Design for print and web design boards

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OUGD504: STUDIO BRIEF 3 - Design for Print & Web

Branding I looked at branding, to get an idea of what I would need to create, to establish a brand and a brand image. Finding a scope of examples is important.

Visual Research

Packaging I looked into packaging, how brands present and represent themselves when packaging their products. I also wanted to look into creative methods of packaging.

Apps I wanted to propose an app for my restaurant. An App which contains all the information needed, and a quicker method of paying. Whilst also fitting in with the theme of the restaurant.

Website I also wanted to propose a website, So i looked into contemporary websites which promoted restaurants. I looked particuarly at the servies which they had to offer.

OUGD504: STUDIO BRIEF 3 - Design for Print & Web

The Logo For the logo I wanted to highlight the typographic element. and the practical element of a bowl. So i disected a letterform and used soup to highlight the bowl in the letter form, whilst using the disected bowl to contain the soup.


The Bowl / Titles Body Copy Body Copy

Stationary I wanted to create a range of colateral which I could use within the restaurant. Such as the menu, recieipts, letter heads and business cards. I also planned to create a soup carrying system.

Colour 41

C:41 M:20 Y:96 K:5

OUGD504: STUDIO BRIEF 3 - Design for Print & Web

Stationary Printed onto thick weighter matt paper, the stock has be digitally printed. The thick paper on the menu and the letter head allows for more duarability. The receipts have been printed on a thinner stock, like most other receipts you see. One thing I would have liked to do, If I had more time, I would’ve liked to use wood to reienceforce the menu and the receipts. Adding some style and sophisotcation to restaurant.

OUGD504: STUDIO BRIEF 3 - Design for Print & Web

Vinyl Stickers I used vinyl stickers on the side of the soup bowls, they’re waterproof and durable, perfect for the side of any soup bowl. I wanted to replicate the logo exactly, however, I was unable to. So I settled for black, the main colour of the logo. I would have liked to apply the vinyl to more surfaces, however the stock was limited in the digital print room, without ordering in more.

Packaging I wanted to create a method to carry multiple soup bowls, effortlessly. So I created this carrying device. It had two holes in the bottom, where the soup bowls snugly slot in, and the handles come up to a peak, where the customer can hold the handle.

OUGD504: STUDIO BRIEF 3 - Design for Print & Web

Uniform I wanted to create a uniform that the employees at The Bowl would wear whilst serving customers. It had the brand logo on the front, with a similar green as the logo for the base colour of the apron.

Store Exterior I wanted to create a few proposal mock ups of what the stalls might look like. I took exisiting stalls and added my own logo to them instead of their ow a of what it might look like. I create two to create a broader scope of ideas, the stall on top is less formal than the lower one. I prefer the lower one, personally. It’s elegance almost reflects that of the menu and the logo.

Delivery Van I also throught it would be appropriate to create a delivery van, sporting the brand’s logo, as a sort of mobile advertisement. I coloured in some pannels with the signiture green, and placed the logo on the rear door and the bonnet.

OUGD504: STUDIO BRIEF 3 - Design for Print & Web

App Proposal I wanted to create an app, however, under the timeframe and my very limited coding skill set, I’m unable to create one. So I’m proposing the app. It featues the menu, google maps, contact information and even a quick pay system, suited for the modern world.

Website Proposal I’m also unable to code a fully functional website in the timeframe I had available. So I’ve proposed one. it had the menu and contact details on it, very simple and contains the exact information required.

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