being human December 2023 - Centenary Edition

Page 69

ards’ book Sold Out 3 documents many of these effects. So much for fraternity and the economic sphere. Many people who awakened to what stands behind the lies, hatred, and fear of these times sought religious or spiritual sustenance. Sadly, the Anthroposophical Society had little of meaning to say to them, our answers largely irrelevant to their real and immediate experience. And yet, individual anthroposophers did speak out. If you haven’t already, have a look at the excellent book The Contagion Myth4 by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon. Dr. Cowan formerly served as vice president of the Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophic Medicine. He has also written a booklet, Breaking the Spell: The Scientific Evidence for Ending the Covid Delusion,5 which responds to his critics among conventional medical doctors and virologists, as well those in the holistic health, anthroposophical, and “anti-vaxx” communities. Thomas Mayer’s book Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective: Consequences for the Soul and Spirit and for Life after Death6 shares first-hand spiritual perceptions—con3 Portfolio, 2022. 4 Skyhorse Publishing, 2020. Reprinted in 2021 under the title The Truth about Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads. 5 Self-published, 2021. 6 Clairview Books, 2023.

sidered in the light of anthroposophical wisdom, from over fifty contributors with clairvoyant and physic abilities—of the effects of the injections on the human spiritual bodies, particularly among people who died shortly after receiving the injections. The book is disturbing, even alarming. However, it is also hopeful and Michaelic, crying out to us to seek the truth however painful its revelations, and to carry forces of healing to those who have been harmed. Although the Covid-justified assaults are mostly over, their legacy endures. Other transgressions are multiplying in different forms, in government, in educational and cultural institutions, and in business. We can see these early-stage developments as a preparation for the coming incarnation of the Prince of Lies. For our beloved Anthroposophical Society, the question of responsibility for the earth’s future must surely ring forth. What capacities for discernment are we preparing? What wisdom are we cultivating? What redemptive possibilities are we initiating on behalf of future generations, out of the ‘I’-awakening essence of this darkened world moment? Tim Nadelle lives near Ottawa, Canada. He has delivered lectures and written articles on anthroposophical subjects and has led workshops on The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity.

Ethical Individualism as a CounterForce to the Synchronization of All toward the “Good” Roland Tüscher I. The Christmas Conference and the Philosophy of Freedom The Christmas Conference of 1923 was based on Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual research activity. The updated actualization of the Christmas Conference therefore lies in the extent to which its foundational elements can be realized autonomously today. To teach and research autonomously and topically on the basis of spiritual science, it is not necessary to be clairvoyant. All that is necessary is the universally acces-

sible capacity of pure thinking, which is to be acquired through the “right reading” of the Philosophy of Freedom (Spiritual Activity), as Rudolf Steiner explained on February 6, 1923,1 and October 12, 1922.2 At the Christmas Conference of 1923, Rudolf Steiner emphasized the importance of this method of thinking as an impulse that will have to issue forth from the Anthroposophical Society. 1 Awakening to Community (SteinerBooks, 1975), GA 257, p. 58 in the 1983 German ed. 2 Becoming the Archangel Michael’s Companions (SteinerBooks, 2006), GA 217, p. 148 in the 1979 German ed. december 2023 • 67

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Articles inside

News for Members

pages 83-86

Report on the World Goetheanum Conference of Michaelmas 2023

pages 85-87

An Introduction

page 82

An Opportunity for the Coming Century for Anthroposophy?

pages 79-81

The Foundation Stone as a Seed

pages 78-79

The New Covenant for the Becoming of the Tenth Hierarchy

pages 77-78

A Light That Has Changed the World

pages 75-76

Commemoration of 100 Years, but of What?

pages 74-75

The Deed of Rudolf Steiner at 100

page 73

The Anthroposophy and Social Justice Project

pages 71-72

Ethical Individualism as a CounterForce to the Synchronization of All toward the “Good”

pages 69-71

Risk, Opportunity, and Responsibility

pages 68-69

The Connection with Rudolf Steiner and the Trial of Thinking Now Facing Humanity

pages 65-67

Little-Known Statements of Rudolf Steiner on the Christmas Conference

pages 63-64

A Poem by Truus Geraets

page 62

The Christmas Conference Impulse—A Distillation

pages 59-61

Exceptional States and New Habits of the Heart

pages 57-59

Recalling the Deed, Living with Its Shadow

pages 56-57

Turning Points

pages 51-55

Motifs of the Large and Small Cupolas of the First Goetheanum

pages 39-50

The First Goetheanum Continues to Live Through Our Striving: On the Cupola Painting Project

page 38

Heart Thoughts from the Christmas Conference

pages 36-37

How Much Truth Can We Defend and Advance for the World in Our Lives?

pages 32-36

The Christmas Foundation Conference

pages 29-32

The Global Test and Its Results

pages 28-29

Founding the Bridge

pages 26-27

Houses of Brick and Fire

page 25

Finding Balance, Bringing the Two Worlds Together

pages 24-25

The Christmas Conference and the Polaric Impulses of the Michaélic and Ahrimanic Schools

pages 23-24

The Anthroposophical Movement Seeks an Earthly Home

pages 14-20

editorial introduction

page 13
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