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Improved Efficiency and Sustainability

If the events department was still in Coronavirus hibernation at the start of 2022, events planning positively exploded from March onwards: by the end of the year, we had organised over 100 successful events for satisfied business and private clients.

Thanks to the increased demand for the Antikenmuseum as an events location, we found we had to improve the efficiency of our bookings management. We introduced a team mailbox, where events enquiries can be answered and then processed by means of a checklist. This means shorter communications channels, better oversight and quicker reactions to customer queries. We also now refresh our menus up to eight times a year, making sure that everything we serve is seasonal and sustainable.

We offer young talent a chance and welcome disabled people into the team.

Wir geben jungen Talenten eine Chance und beschäftigen auch Menschen mit einer Beeinträchtigung.

The Bistro continues to be very popular with lunch guests during the week, while our Friday evening events offer a happy mixture of culture and culinary delights. Since the end of October, the Bistro has also been opening its doors at weekends, tempting visitors with sophisticated salads, light lunches and delicious cakes.

Unser Bistro erfreut sich unter der Woche bei Mittagsgästen nach wie vor grosser Beliebtheit, und an Freitagabenden bietet unser K&K-Angebot eine gelungene Mischung aus Kultur und Kulinarik. Seit Ende Oktober öffnet das Bistro seine Türen nun auch am Wochenende und lockt mit feinen Salaten, leichten Lunchgerichten und leckeren Kuchen.

Swiss Location Award 2022

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