AJRC_Analyses_2015A00 Tomas Hach

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AJRC-Analyses 2015A00

AJRC-Analyses Series of the Antall József Knowledge Centre

Publisher: Antall József Knowledge Centre Publisher-in-Chief: Péter Antall Managing editor: Ádám Éva Editorial office: Antall József Knowledge Centre H-1093 Budapest, Közraktár utca 4-6.

Contact: H-1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 4-6. Tel: +36 1 482 7703 Email: ajtk@ajtk.hu Web: www.ajrcbudapest.org / www.ajtk.hu

© Tomáš Hach, 2015 © Antall József Knowledge Centre, 2015 ISSN 2416-1705



It has been a year since Lubomír Zaorálek took office as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. After one year in office, one of the Czech think-tanks, Evropské hodnoty (European Values), evaluated Minister Zaorálek as one of the most stable members of Sobotka’s government, who is able to keep the direction of his policy towards the Ukrainian Crisis and sanctions against Russia.1 Minister Zaorálek was criticized only once during the first year of his mandate, when he signed the declaration of cooperation with Chinese representatives, thus agreeing on the indivisibility of Tibet. After receiving criticism from several sides, the Minister explained that it was one of the main requirements, without which the declaration would not have been signed.2 It is also important to remember that Minister Zaorálek was the first Czech minister of foreign affairs, who visited China, a significant market for the Czech Republic and the EU generally, after 15 years.3 Despite the massive protests against this statement and creation of an online petition signed by more than 34 thousand people4, some of Minister Zaorálek’s predecessors, including Karel Schwarzenberg, Cyril Svoboda or Jan Kavan, confirmed that the territorial integrity of China is a long-term strategy of the Czech Republic, although some of them would like Tibet and other areas to have more autonomy. Moreover, if we take into the consideration that the EU signed a similar agreement with China in March 2014, it seems to be a wise decision.5 The head of Czech diplomacy, who has a background in philosophy, does not have an ideal relationship with the Czech presidential office recently, which is due in part to their different stances on current affairs.6 On the one hand, Lubomír Zaorálek acts as the supporter of the Ukrainian government, as well as sanctions against the Russian Federation. Since he entered office, he has visited Ukraine on several occasions; most recently, in February 2015, when he attended a march commemorating the first anniversary of the ‘Maidan’ protests in Kiev. On the Think-tank Evropské hodnoty (2014). 11 důležitých událostí české zahraniční a evropské politiky v roce 2014. Hospodářské noviny. 27. 12. 2014 (http://evropske-hodnoty.blog.ihned.cz/c1-63303610-11-dulezitych-udalosticeske-zahranicni-a-evropske-politiky-v-roce-2014, 24. 3. 2015). 2 ČT24. Věty o Tibetu si Čína kladla jako podmínku, potvrdil Zaorálek. Česká televize. 2. 5. 2014 (http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ct24/domaci/271636-vety-o-tibetu-si-cina-kladla-jako-podminku-potvrdilzaoralek/, 24. 3. 2015). 3 MZV (2014). Ministr Zaorálek v Číně: Otevřeli jsme novou etapu vztahů. MZV. 1. 5. 2014 (http://www.mzv.cz/beijing/cz/vzajemne_vztahy/x2014_05_01.html, 24. 3. 2015). 4 Petice24. Omluva za Tibet (http://www.petice24.com/signatures/omluva_za_tibet_2014/, 24. 3. 2015). 5 Venturová, Jitka (2014). Zrada i nová kapitola vztahů, hodnotí politici Zaorálkova slova z Číny. iDnes.cz. 29. 4. 2014 (http://zpravy.idnes.cz/cesko-vzdy-uznavalo-jednotu-ciny-podporili-zaoralka-exministri-zahranici1un-/domaci.aspx?c=A140429_134108_domaci_jpl, 24. 3. 2015). 6 Novinky.cz. Lubomír Zaorálek (http://tema.novinky.cz/lubomir-zaoralek, 24. 3. 2015). 1


other hand, President Zeman is labelled as a friend of Russia, who publicly refused sanctions against Moscow, and is well-known for his good relations with Russian representatives.7 He is also one of the few EU politicians, who will attend the grandiose celebration dedicated to 70th anniversary of the end of World War II on 9 May in Moscow, although many politicians from Western Europe have refused the invitation because of the current situation in Eastern Ukraine.8 The Association for International Affairs, one of the leading think-tanks in the Czech Republic, stressed that the priorities of the Czech foreign policy should be the neighbouring countries, Eastern Europe and the V4 within the EU.9 Minister Zaorálek understands this strategy well. Minister Zaorálek’s first international trip as minister of foreign affairs was to Brussels, to a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) and the General Affairs Council (GAC). He attends these meetings with his counterparts regularly and we can stress that he adopts the same stances as his resort colleagues from the EU states. Lubomír Zaorálek also visited all the neighbouring countries and negotiated with their representatives in the very beginning of his mandate. His first official visit took place in Slovakia, which is traditionally one of the biggest partners of the Czech Republic. Generally speaking, Minister Zaorálek most often negotiated with Minister Lajčák in 2014: besides the meetings including that of the V4, FAC, GAC, they have met three times bilaterally. The second country was Poland, one of the key strategic partners in the EU the Czech Republic has common projects with (for example the Eastern Partnership). Minister Zaorálek had the third bilateral meeting in office in Germany, the most important trade partner of the Czech Republic. One month later, he visited Austria, which, after years of low-level communication, is becoming an important partner again to the Czech Republic. The visits to all neighbouring countries are proof of vital relations, and shows commitment to cooperation and understanding strategy issues. Lubomír Zaorálek has also been responsible for keeping V4 relations; he has attended all the meetings of the V4 Foreign Ministers, except one which coincided with his business trip to China in April 2014. Furthermore, during V4+ meetings, Minister Zaorálek was also able to negotiate with the representatives of other Eastern or South-eastern European states bilaterally, which underlines his commitment to fulfilling the long-term strategy towards the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkans. Lubomír Zaorálek has passed the first quarter of his mandate and, in spite of some criticism received, he is capable of representing the Czech Republic at an appropriate level. In the year 2015, he and his resort colleagues will have to face new challenges as the situation in Ukraine MZV (2014). Zaorálek: S Klausem bych se neshodl, Zeman dodržuje linii. MZV. 22. 12. 2014 (http://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/o_ministerstvu/archivy/clanky_a_projevy_ministru/clanky_a_projevy_ministra_zaor alka_2014/x2014_12_22_s_klausem_bych_se_neshodl.html, 24. 3. 2015). 8 Idnes.cz. Lavrov: Kromě Zemana a Kima dorazí do Moskvy i zástupci Činy či Řecka. Idnes.cz. 17. 3. 2015 (http://zpravy.idnes.cz/oslavy-vyroci-konce-valky-v-moskve-duk/zahranicni.aspx?c=A150317_192028_zahranicni_jj, 24. 3. 2015). 9 Denková, Adéla (2014). Východ Evropy je pro zahraniční politiku ČR prvořadá priorita, upozorňují experti. EurActiv.cz. 7. 4. 2014 (http://www.euractiv.cz/cr-v-evropske-unii/clanek/vychod-evropy-je-pro-zahranicnipolitiku-cr-prvorada-priorita-upozornuji-experti-011709, 24. 3. 2015). 7


is still uncertain and the Islamic State is strengthening. Moreover, he will have to show his diplomatic skills during the Presidency of the Czech Republic in the V4 2015/2016 and during other meetings in NATO or the EU.

Resources: ČT24. Věty o Tibetu si Čína kladla jako podmínku, potvrdil Zaorálek. Česká televize. 2. 5. 2014 (http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ct24/domaci/271636-vety-o-tibetu-si-cina-kladla-jakopodminku-potvrdil-zaoralek/, 24. 3. 2015). Denková, Adéla (2014). Východ Evropy je pro zahraniční politiku ČR prvořadá priorita, upozorňují experti. EurActiv.cz. 7. 4. 2014 (http://www.euractiv.cz/cr-v-evropskeunii/clanek/vychod-evropy-je-pro-zahranicni-politiku-cr-prvorada-priorita-upozornujiexperti-011709, 24. 3. 2015). Idnes.cz (2015). Lavrov: Kromě Zemana a Kima dorazí do Moskvy i zástupci Činy či Řecka. Idnes.cz. 17. 3. 2015 (http://zpravy.idnes.cz/oslavy-vyroci-konce-valky-v-moskve-duk/zahranicni.aspx?c=A150317_192028_zahranicni_jj, 24. 3. 2015). MZV (2014). Ministr Zaorálek v Číně: Otevřeli jsme novou etapu vztahů. MZV. 1. 5. 2014 (http://www.mzv.cz/beijing/cz/vzajemne_vztahy/x2014_05_01.html, 24. 3. 2015). Novinky.cz. Lubomír Zaorálek (http://tema.novinky.cz/lubomir-zaoralek, 24. 3. 2015). MZV (2014). Zaorálek: S Klausem bych se neshodl, Zeman dodržuje linii. MZV. 22. 12. 2014 (http://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/o_ministerstvu/archivy/clanky_a_projevy_ministru/clanky_a_proj evy_ministra_zaoralka_2014/x2014_12_22_s_klausem_bych_se_neshodl.html, 24. 3. 2015). Petice24. Omluva za Tibet (http://www.petice24.com/signatures/omluva_za_tibet_2014/, 24. 3. 2015). Think-tank Evropské hodnoty (2014). 11 důležitých událostí české zahraniční a evropské politiky v roce 2014. Hospodářské noviny. 27. 12. 2014 (http://evropskehodnoty.blog.ihned.cz/c1-63303610-11-dulezitych-udalosti-ceske-zahranicni-a-evropskepolitiky-v-roce-2014, 24. 3. 2015). Venturová, Jitka (2014). Zrada i nová kapitola vztahů, hodnotí politici Zaorálkova slova z Číny. iDnes.cz. 29. 4. 2014 (http://zpravy.idnes.cz/cesko-vzdy-uznavalo-jednotu-cinypodporili-zaoralka-exministri-zahranici-1un-/domaci.aspx?c=A140429_134108_domaci_jpl, 24. 3. 2015).


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