Design boards for D&AD npower

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npower - Anywhere, Everywhere Complete control over your gas an electricity, from the palm of your hand

D&AD npower // Anywhere, Everywhere

Anthony White // Leeds College of Art


The mocked up pages of the application show the range of tools and features disposable to the user. Whilst demonstrating the consistent colour scheme and layout throughout. Sticking with the current colour themes of the npower brand. D&AD npower // Anywhere, Everywhere

Anthony White // Leeds College of Art

The Application as a whole


Upon launching the application, you’re greeted with an inverse of the npower logo. Using the full colourful background as an eye catching opening statement for the application. After a brief moment, the application will transition into the sign in page, where D&AD npower // Anywhere, Everywhere

you can enter your details, singing into the application, easily and effortlessly.

Anthony White // Leeds College of Art

Landing and signing in


The application’s control features allow the user to control the temperature and the electricity use from anywhere outside and inside the home. Upon launching the application, you’re greeted with two icons, the gas and the electricity symbols, colour coded, D&AD npower // Anywhere, Everywhere

red for gas and blue for electric, which remains a constant throughout the app. On the gas page, you’re able to set the temperature of the home, lowering it whilst you’re out, and turning it up before the return journey home, perhaps. Anthony White // Leeds College of Art

Energy Control


By tapping the chart symbol on the gas and electricity page, you’re able to view your monthly averages, to see the average amount of gas and electricity you use. This system allows the user to predict and learn their exact energy expenditure, so they’re able to reduce D&AD npower // Anywhere, Everywhere

unnecessary usage, and save money. By clicking the home icon on the electricity page, you’re able to tract the electricity usage by room within the home. So you know which rooms use the greatest amount of electricity. Anthony White // Leeds College of Art

Energy Monitoring


The chart pages are also dynamic, which means upon rotation, the view and style of the page changes - in this case, it stretches out the chart, allowing the use to view more months, and scroll through previous months of the year. The chart also displays two lines, the D&AD npower // Anywhere, Everywhere

actual and the savers value. The savers value is what you can save by reducing your gas usage fractionally. If you tap a month, it displays more information about it’s usage, and a tip on how to save money and reduce the energy you’re using. Anthony White // Leeds College of Art

Dynamic application pages


The meter readings page allows the user to input their meter readings, for more accurate payment predictions. Which will corrospond with the bills page, where you’re able to make a payment, on the go at the ease of the consumer. D&AD npower // Anywhere, Everywhere

Anthony White // Leeds College of Art

Meter Readings


The application is designed to bring control back to the user, taking home electricity and heating to the mobile world, allowing for control on the move.

D&AD npower // Anywhere, Everywhere

Anthony White // Leeds College of Art


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