Gifts & Stationery from Anova Books

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y r e n o i t a t S & Gifts Anova Books

Inspirational Style Guides

Style Me Vi ntage: Wedding s

Style Me Vi ntage: Tea Parties

Style Me Vi ntage: Look B ook

St yle Me Vi ntage: Clothes

St yle Me Vi ntage: Make-Up

Sty le Me Vi ntage: Hair

9781862059603 | £14.99

9781862059733 | £9.99

9781862059764 | £20

9781862059368 | £9.99

9781862059184 | £9.99

9781862059023 | £9.99

My C ool Allo tment

My Cool Bi ke

My Coo l Shed

My Cool Classic Car

My Cool Camperv an

My C ool Caravan

9781862059665 | £14.99

9781862059610 | £14.99

9781862059337 | £14.99

9781862059399 | £14.99

9781862059054 | £14.99

9781862058781 | £14.99

Fun & Games

How to Win your Pub Quiz 9781907554933 | £9.99

Hey Presto! 9781843406730 £5.99

The Bum per B ook of Fami ly Games

Are We There Yet?

Parlour Games

You’re It!

9781908449337 | £12.99

9781843406006 | £5.99

9781843406747 | £5.99

9781843406372 | £5.99

1980s Bumper Activi ty Boo k 9781907554797 | £9.99

C ool Science Tricks

How to B e a Genius

U kulele Craz y!

9781907554698 £9.99

9781843406389 £7.99

9781907554704 £9.99

London Calling

London Underground’s Strangest Tales

Shit Londo n

Shit L ondon 2

Rude London

9781907554346 | £9.99

9781907554735 | £9.99

9781907554452 | £8.99

Lost in London

Londo n Then & Now

London B uilding s

9781907554605 £14.99

9781906388843 | £6.99

9781849940238 | £9.99

9781907554971 £7.99

Bradshaw’s Illustrated Handb ook to London

Ode to London 9781849940375 £9.99

9781844861828 | £9.99


365 Reasons to Look on the Brig ht Si de

365 Reasons to Be Proud to be Bri tish

365 Reasons to Be C heerful

9781907554681 £7.99

9781907554391 £7.99

9781906032968 £7.99

E xtremely Embarrassing Dad Jokes

The Very Embarrassing Boo k of Dad Jokes

9781907554940 £9.99

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C an’t Be Arsed 9781906032371 £9.99

The Joy of Pubs

The Joy of Sheds

When in Rome

Lost in Translati on

Shit New Yo rk

When I Were a Lad

9781907554827 £9.99

9781907554513 £9.99

9781907554575 £6.99

9781907554551 £8.99

9781907554810 £9.99

9781907554001 £9.99

Get Crafting!

Kni t your own Mo ustache 9781908449351 | £9.99

B est in Show: Kni t your own Dog

Best in Sho w: Kni t your own Cat

Best i n Show: 25 More Dogs to Knit

9781843405733 | £12.99

9781843406624 | £12.99

9781843406648 | £12.99

Molli e Makes: Feat hered Friends

Knit L ondon

Kni t New York

9781908449085 | £7.99 9781908449160 | £7.99

Clang ers

All You Knit i s Love

The K-Factor

9781908449054 | £9.99

9781908449047 | £5.99

9781843406259 | £9.99

Merchant & Mills Sewi ng Book 9781908449092 | £20

9781908449191 | £9.99


A B utler’s Guide to Entertaining

A But ler’s Guide to Gentlem en’s Groo ming

A Butler’s Guide to Table Manners

9781907892066 | £7.99

9781905400850 | £7.99

9781905400485 | £7.99

Her Ladyship’s Guide to the Bri tish Season

Her Ladyship’s Guide to Running One’s Home

Her Ladyshi p’s Gui de to the Queen’s English

Her Ladyship’s Guide to Modern Manners

9781907892288 £8.99

9781907892134 £8.99

9781905400935 £7.99

9781905400416 £6.99

Mothballs & Elbow Grease

Salt of the Earth

9781907892165 £6.99

9781907892158 £6.99

More Tea, Vicar? 9781905400744 £8.99

B rian C ook’s Landscapes o f B ritain Mini E di tion 9781849940368 £9.99

The Great Outdoors

50 Thi ngs t o do Before You’re 11 3/4

Cycli ng Touring Gui des: Central England

C ycling Touri ng Guides: Northern England

C ycling Touri ng Guides: Southern England

9781849940405 | £9.99

9781849940382 | £9.99

9781849940399 | £9.99

Britain Goes Camping

Ode to the Countryside

Fo lli es

9781907892073 £16.99

9781905400959 £12.99

9781907892301 £8.99

9781907892462 | £5.99

Garden Friends

Henkeepi ng

B eekeepi ng

Allot ments

9781907892226 £7.99

9781843403586 £7.99

9781843404187 £7.99

9781905400768 £7.99

B ritain by Bi ke

Vive L e Tour!

9781906388713 £16.99

9781907554988 £9.99

Chickens, Ducks & Geese 9781907892318 | £8.99

Hedgerow & Wildli fe

Hom e-Grown Fruit

Home-Gro wn Vegetab les

9781905400607 £6.99

9781843404163 £6.99

9781843404170 £7.99

Bi rdsong 9781905400973 £7.99

Herbs 9781905400836 £7.99

Mushro oms

But terfli es

Wild Food


Pig Keepi ng


Sheep Keeping

Ho me Brewi ng

9781907892042 £7.99

9781907892059 £7.99

9781905400591 £7.99

9781905400782 £7.99

9781905400867 £7.99

9781905400751 £7.99

9781905400874 £7.99

9781907892035 £7.99

For Foodies

The Breakfast Bo ok

Staci e Bakes

Let’s Eat

Veggi estan

Si mply B aking

9781909108059 | £16.99

9781909108066 | £18.99

9781862059306 | £25

9781862058842 | £25

9781907892325 | £25

Feasting with Bom pas & Parr

Jelly wi th Bo mpas & Parr

Good Housekeepi ng Co okery Book

9781862059382 £25

9781862058798 £14.99

9781843405924 £30

Oz C larke Pocket Wi ne Bo ok 2013

The Savo y Cockt ai l B ook

Dri nk yo ur own Garden

9781862059689 £11.99

9781862052963 £12.99

9781849940627 £12.99

Fi sh Easy 9781862059290 £19.99

Keep Calm & Read On

Quick Training for War

The Railwaym an’s Pocket Book

9781844861439 £6.99

9781844861354 £7.99

The Briti sh Home Guard Pocket-B ook

The B ritish Home Front Pocket-Book

The Co mmando Pocket-B ook

The Spitfire Pocket Manual

The Lancaster Pocket Manual

9781844861064 £7.99

9781844861224 £7.99

9781844861590 £7.99

9781844861538 £7.99

9781844861538 £7.99

Titanic: A Passenger’s Guide

Raci ng Dri ver’s Pocket-Bo ok

The Rout em aster Pocket-Book

9781844861484 £7.99

9781844861347 £7.99

9781844861521 £7.99

A L ife on the Li nes


9781844861736 £14.99

9781844861446 £12.99

For Young Readers

Joseph and the Amazi ng Technicolor Dreamcoat

The Saga o f E ri k the Vi ki ng

9781843651031 £9.99

9781843652243 £10.99

Dance in your Jammies

Dinosaur Farm

The Journey Home

Little Mo le Bo x Set

9781843652298 £5.99

9781843652113 £5.99

9781843652090 £5.99

9781843652175 £12.99

Sylish Stationery

The Villages of England N otebook

The Face of Sco tland No teb ook

The Beauty of Britain Noteboo k

The Inns of Eng land Notebook

The Spi rit of Londo n Notebook

The Landscapes of England Noteboo k

9781840656015 £7.99

9781840655889 £7.99

9781840656008 £7.99

9781840655858 £7.99

9781840655865 £7.99

9781840655872 £7.99

IWM Victory Harvest No teb ook

IWM Plane Not eb ook

IWM Shi p No teb ook

IWM Tank Not ebo ok

B lack Terrier Notebook

White Terrier Notebo ok

Barbican No teb ook

Trellick Tower Noteboo k

9781840656138 £7.99

9781840656107 £7.99

9781840656121 £7.99

9781840656114 £7.99

9781840655841 £7.99

9781840655834 £7.99

9781840655995 £6.99

9781840655995 £6.99

Bri an Coo k’s Vintage B ritain 16 Notecards

Best i n Show Kni tted Do g 16 Notecards

Brutali st Londo n 16 No tecards

9781840656176 £9.99

9781840656145 £9.99

9781840656183 £8.99

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