Plenitude magazine may 2010

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So what is Ark Community all about? What do I do on this site? How do I register to be part of this community? Find out the answers to these questions below.

What is Universal Ark Community? Universal Ark Community is a social network hosted by the Universal Church to help Christians all over the world to connect and share. This site was first launched in 2008 and since then, thousands of people from places like Asia, Philippines, Brazil, Ghana, Botswana, Japan, London, America and South Africa has joined. So, what are you waiting for?

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mount sinai the altar of god








Be Determined

24 CRISTIANE CARDOSO How are you feeling this morning?

28 MARCIA PIRES Isn’t the offer good enough?

49 VANDER NUNES Blow loud the Vuvuzela

NATIONAL 20 SIGNS EVENT One SIGN can change your life

25 SISTERHOOD Sisiterhood Pledge Night Exclusive


33 HELP CENTRE Stop Suffering Help Centres around the world










38 SA: THE SOCCER HOST 4 • P L E N I T U D E : M a y . 2010


Universal Publications

Executive Directors Bishop Marcelo Pires Vander Nunes

WRITING Co-ordinator Vander Nunes

Columnists Bishop Edir Macedo, Bishop Marcelo Pires, Mrs Marcia Pires, Mrs Cristiane Cardoso Journalists Ayanda Monyela Nikiwe Titus Nomsa Masengemu Nontobeko Mthethwa Precious Chavane Clarisse Werneck Alice Mota Mzwandile Zikalala Maggie Nyaunda Nombuyiselo Dladla

Bishop’s Answers: HOW CAN I FORGIVE? Bishop, my name is Danny and I would like to ask you for some advice. I met a person, a while back, who hurt me very much. He did terrible things to me and ultimately betrayed my trust. Since then, I’ve carried this pain with me and I know this isn’t the right thing to do. I do not want to lose my salvation but I’m not able to forgive him. Please help me. What should I do? - Danny A. ANSWER: Danny, one of the most helpful ways to forgive someone is to pray for them. The pain you are feeling has no effect on this young man, only on yourself. You are only feeding the feeling that’s inside you. In the end, you are the only one who’s going to suffer!

Proofreader Melanie Yap Layout Designers Gilberto M. Soares Jayson Govender Prema October Anny Rodrigues Photos Vander Nunes Maque Chavane Ayanda Monyela

Contact Us If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to write to us at: Plenitude Magazine 122 Eloff Street, Johannesburg, 2000 or email us at: Printers Taj Printers 12 Golden Drive, Morehill Ext 8 Benoni (off Snake Road)

CAN I DIVORCE? Bishop, I’ve been through many problems in my marriage. My husband is an alcoholic, and he beats me up whenever he gets home drunk. I’m so bitter about the whole situation that I have even considered filing for divorce. Apart from beating me up frequently, he also cheats on me. Is it a sin to divorce him? I can’t bear it anymore. - Joana M. ANSWER: Joana,God does not approve of divorce. But, because many people no longer value marriage nowadays, God teaches us that in case of adultery, either the wife or the husband can file for divorce. I cannot advise you to divorce, for it’s a personal decision, which depends entirely on your faith. However, I think your life is at risk because of your violent and unfaithful husband. Apart from the violence, there is also the possibility of him transmitting diseases to you. Use your intelligent faith!

P.O Box 18167 Actonville 1506 Tel: 011 425 0450/53/54/55/56 Fax: 011 425 0458 e-mail: Plenitude’s Mission To communicate all events and happenings within the Church. To inform and educate members, potential members and the general public with testimonies, inspirational messages, helplines and much more.

Disclaimer The contents of this publication reflect the views of the authors only. Opinions expressed in testimonies should not be construed as medical advice. The views or opinions presented do not necessarily represent those of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. This publication is for information purposes only.

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The revolt A person who believes in the God of Abraham simply does not accept any kind of life that is inferior to that promised by God in the Holy Scriptures.

Bishop Edir Macedo Founder of the UCKG in 1977, author of numerous published books. Father of three and husband of esther Bezzera. Visit his blog:

when a person is of God, he does not admit any possibility of defeat in life – be it in the professional field, love life, family or health. And why? simply because failure does not mix with faith in the Living God! his confidence in God’s promises is so strong that not even death can take it away. This clearly explains his revolt against any signs of failure! As a matter of fact, this is faith’s natural requirement… A person who believes in the God of Abraham simply does not accept any kind of life that is inferior to that promised by God in the holy scriptures. he is like a light bulb connected to the power source – it only takes a press on the light switch for brightness all around… The same thing has to happen in the lives of those who depend on God. he is the power, Christians the light bulb, and once they are connected to God it is absolutely impossible for them to remain dull. in fact, the Lord Jesus did not call us to be just one more face in an ever-growing crowd of losers. if he really exists, as we believe he does, then his promises have to materialise in our lives! Moses was not God’s representative to speak only, but also to take action! God would instruct Moses to tell pharaoh what he was going to do, and then, he would use Moses to fulfil his words. we will climb Mount sinai to claim the same right. on Mount sinai, the Lord made Moses his spokesman to tell pharaoh that he, the God of Abraham, was going to make a difference between his people and the people of pharaoh. has God, by any chance, completely lost interest in doing the same thing today? Absolutely not! The idea that the people of God have to live the same kind of life the people of pharaoh lived is unacceptable. pharaoh represents evil. The good quality of life the God of Abraham gives to his people is what makes him different from all the other gods. That is why good quality of life is a must. And that is exactly what differentiates those who are of God from those who are not!

Just as good is different from evil and the light is different from the darkness, the people of God is also different from those who do not belong to him. They have to be different! And that is what we are going to seek on Mount sinai, for the God of Moses does not get old nor does he change. The authority he gave to his servants has never been withdrawn. The heroes of faith may have passed away, but the anoint of God is still the same! The divine message sent to pharaoh in those days is as effective today as it was in the past. he said, “I will make a difference between My people and your people…” (exodus 8.23) The Lord Jesus himself confirmed this principle of difference when he said, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10.10) whilst denouncing the works of evil, he also puts himself available to give a high-quality life. however, this is only for those who submit to him 100%. A person who is of God takes upon himself the responsibility of substituting Moses as the holy spirit’s deputy. not just to say what he did and has done, but to take action on his behalf and to deliver people from slavery, misery, diseases, infirmities, loneliness, sadness and pain, and takes them to a place where they will enjoy a good quality of life. God promised to make a difference between his people and all other people. Therefore, it has to happen in the life of those who are truly of God. The Lord Jesus said that we would be the light of the world, the salt of the earth. have we indeed assumed this position? if not, then what are we waiting for? Moses had an encounter with God after he climbed Mount sinai. God bless you abundantly.


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Why Sinai?

In the book of Exodus, the Bible tells of the Israelites becoming a great nation at the foot of Mount Sinai, also known as Mount Horeb. The disorderly slaves departed from there with the Book of the Law, given to them by God Himself, with clear directions to the Promised Land, and the assurance of God’s help and protection as they marched on to become, at one point, the most prosperous and feared nation on earth. So, Mount Sinai became a symbol of victory, of rising from the ashes, of the impossible becoming possible, the weak becoming strong. It is where waste becomes wealth, and the forgotten are remembered. It is also a sign that God sees and remembers His people, and does not leave them at the mercy of their oppressors. Sinai is the only mountain on earth where God set foot and decidedly changed the destiny of His people. And that’s why we go there! When we are standing on top of that mountain, our faith is at its highest. All these facts come to life for us because you’re not just reading about that place – you’re seeing it before your very eyes! That’s why the UCKG have campaigns of faith to Israel once a year. Since starting this in 1980, great victories have been accomplished through prayers offered there. Those who believe go to Israel for great things. They go there to change lives, to resolve difficult situations. They go there to give their all, in return for God’s all! It is a privilege to be part of it. It is a blessing to take part in the Campaign of Israel.

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secret #1: you must believe in yourself and god

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“ the campaign of israel made me realise that with god i can conquer all ” sessa

By Maggie Nyaunda & Precious Chavane

the CaMPaign of iSraeL ChangeD My Life “My life was completely miserable as my children were constantly admitted into hospital. One of them was asthmatic and the other one was diagnosed with a chronic disease. This was unbearable for me as I was always depressed, not knowing what to do,” said Sessa. Her finances were falling apart because of unpaid debts. She was also not happy in her marriage. Daily fights and arguments between her and her husband were caused by unmet expectations. “My mother was introduced to the church and after seeing changes in her life, invited me to join her in the church as she saw how much I was suffering. I was always reluctant to go and only promised, but never went with her. “One day, when I was taking one of my kids to the doctor, I met another lady who invited me to the church. I accepted her invitation because I could see my life was falling apart,” said Sessa. She attended and left the church with the assurance that her life was going to take a turn for the better. In the church she learnt how to exercise her faith through the campaigns and movements of faith. “When the Campaign of Israel was introduced, I saw the results other people experienced

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who had participated in the previous campaigns. I made my request asking for a home for my family. After the campaign I made an application for a house and it was approved.” Today Sessa has her own conference centre, a successful catering business, as well as a Ford Fiesta, a Mercedes Benz Compressor and a beautiful home. “The campaigns of Israel made me realise with God I can conquer all,” concluded Sessa. P

Sessa’s car and beautiful home serve as reminders that God is faithful and powerful

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“FROM MISERY TO PROSPERITY.” Lucrecia Santana is a living testimony of God’s power. Her life was deeply destroyed. She counted little Kwanzas (local currency of no value), and it was not enough to eat or for clothing, though she was working at a company of high level in her country. Her earnings were only to settle small commitments that she would have day after day. “My husband was unemployed and I could not believe in any change for the future.

My menu was from sweet cooked rice or salted cooked rice only.” They were living in a hut and during the raining season, her husband and her had to sleep in the toilet whilst the children were sleeping in the kitchen, the only rooms that would not flood. However, their life took a different course when they decided to join the Campaign of Israel. They acted their faith and saw their life changing. Today,

they hold their own house, they bought four pieces of land, two cars, they own a food kiosk at the international airport of Luanda and they can afford to keep their 3 children studying in Europe. “By persevering in putting faith into action we have conquered many blessings from God. My husband currently is the Managing Director of the company he is working for. The difference between my past life and today is visible through the financial prosperity that I have reached”. P Angola

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secret #2: you must be faithful to god “ i made a promise to god that when i left prison i would live a faithful life ” sabelo

froM ex-ConviCt to SuCCeSSfuL buSineSSMan Sabelo and Theresa Tshabalala are a happily married couple with a successful business and a beautiful home. Things weren’t always this good for them. In 1996 Sabelo was convicted of car theft and sentenced to 21 years in prison. While serving his sentence in jail, his life of crime caught up with him. He finally realised that he had been playing with his life and begged God for a second chance as he did not want to live on the wrong side of the law any more. Sabelo was introduced to the Universal Church through the Prison Group. “I attended the services that we

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had in the prison and I decided to give my life to God. I continued serving my sentence but made a promise to God that when I left prison I would live a faithful life. I heard about the Campaign of Israel and made my request asking God to grant me my freedom. I made my application for parole, after serving three years of my sentence, and I got it. I was released. I went to the Church and attended services, and from that day, I never looked back,” said Sabelo. In the Church he took part in the chains of prayers and movements of faith. He later got a job as a packer at a catering company, met his girlfriend, Theresa, and after

getting to know each other, they got married. In 2005 they applied to the bank for a house loan but were told that they did not qualify. When another campaign was introduced, they asked God to give them a home. They again applied to the bank and, after three months, their application was approved and they bought the house they always wanted. They continued using their faith and their business improved. They were able to buy four cars, two Hyundais, one Mercedes Benz and a Nissan. Today Sabelo is a father, husband and successful businessman. P

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The Tshabalala family have everything they fought for in the campaigns of Israel: A happy family (Top right), a beautiful house, four cars (left) and a successful catering company

“AFTER 20 YEARS OF SEPARATION, GOD RESTORED MY MARRIAGE.” My life was simply one of suffering. I had many problems, was constantly sick and had terrible pain in my ovaries. There was so little money and I had to do without many things. Besides all that, I was also alone because I had been separated from my husband for 20 years. It upset me because I had to bring up my children all by myself. There were so many times that

I did not know what to do. All this lasted until I started attending the Church. First, I focused on my health. After taking part in the Campaign of Israel, I received numerous blessings. Today I am totally healed and financially stable. I managed to get my own house and God changed my husband’s heart. He came back home to me and our family. We married

again at the UCKG and we are completely happy. We understand one another. My husband also joined the Church and our lives are changing thanks to God and to the Campaign of Israel. P


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secret #3: you must be determined

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“ then came the campaign of israel when i participated wholeheartedly and with determination ” olinda


“I AM LIVING PROOF OF GOD’S POWER.” “I had a malignant lump under my lower jaw (pictured right). I have suffered for 15 years and had even been to some witchdoctors who gave me herbal medicine and made some cuts on my face, but I was not healed. Tired of going to such places, I went to the hospital. Due to the extension of the tumour, the doctors decided to remove it. I was then operated on and during the first month, the problem seemed to be solved, however, thee months later, the wound opened. The doctors said that they could not do a second procedure because it would be fatal. To feed myself was a very difficult task and most of my day was spent lying in bed. I started to lose weight and experiencing bleeding on the place of surgery. I could not move my mouth properly.” Olinda never thought she

could be healed until she was invited to the UCKG. “During my first days at the church and listening to the pastors, hope was born in my heart. I started doing chains of prayers. Then came the Campaign of Israel when I participated wholeheartedly and with determination. “When I returned for a medical check up, doctors identified an ameloblastoma on my jawbone and I was operated on again. With God, the operation was smooth and successful and doctors removed the affected bone by inserting a rib bone. “Today, I am living proof of God’s power. I am healed. I can eat any solid food and I am thankful to the Lord Jesus.” Olinda Simiao, Mozambique



Before coming to the UCKG, my life was just hell. I was a single mother of two and there were several times when I did not have enough food to give them. It went to the point when I gave them flour with sugar to fill their stomachs. Having nowhere to live, there were also times when I had to prostitute myself. Without proper education or any family support it was like life had turned its back on me. The more I fought for an improvement, the worse it became for me. Many times I prayed to God to take me

out of that kind of life and give me the opportunity to be happy and have a family. I would participate in a few services at the UCKG but never persevered. One day I met the man who is today my husband. Before getting married, I told him all about my past. His love was so great that he accepted me, but inside myself I carried the burden of sorrow and shame. One day I saw many people entering the church and I decided to go and stay once and for all. I can only say that in three months I saw my life changing

completely. It was not easy but I made it through. I got married to the man I love, who accepted my children as if they were his own. We wanted to have our own house but financially speaking it was only a dream. When I joined the Campaign of Israel, we realised this dream. I have also graduated and I have a blessed family. Only God could have taken me out of the suffering I was living in. Solange Lavi – France P

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header secret #4: never givehere up

“it took almost five months for me to see the results, but i never gave up” noXolo

“ I USED TO SELL CLOTHES ON THE STREETS TO BUY FOOD ” “I had to go up and down the streets selling clothes in the township in order to have money to buy food.” Noxolo Manyela (43) from East London was not happy with the kind of life she was living. “I had no choice. If I didnt go to sell clothes, we would go to bed without food,” says Noxolo. With the little money she made from selling clothes she had to support her two children and take them to school. “At that time I used to rent a room in my relative’s back yard and I couldn’t

Noxolo never thought that she too would one day testify to God’s immense power. In front of her new house and car

afford to pay the rent, so they ended up chasing us out,” says Noxolo In 1994 Noxolo received a UCKG newsletter and she decided to go to the church. Noxolo told universal news that in the church she learned how to use her faith and to be faithful to God. When the campaign was introduced she participated and her life started to progress. “it took almost five months for me to see the results but I never gave up, I kept on participating in the chain of prayer and movement of faith, later I got a good permanent job with

a good salary and I managed to buy a four room house” says Noxolo Noxolo told the universal news that though she saw changes in her life through the campaigns she never stopped taking part in it. “God answered my request, at work I was selected to attend a course of a trainee manager so that I will be promoted to a managerial position, I thank God for all he has done in my life,” says Noxolo P

Doctors told her she could never have a child Collet and Nkhwa Tabengwa are a happily married couple who went through many difficulties in life but they never gave up hope. “It was very difficult for me and we also wanted to have a child, but the doctor told us it was impossible,” said Nkhwa. When Nkhwa was invited to the Church, he hoped that his life would change. When the Campaign of Israel was

introduced, he took part in it. “I wrote my prayer request for God to give us a child. A few weeks later we went back to the doctor believing that God had answered my request. The doctor told us that my wife was pregnant,” said Nkhwa. “My dream came true and I am thankful to God for all he has done. I always wanted to be a mother and it has happened,” said Collet . P

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secret #5: don’t stop coming to the house of god

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“i never lost hope. i kept going to the church and taking part in the movements of faith ” patricia

PatriCia CaMe to JohaNNesBurg iN the hoPe of fiNdiNg a Better life, But NothiNg CaMe easily When Patricia Emevike first arrived in Johannesburg, she had nowhere to call home. Sharing a place with a friend who lived with her boyfriend, she had no privacy. To get a little space of her own, Joubert Park became her second home. She joined the Church at a time when she felt her life was at a standstill. Participating in the chains of prayers and movements of faith, she learnt how to depend on God. In 2004 she

(Top) Patricia and her family have reaped the benefits of believing in God and participating in the campaigns of Israel (Below and Far right) Their grand house, two cars and business vehicles

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secret #6: don’t header listenhere to negative comments “many were the ones who tried to challenge my faith, but i persevered in my decision” jose

got married and both she and her husband discovered their finances improved steadily. They were living in a flat, but after the birth of her second child in 2006, Patricia decided she wanted to have her own house. “I went to many agencies and I knocked on many doors to find a house loan, but the answer was always no. I never lost hope. I kept on going to Church and taking part in the movements of

faith,” said Patricia. When the Campaign of Israel was introduced she and her husband joined in their faith to ask for a home for their family and to help them expand their business. They received a call from an agency telling them that they had a house and their loan application was approved without delay. They spent several years developing their transportation business and dreamt

of buying a truck. Eventually, after overcoming many obstacles and persevering in their efforts, Patricia and her husband finally found a truck that suited their needs, for a very good price. For them, that was an answer from God and they were able pay cash for the truck. Today a woman who came to Johannesburg without anything has a blessed financial life and a complete family. P


“Rebuilding from Financial Failure.” Jose Munoz points to his childhood as the starting point of all his problems. “Spiritual conflicts were oppressing me and I could not sleep at night because of nightmares and visions of evil shadows. Later on I came to know my wife, Elvira, and we got married with the dream of building a happy and prosperous family. Our dream collapsed when I lost my job. The company, which I had dedicated my life to, relocated to another country and left me unemployed and without any money. I started selling my properties and shares to feed my family. I reached the point of not having money to

buy milk for my children. We were staying in a small house and there were seven of us. My wife had to work extra hours for a very small salary. One day she watched a TV program on the UCKG and asked me to go with her to a meeting. We gave careful thought to it and decided to go. The first change I noticed was my spiritual deliverance. After some time, we were invited to join the Campaign of Israel and I joined because somehow I knew God would use this opportunity to change my situation. Many were the ones who tried to

challenge my faith but I persevered in my decision. My request was taken to Sinai and today I do not lack anything. I am my own boss. I have a company that employs 70 people. I have two brand new cars, a big house under refurbishment and other houses rented out. To join the Campaign of Israel was the best decision I ever made in life, because through it I fulfilled my dreams.

Elvira and Jose Munoz – United States


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Be Determined An overwhelming sense of happiness and freedom accompanied the Hebrews when they left Egypt. At last slavery was over; now they could dream of a better future not only for themselves but for their children as well. Not long afterwards, the fiercest man on earth in those days, Pharaoh, came in hot pursuit. Together with his army, they were chasing ‘their slaves’. Again God, through His Mighty Hand, made the Hebrew people witness perhaps the greatest miracle ever seen, the parting of the Red Sea. Pharaoh’s entire army was trapped when trying to follow God’s people through the Red Sea. Then the Israelites, safely across the sea, could realise the fulfilment of God’s promise delivered by Moses “…Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.” Exodus 14:13 NKJV Indeed they saw their enemies no more. They began to sing songs of joy and dance for the living God who took them out of slavery. “The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation…” Exodus 15:2 NKJV In fact the whole chapter is a song dedicated to glorifying God, but not for long. Their joyful song was stopped by another problem. “And they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Marah. And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” Exodus 15:23-24 NKJV Except for Joshua and Caleb, these

BeCoMe frieNds with BishoP MarCelo Pires oN the followiNg soCial Networks: 18 • P L E N I T U D E : M a y . 2010

former slaves who were taken out of Egypt by the Mighty Hand of God, did not make it to the end, Why? Because they kept on doing what they knew best – complaining all the time instead of seeking the Promised Land. What should we do after the campaign of Mount Sinai or any other movement of faith in which we participate in the church? We have to persevere and be totally determined to possess what God has promised us. Otherwise, what is born by flames of excitement will end before reaching the half way mark to its target. If at some point in your life you were determined to achieve something and the difficulties made you give up, it is never too late to re-start! But this time around, do it right. Be determined, persistent and do not withdraw from the battle. We will have three days to pursue what God has already given to us on Mount Sinai. If there are problems more powerful than you, blocking your way, resisting your efforts, God will defend you and fight for you. He is the only God who can help those who are weak before their impossible problems. “… in Your hand is there not power and might, so that no one is able to withstand You?...” 2 Chronicles 20:6-7 Dear reader, your faith in God is the only way out for you. Even if your problem is greater than what you can bear, God is ready to uproot it from your life. Act upon what you believe, upon God’s promises and what seems impossible to you today will no longer be so.

Facebook: Bp Marcelo Pires

God bless you.

Bishop Marcelo Pires Currently responsible for evangelical work in south Africa. Married to Marcia pires. Arrived in south Africa in 1993.



Ark Community:

Bp Marcelo Pires

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M a y . 2010 : P L E N I T U D E • 19

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housands of people gathered in all the UCKG churches around the country on Good Friday, 2nd April, 2010, united in faith and the belief that a sign would lead them to greater things and change their lives. People made their way to churches by bus, taxi and all other forms of transport to experience the change through one sign.


forgiveness of sins. More than this, they came to seek a miracle, a sign from God. Bishop Marcelo Pires started the Good Friday service at Park Station with a prayer of faith for deliverance. The prayers of faith appealed to God for signs. Many presented their burdens to God, asking for healing of their bodies, souls, marriages and finances.

For Seven Sundays after Good Friday, members of the UCKG will continue to take part in this event, pursuing a sign of the change they want to see and have in their lives.

They asked God for a sign that He was with them and He was working to assist them. They wanted a breakthrough that would show them that God heard their appeals. They believe Good Friday is a day of freedom and victory as Jesus died for them on the cross. The bishop said people should give their lives to Jesus just as Jesus gave up His for them. He warned the people that coming to church did not guarantee the end of their struggles but through the power of God, there would be victory.

SIGNS IN PARK STATION: It was about 15 degrees with cold showers of rain on Good Friday this year, but not even rain or cold weather could deter the people of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God from going to church. Their unshakeable faith prompted them to leave their comfortable homes to mark that special day. It was the when the Lord Jesus gave up His life on the cross for the

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He invited people to surrender their lives to God and by faith receive Jesus in their lives. P

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Thousands of UCKG members participated in the Signs Event all over South Africa

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CATHEDRAL - DURBAN Like many people who attended the event with great expectations that their problems and challenges would be resolved, Zandile Hlatshwayo also believed that God would show her at least one sign that would change her situation. “I came to the Signs Event because I knew that God had greater blessings for us. When he died on the cross He said, “It is finished’. For me that meant it is finished with my financial problems. This is the sign I want to see in my life and also for my salvation,” said Zandile. “At first I did not understand what the signs were all about, but as I kept coming to the church I understood and I realised what the sign was that I wanted to see. I am very happy that the Holy Spirit has extended the continuation of the signs for seven Sundays,” she said.


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how are you feeling this morning? You’re feeling grumpy in the mornings and so you’re ‘not a morning person’ every morning she goes through the whole process of waking up. she only gets up because she has to, otherwise she’d choose to stay in bed all day. she looks in the mirror and gives herself the ‘i don’t care’ look, brushes her teeth and goes on to do what she has to do that day. if you need to see her, it’s best that you try and leave it until the afternoon when her worst time of day is over.

Cristiane Cardoso Author of Better than a new pair of Shoes, columnist in various publications. Founder of the sisterhood. wife of Bishop renato Cardoso and mother of one son. Visit , betterthananewpairofshoes.

i’ve known many people like this. They often make the same statement over and over again in order for you and everyone they know to ‘understand’ where they’re coming from: ‘i’m not a morning person,’ they say. it’s easy to say this, isn’t it? You’re feeling grumpy in the mornings and so you’re ‘not a morning person’. But then this doesn’t make sense to me when i think about how God created mornings. one of the reasons God made sure that the sun comes up every day is exactly to give us a fresh start with each new day. it’s so that we can make a new beginning, start again, do things differently, and have a fresh perspective on life. he said that his mercy would be renewed every morning (Lamentations 3.22,23), which is another way of saying that it’s never too late to start again. This is wonderful to know, isn’t it? now, how can someone think that the best part of the day is their worst part of the day? how can a person end the day on a good note if she started it on a bad one? it just doesn’t make any sense! it brings me to one conclusion, which may not be pleasant for those who feel this way (as the truth is not always pleasant); this person has not yet personally met God. she may be a churchgoer—a faithful follower of God, but she is not yet a child of God. God set mornings

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as the beginning of a new day. They should be excited and hopeful, not depressed and moody! There are many things that could happen in a day. sure, problems come to everyone, but good things happen too, especially to those who put their belief, trust and faith in God. i tell you, every time something bad happens to me, i choose to go to sleep so that i can wake up the next day, fresh and ready to face it in faith. it always works! This habit has helped me to avoid harbouring grudges in my heart, simply because i know that i can start again the next day. i love mornings and that’s not because i’m a morning person, but because God has prepared a whole new day for me. it’s up to me to decide if i will start the day on a good note, or if i will just have a ‘couldn’t care less’ attitude that, between you and me, is so annoying! so tomorrow morning, do what i do every single morning (unless i’m feeling really sick): pray, dress up as if you were going somewhere special, put your make-up on, do your hair, and start your day feeling beautiful. once you feel good about yourself, you’ll make others feel good about themselves too. You may have to wake up a little earlier, but take it from me, it’s worth it! P


Remember a night to

After weeks of preparation, Sisterhood South Africa presented its first official pledges to Sisterhood

By Ayanda Monyela

The Sisterhood is a group of women, aged between 15 and 30 years, set apart by their grace, beauty and strength. These women from all parts of the world embarked on a journey to strive to become women of God. Johannesburg had the honour of introducing the first 20 ladies who became part of the Sisterhood this month. The Pledge Night took place in the stately Oppenheimer Room at Gold Reef City, Johannesburg on Sunday, 11th April 2010. These 20 young women were officially welcomed to the Sisterhood.


During February the Sisterhood was introduced to countries such as America, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, Philippines, Nigeria, Namibia and Botswana among others. Young women all over the world took part in this project to mould women who are willing to be disciplined by the word of God and live according to His will and principles. They proved themselves through tasks they were given during ‘Rush Month’ which took place in March. All the ladies were given different tasks to perform to show good character and lead an exemplary lifestyle. These tasks varied from reading, giving their spiritual opinions, performing duties at home, changing their characters

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national and more. These tasks qualified participants to become pledges to the Sisterhood. The Sisterhood was started in December 2009 by Mrs Cristiane Cardoso and Mrs Evelyn Higginbotham in Houston, Texas, USA. Speaking at the pledge ceremony in Johannesburg, Mrs Marcia Pires, founder of the UCKG’s Women in Action, said: “The common direction that the world is taking women into is leading many women away from the God-given blessings and responsibilities that were given to us from the time of Creation. “Our uniqueness as women is being blurred by philosophies of feminism and immorality that fill every aspect of our culture. The Sisterhood is meant to be a refuge from those negative attitudes and also a place where true womanhood can grow and flourish through the Biblically based teaching and encouragement of the leadership, and the bonds of friendship that will be formed with other young women of faith. “The code for the Sisterhood is to be attractive in speech, behaviour and appearance, to be a positive example in your home, courageous and humble enough to accept corrections and to build a solid faith in God.” The mother of one of the 20 pledges to Sisterhood, Ms Lindiwe Khumalo told plenitude magazine, how proud she felt when her daughter was escorted down the red carpet at the ceremony. “ When my daughter Zintle told

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me about the Sisterhood, I had no clue what she was talking about. She started to do more house chores. She was even able to do extra things after work. It was amazing. She did her best to find time to be at home, doing what a girl is supposed to do. What she did was far more than a mother could expect in a daughter. “When I got to know more about the Sisterhood, I was so happy that the Church started something that will help young ladies to be the best they can be. It brought me great joy to hear that she qualified to be one of the pledges to Sisterhood, because I saw how much she had worked to earn it. I am really proud of my daughter. The Sisterhood is going to bring about a lot of changes in the character of young ladies around the world,” said Ms Khumalo. One of the first 20 pledges to Sisterhood, Cuma Myataza shared her joyful experiences of the day with plenitude magazine.

“When I heard about the Sisterhood through a notice in the assistants room of the Church in the Cathedral of Faith, I found the idea very interesting. The fact that we were going to be taught to be better women of God made me want to participate even more. I learnt a lot about how to take care of myself and my family, to be more helpful in the Church and at home. I’m still learning about being a lady. When I heard the news that I had been chosen, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I was very excited and felt blessed and privileged. Pledge night was everything I expected it to be and a million times more. For me it was the start of better and greater things to come,” said Cuma. Mrs Pires said there was still a chance for the next group of women who wanted to be an example like Cuma. The Rush Month for the next group will be during the month of August. “Ladies, prepare yourselves,” she said. P

International International











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isn’t the offer good enough? “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need”

Marcia Pires Founder of the Women in Action group. Columnist for Bomme Fela and Universal News. wife of Bishop Marcelo pires. Visit ,

when we first came to Jesus, we did so seeking for a solution to a series of problems and frustrations that we were living with, but gradually we understood the great need to consider where we wanted to spend eternity, and salvation then should have been our top priority. however, so many dwell on the solution to their problems that they despise totally what is the essence of a Christian life: eternity with Jesus! it goes beyond words and requires positive action. You cannot make a bargain along the lines of: if i do not get what i want, i will leave the church. such people end up deceiving themselves by believing they are just simply leaving the church, but they will continue to belong to the Body of Christ. have you ever seen a leg or a hand loose somewhere and still bearing life? All parts of our physical body need to be linked through muscles, veins and arteries to be alive; we can only live if linked to the Body, in communion with fellow members.

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when you think about your problems and challenges, you surely want a solution, a response to your prayers and you will receive it but when you meditate about eternal life and you have the assurance of salvation inside of you, then you understand that all that goes around you is momentary and it will vanish. Jesus has given us salvation, has given us the right to sit with him in heaven for eternity. isn’t the offer good enough? hence Jesus made this promise and he will fulfil it in everyone’s life: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” i can guarantee you that you will find a solution to your problems. it has happened to me and so many others. only one thing is needed: seek the Kingdom first, do not go back to your old ways because you have not received the answer to one prayer as yet – remember, you have a great treasure that is salvation while you remain in the Body of Christ! P

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in the work of God

A woman Women contribute to the growth of the Universal Church By Clarisse Werneck International Correspondent


arch 8th is International Women’s Day. Women are very important in carrying out the work of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Since its foundation more than 30 years ago, the wives of bishops, pastors and volunteer workers have played a key role in the development of evangelisation groups and in the Church’s focus on social work.

pastors, they visit and pray for the needy, offer advice and assist during meetings and essentially support the pastors in all they do. Their role is vital in the church. Bishop Edir Macedo, founder of the UCKG, wrote a book entitled “The Profile of the Woman of God” in which he discussed the importance of women in the church’s work. “Not only with regard to ensuring the Church, but also with respect to glorifying God with their attitudes and witness,” he said.

The responsibility of a bishop’s or pastor’s wife is enormous. According to Cristiane Cardoso, wife of Bishop Renato Cardoso, and author of “Better than a New Pair of Shoes” and the blog of the the same name, every wife’s primary responsibility is to organise the home so that her husband can devote his time fully to the work of God. Within the Church too, the wives’ presence is important in assisting their husbands and in advising other women. Their constant presence as women of God is necessary in evangelism groups.


Pastors’ wives not only help their husbands in missionary work, they also handle the every day tasks of caring for homes and families. With the

Pastor’s wives

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Women volunteers visit disabled children with gifts of books at the Children’s House of Betinho, in the east zone of São Paulo. Centre: Nanda Bezerra and wives of pastors in Namibia. Below, “Women in Action” visits an orphanage in South Africa.

Besides all the tasks that a pastor’s wife must perform, many are dedicated to social causes. Fernanda Bezerra, married to Bishop Celso Junior Macedo Bezerra, works with the Help Centre in Namibia to assist orphans whose parents died from AIDS, visits nursing homes and collects donations for the needy in the country. Marcia Pires, wife of Bishop Marcelo Pires, is responsible for the group “Women in Action” which focuses on women’s social work in South Africa. Among the many projects the group undertakes are support for victims of HIV and AIDS, promotion of HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns and education on various types of cancer. In Brazil, Rosana Oliveira chairs the Women’s Christian Association (CMA), a group which was started two years at the instigation of

Bishop Edir Macedo. “The group aims to help the disadvantaged and is well supported by volunteers. These include people from all sectors of society who all have the common desire of helping others,” said Rosana. The movement Women in Action (MEA), chaired by Rosangela Ferreira, wife of the editor of the Folha Universal, Jeronimo Alves, also operates in Brazil. The group gained prominence through the support it gave to victims of floods which devastated St. Catherine last year. “Our goals are to help other women in the development of talent, seeking their welfare and reaching the disadvantaged and excluded from society through teaching. We have also held exhibitions of crafts made by volunteers at fairs, workshops and social events,” explained Rosângela.

Fotos Cedidas


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On being accepted to join the group, the women go through a period

Sisterhood is focused on training women of God

Fotos Cedidas

Cristiane Cardoso and Evelyn Higginbotham founded the Sisterhood, a Christian sisterhood aimed at training women of God. The group emerged in December 2009, Texas (USA), with 17 women from the church, some married, others single, whose desire was to be exemplary. “Evelyn and I noticed that the women of today have destroyed the image of themselves and others. It is how they see the world, relationships, family, fashion and even sex,” says Cristiane. She says God’s ways have not changed and those who decide to live by them will not suffer the consequences of that brainwashing. “That was when we had the idea of creating a group that could be a refuge from negative attitudes and also a place where female traits could grow and flourish within Bible-based teaching. Thus arose the Sisterhood.”

of tests and tasks to prove they are prepared to assume the responsibility of being a member. They serve the purpose of God, follow the code of the Sisterhood and become supportive of each other for the rest of their lives. “We meet every month for lessons

and activities specifically designed to challenge us and answer our many questions, as we learn what God expects of us,” said Cristiane. For more information go to P

In England, the wives of pastors attended All About Women, the goal of which was the orientation and integration of Christian women

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he Universal Church of the Kingdom of God provides more than a place of worship for thousands of people around the world – it has also created help centres whose volunteers work to improve people’s quality of life. The Stop Suffering Help Centre (SSHC) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation that provides for basic needs such as free meals, clean clothes, teaching people how to be cautious in their lives and offering primary health aid. In South Africa, the SSHC was established in December 1996. Through its help centres worldwide the UCKG provides refuge and practical assistance for those in need. It aims not only to give people social care and material assistance, but also to lead them to God through His word, helping them to live a life filled with His promises. Different projects with which the help centres have involved themselves are promoting awareness of HIV/AIDS, imparting important information about staying healthy and handing out condoms. Other activities have included clean-up campaigns aimed at teaching people about safe living in a clean environment; soupkitchens provide nutritional meals for the underprivileged people and training sessions offer advice on grooming and


teaching people how to take care of themselves by keeping clean. The help centres also donate food hampers, clothes and blankets to the needy. All these social work projects are on offer, free of charge, to everyone regardless of religion, age or gender . People are also given private counselling, life and spiritual guidance. Some of the SSHCs around the world have created computer training centres which are aimed at helping local communities and members of the Church, especially the young, to gain sufficient computer literacy to enable them to enter the job market. One of the recipients of the social work efforts of the SSHC in Johannesburg is Mr Khuluza Frans, a

member of the UCKG for six years. “When I first came to the Church I was a beggar. I had no proper clothes, no food and I was unemployed. I thank God for the Help Centre at the Church, because it was my only hope for survival. I used to go there and have food to eat. They would help me with clothes to wear. I was taken care of by the volunteers of the centre and they would counsel me and advise me to take part in the meetings of the Church. “My life has changed since the time when I depended on the help centre. Their hard work paid off and today I am blessed. They helped me by leading me to God,” said Mr Frans. P

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Photo: Pauty Araújo

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SSHC activities to help the community are conducted in different centres. Anyone interested in assisting with this vital social work and volunteering their services should contact their nearest UCKG for more information.




By Alice Mota International Correspondence

Wednesday, 21st April, was Decision Day - D-Day - throughout Brazil as more than eight million people gathered throughout the country to mark a milestone event in the history of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Described as the day of faith and miracles, the event aimed to unite people in prayer. Nearly 34 years after founding the Church, Bishop Edir Macedo, addressed millions of followers via a live televised broadcast which was shown on big screens at venues throughout Brazil. He urged churchgoers to to continue having faith in God and believing in themselves. “God is ready to answer the cry of those who call to Him in sincerity. He says: ‘The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.’ Here He includes all people and all religions,” said Bishop Macedo. Sao Paulo More than two and a half million people gathered at the Interlagos circuit in Sao Paulo. There they were addressed by Bishop Clodomir Santos, responsible for evangelistic work in Brazil. The mayor of Sao Paulo, Gilberto Kassab, was present and complimented the UCKG on the excellent organisation of the event. He said it had a positive outcome because it is provided an opportunity for the Church to

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“d” day brought together more than eight million people around the country unite many thousands of citizens in prayer and to contribute to peace. Minas Gerais “D-Day” in Minas Gerais surpassed the expectations of its organisers, attracting more than 300 000 people to Mega Space, a gigantic events venue located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte. There were almost two thousand buses parked around cities throughout the state.

Music was provided by bands such as Blessed Music and performers, Ricardo Leite, Rogerio Luiz Giesley Mota and Davi Fantazzini. The event started with Bishop Macedo’s televised broadcast on the importance of faith. Shortly after three in the afternoon, with the temperature at almost 30 degrees, Bishop Alfredo Paulo, responsible for evangelistic work in Minas Gerais, assisted by Bishop Gilberto Abramo, spoke

about liberation, healing and harmony of families. In a brief message, Bishop Alfredo Paulo declared, “We’re safe in the presence of God when we accept Him as our Saviour and surrender our lives to Him. From this moment you will not only have a life of quality in this world, but also obtain eternal life.” P


self improvement



• Manage your settings If you’re embarrassed by your ring or alert tone in certain situations (on the train, in the office, for example) it’s almost certainly the wrong choice. Monitor the volume ringtones should never be intrusive or cause heads to turn. Switch off your phone, or turn it on to vibrate, when you are going into meetings, theatres, cinemas and so on. • Be discreet Your cellphone is not a megaphone, so don’t shout. Be aware of your surroundings and try not to use your phone in situations where your conversation may disturb others. Be aware that your voice will distract a peaceful train carriage of newspaperreading commuters or seem intrusive on a crowded bus. Intimate conversations are never appropriate in front of others. Equally, don’t use foul language, have full-blooded rows, or talk about money, sex or bodily functions in front of witnesses. Try and respect your own - and other people’s - privacy. There are certain

places where it is unacceptable to use your phone: for example, art galleries, churches, libraries, hospitals. Respect the rules. • Two’s company... People in the flesh deserve more attention than a gadget, so wherever possible turn off your cellphone in social situations. Don’t put your phone on the dining table, or glance at it longingly mid-conversation. If you are awaiting an important call when meeting someone socially, explain at the outset that you will have to take the call, and apologise in advance. At a party or social gathering, excuse yourself and withdraw somewhere private to make or receive calls. And don’t send or read text messages when you are out in company, unless it’s urgent. Also, don’t carry on cellphone calls while transacting other business - in banks, shops, on buses and so on. It is insulting not to give people who are serving you your full attention.

• Priorities and purpose Text messages are ideal for conveying a short, instant message. Don’t use them to communicate important information or anything that needs a lengthy explanation. If you have to cancel an appointment, always make a phone call rather than send a text; apologies will be better received this way. There’s also no need to use confusing, abbreviated text language. Use as much conventional grammar, spelling and punctuation as possible to make yourself clearly understood. The usual salutations and sign offs can be ignored, assuming the recipient knows who you are.

BASIC RULES AT: restaurants: Ask if there are special restrictions on phone use. • Initiate only essential calls. • Keep conversations brief to terse. Take an at-table call primarily to make an appointment for a more appropriate time for a call-back. • Practise speaking in a quiet conversational tone. If no one looks your way, you’ve got it. museums and art galleries: Consider the reasons you are in such a place and be there totally. Turn off the phone, or better yet, hand it in with your coat or tote bags. places of worship: Leave the cellphone at home, in the car or at least turn it off, before you enter. airline travel: Follow airline personnel instructions. Usually cellphones must be off as soon as the aircraft doors are closed until the doors open again on arrival. (Unless otherwise informed on long runway delays.) P M a y . 2010 : P L E N I T U D E • 37

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“the safety of everyone is an important part of planning in host cities and volunteers are being trained by saps to assist in dealing with visitors�

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A total of 2000 small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) had already registered P on the portal.

Zakumi - born 16 June 1994 - now aged15, is the official mascot for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. He is an anthropo-morphised leopard with green hair, unveiled on 22 September 2008. His name comes from “ZA”, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for South Africa, and “kumi”, a word that means ten in various African languages. The green and yellow (gold) colours of the character match the colours used in South African sport uniforms and can also be seen in the South Africa national football team’s kit.


According to the FIFA 2010 World Cup website, the South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) guaranteed that the Freeway Improvement Project would be completed and flowing freely during the World Cup. All the stadiums are finished and ready for the games. South African artists and dancers hope this will be an opportunity to showcase their talents. Local producers, Real Action, have created the new “Diski Dance” which is the latest dance performed with soccer movements. It was officially launched in Johannesburg’s central business district with the support of SA Tourism.


Despite excitement about the big event, some South Africans still have niggling doubts about reliable transportation to all the stadiums. Delays in construction have caused huge traffic snarl-ups and questions have been asked about whether or not everything will be ready in time. Taxi driver, Cliff Sithole, commented: “The construction is causing many traffic problems for taxis. With the World Cup just around the corner, I doubt that they will complete everything in time. It’s just taken too long.”


According to Dr Danny Jordaan, Chief Executive Officer of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Local Organising Committee, the estimated number of all visitors will be in the region of half a million. The World Cup kicks off on 11th June and will run until 11th July, with 32 international teams competing.

In the second week of April soccer fans were finally able to buy tickets for the games over the counter. They were sold in all nine cities which will host matches. In a message on, Mr Jordaan said: “We are excited about these new initiatives, which make the process much easier for everyone, We have always said that it is important that we make this World Cup more accessible to the people, and with the over-the-counter sales, we believe this measure is consistent with the needs of the fans.” The safety of everyone is an important part of planning in host cities and volunteers are being trained by the South African Police Service to assist in dealing with visitors. Among concerns expressed around the World Cup were the high prices of local accommodation and airline tickets. Websites such as offer individuals the opportunity to make direct bookings or find last-minute accommodation.


In just a few weeks time South Africans will be welcoming visitors from around the world onto African soil. More than 80% of all tourists visiting SA during the World Cup will arrive via O.R. Tambo International Airport. It has been estimated that at least 120 000 visitors will stay in Gauteng during the tournament.

Yvonne Chaka Chaka, also known as the Princess of Africa, said: “I have been contributing to the World Cup by doing the Engen ‘Welcome to South Africa’ adverts in different South African languages. I would like to see all Africans welcoming and assisting tourists. Let’s fight crime and violence.”

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By Nikiwe Titus & Nontobeko Mthethwa

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Staying ahead of the times, the UCKG has updated its website to include video and audio podcasts of newsworthy church events as well as regular updates on activities around South Africa. Browsers can access TV broadcasts of the Universal Church’s popular programmes Worker’s Prayer, Ray of Hope and Drying Tears. These are screened on SABC 1, 3 and e-TV, but they’re just a click away on the website. The About Us section contains facts about the UCKG, a statement of faith, church addresses, the daily timetable of activities and an explanation of the Chain of Prayer. The Media section contains podcasts/audio messages, TV broadcasts and Universal News copies. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section features information on donations, tithing and how to read the Bible. The Supporting You section contains prayer requests and channels for visitors to offer suggestions or ask advice. The Communities and Groups offers networking opportunities for members of the Ark Family and browsers to find all the information they need on the activities of social outreach groups such as Stop Suffering Help Centre (SSHC), Universal Youth Group (UYG) and Women in Action (WiA). Messages from Bishop Edir Macedo, Bishop Marcelo Pires and Mrs Cristiane Cardoso will be regularly updated and available on the website.

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NELSON By nomsa Masengemu

In honour of Mr Nelson Rolihlahla Dalibhunga Mandela, some of the members of the UCKG (Universal Church of the Kingdom of God) have committed themselves to making a difference in other people’s lives. “It is time for new hands to lift the burden,” said Mr Mandela. These are some of the new hands of the church that are paying tribute by pledging to give their time and making Mr Mandela’s dream a reality.

TODAY HE IS KNOWN WORLDWIDE FOR HIS EPIC WALK TO FREEDOM “Mandela Day is a day set aside to celebrate the good works of Nelson Mandela. On that day, 18th July, some members of Unipress, journalists of universal news, have decided to join hands and make a difference in the lives of hundreds of children from a children’s home in Johannesburg. The Unipress team have set aside this day to visit these children, play with them, read and tell stories. This will be their contribution to show love to children, most of whom are orphans.

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MANDELA Nelson Mandela is a man who has made his mark in history for his struggle for South Africa’s freedom. He is the world’s most famous political prisoner – a man who spent 27 years and five months of his life in the infamous Robben Island Prison. He was arrested in August 1962 near Howick in KwaZulu-Natal and sentenced to five years for incitement and leaving the country illegally. When he and seven comrades were charged in the Rivonia Trial, they were convicted of sabotage for their role in Operation Mayibuye, planned and executed by Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress.

Nelson Mandela standing in the prison cell where he was held on Robben Island

“i never imagined the struggle would be either short or easy”

... a boXer, a leader, a freedom fighter, political activist, prisoner number 466/64, former president, nobel peace priZe winner and international icon

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Nelson header hereMandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth

All were sentenced to life imprisonment on 12th June 1964. It was only in February 1990 – more than 27 years later -- that Nelson Mandela was released. Today he is known worldwide for his epic walk to freedom. “I never imagined the struggle would be either short or easy,” Mr Mandela recounted in his biography, ‘Long Walk to Freedom’. plenitude magazine pays tribute to a boxer, a leader, a freedom fighter, renowned political activist, prisoner number 466/64, former president, Nobel Peace Prize winner and international icon, Mr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. He is the man for whom struggle was his life and who committed himself to the cause for which he

paid a very high price to lead his country to freedom.

Mandela walking free after 27 years

Cities, stadiums, bridges, squares and roads throughout South Africa bear his name, acknowledging the unique place he holds in the country’s heart and history. “Nelson Mandela International Day”, an international day of activism. The UN General assembly declared July 18th as Nelson Mandela International Day. It is an annual day for humanitarian action in celebration of Mr Mandela’s life and legacy. It serves as a catalyst for each and every person to realise that they have the ability to change the world through action. P

Nelson Mandela Square

The Nelson Mandela Bridge in Johannesburg

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The smile that touches millions around the world



By Mzwandile Zikalala National Correspondence

On 27th April the UCKG held a massive gathering in Khayelitsha to celebrate the start of the construction of their new cathedral. The event was attended by more than 20,000 people, with members of the church and visitors attending from all parts of the City of Cape Town, and even some from beyond the Western Cape. Because 27th April marks Freedom Day in South Africa, the people of Khayelitsha were invited to receive spiritual freedom in Christ. People started trickling into the venue quite early and by 1 pm there were already thousands waiting in

anticipation for the meeting to start. The Universal Gospel Choir (UGC) came on stage to entertain the crowd until Bishop Marcelo Pires, who is responsible for the evangelistic work of the UCKG in South Africa, began the meeting. The Bishop prayed for all those who are oppressed and have lost hope for their lives. He went on to tell the congregation that they should not allow wrong decisions to “block” their blessing but they should use their faith in order to conquer great things in life. This was followed by testimonies from those who had seen the power of God in their lives. They included a former drug addict who used to sleep on the beach but now has a roof over his head and a former

The Universal Gospel Choir kept the crowd entertained before and after the meeting in Khayelitsha

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gangster, rapist and convict, who is now a businessman and is happily married. After the testimonies, the Bishop produced a huge replica of the Holy Bible. In it were the names of all those who helped contribute to the building of the cathedral. He then laid it on the spot where the altar of the cathedral will be

placed, and poured oil over it. In this way, he said, God would always remember those, and their families, who had helped to build His house. This was followed by the handing out of roses, which represent the Rose of Sharon. The Bishop ended the event with a prayer to bless those in attendance and their families. P

More than 20,000 people praying for freedom in their lives

Bishop Marcelo Pires blessed roses, asking God to grant spiritual freedom to all present

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Dating is difficult at the best of times, but can become somewhat trickier when it involves single parents By Precious Chavane


he increase in single parenthood is not unique to the western world. There is a high percentage of single parents in the South African population. Single parenthood may arise because of divorce, death, estrangement of a spouse and teenage pregnancy. There are many challenges that a single parent faces, be it a single mother or father who has to ensure the well being of their children. The single parent is required to play the roles of both mother and father. Some single parents start dating in the hopes of finding a companion, however

many fear introducing their children to someone new in case it causes tension and nervousness between the child and the dating couple. Many single parents opt to remain single because they don’t want to put their relationships with their children at risk. Some fear that their new relationships won’t work, but perhaps they don’t handle the new relationship well. There are certain steps that a parent needs to take to ensure that any new relationship will make all parties involved happy. There is also the question of trust. “Can I entrust myself and more importantly, my children, to my new companion?” Children may feel threatened by the mother/ father’s

new companion, fearing that they stand to lose or have to compete for their mother/ father’s attention, love and affection. These are very real issues to children and have to be addressed very early on in any new relationship. Children also don’t want to see their mother/ father hurt and may worry that the new addition to their family would bring pain. When looking to introduce a partner to the children, the parent needs to look at the quality of the relationship -- if it’s a long term one or just casual. If it is a casual relationship, then there is no need for the parent to introduce the child to a partner, since children are vulnerable and get attached to people quickly. Introducing a casual partner may

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parenting harm the child when the relationship ends, especially if it reminds the child of the initial separation or divorce from a previous partner. Honesty is the best policy with children. After deciding that the relationship is committed and serious, the parent needs to let a child know that he or she has started dating and has met someone that they would like to introduce them to.


Children fear abandonment so they need to be reaffirmed that they will be the top priority. Even though things may change, the family bonds of love and support will remain the same. Their views and questions need to be heard as they are important. When it comes to the actual introductions, the single parent

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Parental Dating Guidelines • Make sure you know a lot about any new person before inviting him/her into your home. • Make friends before considering a romantic relationship. • Always introduce new adults to your children as friends, nothing more. • If your children are old enough to have opinions of your new friends, listen to what they have to say. • Do not pressure your children to like your new friend, or to spend time with him or her. • Insist that your children behave appropriately and politely to your adult friends. • Have regular family discussions with your children. • If you want to get serious with a date, find out his or her feelings about children, especially your children, first. • Gradually introduce a new date to your children by doing family oriented activities together. Give your children and your date a chance to develop their own relationships. • Don’t sacrifice your children’s alone time with you to your dating. Don’t miss sport or school events in order to date. • Don’t share inappropriately with your children. Do not use them as “confidantes” for your relationship confusion or problems.

needs to plan an informal outing or activity, ideally to create a situation where everyone can be themselves, relax, and have a good time. Brief activities, such as going out for pizza, playing a quick round of miniature golf or visiting the local zoo/park gives everyone a chance to meet, but doesn’t create a situation where lengthy conversation is needed. Accepting a “parent dating

relationship” may be a slow process for children. Ultimately, the top priority is reassuring children that they are loved unconditionally and that the intention is to be with them always. In time children will see that including another person in their lives is not splitting affection, it’s an opportunity to widen the circle of people to care for and about them and to feel welcome in the family. P


Blow loud the Vuvuzela Soccer and Faith

Editor Vander Nunes

soccer is the most popular sport in the world and soccer fever is running high throughout the continent of Africa. As the countdown to the world Cup kick-off on 11th June brings this sporting spectacular ever closer, media attention is focused on every new development, on the infrastructure and on highlighting this event internationally. if you drive anywhere in south Africa, on every street corner, you’ll find a few hawkers offering a colourful array of national flags from competing soccer teams. even if you try to ignore news about the world Cup, the next traffic jam will remind you of the mounting excitement that surrounds it. south Africa is certainly mad about soccer, or at least about 2010. By now most of us will have chosen the teams we will be supporting, and once the whistle blows and the ball rolls across Mzansi’s green fields, that game will become the focus of our lives for the next 90 minutes. Moreover, the results of that match will be the chief talking point throughout the following day, in parks, work places and every gathering spot. That is the greatest beauty of this game: the supporters! They never give up on their faith. They always force themselves to believe, against all odds, that their team will win -- even if they’re playing their last attack or the match goes into extra-

time. Undoubtedly, to believe in the impossible is what makes the difference in our world. Those who carry this incredible force are able to see their goals, even in those times when others feel there is no hope. imagine, if we could apply this principle of trust to our careers, marriage and health. not even the most solid defense would be able to hold our “offensive strikers”. And don’t forget the rules of fair play and off-sides. if you are caught trespassing on the off-side, you might score some goals but they won’t count. The same rules apply to those who do what is wrong, but act as if everything they did was right. eventually they will be found out, and what they had gained will be taken away from them. Get ready! For in our daily matches, no game ends in a draw. There is always competition at work, school or in business. Life is tough and only those who are led by faith, those who keep their lives on-side and who are fit enough to play right through to the last minutes of extra-time, will be able to be victorious. so aim for your trophy, and go for it Mzansi! “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” 1 Co. 9:24 P

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Noord Street 20 Claim & Noord streets

Cape Town

Orange Farm Stand 5033. Zenzele Supermarket

Cathedral 9 Buitenkant Street (near the Grand Parade)

Park Station 25 Plein Street, Johannesburg

Phillipi 465 Landsdowne Road

Alexandra 740 Pretoria Road

Rabie Ridge 706 Cnr Rietduiker and Strandloper Street (Rabie Ridge Shops)

Site C 21 Mnyandeni Crescent, Site C , Khayelitsha

Benoni 70 Cranbourne Avenue (next to ABSA)

Randburg Shop 4, Kya Sand Shopping Centre

Elsies River No 28 Halt Road

Randfontein Roma Building, Sixth Street

Langa Unit 17 Hawkins 1 Industrial Park

Dobsonville 4337 Main Road, Dobsonville

Sebokeng 392 Zone 10 Moshoeshoe, Former Freddie’s Supermarket

Bellville 16 Kruskal Avenue, ( next to African Bank)

Eldorado Park Main Road ext. 5 (White tent next to Shoprite 7 Shell Garage)

Soweto 24456 Cnr Immink and Kokwane Drive, Zone 6, Diepkloof

Crossroads 579 Stock Road

Germiston 96 Cnr Voortrekker & Railway Germiston

Spruitview Spruitview Complex Centre Shop No 22

Hillbrow Stand 5219, Pretoria Street, Highpoint (next to KFC)

Tembisa 422 Exubeni, 1st Floor, Mahore Section

Kagiso Corner Ngalankulo and Phulisile streets - Thulani Drive

Thokoza 1838 Rakoma Street, Thokoza

Milnerton Freedom Park Phase 1, Freedom Way, Marconi Grand

Vanderbijlpark 2500 Boipatong Shopping Centre, Vanderbijlpark

Strand Brodland Road Units 7140


Daveyton Daveyton Shopping centre, Cnr Hlakwana and Enslin

Kwa Thema 6993, Shabangu Street, Emajudeni (opp. Caltex Garage, next to Boxer Supermarket) La Rochelle No 18 Cnr Prairie & Geranium streets Lenasia 1 Station Place, Ext 1, Former Aspara Cinema Meadowlands Meadowpoint Centre Merafe 2231 Moletsane Street, Soweto (next to Score Supermarket)

Vereeniging Shop 8 Kruger Avenue ( next to Nedbank)

Pretoria Mamelodi No 1 Tsamaya Road, Moretele View Pretoria 1 Shop101 Pranslin Building,corner Andries & Struben streets Soshanguve Shop H , 758 Block H, Vilakazi Street, Magagula Shopping Centre Mamelodi 2 Hector Peterson Street, Phase 5

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Mandalay Shop 18, Merrydale Centre, Ryan Way Wynberg 1st Royal Square, Station Road, Wynberg

Durban Cathedral 465 Anton Lembede Street, opposite Dudoc Centre Empangeni 14 B Biyela Centre, Biyela Street Phoenix 2 Suite 7, 80 Parthenon Street, Plaza Kwa Mashu P50 Bhejane Road, opp. Polyclinic Hammersdale Unit B889/3 Ithala Premises Kwa-Mcoyi Mpumalanga


Free State


Cathedral 399 Church Street, opposite Capital Centre

Bloemfontein 60 Church Street (next to Hoffman Square)

Nigeria 42 Olowu Street (ground floor) Ikeja, Lagos

Ladysmith Shop No 263A, Murchison Street, Ladysmith (opp Standard Bank)

Qwa Qwa Shop 1 Witsieshoek, Midtown Shopping Centre

Swaziland Manzini, Old Golden Cinema Road, (next to Trade Fair)

Newcastle Shop 1,2,3, 7 Voortrekker Street, Newcastle

Harrismith Shop 1 Bester Street, Champagne Centre

Uganda Plot 8-12 George Street , Nakasero near CPS, Kampala

Osizweni Shop 1, Behind Pep Store (near Score Supermarket)

East London Main Church 5 Gladstone Street Gonubie 259 Mzamomhle Township Fort Beaufort 84 Campbell Street Dimbaza 3514 Jongilanga Street

Kimberley Kimberley Erf 24768 corner Stockdale & Compound streets De Aar 4 Theron Street, behind Shell garage Upington Unit 6, Rosebuds Shopping Centre, Leeukop Street

Africa Angola Av. Fredech Engleas no. 86 Bairro dos Coqueiros, Luanda

Port Elizabeth Main Street Corner Palmerston and Govan Mbeki Avenue Korsten First floor, Erven 1611 and 1612 Korsten Grahamstown 3 Orsmond Terrace

Umtata Umtata 36 Owen Street, (next to Botha Sigcau offices) Qumbu Erf 71, Hope Street, next to Post Office Butterworth - Town 1 Corner Fuller and Bell streets

Botswana Plot 731, Botswana Road Main Mall Gaborone

Lesotho Town Talk Building, 1st floor Lekhaloaneng, Maseru Malawi Andrex Industries Building 1st floor, Zalewa Road Above Mbayani PTC, Blantyre Mozambique Av. 24 de Julho, 3.108 / Alto MaĂŠ, Maputo Namibia No.32, Independence Avenue Ausspannplatz, Windhoek

Zambia Plot 20881 Kafue Road Lusaka

Zimbabwe 50 Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Cr. Julius Nyerere Way, City Centre, Harare

International UK Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 3NX Texas 5150 N Shepherd Drive, Houston, Texas 77018 Brazil Sao Paulo, Avenue Joao Dias 1800, Santo Amaro Argentina Buenos Aires Av. Corrientes 4070 Almagro China 14/F Tung Hip Commercial Bld 244-252 Des Voeux Road Central Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Israel Street Elizabet Bergner 12 Yafo, Tel Aviv Australia 275 Bigge Street Liverpool, Sydney West, NSW 2170 India 216 Maldhavaram High Road, 1st floor, Erambur, Chennai 600-011

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