know it. And it fulfills them. These nature beings gladly “speak” along with the Foundation Stone Meditation. But places that are strongly ahrimanized and burdened absorb the Foundation Stone Meditation like wholesome nectar. There are many statements by Rudolf Steiner about how this new covenant will play out. His statements for the twentieth century are divided into three groups: 1. The Light Age begins and the Christ appears in the etheric. 2. Through this Christ event, the adversarial spirits emerge more strongly. 3. We human beings bear the responsibility for the unfolding of the Christ event and the transformation and overcoming of the adversarial spirits. The Christianization of the etheric world of the earth was to be experienced. The stronger appearance of the adversarial spirits could also be experienced. The totalitarianism of the communist dictatorships and Nazism was a potent platform for the soratic, asuric, ahrimanic, and luciferic spirits. These were able to take over the direction of earthly life for a time. Again and again these adversarial spirits well up from their subterranean dwelling. So likewise, from 2020 on with the Covid pandemic. This direction now progresses like an express train toward transhumanism. Human bodies are to be sepa-
rated from soul and spirit. Instead of becoming a tenth angelic hierarchy, human beings are to become cyborgs, robots. Therefore, a massive attack on human bodies is taking place, via ahrimanized food, via mind-numbing media, and via drugs and vaccinations. The Covid vaccinations were just the tip of the iceberg. I have described their strong effect toward severing the body from the soul and spirit in detail in my book Corona Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective.5 When humanity as a whole crosses the threshold into the spiritual world, as Rudolf Steiner put it, we must be able to encounter the Guardian of the Threshold. This brings us into confrontation with the unredeemed adversarial spirits who dwell in the depths of our individual and collective old karma. In the spiritual world, the first thing one sees is what has prevented one from entering it until now. This is how one can understand the “incarnation of Ahriman,” which we are in the midst of. Ahriman was forced to appear so that we human beings can learn to deal with him. There is still very, very much work ahead of us. Thomas Mayer is a meditation teacher, author, and civil rights activist living near Dornach, Switzerland. Contact: 5 Clairview Books, 2023.
The Foundation Stone as a Seed Joel Park During the Holy Nights 2022–23, I had the good fortune to attend a conference at the Camphill School in Beaver Run commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the burning of the First Goetheanum. It was an incredible experience, the culmination of years of work and intentions set by the Camphill Community. Coming on the heels of the lockdowns and lack of any gatherings of this sort without stringent measures around masking and vaccination status, it felt like a rejuvenation, a return to reality. One of the treasures I took with me from that event was an insight shared by Christoph Andreas Lindenburg during our Bible Evening on New Year’s Eve. He pointed out that there was one portion of the original Goetheanum that was untouched by the fire; one portion that 76 • being human
remains totally intact from the original building—the Foundation Stone that was laid on September 20, 1913. This was the foundation of the original Goetheanum, and is also that of the current one. Somehow I had never considered this before—that the First Goetheanum was not totally removed from us; that there is still a connecting link between the material world and this now totally etherized temple of humanity. We can perhaps consider the Foundation Stone of this original building as the seed of the plant, which can exist for virtually limitless time periods, awaiting the conditions and environment in which it can bring about the plant once again. It is not only the indestructible portion, it is that which protects and maintains the original arche-