OUGD504: STUDIO BRIEF 3 - Design for Print & Web // The Bowl Brief (Rewritten)

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! ! ! BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code





! MUTTON QUAD // The Bowl The Brief


To create and/or propose the branding for the small soup based franchise called ‘The Bowl’. Who provide a range of soups both to eat in and take away.

The Bowl needs to be branded, with the branding, mainly the logo to be applied across a range of items. To create some practical elements, use printing. And propose the digital aspects such as an App which would have a store locator, opening hours and even a menu, and the website containing this and perhaps some additional features. The printed side will contain the main parts of the branding, a stationary range, the logo on take away cups, uniforms, menus, storefronts, napkins - a large range of printed branding to consider. Perhaps propose how The Bowl might be advertised around Leeds.

The brand which will created will be something which must appeal to a rather large audience, making it balanced, not to steer too much towards one gender.

The logo must be appropriate to the subject and type, demonstrating that this franchise is about type and soup. Try to show the pun in the title ‘The Bowl’, how a ‘bowl’ is the inside section on letterforms such as the letter ‘O’. But also showing communicating the attractive prospect of getting some soup for lunch.

The digital aspects will communicate what potential customers need to know. The details, the locations, the opening times, the menus - it’s 2014, these things should be expected for the majority of establishments, in order for the customers to make an informed decision. The brand could also offer a digital awards/payment system. Being able to get a point every time you buy from The Bowl. So many points equals a free soup. Something which makes the customers want to come back, time after time, again.


Mandatory Requirements

The Bowl is a small soup franchise, with one building and a handful of street vendors to sell the soups their provide. They generate their main amount of revenue from lunchtime services. However, they struggle to stand out compared to the larger franchisees, such as Starbucks, Costa or other companies who serve during lunch hours.

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Target Audience



Research and Development



Physical printed concepts

Proposed concepts (print and digital)

Design boards with concept proposals.

(Defined by the brief, slightly modified), proposals for things which are beyond budget, things it’s impossible to produce on studentscale.

The busy: Students and office workers who haven’t got time to go out for a large lunch. People who have time to pop out, grab something to consume on the go, or back at work/university. Due to the type theme which runs as the underline in this brief, the names of soups will contain a few puns, so it may attract some type geeks. The typical customer enjoys rich filling soups and a relatively cheap price. Unisex-Soup lovers, with no targeted gender.

Printed range of items, such as a stationary range, branded cups, napkins etc. Proposals for printed items, created in photoshop, which I’m unable to achieve. Proposals for the digital aspects, such as Apps, Websites - thing which you’re unable to create on your own.

Tone of Voice A warm inviting tone, welcoming, with an element of sophistication and playfulness. Celebratory of soup.

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