Ougd501 cop2 self evaluation

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Context of Practice


! ! NAME



What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?


Throughout this module, I think I have developed my written skills substantially, opposed to the previous year. I enjoyed working on the written study tasks, as I feel they really helped home my contextual skills, developing triangulation skills, and my ability to analyse sources in depth and expand on them. I think triangulation is a really strong method of writing, and I’m extremely glad I’ve developed my ability to do so, being able to compare quotes from various sources and writers to inform the direction of the essay and the point I made. I felt this really improved my essay.


The sessions we had in the early stages of the module, where we were asked to pick out quotes from various pieces of text, to analyse and explain, really helped my development for my essay. I was able to gather a large amount of sources, and pick quotes which would support, or clash, with points I’ve made within my critical piece of writing.


For the practical element of the module, I worked with packaging design. Which, isn’t my strength as I mainly work digitally. I developed my craft skills enough to pull of making a net, and a small piece of packaging for some fragrances. Designing the net digitally to a size and scale where I would be able to create it following print was a challenge. Which, following mock ups and trail and improvement, I was able to complete.

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?


My approach to design production as definitely changed. Typically, I limit myself to digital projects, as packaging doesn’t usually interest me. However, for this project, I felt packaging would be the best was to contextualise my idea, presenting the synergy between consumerism, based around Sigmund Freud’s theory of the instinctual nature of humans, and my practical piece. Creating mock ups and dissecting existing packages to find the best net for my product. I usually wouldn’t have to do this, but I think it really informed my development, and helped my packaging to become a success; which I’m really happy with. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?


A strength I’ve identified within my work this module is the planning, particularly planning my critical written element. In previous years, I’ve begun to write my essay before gather quotes to support the points I make. Whereas, now I decide the direction I wish to go in, gather the quotes and information, then begin to write the essay. As the extended written element, AKA The Dissertation, is coming up very soon, I hope to implement these new skills and capitalise on them. To hopefully produce a high quality extended written element for COP3. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?


A weakness I can identify within my work is the use over usage of examples. By this I mean I have too many examples in my essay, leaving little room for my point to really expand, only being able to talk briefly about each example, rather than taking the point into depth. Due to the limitations of the word count. I plan to address this within COP3, by not using as many examples, and stretching each point to it’s maximum, before adding any other examples. Identify things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?


• I plan to use less examples within the critical written pieces. By doing this, I will be able to expand on every point, and really push it to it’s contextual potential, to get the most depth possible within my essay. • I plan to produce a larger range of collateral for my practical element for this module. Producing a larger range will confirm the point I’m trying to make, by showing the consistency within the idea, so less explanation will be needed. • I would plan out all more sources in advance, and get more than I actually need. An abundance of quotes and sources. By doing this, I will have no issue when referencing points, and supporting evidence. This would strengthen my essay. • 6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: (please indicate using an ‘x’)


5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor 1











Commitment Quantity of work produced Quality of work produced Contribution to the group



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