galliani Fine Arts hg
The Architectural Legac y of Thom as Jefferson
by Eduardo Galliani
Al l Photogr aphs are Cop y right Š Eduardo g a l l i a ni - A l l R ig h ts R e se rve d
“... rchitecture is among the most important arts and it is desirable to introduce taste into an art which shows so much,...� Thomas Jefferson
M ont ice llo
Home of Martha and Thomas Jefferson Albemarle County
The R ot u nda Unive rsit y of Vir ginia Charlottesville
V ir ginia Stat e Capitol Richmond
Popl ar F orest
Home of Martha and Thomas Jefferson Bedford County
Home of G ove r nor Ja mes Barbour The Ruins at Barboursville Vineyards Orange County
Hom e of G e or ge Divers Farmington Country Club Charlottesville
f rom Fr om the the colle collection ct ion
“Places “Places to Treasure” Treasure” by
Ed duar uar do G alliani
Home of Thomas and Martha Jefferson Albemarle County Virginia
“And our own dear Monticello, where has nature spread so rich a mantel under the eye? Mountains, forests, rocks, rivers. With what majesty do we there ride above the storms! How sublime to look down into the workhouse of nature, to see her clouds, hail, snow, rain, thunder, all fabricated at our feet! And the glorious Sun, when rising as if out of a distant water, just gilding the tops of the mountains, and giving life to all nature!” hg
“I am as happy no where else and in no other society, and all my wishes end, where I hope my days will end, at Monticello. Too many scenes of happiness mingle themselves with all the recollections of my native woods and fields, to suffer them to be supplanted in my affection by any other.”
The Rotunda University of Virginia Charlottesville
“ his institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.�
Virginia State Capitol
The Capitol in the city of Richmond . . . is
the model of the Temples of Erectheus at Athens or Balbec, and of the Maison quarree of Nimes. All of which are nearly of the same form and proportions, and are considered as the most perfect examples of cubic architecture, as the Pantheon of Rome is of the spherical.�
Poplar Forest
Second home of Thomas Jefferson Bedford County Virginia
“ ever before knew the full value of trees.My house is entirely embossomed in high plane trees, with good grass bellow, and under them I breackfast, dine, write, read, and receive my company. What I would not give that the trees planted nearest round the house at Monticello were full grown.�
The Ruins at Barboursville Home of Governor James Barbour Barboursville Vineyards Orange County Virginia
“ hen finished, it will be the best dwelling house in the state, except that of Monticello; perhaps preferable to that, as more proportioned to the faculties of a private citizen.�
Home of George Divers Farmington Country Club Charlottesville Virginia
“ o occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth and no culture comparable to that of the garden�
Ack now l e dgemen t This portfolio book has been made possible in part thanks to The Monticello Foundation and The Poplar Forest Foundation.
Re f f e r e nc es Quotes: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson; Ed. Julian Boyd, 8:53 - National Park Service - National Historic Landmarks
Te chnical photos were made with a 4x5 Sinar F2 camera, Rodenstock lenses and Ilford film Portfolio-book design by Eduardo Galliani All photographs are copyright Š 2008 eduardo Galliani - All Rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, in any media, electronic or mechanical without written permission from Eduardo Galliani
GALLIANI Fine Arts hg
Copyright Š Eduardo G. Galliani. All rights reserved.