Grooming Healthcare (Old Version)

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Guen Bradbury, MA, VetMB, MRCVS

Plan for this talk General health check  Preventative health care  Zoonotic disease  Common problems  Welfare issues  First aid  Behaviour 

Working with the vet Know your local vets!  Call up and introduce yourself  For your dogs 

 Know the age  Know relevant history  Ensure correct contact number!

Body Condition Score 

What are the implications?

How do we measure BCS?

How do we tell the owner?

What should we advise?

Mouth Teeth  Colour  Lumps  Bleeding 

Eyes Tear staining  Discharge  Photophobic  Blind 

Ears Wide canals  Clean  Hairless  Routine care 

 Plucking  cleaning

Skin Smooth coat  Little dandruff  No lumps, bumps or spots  Supple  Normal colour 

Hair quality Similar length  Smooth hairs  Neutered animals  No mats  Nutrition status 

Reproductive organs 

Bitch  Vulva  Mammary glands

Dog  Penis  Testicles

Nail clipping Examine when standing  Clip below quick  If bleeds - pressure 

Anal glands Function?  Emptying them 

 Internal  External

Advice to owners  Unusual 

 Adenoma  Abscess  furunculosis

Vaccinations 

Why vaccinate?

How often?

Why mention it?

Fleas 

How to find them  Water test

Where they live

Problem to the dog


Worms 

Why worm?

Who can catch worms?

How often?

Neutering ď‚ž




Zoonotic disease Examples?  Precautions 

 Wash hands  Don’t let animal lick your face  Clean up faeces  Special care if pregnant

Biosecurity Don’t transmit disease between animals  Have separate set of ‘grooming clothes’  Clean tools  Keep parlour clean  Wash hands  Don’t groom sick dogs! 

Dog bites Bleeding  Zoonotic disease  Infection  ALWAYS SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION 

Pain Posture  When touched  Lameness  Affects 

 Restraint  Behaviour

Coughing Lots of causes  Infectious - hygiene  Heart/lung disease  How would you restrain it? 

Diarrhoea Staining round tail  In grooming parlour  Frequently zoonotic  Always tell the owner 

Lumps and bumps Spots  Fatty lumps  Tumours 

Ear infections Dark brown wax  Black crusts  Sticky discharge  Green pus 

What do you advise?

Ulcerations Don’t ignore it!  Very painful  Can spread infection with clippers  See vet before grooming if possible 

Itching What do you advise?  Care when handling 

Hygiene precautions

Hair loss Is the dog itching?  Is it symmetrical?  Is the skin normal? 

What do you advise?

Scurf Doesn’t usually cause problem  Cosmetic issue  May indicate parasites/poor diet  Advise omega three supplement 

Accidental injuries 

These happen!

Minimise risk  Take care  Don’t rush

Always tell the owner

Docked Tails 

Banned from 2007

Certain exemptions

Reasons for the ban?

Whisker trimming Sensory system  More injuries in working dogs  Decreased willingness to fetch  Kennel Club directive 

 Exemptions

Matting 

Rarely seen as a problem

Painful and itchy

Can lead to infection

Poor welfare


Bleeding Arterial  Venous  Capillary 

Pressure  Severe arterial bleeds 

 Tourniquet (max 15mins)  Contact vet

Dyspnoea/apnoea Remove muzzle  Keep dog calm 

Electric shock/drowning  Ensure airway clear  Call vet  Check for pulse  CPR 

Heatstroke Collapse/dyspnoea  Temperature high (>41ºC)  Cool animal in cold water  Monitor temperature every 10 mins  Stop cooling animal when 39 ºC 

Drowning Drain water out  CPR if not breathing  Dry and keep warm  Call vet 

Electrocution Check clippers  Keep clippers away from water  Wooden broom handle  Do not touch animal until switched off  Apnoea, burns, fractures 

Fitting Place on floor, remove sharps  Turn off lights, keep quiet  Do not touch animal  If >1 fit, or lasts >5min – call vet 

Eye injuries 

Prolapse  Brachycephalic  Damp cool bandage  Call vet

Spills  Flush eye  Apply cold compress  Call vet  Prevent animal interfering

Burns 

Take precautions to prevent this

Remove any hot objects  Soak in cold water for 10 mins  Immediate veterinary advice  No creams  Can use clingfilm 

Other 

Fractures  Treat bleeding first  Keep dog quiet and immobile  Call vet

Poisons  Keep label, call vet

Cardiac arrest No femoral pulse  Note time  10 pressures with ball of hand  Reassess  Pray. 

Advice to puppy owners Regular brushing  Frequent grooming from 4mo  Hair dryer  Claw clipping  Checking ears 

Initial puppy groom Positive experience  Food treats  Give opportunity for puppy to ‘get it right’  Firm handling  Reward good behaviour 

Dog body language Lower stress  Read dog  React appropriately 

 To protect yourself  To protect the dog

Dog body language

Kennel etiquette Lead stays on  Encourage dog to front  Care with dryer  High pitched voice  Avoid eye contact 

Restraint Collar and lead  Halti  Muzzles 

 Bandage  Fabric  Cage

Catchpole  Chemical 

Cooperation Positive reinforcement  Easiest procedures first  Plenty of praise  Can train simple commands  Read body language  Don’t punish the animal 

Any questions?

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