OUGD503: STUDIO BRIEF 1 - Individual Practice // OAC photography brief

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! OAC Photography (Olivia Cowley) The Brief


A small York based family photographer wants to increase the size of her client list, and increase the number of shoots and the amount of work she’s currently getting.

The promotion for this company is rather small, so we hope to create collateral which will be shared amongst friends. For example, if we present a client with the publication, they might be likely to read through it and show it to their friends who also might be looking for a photographer. It’s something else to go on, rather than just words alone. Following which, they could share the business card with them, attracting more business to OAC.

Concept/Proposition Create a brand image and apply it to several items of collateral, and include a promotional publication showcasing her best work, in an attempt to attract more work. Almost like a portfolio, but in the style of a publication. Background

Mandatory Requirements

The photography business focuses on new families and documenting the special earlier years in their offsprings life. Having good photography is vital to preserve the memories as well as you can.

To create a small range of promotional collateral, designed to be shared amongst clients and their friends. Adopting a friendly welcoming tone, appealing to new families with young children.

Target Audience


OAC Photography has stated that her audience is mainly families with young children. So, newer families, with perhaps 1-3 children, who want to document there new borns early days. They will be typically 20-35, young professionals, at the beginning of the lives as responsible parents.

• Produce a range of business cards, with •

Tone of Voice An informing, yet inviting tone of voice would be appropriate to this branding project. Something which appeals to the good natured side of the caring parent.


OAC’s contact details, so the client can arrange photo shoots.

A publication featuring OAC’s best work, designed to be shared amongst clients and their friends, to promote OAC, through the strength of their photography.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.