OUGD503: STUDIO BRIEF 1 - Individual Practice // No 7 antiques proposal boards

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OUGD503: STUDIO BRIEF 1 - Individual Practice // No. 7 Antiques


Before designing or planning any of the collateral for this brief, I managed to do plenty of visual research. Research which influenced my style and approach to this brief. Giving my ideas for additions to the stationary range, taking the collateral to the next level. OUGD503: STUDIO BRIEF 1 - Individual Practice // No. 7 Antiques

Visual Research


Following on from my research, I drew out what I’d like to make for the response to this brief. The image above shows the majority of the collateral, apart from the price tags, variants of which can be seen to the left. On the far left you can see two variants of the logo, both of which I have digitised for selection.

OUGD503: STUDIO BRIEF 1 - Individual Practice // No. 7 Antiques

Collateral and Logo Development


I’ve created two variations for the logo, one using a horizontal format for a more traditional look, with the other using a vertical layout, a more compact look. Their design has used grids to achieve a well laid out even design, throughout. These are based off the original logo, which is seen handing from the shop currently, I wanted to keep the designs similar as I do not want to confuse existing customers. I used a clear Roman font, to make the logo readable easily.

OUGD503: STUDIO BRIEF 1 - Individual Practice // No. 7 Antiques

Logo Development


Font Choice

Latin Modern Roman 48pt Latin Modern Roman Bold

To see more progress on this brief, feel free to follow me on my blogs, see what I’m working on before I submit work to you. Design Practice (Design) Design Context (Research)

Latin Modern Roman 36pt Latin Modern Roman 12pt I’ve decided to go with a Roman font for the heading and body copy of this brief. Roman fonts are often assosiated with contemporary and traditional design

OUGD503: STUDIO BRIEF 1 - Individual Practice // No. 7 Antiques


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