15 Free Photoshop Tools for Web Designers No doubt, Photoshop is the powerful tool for creating sublime images, high quality videos and also 3D renders. Now designer’s job is more of a creative process and Photoshop has capability to reduce the tedious technical part of their work. The tools and plugins extend its functionality .Some of them will speed up your routine tasks others build a bridge between Photoshop and code. All resources are free to use. In today’s article we have collected some useful tools, plugins and scripts for you to boost your productivity. HTML BLOCK
Code and Photoshop don’t go well together? Actually, they do, if you have HTML Block installed.
Page Layers. - The screenshot app converts any web page to Photoshop with separate, named layers for all page elements. Also useful for improving your current page design. BJANGO ACTIONS
Bjango’s open source collection of actions and scripts scale your documents and positioning elements more efficient. DITTO
Ditto is a plugin that allows the use variables for things such as colors, text strings, font sizes, line heights, x- and y-positions, and even visibility. RENAMY
Want to rename multiple layers with just one click? Use Renamy The demo version is free but comes with a limit of five items for the name list. DUPLLLICATOR
Duplllicator allows you cloning layers and groups. Choose the number of copies you want to have and the horizontal and vertical spacing of the duplicates. SIZE MARKS
Size Marks is a script that convert rectangular marquee to labeled measurement marks MAGIC WAND TRICKS
Useful to quickly center layers and groups, LiveShare PS
Live Share PS offers powerful one-click collaboration. Free Photoshop Script
Free Photoshop script, Export your vector layers from PS to SVG in a single click! Codly
Convert your Photoshop mobile design into native code in seconds. Random User Generator
Free Photoshop extension. Easily drag and drop random users into your PSDs. Oven
Bake your Photoshop Layers. Free Adobe Lorem Ipsum Generator
The best Lorem Ipsum generator plugin for Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign & Dreamweaver. Weather
Our Weather extension was designed with simplicity in mind and provides a clean and simple user interface. Meet your new OS, Photoshop. Hope that this article will help you make your web development workflow smoother and help you achieve desired goals in a more efficient manner. What are your favorite Photoshop tools? Let us know in the comments section below. Toronto Web Design Agency: Expert in eCommerce Website Design, Responsive Design, Custom App Development,Wordpress, Magento Web Design, SEO/SEM.