap your energy. Or you may skip exercise. While taking better care of yourself certainly won’t change aspects of your job, it will make you feel more invigorated and better prepared for work. Cut back

on unhealthy snacks and coffee, and increase your intake of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, which bolster your immunity and vigour. Exercise during the workday, because it lifts mood and energy levels. Walk briskly for 15 minutes in one direction and then back, or take a gym class during your lunch hour or immediately after work. If company policy permits it, pursue your favourite hobby during your lunch hour. It will break up the monotony of work and keep you upbeat throughout the day. 5. PRAISE YOURSELF Make a list of five recent accomplishments. Reflect on the list often and allow yourself to feel good about them. If you can’t think of any accomplishments, jot down three potential tasks that you’d excel at and propose them to your boss. Or make plans with a colleague to acknowledge each other’s work. Set goals over a lunch, regularly discuss your progress, and congratulate each other when you reach a goal. 6. RESOLVE TO ADAPT If you’re having problems with your current employer, take heart. You can learn more from a bad boss than a good one. You may, for example, learn how to become more self-reliant, develop a thicker skin, or find other colleagues who can meet your needs. One way of coping is to simply wait out the bad behaviour.

However, if your hostile boss doesn’t mellow out or leave the company and your misery is affecting your health, consider speaking to human resources or even seeking out another position. 7. REACT THE RIGHT WAY Although you can’t control change, you can decide how you’ll handle it. To focus on the positive amidst fear or confusion, try this trick: close your eyes and focus on your breathing for 10 minutes; aim to let all other thoughts go. By keeping yourself calm and centred, you can give yourself the space to see a stressful situation as an opportunity for positive change. 8. SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY Ask yourself how you can spin change to your advantage. For example, maybe you’ll click better with your new boss, or this boss will be open to your playing a larger role in the company. Even if you don’t want more responsibilities, you could request a new project, team, or office location. 9. MINIMIsE CONTACT If you can, move your desk, change your hours, get on a new team - do whatever it takes to insulate yourself as much as possible from the source of the annoyance. It’s impossible to underestimate the effect negative coworkers can have on your work. You need to protect your positive attitude. 10. EXPRESS YOURSELF Speak up politely but directly. For example, tell a distracting colleague: “I need peace and quiet when I work and it would help me if you would stop coming by my desk”. Ask a pessimist to suggest a solution whenever he complains about something. If a lazy co-worker is dragging down your team, focus on what that person does well and encourage her. Say, “You are a creative person who inspires good ideas. How can we work together?” Source:

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header here finances

Budgeting Personal budgeting is the most crucial step to take for those who want to be financially stable. While the “B� word scares most people or it seems more like a chore than a benefit, there are some easy things that you can do in order to make it work for you and your household

Step One Start your personal budget by collecting your last three months of expenditure. Look for your bank statements, any cash transactions and receipts if you have them. You will also want to look through any of your credit card statements. Look for what you purchased, if there were any fees associated with your charges, any monthly bank statement charges and try to track any habits. Do you spend the same amount monthly? Do you have some expenses that seem to be the same every month? This is a very important step to take for your financial future. Step twO Next, locate any and all documents that relate to your personal income on a monthly basis. If you are on a salary, this will be a simple step as your income is consistent for every paycheck. If you are on commissions, gather up three to six months of income statements and take an average. Step Three Now that you have completed this important step, you will need to compare your income with expenses to see what is left. This is a step that many people fear but, it is important to determine your discretionary income every month.


Step Now that you have an idea of what amount of money you have available at the end of every month, you should start looking at the expenses that you will be able to reduce or eliminate. You should review your expenses carefully to determine how they can leverage additional monthly income. This extra income can be used to reduce personal debt as well as to begin saving for the future.


Step Now that you have the budget outlined, you can begin to prioritise your personal debts. Start by reviewing the interest rates and listing each debt starting with the highest interest rate first. Also, list the payment that you are currently making on each credit card.

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udgeting tips six

Step Now that you have outlined your budget and your available discretionary income, you need to start planning your financial future. Outline your personal short term and long term goals.


Step The last step is to have patience and stay the course. Personal budgeting will not become a habit overnight. You will have to review it often, track your progress and make adjustments when necessary. It takes approximately 21 consecutive days to build a habit; so, keep going until your personal budget does not require any thinking on your part to manage.

“You need to start planning your financial future. Outline your personal short term and long term goals�

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self improvement

When you are an educated person you have the power to go wherever you want because of the knowledge you have acquired


It has always been said that education is the key to success. It opens doors to greater opportunities. When you are an educated person you have the power to go wherever you want because of the knowledge you have acquired. The best thing about education is the fact that there is no age limit - no matter how many children or grandchildren you have, you still can go to classes and learn. Back in the old days, most people never had the opportunity to go to school and many did not see any 42 • P L E N I T U D E : M a r c h . 2010

importance in having an education. Today however literacy training is available and adult education is increasingly seen as relevant and necessary. Here are some tips on how you as an individual can improve and invest in your education by: Engaging in project based learning Students go beyond the textbook to study complex topics based on real-world issues, such as studying the water quality in their communities or the history of their town, analysing information from multiple sources, including the Internet, and reading interviews with experts to expand their knowledge.

Connecting Studies should enable students to reach across traditional disciplines and explore their relationships. Adopting technology The intelligent use of technology can transform and improve almost every aspect of schooling, modernising curricula, student assignments, parental connections and administration. Reorganising resources Resources of time, money and facilities must be restructured. Including community partners Partnerships with a wide range of community organisations, including business, higher education, museums and government agencies, provide critically needed materials, technology, and experience for students and teachers. These groups expose students and teachers to the world of work through schoolto-career programmes and internships. Schools should enlist professionals to act as instructors and mentors for students. Working during term time It’s always a good idea to earn a little during your spare time while studying to make your budget stretch that little bit further. However, rather than settling for a simple job that brings in money, try to find work that will aid you in your career. For example, if you want to pursue a writing career, there are numerous websites to which you can submit work.

Taking advantage of long vacations Work experience, internships and placements are all options to consider during vacations if you can spare the time away from the books. You might want to extend the hours of a part time job to earn more and perhaps adopt a larger role with more responsibilities, or look for work that is close to what you want to do when you complete your studies. Networking Always take the time to talk to employers about opportunities available both in the business you’re involved in and the wider world of work, especially if you’re doing a job you enjoy and related to your chosen career. Building up a good rapport with workmates is key to showing a desire for the job as much as performing well. Take the chance to socialise too if you’re really keen to be on the minds of the recruiters. Very often you can get offered a job before you complete your studies which is always a bonus if you want to graduate with the next step on your career path already taken care of. Doing what you love Everyone loves to do something. When you indulge yourself in doing what you love, you improve the way you feel about yourself. You improve your self esteem. Reading challenging books Many people like to read popular suspense fiction, but generally these books aren’t mentally stimulating. If you want to improve your thinking and writing ability, you should read books that make you focus. Reading a classic novel can change your view of the world and will make you think in more precise, elegant English. Don’t be afraid to look up a word if you don’t know it, and don’t be afraid of dense passages. Take your time, re-read when necessary. Source:

Human resource Manager, ryno scholtz, speaks about the importance of furthering your studies Beside boosting your selfesteem and self worth an education will also mean a lifelong financial investment. Think of how financial advisors always advise us to invest in property. a property investment can be eroded by a financial crisis or by nature. There is always a risk of losing your investment, whilst a qualification will ensure decades of steady income (salary) at virtually no risk of it being taken away or stolen. Human beings were designed to grow and develop. This is what sets us apart from any other living being. in psychology, this notion is referred to as humanism, which was inspired by abraham Maslow

(1908-1970). Maslow believed that all humans have various physical and psychological needs. He advocated that a human being will first strive to satisfy their physiological and safety needs (food, shelter, safety and all other means to stay alive),then to satisfy social needs and finally self esteem and self actualisation (psychological growth) needs. it is thus smart to devise your educational plan according to your own stages in life. education is very expensive in south africa and it is important to ensure that your education plan is thought through and realistic. You will need to assess your own financial means, your intellectual capabilities and your field of interest. As

an example, if i cannot afford the most basic food and shelter and if i do not know how to read and write, i should not consider enrolling in a university programme. Start with the first things first. Enrol for aBeT programmes, then a lower level certificate and work your way up to that university programme. You are never too old to study!

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SSHC: LENDING A header here

In September they went around Johannesburg distributing more than 500

Nikiwe Titus

The Stop Suffering Health Centre (SSHC) has had a very active year on the streets of Johannesburg and in informal settlements around Gauteng where it has run educational campaigns focusing on anti-littering, youth issues, HIV/Aids and helping the homeless. The SSHC, the Universal Church’s outreach programme, launched in 1996, aims to tackle all the issues which affect the community. They offer a helping hand to all in need, and have formed partnerships with the Aids counselling group, New Start, as well as many corporates including Piki Tup, MTN, Nissan and Shoprite. In May 2009 SSHC worked with Picki Tup to help clean up the streets of Johannesburg just before the Confederations Cup. They focused attention on keeping the city clean by conducting more than 25 workshops in schools and community centres. On 16th June, SSHC celebrated Youth Day with MTN. They distributed MTN starter parks at Wembley stadium and are now also involved with the cellular network in helping to register simcards for the RICA campaign. In September the SSHC attended a treeplanting ceremony in which 72 trees were presented to the City of Tshwane -Pretoria. In partnership with New Start, a non governmental organisation, the SSHC distributed more than 500 000 condoms in central Johannesburg in September and provided information on how to be sexually responsible. New Start also offered voluntary HIV testing and counselling. A day was dedicated to providing information to people in the city. There is a need to identify HIV/Aids as early as possible.

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Children in Diepsloot receiving bread and soup from the Help Centre soup kitchen

On 28th September, the Help Centre visited the Mangolongolo informal settlement to the south of Johannesburg where more than 200 families were devastated by a fire which destroyed their shacks. Many pastors and volunteers from SSHC distributed food hampers and blankets and the Shoprite soup kitchen provided welcome bowls of soup for residents. SSHC continued to remain active on the HIV/Aids front. More than 200 volunteers attended a special HIV/Aids workshop after which they received peer educator certificates which confirmed that they had gained new skills to help fight the pandemic in the country. On 5th December an Aids March, attended by thousands, was held on the streets of Johannesburg. To finish off a busy year, the SSHC


A HELPING HAND header here

an 500 0000 condoms and sharing information on how to be sexually responsible

Piki Tup Cleaning project in Johannesburg

The door-to-door campaign where condoms were distributed in communities

HIV tests performed in collaboration with Newstart The SSHC soup truck

Working in collaboration with MTN at a youth rally

hosted Christmas parties in Alexandra, Orange Farm and several informal settlements in Gauteng. The Help Centre is totally staffed by UCKG volunteers who give of their time and energy to help the community.

SSHC volunteer hands woman food hamper

SSHC volunteers M a r c h . 2010 : P L E N I T U D E • 45

TESTIMONIES header here

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Precious Chavane

ane is a successful business woman who has the kind of life that she never thought she could have. Although Jane was a qualified educator and had a comfortable life, she was not satisfied with her finances and also wanted to have more in life. She was determined to claim all the promises of God that were written in the Bible. When the Campaign of Israel was introduced, Jane took it upon herself to fight for her and her husband’s dream. The couple wanted to have their own petrol station and, to their advantage, her husband was already experienced in the petrol service industry. She prayed to God, asking Him to make their dream come true. Jane realised that she could not just sit down and fold her arms, so she submitted an application for a service station , but faced some difficulty when the bank required a certain amount for a deposit. “We applied for a loan at the bank, but were not prepared for the many negative responses we received. In the end, we decided not to listen to those negative words. I went to the Church and engaged myself in Chains of Prayer and movements of faith in support of this venture. Our prayers were answered, our loan was approved and we got our first Engen service station,” Jane recalls happily. Business was going so well that they applied for a second petrol station, this time with a Steers franchise included. “When the next campaign was introduced, knowing that in the previous campaign God had 46 • P L E N I T U D E : M a r c h . 2010

answered me, I made my request for a car and this time never doubted that God would answer me once again. With assurance in my heart, I went to the car dealership and unlike with my other ventures, my application for a C200 Mercedes Benz was accepted with no hassle. Today I have the car of my dreams!” says Jane. From a woman who never thought a ‘life of abundance’ was possible, to a successful entrepreneur, co-owner of two petrol stations and Steers franchises, she is also a blissfully happy wife. She concludes: “The Campaigns of Israel have given me the chance to turn my dreams into reality. I am certainly living my dreams!” the car Jane bought after participating in the campaign of israel

header here

Laiza and her two daughters


The house and cars (top) Laiza could afford after participating in the Chains of Prayer and the Campaign of Israel

Precious Chavane



or four years Laiza was unemployed, with no place to stay. She then moved in with her boyfriend, who lived at a construction shelter, for workers working on the site. The place was very small, but they stayed together as he was the only one she could depend on for support. She could only stay at night, and had to leave early in the morning to avoid his employers seeing her, as he could lose his job if she was found. After many attempts at finding a job, she got a piece job, earning only R125.00 per week. It was a small salary that left her frustrated instead of sorting out her problems.

One day she was given the Church newspaper, read testimonies of how God transformed other people’s lives and she decided to visit. Without any hesitation the next day she went to the Church, took part in the service and continued participating until today. “In time I saw changes in my life, especially within me - I was no longer the same. I was eager to be obedient to God, and follow the teaching that I was receiving,” she said. She took part in the Chains of Prayer and movements of faith in the Church and through those her then boyfriend joined her, and they were united in their faith in God. They then got married and started focusing on building their lives and future together. They moved out of the construction

site into a RDP house, but that was still not enough to make them happy. When the Campaign of Israel was introduced she made her request, as she wanted to live a successful life. She applied for a job as a financial adviser and God honoured her faith as she got that job. Her husband also used his faith and registered a construction company which is doing very well. God also blessed them with a big, beautiful house. Today a woman that once lived a miserable life is living a blessed life with her own house and six cars and her children are in the best schools.

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We are what we read World’s smartest ape goes to college Your doctor could be an alien I married my mother There’s a ‘tokolosh’ on my roof Abducted by Aliens – man retells horror...

Editor Vander Nunes

Day after day, millions of people around the world are confronted by these controversial and sometimes absurd headlines. And while one can call these articles ‘entertaining’, they seldom display the true worth of many well-educated journalists. What’s worse is that, even though these newspaper headlines make us laugh in disbelief, we still reach into our pockets, take out our hard-earned money and buy them! We are neither naive nor blind to the lies that many newspapers and magazines produce these days, but unfortunately, we have succumbed to the lure of cheap sensationalism. What has become of journalists’ integrity today? When has writing about a man having sexual relations with an animal become worthy of being called journalism? Or when has ruining the reputations of innocent people or institutions with hearsay become acceptable as front cover stories? Have we, as readers, encouraged poor investigative journalism by loyally buying newspapers or magazines filled with such reporting? If we answer ‘yes’ to this question, then we acknowledge that, to some degree, we have a responsibility towards upholding the standard of writing within the media industry. We are after all their target audience, and they should strive to cater for our needs at the end of the day.

people with the information they need to be free and self-governing, they should follow these guidelines: 1. Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth. 2. Its first loyalty is to the citizens. 3. Its essence is the discipline of verification. 4. Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover. 5. It must serve as an independent monitor of power. 6. It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise. 7. It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant. 8. It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional. 9. Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience. (

Take a closer look at the sixth guideline, because herein lies our power. We have the power to say ‘no’ to poor journalistic practices. We as readers have the right to demand truthful, relevant and valuable information from our newspapers and magazines. Are you ready to stand up for your rights?

So what should we expect from our journalists today?

Well-known philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson, once wrote: A man is known by the books he reads.

According to The Elements of Journalism, by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, there are nine elements of journalism. In order for journalists to fulfil their duty of providing the

And if this is truly the case, we might want to take a closer look at what we read and also what we’ve allowed our children to read. The power is in our hands. Send your comments to:

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Noord 20 Claim & Noord Streets

Cape Town

Orange Farm Stand 5033. Zenzele Supermarket

Cathedral 9 Buitenkant Street (near the Grand Parade)

Park Station 25 Plein Street, Johannesburg

Phillipi 465 Landsdowne Road

Alexandra 740 Pretoria Road

Rabie Ridge 706 Cnr Rietduiker and Strandloper Street (Rabie Ridge Shops)

Benoni 70 Cranbourne Avenue (next to ABSA)

Site C 21 Mnyandeni Crescent, Site C Khayelitsha

Randburg Shop 4, Kya Sand Shopping Centre

Elsies River No 28 Halt Road

Randfontein Roma Building, Sixth Street

Langa Unit 17 Hawkins 1 Industrial Park

Dobsonville 4337 Main Road, Dobsonville

Sebokeng 392 Zone 10 Moshoeshoe, Former Freddie’s Supermarket

Bellville 16 Kruskal Avenue, (next to African Bank)

Eldorado Park Main Road ext. 5 (White tent next to Shoprite 7 Shell Garage)

Soweto 24456 Cnr Immink and Kokwane Drive, Zone 6, Diepkloof

Crossroads 579 Stock Road

Germiston 96 Cnr Voortrekker & Railway Streets Germiston

Spruitview Spruitview Complex Centre Shop No 22

Hillbrow Stand 5219, Pretoria Street Highpoint (next to KFC)

Tembisa 3 Lifateng


Daveyton Daveyton Shopping Centre, Cnr Hlakwana and Enslin Streets

Kagiso Corner Ngalankulo and Phulisile Streets - Thulani Drive Kwa Thema 6993, Shabangu Street, Emajudeni (opp. Caltex Garage, next to Boxer Supermarket) La Rochelle No 18 Cnr Praire & Geranium Streets Lenasia 1 Station Place, Ext 1,Former Aspara Cinema Meadowlands Meadowpoint Centre Merafe 2231 Moletsane Street, Soweto (next to Score Supermarket)

Wynberg 1st Royal Square, Station Road Wynberg

Thokoza 1838 Rakoma Street, Thokoza Vanderbijlpark 2500 Boipatong Shopping Centre Vanderbijlpark Vereeniging Shop 8 Kruger Avenue (next to Nedbank)

Pretoria Mamelodi No 1 Tsamaya Road, Moretele View Pretoria 1 Shop101 Pranslin Building,corner Andries & Strubben Streets Soshanguve Shop H , 758 Block H, Vilakazi Street, Magagula Shopping Centre Mamelodi 2 Hector Peterson Street, Phase 5

50 • P L E N I T U D E : M a r c h . 2010

Mandalay Shop 18, Merrydale Centre, Ryan Way

Milnerton Freedom Park Phase 1, Freedom Way, Marconi Grand Strand Brodland Road Units 7140

Durban Cathedral 465 Anton Lembede Street, opposite Dudoc Centre Empangeni 14 B Biyela Centre, Biyela Street Phoenix 2 Suite 7, 80 Parthenon Street, Plaza Kwa Mashu P50 Bhejane Road, opp. polyclinic Hammersdale Unit B889/3 Ithala Premises Kwa-Mcoyi Mpumalanga


Free State


Cathedral 399 Church Street, opposite Capital Centre

Bloemfontein 60 Church Street (next to Hoffman Square)

Nigeria 42 Olowu Street (ground floor) Ikeja, Lagos

Ladysmith Shop No 263A, Murchison Street Ladysmith (opp Standard Bank)

Qwa Qwa Shop 1 Witsieshoek, Midtown Shopping Centre

Swaziland Manzini, Old Golden Cinema Road (next to Trade Fair)

Newcastle Shop 1,2,3, 7 Voortrekker Street Newcastle

Harrismith Shop 1 Bester Street, Champagne Centre

Uganda Plot 8-12 George Street , Nakasero near CPS, Kampala

Osizweni Shop 1, behind Pep Store (near Score Supermarket)

East London Main Church 5 Gladstone Street Gonubie 259 Mzamomhle Township Fort Beaufort 84 Campbell Street Dimbaza 3514 Jongilanga Street

Kimberley Kimberley Erf 24768 corner Stockdale & Compound Streets De Aar 4 Theron Street, (behind Shell garage) Upington Unit 6, Rosebuds Shopping Centre Leeukop Street

Africa Angola Av. Fredech Engleas no. 86 Bairro dos Coqueiros, Luanda

Port Elizabeth Main Street Corner Palmerston and Govan Mbeki Avenue Korsten First floor, Erven 1611 and 1612 Korsten Grahamstown 3 Orsmond Terrace

Umtata Umtata 36 Owen Street, (next to Botha Sigcau offices) Qumbu Erf 71, Hope Street, (next to Post Office) Butterworth - Town 1 Corner Fuller and Bell Streets

Botswana Sagg House, 1st Floor (next to the central police station) Botswana Road, Main Mall Gaborone Lesotho Town Talk Building, 1st floor Lekhaloaneng, Maseru Malawi Andrex Industries Building 1st floor Zalewa Road Above Mbayani PTC Blantyre Mozambique Av. 24 de Julho, 3.108 / Alto MaĂŠ, Maputo Namibia No.32, Independence Avenue Ausspannplatz Windhoek

Zambia Plot 8604 Lupenga Road off Los Angeles Road (next to the Soweto market) Lusaka Zimbabwe 50 Kwame Nkrumah Avenue Cr. Julius Nyerere Way City Centre Harare

International UK Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 3NX Texas 5150 N Shepherd Drive Houston, Texas 77018 Brazil Sao Paulo, Avenue Joao Dias 1800, Santo Amaro Argentina Buenos Aires Av. Corrientes 4070 Almagro China 14/F Tung Hip Commercial Bld 244-252 Des Voeux Road Central Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Israel Street Elizabet Bergner 12 Yafo, Tel Aviv Australia 275 Bigge Street Liverpool Sydney West, NSW 2170 India 216 Maldhavaram High Road 1st floor, Erambur, Chennai 600-011

M a r c h . 2010 : P L E NIT U D E • 51

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