The Railwayman's Pocket-Book

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nnumerable booklets, pamphlets and manuals were produced throughout the Age of Steam for the benefit of men who worked on the railways. The Railwayman’s Pocket-Book collates a fascinating selection of these documents, which contain indispensable practical advice regarding the elements of the locomotive and its workings, systems of signalling, engine classification and identification, and good runningshed management, covering everything from coal handling to locomotive cleaning. In addition, the various duties of the engine driver are considered in detail, as are the duties and training of a fireman – including the principles of good firing, a difficult skill to master. This is supplemented by rules and regulations along with a series of practical questions and answers, provided with the intention ‘to communicate that species of knowledge which it is necessary for an engine-driver to possess who aspires to high rank on the footplate.’


An absorbing introduction by distinguished ex-railwayman Richard H. N. Hardy contextualises the wealth of practical advice contained in the book, which gives a unique insight into the life of the railwayman in years gone by that will appeal to all steam enthusiasts.

TRAINS & RAILWAYS UK £7.99 US $12.95 CAN $14.95 COVER: ‘The South Wales Pullman’, BR poster [detail], 1955 © NRM Pictorial Collection/SSPL.


‘The engine whistle must not be used more than is absolutely necessary, the sound being calculated to alarm and disturb passengers, and the public residing in the vicinity of the railway, and to frighten horses.’

Instructions for Engine Drivers & Firemen on the Great Railways



Introduction by R. H. N. Hardy

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